i 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, October 9,1991 The Week in Review. More Meetings Needed For Newcastle Proposal A bid by Durham Non-Profit Housing Housing Corporation for a rezoning application application was delayed by the town's general purpose and administration committee until the corporation bolds more meetings meetings with its potential neighbors. The corporation wants to build a semi-detached building on Monroe St. It would be used to house developmental^ handicapped persons. Citizens appeared at Monday's public meeting to oppose the building of the unit. One man, Newcastle Village resident John Garvin, spoke about the possibility that violence occurs in homes where dc- velopmcntally handicapped people live. He also said the home will not be housing housing people from the Town of Newcastle, but people from Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa. He also objected to the "extreme slope" in the back yard of the semidetached semidetached building. The slope would not suit the needs of tire residents, he said. Another part of his objection to the building of the semi-detached dwelling so close to him is that "it would lower his properly value." Other Newcastle Village residents who live near the designated location objected to other details such as parking for visitors and staff. They, also saw dif- SHOPPERS DRUG MART CORRECTION NOTICE Due to a print error in today's (this week's) Shoppers Drug Mart flyer, on page 3, only Coke and Sprite products should have been shown in the picture. Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi should not have been included. The price for 24 x 355 mL cans of Coke and Sprite products should be 99 case and NOT $7.99 case as indicated. Shoppers Drug Mart apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers. A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA!!! A Beautiful pen and ink, hand-coloured portrait of your child, loved one or pet drawn from a photo. The 5" x 7" size is now only $30.00. The 8' x 10" size is $80.00. Book now In time for Christmas! Pet Portrait Special! An 8" x 10" watercolour portrait of your dog, cat or horse arejust $125.00. Call: Janet Scott Griffith Graphics Newcastle, 987-1429 ) 1 Announcement DR. JOHN BALENKO Dentist Our office is now located in THE LIBERTY HEALTH CENTRE 60 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville Telephone 623-7412 Ribbon Cutting Officially Opens Committee Rooms ficullies connected with the creek which runs at the back of die property and the close proximity of railroad tracks. The semi-detached dwelling is to contain contain two units which would house 10 residents, five in each unit. The property is about one-third of an acre in size and is located on the south side of Monroe Street. The area in which the property is located located has been zoned as residential in the Durham Regional Official Plan and has been given the go-ahead by a number number of different agencies including the Ministry of Natural Resources as long as the builders comply with certain regulations. regulations. A report written by the Town of Newcastle Newcastle planning staff stales that the Planning Planning Act "prohibits people zoning". "In other words," town staff explained, explained, "municipalities can regulate the use of land but cannot dictate who shall reside in the building." If a municipality denied an application application "on the grounds that the dwelling houses devclopmentally handicapped person, the Town will be subject to legal challenge and will have no chance for success in the Court of Law or before the Ontario Municipal Board." yk Rf TfV Relatives and supporters of Diane Harare's entry paign office at 139 King tit. East in Bowmanville. She into the race for the Mayor of Newcastle's position cut the ribbon held by two young supporters and de- gathered Friday evening to help her open her cam- dared her campaign for office, officially under way. Council Sets Own Salaries Durham's regional councillors councillors will continue to set their own salaries. At a meeting of regional council in Whitby last week, Durham's elected officials vetoed a scheme in which salaries salaries would have been set by a citizens' committee. The idea of handing the salary issue over to a citizens' citizens' group was raised by Oshawa Councillor Brian Nicholson. Election Policy For Letters In view of the upcoming municipal election, The Canadian Statesman will not be accepting letters to the editor which support a particular candidate. In the past, we have received letters which either support or attack someone who is seeking office. To be fair to all concerned, we have decided not to print any such letters in the future. It's too close to an election and we don't want a candidate's chances jeopardized by an unfair viewpoint contained contained in a letter. Moreover, we don't want candidates or their supporters to use our letters to the editor column as free advertising. We remind all candidates that, as of the Wednesday, October 16 edition, you will be able to use our pages to place your pre-election ads. The election rules forbid most types of candidate advertisements advertisements before that date. Candidates who have not yet announced announced that they are running for office are invited to send us a photo and a news release announcing their intentions. intentions. This material will be printed, free of charge, in our news columns. We will also be inviting all candidates candidates to provide us with a photo and a brief, 250-word article outlining why they should be elected to the post they seek. This material will be printed in our final pre-election issue of The Statesman on Wednesday, November 6. Good luck, everyone. And may the best candidate win. Amid noises from a large contingent of pre-schoolers in the audience, Newcastle Newcastle Councillors heard Monday of the need for a family resource centre in Newcastle Village. The young onlookers help to illustrate the urgency with which the Centre is needed in the village, said Debbie Now- lan, a proponent of the project. She also suggested that since the young mothers do not have a day care centre in the village, perhaps the council chambers could serve that purpose. "Maybe we've been the silent majority majority for too long," she told members of Newcastle's general purpose and administration administration committee. Ms Nowlan, the project co-ordinator, added that the Centre Centre has met 13 out of 16 demands which were cited as conditions which had to be met before approvals could be given. The Mill St. property -- fonnerly the site of a nursing home -- is the proposed proposed location of a centre which would include pre-school, toddler, and after- 407 KS Announcement ACfAfM' DR. KARL VERMEULEN Dentist 0 \fjaiA vnpsV Our office is now located in "In a war, everyone suffers... we must never let It happen again." THE LIBERTY HEALTH CENTRE 60 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville The War Amps believes it has a responsibility to warn younger generations about the true horrors of war, Who better to recount the battles as they really happened than the veterans who experienced war first-hand? The NEVER AGAIN! videos provide historical accounts of Canada's participation In the First and Second World Wars and Korea. For more Information about NEVER AGAIN! please contact: Telephone 623-7100 The War Amputations of Canada « National Headquarters A *U 2827 Riverside Drive Zj\ illilff Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0C4 / x Charitable Registration No. 0286831 09 From Page,iOne . ' i tural impacts of lire Highway," a staff report states. The 407 Highway has been in planning planning stages since the 1960s. It has been a part of the Durham Region Official Plan since its adoption in 1976. The reasoning and need for the system system was looked at in 1989 in a report submitted to Council. The council supported supported the comments within the report. "In summary, the Town recognized ■ the imperative of the development of the Highway 407 freeway network to ensure that the Region and the Town are in a position to accommodate future growth requirements. This future transportation network was to be identified and protected protected through the route selection and environmental assessment process," the staff report states. The route would sec eight interchanges interchanges for the Town of Newcastle at these locations: Townlinc Road, Courtice Road (Regional Road 34), Solina Road, Marlin Road (Regional Road 57), Liberty Liberty Street (Regional Road 14), Bethesda Road (connecting to Lambs Road), and Clarke/Darlinglon Townline (Regional Road 42). On Saturday, a group of citizens concerned concerned over the impact of the highway corridor held a meeting with candidates planning to run in the municipal election. election. The approximately 70 residents in attendance unanimously asked that Newcastle Council not approve llie recommended recommended pathway of Highway 407 and that they not support any recommendation recommendation pertaining to the proposed 407 Highway. school child care facilities. Other possible possible uses of the 17,000 square foot building building would include a parental support network, toy library, family health resources, resources, community care programs, a youth group, educational tutoring, and evening interest programs. "We believe that we have shown great flexibility in the pre-planning of the resource centre," Ms Nowlan added. Many of the people who attended the municipal committee meeting support the idea of a Family Resource Centre in Newcastle Village. "There are about 25 people here today," today," said Cathy Abraham while she held one of the small children in attendance.. attendance.. "Everyone we've talked to is in support support of the resource centre," Ms Abraham Abraham noted. The group is not looking for commercial commercial zoning, but the opportunity to have potential renters of the building to set up offices to fulfill some basic needs in the V^cver growing Newcastle Village, said one supporter ^before Ms Nowlan ad-- dressed the committee. ■ About 25 people were at the meeting to show their support of the centre. "They can't pretend we're not here," Ms Abraham said. "If we've not made a statement, the committee is deaf and blind," said another another supporter of the centre. However, their pleas have not fallen on deaf ears. The Planning Department will be recommending recommending support for the centre when Council meets on Tuesday, Oct. 15, said Planning Director Frank Wu. Alternate Weeks For Blue Boxes From Page One However, the Region has not yet decided decided who will pay the "costs for next year. The report also states, "The Region has advised us that it is almost certain that the rebate in 1992 will be based on weight rather than population. It is estimated estimated that this would result in a reduction reduction in the rebate of about $442,000 in 1992 which will be applied to the 1993 rate." ■ The annual rate for garbage pick-up and disposal plus the cost of the recycling recycling program in 1991 was $150. The cost of the Blue Box and Igloo collection collection would increase the rate by $14, raising raising the rate to $164. Even that is due to rise with the inauguration inauguration of the Waste Transfer Station the Durham Region has been instructed to build. #1 REFINISHING FRANCHISE--ENTREPRENEUR 1991 REFINISHING SYSTEMS Independent Franchise FERN BULLOCK Owner 416-623-8664 69 Rhonda Blvd. Bowmanville, Ontario L10 3W3 REPAIR, REFINISH 4 RECOLOR PORCELAIN • FIBERGLASS • CERAMIC TILE • FORMICA • ACRYLIC CULTURED MARBLE • ENAMELED STEEL • Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising that makes up our community. Category 1 Subscribers who wish to pick up their own subscription at our offices after 11 a.m. Wednesday. You will be given a card to present each week when you pick up your Statesman Category 2 Subscribers within the town limits of Bowmanville who receive the Statesman by paper.carrier...NO CHANGE Category ;3 ' Subscribers in Bowmanville Rural Routes, Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Kendal, Pontypool, Hampton, Blackstock, Janetville, and Nestleton Category 4 Subscribers in Oshawa, Whitby, Bethany Campbcllcrolt, Cavan, Millbrook, and Brooklin. .• Category 5 Subscribers outside of the Town of Newcastle excluding , Sub. Delivery G.S.T. Total 0 $1.33 $20.33 ,.$19 3 $1.54 $23.54 $10 $2.03 $31.03 $17 $2.52 $38.52 .$19 $28 $3.29 $50.29 Name: Subscription Order Form New I I Address: or Renewal I I Postal Code: Telephone No.: Please pay by cheque, VISA, MasterCard, or money order. VISA/MC Number: Expiry Date: Sfa Canadian gtattsman P.O. 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