2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, September 25,1991 Section Two Former Publishers Rev. W. R. Climie, 1854-1878 • M.A. James, 1878-1935 • George W. James, 1935-1957 Produced weekly by James Publishing Company Limited For 137 Years, Our First Concern Has Been Our Community Publisher - John M. James Assoc. Publisher - Richard A. James Plant Manager - Donald J. Bishop Ad. Manager - Brian G. Purdy Editor - Peter Parrott Production Rick Patterson, Julie Cashin-Oster, Laurens Kaldeway, Doug Lugtenburg, Sharon McMullen, Barb Patterson, Sean Pickard, Ralph Rozema, Jim Snoek, Vance Sutherland, Jim Tuuramo Advertising Laveme Morrison, Pat Patterson-Savage Editorial Brad Kelly, Lorraine Manfrcdo, Laura J. Richards Office Angela Luscher, Junia Carnegie, Grace McGregor, Nancy Pleasancc, Marilyn Rutherfoiti, Barb Schouten P.O. Box 190, 62 King St. W., Bowmanvillc, Ontario, L1C 3K9 416-623-3303 Fax 416-623-6161 Where Did It GO? Attention, Bowmanvillc: It's almost the end of September. Do you know where your GO Train is? You may recall that over a year ago there was optimist talk concerning the possibility of establishing a twicc-a-day rail link to Toronto from Bowmanvillc. Bowmanvillc. There was even more optimistic talk about the possibility that the GO connection would include a parking area and station here in Bowman- . ville. Such a facility was supposed to be completed as early as September. Well, no matter how carefully you look, you will find no parking lot, no trains and no GO service aside from the existing GO bus system. Wc have learned to be very skeptical about all announcements from governments governments and public agencies. And that's why we were in no hurry to run out and buy tickets on the Bowmanvillc GO Train. You sec, there's an old principle which suggests that if you want to see what will happen in the future, future, take a look at what has happened in the past. In the case of the GO service, service, the permanent link between Oshawa and Toronto is long overdue. And, even though most of the hurdles have been overcome, it now appears as though the Oshawa link-up is still months away. And then the GO Train will come only as far as mid-Oshawa, not to the Oshawa/Newcasllc border as was promised many moons ago. Given the lengthy delays between promises in news releases and the delivery delivery of those promises, we were highly skeptical of the suggestion that GO service would be available in Bowmanvillc -- even in an abbreviated form. Our skepticism has not been misplaced. We've reached the point where we've decided that no promise made by any politician or public agency should be taken at face value. In fact, it wouldn't be a bad plan to assume that every political promise will be broken. broken. Consider some of the incredible flip-flops which have occurred in the past 12 months at the provincial level alone. The party which vowed to pull the plug on nuclear power is completing the world's largest nuclear generating generating station. The same party which has promised government auto insurance 'since day one has found itself abandoning the concept because it's too expensive expensive and would cost too many jobs. And the NDP are certainly not alone when it comes to the breaking of political commitments, although perhaps they stand out more noticeably because they have taken such strong philosophical philosophical positions in" the past. Closer to home, we have seen candidates at every municipal election promise a better balance between commercial development development and residential growth. What they have delivered is subdivisions,1 subdivisions, 1 shopping plazas and convenience stores, with especially heavy emphasis emphasis on subdivisions. It's about time that the political promises stopped. Perhaps candidates should say something like this: "Look, I can't promise promise you any new programs or facilities because they cost money and taxes arc already loo high. And I won't promise you economic betterment because because economic factors arc so complicated that they are beyond the control of any mere local, provincial or federal government. Nor can I promise you any reduction in government spending, because most of these expenditures arc demanded by contracts, policies, and regulations that not even the government government can untangle. All I can promise is to try not to make things worse." You know, we're almost at a stage in our history where a speech like that would get the candidate enough votes to win an election. Yes, what wc need is a moratorium on political promises. The moratorium moratorium should last until Canada's economic, political and social outlook improves improves or until' Bowmanvillc gets its GO Train connection. Whichever comes first. Ml ' Jn V> What will the Brock Waste Transfer Site actually waste? Jàêï S3. 3 by Laura J. Richards There have been times when I have.heard that I will become a cynic and a tad jaded in my outlook as my career as a journalist goes on. Perhaps that is true, but as I am learning my trade I try to keep some of the innocence innocence needed to keep happy. For me, that means finding finding things can still bring a touch of laughter to my life, a tear or two and a smile. I have many friends and acquaintances . who arc journalists, in fact I almost married one. But he was jaded. There wasn't any daughter left. I have found that there is always room for laughter laughter in a person's life. And there are always so many Things to smile about. I took a fast poll around the newspaper office on Friday to see what types of things made people either happy or sad. The results are what I figured they would be and some were unexpected. ■ Some of the things that made the list of what makes many of the folks here happy are: * good food, treats including including candy * seeing girlfriends * seeing boyfriends * spending time with . good friends * taking a walk with the dog on a brisk fall morning morning * accomplishing something something at work or at home * working in the garden * getting the dishes done on a daily basis * Blue Jays winning , * gelling paid * reading a bedtime story story to child * pets * making love * children * full page ads * going fishing, and hunting, and; * staying at home and; barbequing. Some of the things that make people sad are: * when a date is broken * when a child gets hurt * a documentary on child abuse * testing products on animals * grumpy, bad humored people * man's inhumanity towards towards man * being cruel to animals and; ' . ■ Continued on Page 3 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Donations Needed to Find Cure for M.S. Dear Supporter: Multiple Sclerosis has often often been referred to as the mystery mystery disease. The reason for this descrip- by Rick James "Excuse me sir, where would I find 1425 King St. E. in Newcastle?" asked the Cable TV installer. We responded..."that's got to be somewhere east of the hole in the wall." "Nope, I've already been down to Newtonville and back and can't find any new Harvey's store out here!" As soon as he said "Harvey's" we knew that somebody somebody else had just wasted their time because of the name, "Town of Newcastle." The new Harvey's store is certainly in Newcastle, but it's about 15 miles to the west of.where this guy was sitting. A multitude of feelings shot through us at that point. The first was one of accomplishment that we were able to decipher his work order instructions. The second was one of frustration as wc explained the difference between Newcastle and Newcastle for about the tenth lime that week. Lastly, came a sense of embarrassment as we stood there while the installer colorfully praised the merits of such a naming system that caused him to lose an hour's time. Wc were embarrassed because we've let this mistake mistake go on far too long. Perhaps it is just the nature of our business, but wc constantly have to explain the difference between the two Ncwcasllcs to visitors and residents alike. The response response to our explanation is always, "That's dumb, why was it every named like that?" Wc could go into the history of why it was named Newcastle but wc would rather use the space to correct the problem rather than dwell on why it happened. As wc sec it, there arc two parts to the problem. The first is naming the municipality Newcastle within which is the Village of Newcastle. The problems that occur here arc obvious, People end up in Newcastle village for everything from hockey games to business appointments when they arc actually looking for Bowmanvillc. Due to the unique demands of the newspaper industry, we have to buy our supplies from out of town, Wc constantly constantly hiivc shipments lost or delayed because as drivers come from the west, they arc greeted by signs which say, "Town of Newcastle." But wait a minute, on the road map Bowmanvillc is west of Newcastle. Better turn around and head back to Oshawa, Bowmanvillc must be somewhere between Courlicc Rd. and Harmony Road. If it weren't for cellular phones, we'd likely ncvcr'scc any of our shipments, . The second problem arises from using the tenn "town." Wc realize the icons were selected by the provincial provincial authorities of the day based on factors such as population. Smaller centres were called townships while larger areas were designated as cities. Unfortunately, we end up with a problem of having towns within a town. Try explaining that, in 50 words or less, to travellers who don't have time to waste. Villages and hamlets also exist within this town, but unless you follow council meetings, the average person couldn't tell you whether Orono or Hampton is a village, hamlet or town. A town is most commonly thought of as a place, not an area as it is being used now. Bowmanvillc is a town, Newcastle (the big one) is not. Look just a few miles to the north of us to Port Perry and Scugog Township. No duplication of names, no town within a town, no problems with identity. Changing the Town of Newcastle to the Town of Bowmanvillc is not the answer. That just transfers the problem. A new name needs to be something totally different, different, and the word 'town' needs to be replaced with something like district or township. Those at town hall will say that 'district' or 'township' Is not an option. Well, then change the rules to make it an option. As for the cost of changing it, municipal officials will say cost is prohibitive. Baloney! They blew that excuse when a new town crest and colors were chosen right in the middle of the whole name debate. The cost of changing changing letterhead and business cards is but a small drop in the bucket when it comes to the careless spending.at town hall. Remember the 10 guys pouring 30 feet of cement? cement? Or how about the Tourism and Information Booth that is only open Monday to Friday, 8:30 - 4:30? Not exactly exactly peak limes for tourism in our mind. The much hailed referendum is no more than an attempt attempt to bury this name change issue again. Two surveys have already shown dial there is overwhelming opposition opposition to the current name. This is just an attempt by Her Worship to gain badly needed support for November's election and then shelve the issue for another three years. Mayor Hubbard was quoted as saying that she has a "clear vision of what the Town of Newcastle should be." Well she should have passed that clear vision on to the Hon. David Crombic who was in town to announce the opening of a lakcfront development last year. Minutes before the official ceremony, our office received a call from David Crombic's staff asking how to get to Newcastle Newcastle Town Hall. Apparently, he was heading for the Town Hall in Newcastle Village. Golly, what we would have given to sec David Crombic Crombic peeping through the windows in Newcastle Community Community Centre. lion is that the disease is so unpredictable. unpredictable. It can strike without without warning and then disappear temporarily, only to reappear with even more damaging symptoms. The MS Society provides services to people with MS and their families, but the real hope is in finding a cure. We need to solve the mystery of multiple sclerosis. That can only happen through research -- and research research only happens when it receives funding through donations donations from people like you. Let me explain how your donation of $25.00 this year is helping make a difference -- and why I'm asking you to consider making a further donation donation to the MS Society of Canada at this time. Your gift, whatever the amount, will be very much appreciated. Until recently, scientists understood understood little about what causes causes MS and why the disease can worsen slowly or suddenly, through unpredicatable attacks. Now, thanks to financial support from people like you, researchers are beginning to make headway in their search for a cure. They are currently concentrating their efforts on several areas that hold out promise of significant advances advances in the years ahead. For example, a number of researchers funded by the MS Society of Canada are focussing focussing their investigations on different different aspects of the body's immune immune system. Many researches believe that T- cells which normally protect the body against foreign foreign invaders are somehow being being wrongly directed into attacking attacking the insulation (myelin sheath) that protects nerve fibres, fibres, Others are studying the breakdown of this myelin sheath and how it might be stimulated to re-grow, repair ing the damage caused by multiple multiple sclerosis. But, MS researchers need a major breakthrough -- a discovery discovery that will pull the pieces of what we know about MS together together -- a breakthrough that will give our scientists clear direction direction and quicken the pace of research findings as we move toward a cure. I'm writing today to emphasize emphasize the important link between your financial support for MS research this year and our ability ability to make that much sought after breakthrough. I'm convinced convinced that we can accomplish our goal with your help. The Society only funds the very best and most promising MS research proposals. That's why research teams across our country arc making such significant significant contributions to the world-wide search for a cure. Multiple sclerosis strikes people in their prime -- often with growing families, promis ing careers and heavy financial obligations. The disease can have a devastating impact on individuals and their loved ones. Hope for relief from its cruel symptoms can only come from researchers breaking through the mystery that surrounds surrounds this disease. I hope that you will continue continue to support our dedicated scientists. scientists. Your annual donations do make a difference. Please take a moment to write your cheque today and mail it, along with your reply memo, in the enclosed envelope. Thank you for your interest and commitment. Yours sincerely, David L. Torrey. President. P.S. Please, let's reach for that breakthrough and find a cure to MS together. Thank you for your help. Child Care Subsidy Crisis Dear Mr. Herrema, The Association of Early Childhood Education, Ontario North Shore Branch is a professional professional organization representing representing Early Childhood Educators Educators who work in child care centres across Durham Region. It was recently brought to the attention of the Executive Committee by members of the community that there is a child care subsidy crisis in Durham Region. Upon inquiry about the issue, issue, we obtained the following figures from the Durham Region Region Social Services - Day Care Division. One year ago, there were five hundred people on a waiting list for child care subsidy and fifteen hundred receiving receiving subsidy. This year, the Continued on Page 3 m m We Asked.... Should the Town of Newcastle name be changed? ... And You Said IP ■Jass Jeremy Rosenberg Bowmanvillc Yes, We're in the Town of Newcastle and we should have our own name. Leigh Jacob Bowmanville I think so. It should be back to Bowmanvillc because most people have lived here for years and arc used to it being called Bowmanville. Joanne Griger Bowmanville No. It's been known as that for years. It should stay the same. Donna Kennedy Bowmanville Yes. It should be changed back to Bowmanvillc. People knew where they were before. Next week's question: Will the Blue Jays Win the American League East Pennant? D E