/ ■>ilMtiÜir îiiTI ÉwBMMK pgp ■SI • » •$10}. :;-: • Hiss K all merchandise purchased by Seniors and their accompanying jM l ; 11 1,, family members. prescriptions, baby diapers, baby formula and stamps. - Other restrictions may ; , apply to Home Health Care - and Food Basket outlets. \ , .. .. ■, /,/;■,; v : : 2v. --.-A., I "V' . ' . ■ ' . ■ '/ ' ■' • ' ' ' ' ... " W'M'& ■ _ 18 . Tlic Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, September 25,1991 Clubs & Organizations Young Dramatists Play a Different Role Newtonville W.I. Meets in Sept. ■ kind, helping Madeleine with 1 llavc hca rd since reluming The September meeting of a good idea it the judges told Canada had sent a letter want- t }, c flowers in the Orono dis- home from Mary Jones at the Newtonville Women's In- how they based their points. ; n g to sell peanuts for Hal- pj a y, j can thanked Hazel for Newtonville that she has sever- slitutc was held at the home of In the correspondence a lowc'cn. Elizabeth made a mo- inviting us to her lovely home. al copies of Mr. Burley's book Hazel Irwin. Eighteen ladies leaflet had been sent from the tion the Newtonville Institute A lunch of delicious sandwich- to sell. Anyone interested including three visitors were Corporation of the Town of send them S25 dollars and for- cs cn dcd our first meeting of should phone Mary. welcomed by the president, Newcastle declaring a war on g C t about the peanuts. Hazel t ) )e f a u SC ason. T Z""\ XT ~ ! 1 I it n n 14/nntrt v/t/lll/ttinvt t, m nb 1 1 .1 . ' .1 ! t .. Jean ONeill. Elizabeth Skeldina PR-O. garbage. Waste reduction week seconded the motion and it was After Institute Ode and runs from September 29th to passed. nTCCIlSSTflN diînilP FOR PARENTS Tim Mary Stewart collect was sung October 6lh. Everyone is asked The district meeting was re- U ,rr 1U . V' KUU1 " " 1 , c and repeated in unison the min- to reduce and reuse. October ported on by Bernice. The Fun Faintly Education Resource Centre Of Durham House IS utes of the previous meeting 2nd is to be (zero garbage Fair is to be held October 24th offering a 10-SCSSion study group at Vincent Massey at Hampton church hall. was read and approved. Busi- day), ness consisted of report on the Brochure on Decor Accents bus trip to Lindsay when mem- was read and discussed. Two over to Bernice. Roll Call, bers and others attended a mat- leaders could be sent to a lead- (name something made from a School in Bowmanvillc starting Monday, September 30. Meeting ^was^ then,turned jj ic scss j ons run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The focus will be n n on understanding why children behave the way they do incc at the theatre with dinner ers training school. They tree), brought many different and learning positive, practical ways for re-directing- afterwards. The ladies agreed it would then bring back instruc- responses from the ladies, misbehaviour and encouraging children. Durham House was a nice outing. _ lions and teach anyone that Readings were given by some | ias a num bcr of Other workshops with topics ranging Fair The ladies' exhibit at Orono was interested It sounded like of the ladies with a contest fol- f H j with toddlcrs l0 living with teens and cffcc- ir was discussed. Some ex- a good course but no one from lowing. Motto was not re- ,. g ^ r ._, t „„ , x , ; „ hibits were on hand and passed Newtonville group was inter- sponded to. live parenting. For further details on the program at Vin- around to let everyone see ested. A card was signed and sent cent Massey or any of the other sessions, call the Centre Rebekahs Host Annual Penny Bazaar Members of the Bowmanville Youth Drama Club es. Taking part were Tracy Bridges, Jeannie lieid, lie- held a car wash at the Bank of Montreal parking lot becca Vatcher, Rob Maciver and Chris Langley, on Sunday to raise funds for their production expens- _ Ebenezer UCW Holds Fall Meeting And Lunch On Sept. 12 Ebenezer U.C.W. On Thursday, September 12, 1991, Ebenezer U.C.W. held the first meeting of the fall at Lakcvicw Park, Oshawa, with 14 attending. The customary customary pot luck lunch was heartily heartily enjoyed and the lovely surroundings surroundings and the September sun combined to make it a perfect perfect day. j For the short meeting, President President Greta Down presided with Bernice Pearce and Joan Down presenting the minutes and treasurer's report. Everyone then went to Destiny Manor at 117 - 119 Colboumc St. E., Oshawa, a treatment Centre for women with alcohol and other drug dependencies. A counsellor counsellor described the daily program arranged to meet the individual needs of the residents. She expressed expressed their thanks for the article article donated. There are many needs which can be filled by persons or groups. nmm& The Beehive Rebekah Lodge hosted a Penny Bazaar and Draw on Friday, Friday, Sept. 20, at the Centennial Hall on Queen St., in Bowmanville. The grand draw prize was this quilt. Officially opening the Bazaar are sister Carole Roberts, Noble Grand (left); and District Deputy President, sister Marjorie Palmer. TRADE We guarantee you a minimum $2,000P° trade-in allowance off any car or truck advertised in this ad. 1990 CAVALIER Z24 red, loaded, low km. slk. #280847A with trade $12,303. 1988 OLDS DELTA 88 ROYALE BROUGHAM 4 door slk. #911B2A with trade $9,418. 1988 PONTIAC SUNBIRD G.T. 5 speed, sunroof slk. #129431AAA 1987 CAMARO air, aulo stk. #D146377AA with trade $7,394. 1987 OLDS 98 REGENCY blue, 4 door slk. #318557A with trade $12,893. 1990 CHEVROLET BEAUVILLE VAN loaded with oplions, 2 lo choose from slk. #764883A & 14G282A 1987 CELEBRITY WAGON auto, air slk. #127269A with trade $5,455. 1988 BUICK LESABRE loaded slk. #1871A with trade $9,940. 1984 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN loaded slk. #562381AA 1989 OLDS 98 REGENCY loaded stk. #91141A with trade $14,575. 1989 PONTIAC 6000 S.T.E. loaded, low km. stk. #180721A with trade $16,267. 1991 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 4 door, loaded slk. «139941A with trade $16/167. with trade $7,911. with trade $17,999. each with trade $6,723. OVER 90 OTHER USED VEHICLES IN STOCK - OFFER EXPIRES SATURDAY, OCT. 5,1991. 1 wetow, , É 'If it's licensed and you can drive it onto the lot - you quality. IUST BRING IN THIS AD AND RECEIVE A EULL TANK OF CAS WHEN YOU PURCHASE ONE OF THESE 13 VEHICLES. Einancinn available on most models O.A.C. Prices shown already include the $2,000. minimuni trade-in allowance deducted, and reflect the net difference. Taxes extra. BOND ST. «L onta^KKr SALES § KINO ST. L_ 725-6501 CHEVROLET • 0LDSM0BILE 140 BOND ST. W. CADILLAC • CHEVY TRUCKS The Kidney Foundation of to Hazel Crago for being so at 579-2021 or 686-4353. sll > M ft' j wBffl ® A f 'ï%.ïcy[J, l: I r ■ ■' 'V. / •' ■ ■ "'s ';V/V- ;•&,. ,q z i<- S': ! •• '• -.. . • r*•• - '^ÊÉÈÊÊ ,u ' /*" "X.f.'l'r. p-- ,j §§§|j V: y Mf ^ ' -Carlton Cards Package of 8 note cards and 8 envelopes. \ ■ v à I If f ; Ai T'iifïMïïMPH If ■ m '£ i ;• . : ; : iMfecHr&tHimiMrt Mim : ■mmosiismsmm WiWWËxMÈ ffliW 4 ft ., /' ■ ' SENIORS DM ENTR/ RIOS ★ Win one of 8 beautifully framed Michael Dumas Wildlife Prints to be given away at each participating store. ★ Approx, retail value $39.95 per print. ★ See rules and regulations in store. ★ Contest is open to Seniors only. ★ Hourly draws from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ★ Chances of winning depend on the number of entries received. NAME: ADDRESS:. CITY: POSTAL CODE:. TELEPHONE