<1 1 Ceremonies Officially Open Mother Teresa School '-- 'X The Courtice Connection P by eter T. Sum J The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, October 23,1991 19 Commencement at C.S.S. Bishop James L. Doyle blessed the classrooms during the official opening of Mother Teresa Elementary School on Sunday, Oct. 20. With him are Father John Wanna- maker, the Parish Pastor and Sue Vanderkwaak, vice-principal of Mother Teresa Elementary School. the Officially opening the school on Sunday, Oct. 20, were: (1-r) Amanda Ball, a student; John O'Toole, and Caroline Burke, Separate School Board Trustees; Gary Herrema, Chairman of the Regional Municipality of Public Works Travaux publics TENDER NOTICE COMMANDE D'INSERTION Canada Canada INSERTION ORDER D'APPELS D'OFFRES EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR PROVIDING OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR LEASE IN BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Public Works Canada anticipates a requirement for approximately approximately 1,703.2 usable square metres of office space in a stand alone building, to be constructed in the Town of Bowmanville, Ontario, for a fully operational operational Royal Canadian Mounted Police facility. The accommodation will be required for occupancy by approximately June 1,1993 for a lease term of ten (10) years with provision for renewal options of the Lease. Accommodation offered should be located close to major major routes, public transit and be accessible to the public/handicapped. public/handicapped. All Proposals must be able to provide the following: a) name and address of the site; b) state of the art HVAC systems; c) an ability to house the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as the sole tenant; d) good public access; e) a two (2) storey building; f) opportunity and/ability to expand the premises by 20% in gross floor space at any time during the course of the Lease; g) 82 employee parking spaces; h) secured parking for 30 police vehicles i) such number of visitors parking spaces as is required required by relevant legislation; j) a floor plate ol approximately 851.6 usable square metres per floor; k) an ability to accommodate a space requirement which is either 10% greater or 10% less than the aforesaid space requirement; ' l) proof of adequate zoning and environmental suitability; suitability; m) information as to whether complete office design services can be offered to the Leasee; and n) disclosure as to the identity of the principals making making the Proposal or on whose behalf a Proposal is made. Sites offered must be within the following boundaries: 1) Highway #4 to the North; 2) Lake Ontario to the South; 3) Liberty Street to the East; and 4) Simcoe Street to the West. Interested parties should reply in writing to: Regional Manager Contract Policy and Administration 4900 Yonge Street Willowdale, Ontario M2N6A6 Attention: Project No. 659119 to be received on or before November 6,1991. Agents submitting an oiler must provide the Department Department with a letter from the owner, authorizing them to do so, Public Works Canada reserves the right to use the list ol interested parties to invite tenders lor other similar e s in the same geographic perimeters. Public Canada also reserves the right to publicly tender tender any or all of the requirements noted above. Information on the process to be used to Identify those to be invited to Tender may be obtained by writing to the above address or telephoning Michael Winterstein at (416) 224-4287 and quoting File No. 5220-B66-7. *****mA Durham; John Coleman, Parent Representative; Peter Roach, the Director of Education and Christopher Nei- jadlik, a student. Crash Kills Local Man A 20-year-old Courtice resident was killed on Monday, Monday, October 14, during a single-vehicle collision. Dead is Craig Courtice, of Trulls Rd., Courtice. Mr. Courtice was westbound westbound on Taunton Rd. when his vehicle went out of control control and struck a tree on the north side of the highway. The incident happened shortly after four p.m. APPEL DE DECLARATIONS D'INTÉRÊT POUR LA LOCATION DE BUREAUX À BOWMANVILLE (ONTARIO) Travaux publics Canada prévoit le besoin d'un espace utilisable d'environ 1,703.2 mètres carrés dans un édifice indépendant à être construit à Bowmanville, en Ontario, pour un détachment opérationnel de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada. L'occupation des bureaux devra se faire vers le 1er juin 1993 pour un bail de dix ans, avec options de renouvellement. L'édilice devra être situé près d'artères principales et du transport en commun, et il devra être accessible au public et aux personnes handicapées. Les propositions doivent respecter les conditions suivantes: a) donner le nom et l'adresse de l'emplacement; b) l'édifice doit avoir des systèmes C.V.C. hautement perfectionnés; c) la Gendarmerie royale du Canada doit être l'unique occupant; d) facilité d'accès pour le public; e) édifice à deux étages; f) possibilité d'agrandir l'aire brute des planchers de 20 p. 100 a n'importe quel moment pendant la durée du bail; prévoir 82 places de stationnement pour employés; prévoir un stationnement protégé pour 30 véhicules de police; prévoir le nombre de places de stationnement pour visiteurs requis parla loi; superlicie utilisable d'environ 851.6 mètres carrés par plancher; k) possibilité d'occuper un espace oui soit de 10 p. nié ' 100 supérieur ou de 10 p. 100 inférieur à la surface de 2000,0 m2 indiquée précédemment; l) fournir la preuve du respect de zonage et des normes sur l'environnement; m) indiquer si des services complets de conception et d'aménagement des bureaux peuvent être offerts au preneur, et n) divilguer l'identité des commettants qui font la proposition ou au nom de qui la proposition est faite. Les emplacements doivent être situés à l'intérieur des limites suivantes: 11 la route 4 au nord; 2) le Lac Ontario au sud; 3) la rue Liberty à l'est et 4) la rue Simcoe à l'ouest. Les parties intéressées doivent écrire à l'adresse suivant: Gestionnaire régional Politique et administration des marchés 4900 rue Yonge Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6A6 Projet no. 659119 Les résponses doivent parvenir au gestionnaire au plus lard le 6 novembre 1991. Les agents qui présentent une ollre doivent fournir au gestionnaire une lettre d'autorisation due proprietaire. Travaux publics Canada se réserve le droit d'utiliser la liste des parties intéressées pour lancer des appels d'ollres pour d'autres projets similaires dans le même périmètre géographique. Travaux publics Canada se réserve également le droit de lancer publiquement des appels d'ollres pour une condition ou toutes les conditions mentionnées précédemment, On peut obtenir des renseignements quant au processus do sélection de ceux qui seront invités à présenter des soumissions en écrivant à l'adresse ci-dessus ou en téléphonant à Michael Winterstein au (416) 224-4287, en indiquant le dossier no 5220-B66-7. There arc barbers, hairdressers hairdressers and, definitely, bar tenders who arc willing to lend an car to their customers' talcs - tall or otherwise. Now, it seems, this short list of people who arc generous with lending their ears has lengthened to include, include, of all people, a Post Office Office tender. • "People do a lot of complaining complaining across the counter," asserts David Dunklcy of the Courtice Post Office. "People mostly talk about higher taxes and hydro rates." He says that while no one has mentioned to him any tax figures, his own business tax "must have gone up 10 per cent." Dunkley also runs a 12- room motel. As regards hydro rates, the fast-growing community of Courtice is not considered urban. urban. Higher rural rates, thcrc- . fore, apply. Courticeans pay about 10 per cent more than some of their fellow residents of Newcastle Newcastle who pay bills to the town's hydro commission. The lack of sidewalks - along Highway 2 is another subject of dissatisfaction Dunkley says he has heard from his customers at the Post Office. "A lot of school children walk to their schools and a lot of mothers walk with' their children along Highway 2," Dunkley says. A former resident of Burnaby, Burnaby, B.C., says he has no gripes. Oscar Gonzaga considers Courtice "slightly rural ... a good place." The Philippinc-bom trained accountant had lived in the Vancouver neighbourhood "many years" before he moved himself, his wife and their two children to Oshawa in 1988. They moved to Courtice the following year. "I like it here," says Gonzaga Gonzaga of Courtice. "It's not like Toronto where everything is rush, rush,rush." He adds that his wife, who has "many friends left behind" in Burnaby, "likes it now." "Our roots are starting to grow here," says the an who emigrated from the. Philippines in 1977. The Philippines is one of the 17 countries whose names decorate the four walls of the gym of Mother Teresa Separate Separate School in celebration of the "official" opening of the newest newest school in Courtice. The others are Canada, Holland, Holland, Yugoslavia, Spain, Poland, Poland, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Guyana, Kenya, France, Portugal, Portugal, Wales, Greece, Germany, Hungary and Japan. Mother Teresa's principal, Hart Armstrong, says the 17 represent the ethnic origins of the school's students. He describes Sunday's opening ceremony as the school "board's P.R. message Hydro-Electric Commission Vote PINOLE, Patricia j. Authorized by the C.F.O. for the Patrica Pingle Campaign ■! Canada 432-7202 - Residence 1-800-263-2676 - Business Experience the Owasco feeling - it's been proven since 1972 Owasco Volkswagen Inc. is pleased to announce dial David J. Adair will be the Town of Newcastle's Representative for Volkswagcn/Audi. David has recently moved to Courtice with his family and welcomes all sales, leasing and fleet inquiries. Please call David for an appointment or for any information regarding the complete line of Volkswagcn/Audi/ Vanagon products. to the community - an official act all schools go through." About 60 grade four to six students, under the baton of Ms. Carol Wonnacolt, were rehearsing rehearsing last week in the gym some of the songs - including Rock Around the Clock and Saints Go Marching In - they were to sing during Sunday's ceremony. Earlier in the week the students students joined others in pinning a note to the door of Armstrong's Armstrong's office. It reads: Dear Mr. Armstrong: Thank you for the cool air in our class. We are no longer silting in an oven. What happened was that the computerized air-conditioning system in the newly built school went haywire for a couple of days, causing the children to endure excessive heat in classrooms. Armstrong told an interviewer last week. Armstrong had the company company that installed the system "come here in and out, in and out several times before it was fixed." "I was at a principals' meeting meeting in Peterborough and arrived arrived this morning to find this on the door," he said of the note. "Those arc the perks that make the job enjoyable." The school is holding a raffle raffle to be drawn on October 31 at 2:30 p.m. to raise $5,000 to cover busing on school field trips and school uniforms in "an effort to keep cost to the minimum for everyone concerned." concerned." "Ultimately," Armstrong said, "the money will go back to the children." More than 20 prizes - all donated - will be handed out to winners. Also last week relatives and friends buried 20-ycar-old Craig Curtis who died in a single single car traffic accident Monday evening near the junction of Taunton and Courtice roads. About 300 people attended a grave-side service conducted by Reverend David Jones at the Ebenezer United Church cemetery on Courtice Road that runs parallel north-south to Trulls Road. Reacting to the subject of Trull's, or Trulls, Road that appeared appeared in this column last week, a source has telephoned The Canadian Statesman to point out that the thoroughfare should be Trull- without apostrophe apostrophe and without "s" - Road. The informer disclosed neither neither her name nor address. She said her husband is a direct descendent descendent of the Trull family after after whom the road was named. Thanksgiving dinner brings to mind an old tradition practised practised - presumably still being practised in remote areas - by peasants in north China in the "ol' days." Whenever a peasant invited a guest to his house for supper the güest would almost always visit the out house after the meal following a polite interval. interval. After the guest had returned, returned, his host - also after a polite pause - would proceed to the out house to judge for himself himself if the guest should be invited invited back as a gesture of thanks/ for giving. Good evening honoured guests, faculty members, parents, parents, friends, and fellow graduates. graduates. Tonight is a very special night for all of us. It is our chance to unite our pasts with our futures, seeing where we have been and where we hope to go. On such a night I am honored to represent the 1991 graduating class of Courtice Secondary School. The past five years contain a lot of memories for all of us. The first time we wandered wandered through Courlicc's Big hallways filled with Big people. people. Everything was huge. But then lime progressed and things changed, at least for some of us. Looking back over the years the one thing that has PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER always been there has been our friends. They arc the ones who share our memories. We grew up together during our teenage years, supporting one another in our times of need, through the good and the bad. As we go our separate ways let us promise to never forget one another, and let us wish one another the best of luck for the future. Our years at Courtice have been a learning experience. Some lessons were learnt in classrooms while others came from outside. Many of the lessons will be forgotten over the years, but some, such as the physics behind a noodle- bender, are meant to slay. To die teachers and the staff who put up with us all of these years, thank-you. It was your efforts and perseverance perseverance that have helped to get us where we arc today. And thank-you also to our families for their support throughout the years. We couldn't have done it without yoif. As we look to the future it lies there empty, waiting for us to fill it with our experiences. experiences. No one ever said that life is easy, but one thing that our years at Courtice Secondary Secondary School have taught us is that the greater the effort we put forth the greater is the reward. reward. No matter what situations situations we face in life, if we remember remember anything from our years at Courtice, I hope it is that. Thank-you. Sadia Lone Gary Milovick, the principal of Courtice Secondary School, congratulates Sadia Sadia Lone, the valedictorian for the graduating class of 1991. Many of the 144 graduates took home awards at the commencement held on Friday night. The Ontario Ontario Scholars, students who had an average of 80 per cent or more in six OAC credits are: Jason Alexander, Sabrina Bannister, Stephanie Bermann, Barbara Cherry, Angela Ewtushik, Tracey Fagan, Cheryle Lepard, Sadia Lone, Don Mi- cheal, Catherine Salo and Kim Werry. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE VOTE KEN BROMLEY for Local Councillor Ward 2 (Bowmanville) KEN BROMLEY Tuesday, November 12th, 1991 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. IN WARD NO. 2, FOR POLLS I TO 24 ADVANCE POLLS Bowmanville Town Hall 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville On Saturday, November 2nd, 1991 and Wednesday, November 6th, 1991 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. FOR TRANSPORTATION AND QUESTIONS PHONE: 623-5729 Authorized by die C.F.O. for the Ken Bromley Campaign 1 Forget Hi Empty Feelings It's a terrible thought... running out of heating oil on a cold night this winter. At Esso we're proud of our delivery commitment and guarantee you will never run out of oil. And to prove our commitment we offer 450 litres FREE*... to any of our automatic delivered customers who run out of oil this winter. So forget those empty feelings and call today. •This guarantee) Is available only to Esso Homo Heating automatic delivered customers In residential single-family dwellings solely heated by oil. Accounts must bo kept in good standing. Guarantee in effect October 1,1991 to April 30,1992. Esso] Harrison Fuels Bowmanville 623-5516