Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 24,1990 7 . l-r--.. Bowman vi! --Lucky Shoppers Win Prizes in B.I.A. Apple Festival Draws > Second runner-up in the draw for prizes held during the Downtown Business ' | ^ 'Apple Festival on Oct. Î3 °1990. Presenting Mrs. Honarvar-Craig with her brand Improvement Area Apple Festival and Craft Show is Helene Folk, of Bowmanville. Beta McRoberts won this 35 mm Kodak camera at the Apple Festival sponsored 20 inch Panasonic television is Ted Denny, Downtown Business Improvement She won a Bulova watch donated by Hooper's Jewellers. Presenting the watch to by Bowmanville's Downtown Business Improvement Area. Cara Lange (right), or . • r* *ii- /-n--»---- :--j --i\yfve ^ Pan Wnnnm- Lange's Photo Lab presents Mrs. McRoberts with her new camera. •new Area Promotions Committee Chairman and owner of Bowmanville Audio Vision. Mrs. Folk is Ron Hooper. Commencement Exercises Held at Clarke High School Orono News by I, Challice i Quote - "Good Arithmetic j - Happiness adds and multi- • plies as we divide it with ii others." i Mr. John Werry has re- • turned home to Fort Sas- ; katchewan, after visiting his • mother, Mrs. Leila Werry ; and other relatives in area. Mrs. Carl Kimmette and ; daughter, Becky, Lindsay, i Mrs. E. Billings and Mrs. Dorothy Bailiey were last • .Friday visitors with Miss - Margaret Pollock, Oshawa. Belated congratulations *■ to Mr. Gordon Mills, M.P.P. Î on finally securing his title, • after a long delay waiting I for a recount of last Septem- • ber's election results. ! • Mr. and Mrs. David Gray, • .Oshawa, were recent 1 Thanksgiving dinner guests » of his parents, Mr. ana Mrs. ; Ken Gray. - Terry and Sharon Weeks ; and family; John and Lyn Finlay and family, Gordon l and Pamela Werry, and Ken ' and Linda Di Bartelomia, Kirby, all spent the past Thanksgiving week-end camping at Arrowhead Park (north of Huntsville). Despite Despite poor weather conditions, conditions, all enjoyed a good time together. Those in hospital from this area include, Mr. Laurence Laurence Staples, Oshawa, Mrs. Hazel Pigott, Oshawa and Mr. Roy Patton in home from Oshawa Hospital as of Saturday morning. Mr. Murray Winn, Orillia, Orillia, was a Sunday caller at ■ the Roy Patton's. jj Mr. and Mrs. Edward Millson and Cathy spent week-end at Kitchener, celebrating celebrating grand-daughter Sarah's Sarah's birthday. Mr. Douglas Lycett, Orono, Orono, was guest speaker at the district #4 fall convention, held Saturday, Oct. 20, on the beautiful campus of Sir Sandford Fleming College, Peterborough. His favorite subject, "Lilies," was much enjoyed by an enthusiastic s4n*Uven&<vuf> Oetofot 26t£> and 'Dentez audience. Greetings were sent to all ' horticulture friends in Orono. 4T Club Meeting The regular monthly dinner dinner party and meeting of the Durham Seniors 4T club was held Thursday, Oct. 18, with 52 members and guests enjoying a delicious potluck dinner. President Bertha White welcomed the crowd and Isabelle Challice gave Grace. Following the first course a beautifully decorated birthday cake was carried in all lit, for the club's 11th birthday and Dorothy Beat- tie had the honor of blowing out the candles, and cake and ice cream, were served to all present. ;h Harvey Partner was sure lucky, winning two of the three lucky draws. Business period consisted of Secretary John Noble reading minutes of previous ! meeting. President Bertha . conducting several items of business and Treasurer Benny Benny Woodward giving a good report of finances. Our local, bank has graciously offered to help any of our members with their hanking services. Birthdays celebrated in October: Everett and Gladys' Brown, Mabel Wade, Orville Challice, Frances Blewett, Charlie Miller, Dorothy Beattie, Norma Jones and John Noble. Isabelle introduced our entertainment for evening, Bonnie and group, Bowman-' ville. Bonnie handed out cute hat creations for the Irish, Scotch, English. Swiss and Americans, and sang suitable songs for each group. Crowd joined in and even a parade!. What a good way to shake down our dinner. dinner. Even a demonstration of the Chicken Walk by several several brave members. Everyone welcomed three new club members, David Thrower and Bruce and REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM DURHAM PUBLIC MEETING OF REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE GREATER TORONTO REGION URBAN STRUCTURE CONCEPTS STUDY The Regional Planning Committee Is holding a public meeting to hear a presentation respecting respecting the Greater Toronto Area Urban Structure Concepts Study on October 30,1990 at 11:00 a.m. at the address Indicated below. The presentation will be made by staff from the Office of the Greater Toronto Area. The Study represents n Provincial Initiative dealing with overall growth and development of the Greater Toronto Area, which consists of the Regions of Durham, Halton, Pool, York, and Metropolitan Toronto, The purpose of the Study was to develop and compare throe urban structure concepts lor the Greater Toronto Aron and provide Infrastructure requirements and capital costs. This public mooting Is being hold as part of the Review of the Durham Regional Official Plan and the public Is Invited to attend and participate. Further Information may bo obtained by contacting the Planning Department at (416) 720- 7731 or (416) 606-1651 (Toronto lino). Durham Region Planning Department 1615 Dundas Street East 4th Floor Lang Tower, West Dulldlng Whitby, Ontario Mario Hubbard Chairman, Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael Commissioner ol Planning Enid Tennant. Following entertainment, a discussion on how to arrange arrange our Christmas party. More details on this later. Next dinner meeting, Nov. 15, 6 p.m. Complex Hall, Station Street. Town Hall Card Party Held Wed., Oct. 17, with euchre party, held in Orono Town Hall with the following following results: _High scores: Helen Cou- roux 78,"~E3gar Milïïson 77, Dora MacDonald, Carlos Tamblyn and Marg Linton tied at 76. Low score - Marie Cou- roux. Lucky draws - Marion Staples, Helen Couroux, y v,Tamblyn and Lavina Car' Downes. Card party every Wednesday night 8 p.m. and ladies to please bring lunch. Comments re Recent Apple Apple Festival: Several local families attended attended tbe recent "Apple Festival" in Bowman vile and found it enjoyable, but they were wondering why many of our large local apple apple growers were not included included in displays, etc. It was suggested a competition of varieties would be interesting interesting and then after judging, might be auctioned off. I'm sure the town folk would enjoy enjoy the fun of an auction. Commencement Clarke High School held the annual celebration Friday Friday evening, Oct. 19, in school auditorium, with a large crowd of families, friends and students. Mistress Mistress of Ceremonies for the evening was Mrs. Gail MacKenzie. Excellent musical musical entertainment was su- plied by the school orchestra. orchestra. Some of the Orono area winners were - Cameron Easier, Easier, Cindy Tamblyn, David Tamblyn, Leanne Johnson, Cathy McCullough, Ian Vander Schee, Marcia Blase- ke. The Valedictory address was shared by Mike Tait and Ian Vander Schee. Orono United Church The 143rd Anniversary of Orono United Church was celebrated on Sunday, Oct. 21, with a good attendance. Special musical entertainment entertainment was provided by the well-known "Country Four" quartet and the choir presented the anthem "With a Voice of Singing" by Martin Martin Shaw. Our special guest speaker, Rev. Bob Rumball. from the Evangelical Church of the Deaf. He was here approximately 21 years ago. As usual, an excellent message, "Just Like His Father." Father." A little humorous note here - as speaker, told us, he secretary on telling him of his invitation to Orono, told him he mustn't have been too successful, or he wouldn't be called back again. Following service a large crowd went downstairs to enjoy lunch and fellowship. ' Grace was sung with Mrs. Arlene Bolton, àt piano, h '. Greeters to-day were long time members[of our church, George and Stella Carson. jUshers - Shawn and Terry Terry Weeks, Kevin McCartney and Gordon Werry. Birthday greetings to Thelma Gilbank Oct. 21 and Clare Martin Oct. 22. Happy Birthday was sung downstairs downstairs to Thelma at luncheon. luncheon. Choir practice - Every Wed. night at 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. We will soon be practising practising our Christmas music, so, if you love music, come and join us. Our choir is sponsoring a "Fashion Show" Thursday, Nov. 15 in upstairs C.E. Hall, commencing at 7:30 p.m. Plan now to attend this preview of the latest in fall and winter fashions. For more information, call Carol Hooper 983-5322. U.C.W Executive meeting - Monday, Oct. 29 at 1:30 p.m. in F.R. Orono Session - Tues., Nov. 6, at 7:30 p.m. in F.R. Upcoming Services: Sunday, Sunday, Nov. 4 - U.C.W. Sunday; Sunday; Sunday, Nov. 11 - Special Special Remembrance Day Services with special music. - '■ • - • Van Belle I Floral Shoppes ...much more than a flower store! 14 STORES .HghwyNaZ è .King91W., •oiihiwi • SlmcoeStN., Oehiwi ■ 100Dun<Ut9LW., --•mi Whitby TrtfmwU of Vtn Ml Oéràmt Üd Explorers Group - Wed., Oct. 24 at 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Upper C.E. Hall. For information, information, please call Mrs. Bertha Bertha White at 983-5415. Social News Mrs. Edith Taylor spent Thanksgiving with her grand-daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beckett and family, family, Oshawa. Daily we receive word from TV, radio, press, etc., to conserve garbage! We find in our own household the major culprit to be paper. Every day our mail boxes are full of junk mail, and on this Sunday morning we awoke to a very large bundle from an Oshawa newspaper, and it contained a full size Sears catalogue,, along with several- ^ other . advertise- ments. And we understand the shiny type of paper used Pdetcome to the 60 s VUC Love Audrey in catalogues is non- recyclable in our area. What can we as consumers do to let our business world know that we do not appreciate their forms of advertising. Mr. David Reesor, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, was a Saturday visitor with his aunt, Mrs. Edith Taylor. Mrs. Mary Lou Evelyn, Bowmanville, was a Sunday visitor with Edith Taylor and attended the anniversary service at Orono United Church. Happy 16th Birthday Adam Love Mom and Dad, Diana and Mathew ...» 4**1 # FABRICLAND FALL MADNESS!! LOTS OF FREE PARKING ENTIRE STOCK VOGUE PATTERNS mmm PRICE 1 OF EQUAL VALUE OR LESSER WITH THIS COUPON and VALID 9 DAYS ONLY | TILL 6 P.M. I NOV. 3/90 I FABRIC PURCHASE $ J COUPON SIZZLER! YOUR CHOICE!! 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