i t i Kinsmen Host CF Radiothon May 11th Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 8,1991 5 Ontario Street School Choir Wins Award in Music Festival Once again this year our local Kinsmen and Kinettes have been busy coordinating a number of different projects projects to raise funds for cystic fibrosis research. Now on May 11 on CHOO they will be sponsoring the Kin Cystic Fibrosis Radiothon which will give them a chance to k f thank all of those who sup ported their various Cf jects and give the rest a chance to call in a pledge, and join "The Fight of a Lifetime" Lifetime" for CF kids. "We've got more- stars than the milky way", say the Radiothon ads and looking at their celebrity lineup, they just might! This is an exciting, star studded event , which will be heard on approximately approximately 30 radio sta- ' tions across the country but it's just one more fund raising raising effort in the long history of Kin involvement with CF kids. Twenty seven years ago Bill Skulley, a Kinsmen from North York, Ontario, met Dr. Doug Crozier, from the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children. For CF kids everywhere, everywhere, it was an extremely important meeting. At the time Doctors knew very little little about CF and there was' no medicare to help pay for the thousands or dollars , ..worth of drugs required each year. CF kids needed .help. When Skulley de scribed the situation to his fellow North York Kinsmen, they were quick to make a commitment. The next year they convinced several other nearby Kinsmen clubs to join their effort and each year after that, support from Kinsmen and Kinettes continued continued to grow. During the late 70's and early 80's Kinsmen and Kinettes Kinettes raised 40% of the entire entire Canadian CF research budget and that support was put to good use! Little by lit- by l tie the median survival age for CF kids climbed from under under 4 in 1960 to more than 26 today and one step at a time, our Canadian researchers researchers moved into the forefront of the international international research picture. Our Canadian CF research research success is perhaps best illustrated in tne field of genetics. In 1985 it was Dr. Lap-Chee Tsui and his team of Canadian researchers researchers who proved that the CF gene lay within a small section section of chromosome 7. This was the first major breakthrough breakthrough in the history of CF genetic research and. scientists scientists around the world began racing to isolate the gene. In August of 1989, it was Dr. Tsui and his team who succeeded in finding- the CF gene, an achievement that was described as, "one of the biggest in the histoiy of human human genetic research, if not Business Involved In Invest Tech '91 bv] Thr ■ Laura J. Richards iree federal government government foreign investment counsellors and 15 business owners attended the Town of Newcastle's Invest Tech '91 on April 26. The town was one of ten Ontario communities selected selected to host a delegation of federal government investment investment counsellors on a Cana- da-wide tour. The tour began in St. 921929 ONTARIO INC. Call THE BOX 426 286 KING ST. W. OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1H7L5 PHONE: 416-434-2120 FAX: 416-725-5073 GENERAL The People's Choice For All Home Improvements * WATERPROOFING (RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL) * INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATING * CHIMNEYS REBUILT OR REPAIRED * BATHROOMS " GUNROOMS * ADDITIONS * CUSTOM KITCHENS * ROOFING * SIDING * WINDOWS 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE * INSULATION * FIREPLACES * INTERLOCK DRIVEWAYS SERVING THE DURHAM REGION 24 HOUR SERVICE ACCOUNTANCY WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 SUTHERLAND, HOBB and PARTNERS Peler A. Hobb, C.A. Wilmar J. Bakker, C.A. Chartered Accountants 118 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-9461 N. L. WOODHOUSE & Assoc. Certified General Accountant NeivViews and bedford Installations and Support 8 Holgate Gres., Bowmanville 623-9650 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 511 Bond St.W., (Bond St. at Stevenson Rd.) Oshawa, Ontario LU 2M2 Phone 576-4619 HOME SERVICE BARINA HOME CHECK - Vacation Home Checking - Wedding Day Gilt Sirring Barb Shetler -- Ina Cox Newtonville 786-2996 BONDED LAND SURVEYORS HORTON, WALLACE & DAVIES LIMITED 68 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-2205 LEGAL SERVICES MERVYN KELLY LAW OFFICE 41 Temperance St,, Suite 202 Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 623-4444 SERVICES "HELPING HAND" Home Maintenance No jobs too big or loo small ' 20% off for Senior Cllizons Phone Perry or Lori at 623-7984 YOU COULD ADVERTISE IN THIS SPACE! CALL 623-3303 Directory ALTERNATIVE HEALTHCARE Bragg Health Services Anna Bragg, R.N. Cert. Ref. Nurse Consultant Stress Management Alternative Health Care "Reflexology" R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3K5 Phone 623-9198 By appointment .Bowmanville Family Chiropractic Centre Renée Bos Cert. Reflexologist Iridologist Member of the Refl. Assoc, of Canada 43 Ontario Street, Bowmanville Phone 623-8388 "REFLEXOLOGY" Foot Reflection By Shirley Cole R.N.A., Cert. Ref. Member of Reflexology Association of Canada 2 Frederick Ave., Bowmanville Phone 623-4690 for appointment More then Jutt tire** Management "VIRGINIA LYLE" "ENERGY WORK II" Private Sessions Group Seminars (416) 623-9251 MASSAGE THERAPY MASSAGE TREATMENTS By Kim Tougae, H.B.Sc. Registered Massage Therapist Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist 168 Church St, Bowmanville CHnte for Natural Health 623-8170 for appointment SERVICES Grundy's Country Upholstery Studio CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY, FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 983-9874 COMPUTER SERVICES ANDY'S SOFTWARE INC Custom Designed Software to solve YOUR problems. SPECIALIZING IN INTEGRATED ACCOUNTING APPLICATIONS • Inventory Control. • Sales Tracking • Receivables • Payables • General Ledger Complété alter Saks Setvice and Instruction Computer Selee, Servlcee, Maintenance and Supplice Amortization Schedules 623-2375 2538 Maple Grove Rd., Bowmanville Complete Professional Lawn Care • Weed Spraying • Crabgrass • Chinch Bug Control • Fertilizing • Insect Spraying • Plug Coraeration • Programs 623-4597 Bowmanvlllo Courtlco 983-5598 Orono Newcastle the biggest!". - A year later it was this same Canadian team which announced they had created a healthy CF gene and that American scientists scientists had replaced a defective defective gene witn the healthy gene, under laboratory conditions. conditions. - And, just last February they provided the first detailed report of what goes awry in the body to cause the disease. A lot remains to be done but there is no doubt, lead by Canadian scientists, we are moving ever closer to finding the cure or control for cystic fibrosis. Because CF is caused by a defective gene, the cure or control can only be found through genetic research; however, for those CF patients patients alive today, until that cure or control is found, their quality of life and their potential longevity, is determined determined by continuing advanc es in respirology, biochemistry biochemistry and microbiology. Thanks to the efforts of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, supported by Kinsmen, Kinettes and many others, Canadian scientists scientists continue to be world leaders in these fields as well! On May 11 you can help Kinsmen and Kinettes help kids with CF. You'll be supporting supporting a winning team of Canadian Researchers and you'll have a good time doing doing it. Celebrities such as Betty White, Joan Rivers, Robin Leach, Rich Little, Pee Wee Herman, Don Cherry, Cherry, Howie Mandel, Phyllis Diller and dozens of others will all be there doing their part and asking you to do yours, . The Kin Cystic Fibrosis Radiothon, May 11 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on CHOO 1390. il . 1 : h ki : âi listi f The choir at Ontario Street School, in Bowmanville, Along." And they placed third with a French language won two prizes at the Kiwanis Music Festival in selection entitled "J'entends le Moulin." The choir is Oshawa last month. The group, which is shown here, directed by Myra Douglas and the accompanist was placed second with a two-part piece entitled "Pass it Elaine Walchuk John's, Nfld. and will end in Vancouver, B.C. It was arranged arranged to help delegates from Consular Corps familiarize familiarize themselves with manufacturing manufacturing and business opportunities opportunities across Canada. "This is one of nine areas outside of Toronto which agreed to host the delegates," delegates," said Pat Olive, President President of the Ontario Economic Economic Development and the Commissioner of Economic Development for the Durham Durham Region. "On Monday, April 29, over 30 investment counsellors counsellors will be in Toronto to talk with business owners . all day," said Mr. Olive. "There were 300 appointments appointments available with the counsellors and all of them are gone." Three investment counsellors counsellors with the Canadian federal government commissions commissions in Hong Kong, Paris and Houston held one-on- one discussions with 15 business people from Durham Durham Region and as far away as Cobourg during their afternoon afternoon session at the Bowmanville Bowmanville Recreation Centre. Each person had time to discuss investment opportunities opportunities in Hong Kong, Europe and the United States. The meetings also provided the opportunity to discuss foreign foreign investment in Canada. "The United States- Canadian Free Trade Agreement Agreement will make it easier for Hong Kong businesses to gain access to the North American markets if they locate in Canada," said Amy Yung, a counsellor from Hong Kong. Forty per cent of the goods produced in Hong Kong are exported to North American markets, said Ms Yung. Trade restraints make it hard for Hong Kong business people to access the North American markets. Therefore, Hong Kong business business people are beginning to invest here. The crunch of 1997, when the British 99 year lease is up, is also responsible for some of the Asian investment investment in Canada, Ms Yung said. "Geographically this is an attractive area due to its proximity to Toronto," said Ms Yung. She was impressed with the technological industries in the area and the access to energy. The one-on-one discussions discussions were to help the investment investment counsellors learn more about specific industries industries in this area. To have the three major continents represented at Invest Tech '91 in the Town of Newcastle is significant, said Mr. Olive. "We saw this as an opportunity opportunity to make sure technological technological information flows between between the different countries," said the town's Planning Director, Frank Wu. "Helpful, friendly knowledgeable, that's IGA service". 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