4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, October 23,1991 Amot Wotten Seeking Third Term for Ward I When considering whether to run again in the upcoming Municipal election, Amot Wotten Wotten talked to some residents in Ward I who encouraged him to continue representing them. Amot said "If they feel I can do the job, then I will! However, However, having spent two terms as a Local Councillor I feel it is time for me to seek a scat on the Regional Council." Wotten said that "during my six years as a Municipal I E. Si \ £ • z Amot Wotten Councillor I was able to make a contribution on several important important projects including the northern fire hall and rural garbage garbage service. Now, I want to serve the people in a bigger way by representing them at the Region of Durham level." In a prepared statement, Mr. Wotten staled that the taxpayers taxpayers arc in no mood for big new projects and grand promises. He said now is the time to manage our budgets very carefully carefully and to practise tighter fiscal fiscal controls at all levels. The ratepayers recognize that they arc paying taxes as high as many major cities and that a ceiling has been reached, at least for the time being. As Durham Region and the Town of Newcastle grow, Wotten said the problems relating relating to crime and personal security security have become a greater concern. He stated that there must be stricter bylaw enforcements enforcements tliroughout the region and more attention has to be paid to the protection of our families if we arc to maintain the rural mixed with small town lifestyles that most of us treasure. Wotten was quoted as saying saying that "we must grow, but that growth has to be carefully controlled so that it is both affordable affordable and carefully planned. Our valued resource of prime agricultural lands must contin- LEADERSHIP » <•- 1 ./-/> } WmÊkâ .. t ' • 0 Diane HAMRE for MAYOR AUTHORIZED BY THE C.F.O FOB THE OIANE HAMRE CAMPAIGN £■6 Auto Workers (Oshawa) Credit Union is pleased to announce the GRAND OPENING of a new full service location at 133 King Street East in Bowmanville Official ribbon cutting performed by Mayor Hubbard on Tuesday, October 22 at 3:30 p.m. Larry Hannah Runs For Regional Post ue to be protected and that constant constant care must be taken when planning any development projects". projects". "In the past I have tried to help people by using a down to earth, common sense approach to problem solving which many folks have told me they appreciate. I have always made myself available to anyone who feels that I can help them with a problem or situation that relates to our Town." "I have spent my whole life living and running an agricultural agricultural business in this area. I know many of the residents personally and the geography like the back of my hand. When people call me with a problem, I usually know who they arc and exactly where they live or work. This background background has really helped me serve the constituents of Ward I for the past six years and I sincerely hope that they will allow allow me to represent them again at the Regional level". Wotten concluded by saying saying "the most important item on everyone's mind these days seems to be the environment and ecological matters. Landfills Landfills and garbage problems arc not going to go away. I'm sure we can find ways to handle our own waste in the area but I'll fight very hard to make sure we don't get stuck with metro's metro's garbage now or in the future. future. I believe that we can do a great deal at Council to ensure that our environment stays as clean and healthy as possible. The ecology must be given priority priority when considering any new projects, developments or changes in our town". Police Briefs On Oct. 21; a Langmaid Road, resident reported that his house was broken into and approximately $400 worth of stereo equipment was taken. ** On Oct. 20, unknown person^) person^) entered Courtice Secondary Secondary School by causing damage to glass in door. The culprits exited through the front door. Nothing was apparently apparently taken in the break- in. Damage is estimated at $250. Larry Hannah, the incumbent incumbent Ward One Regional Councillor will be seeking re- election November 12. Mr. Hannah was first elected elected to Newcastle Council in 1988. Larry Hannah Since that lime, he has served as public works chairman chairman for the Town of Newcastle Newcastle and as a member of lire public public works committee for the Durham Region. He has served on the Durham Durham Region's waste reduction committee and on the joint management board of Durham Recycling. His work has also included chairmanship of the liaison committee dealing with the Darlington Nuclear Generating Generating Station and membership on the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Councillor Hannah notes that one of his achievements during the past term was an investigation investigation into European waste management systems. Some of the overseas methods of waste management have been brought back to regional council. They have included increased productivity in the recycling plant, the introduction introduction of a Toxic Taxi system, and the launching of the igloo recycling system at several sites across the Town of Newcastle. Newcastle. "We have embarked upon a number of road reconstruction programs plus a $23 million water pollution control plant , expansion for our municipality. "Industrial development must be a top priority of the new Council in order to relieve the pressure on the residential tax base as well as providing jobs. "I will be taking a plan of action to the new council for endorsement," he said. "With your support, I will continue to work hard to give you the kind of representation you arc both entitled to and deserve." deserve." Larry Hannah, a graduate of the Labor College of Canada, is employed by General Motors Motors of Canada. David Gray Seeks Re-election to Bd. David Gray, Ward One Trustee for the Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, will be seeking re- election next month. Mr. Gray, a 22-year resident resident of the community, has served six years on the public school board. He has served as chairpcr- v r>J David Gray son of the operations and finance finance committee, chairperson of the architectural selection committee, and as a member of the education committee. "We live in the fastest expanding expanding ward in the Norlhum- bcrland/Newcaslle area. It is essential that we have a dedicated, dedicated, knowledgeable trustee, with a positive outlook to represent represent our ward," Mr. Gray said. The candidate strongly believes believes that, with the large public public investment in school equipment equipment and facilities, after-hours usage of schools by recognized Visionplex QPTlCPlL Quality and Best Customer Service Guaranteed! ALL FRAMES ! In stock I SAVE *308® I VALID UNTIL OCTOBER 30/91 WITH THIS COUPON x ù\4 BUY TWO 1 COMPLETE PRESCRIPTION 1 GLASSES AND SAVE 1 *7088 ; VALID UNT1 OCTOBER SOTI^ITH THISCOU PON epee CPAMFQ with purchase of 2nd rntt i iirMvii--pair from our selection. We Arrange Eye Exams! SINGLE VISION LENSES $AQ00 from BI-FOCAL LENSES $ 89°o from i No Additional Fitting or Dispensing Fee , No Appointments for Adjustments or Repairs , open Thursday and Friday evenings for your convenience GM EMPLOYEES We fully cover Metropolitan Life and Blue Cross plans, Special frame selection at no extra cost. WE HONOUR Metropolitan Life Blue Cross Green Shield Social Services Safety Glasses $5.00 GAS ALLOWANCE with your purchase to residents of Orono, Newcastle, Newtonvllle, Wilmot Creek, Courtice HOURS: Mon. - Wed. 9:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m. Thurs. - Fri. 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Sat. -10 a.m. -2 p.m. 210 Kins St. E. Bowmanvillc (across from Kentucky Fried Chicken) 623-0482 m "See our Yellow Pages advertisements lor other locations, in Port Hope and Cobourg. " community groups should be encouraged. He also believes that the school board should provide a high standard of education at affordable costs. "I pledge to use my experience experience and abilities to provide the best education for our children children while placing a strong, controlled, hand on increased costs," he said. David Gray and his wife, Patricia, have four children who cither have graduated from schools in the Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle system or arc currently enrolled in Ward One schools. The candidate is employed as a consuiitanl and teaching professor, Lit civil engineering and municiml administration. He is a 'former director of physical resources for the Ministry Ministry of Health and a former deputy director of public works in the Town of Newcastle. He is past president and executive executive member of the Ontario Association of Engineering Technologists. Mr. Gray's community involvement involvement has also included serving on the Local Architec-. tural Conservation Advisory Committee, leadership in the Sea Scouts and Venturers, and coaching and supporting children's children's recreational sports. Shut Down at Ontario Hydro Unit One at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station was shut down Friday, October October 18, for some scheduled work programs. Major jobs to be done are replacement of the generator rotor with a modified rotor and extension of the fuelling machine tracks. The outage is expected to last approximately approximately six weeks. Unit One had been operating at or near full power since early September, with only one minor shutdown. shutdown. At the same lime, work is being done to include Unit Three in the operating side of the station. It is scheduled to start up early next year. ms t M 11 11 Pricee effective at Miracle Food Mart and Miracle Ultra Mart in all departments subject to availability until Sat. Oct. 26,1961 only. Savings indicated are off our own I regular pricee. We reserve the right to limit quantities. ...and now Lower Prices too! Variety Mix or Miracle Food Mart Chocolate Chip Cookies 800 g pkg. 2.99 APPLE JUICE»! 48 fl. OZ. till PERCUSTOMER •;i * Ground From 100% Beef LEAN GROUND BEEF MIRACLE MEAT COUPON 1.00 Ground From 100% Beef Ground Fresh Daily 4.17 per kg Lean Ground Beef «AVIAN EXTRA 1.06 OFF WITHtMMN Ground Fresh Daily per lb L miracle hedrrwt THE PURCHASE OF A 3 LB. (1.36 KG) FAMILY PACK OR LARGER WITH THIS COUPON | Limit one coupon per customer] Limit one 3 lb. pkg. or larger per coupon. Valid Oct. 21 until Oct. 26'9ll Without coupon you pay 1.89 lb/4.17 kgj Regular or Diet Pepsi or 7UP 750 ml bottle Plus 40' ea. btl. dep. Unit cost 7.9' per 100 ml MIRACLE COUPON 2.00/G214/GP230 ■ MIRACLE COUPON 1.00 | Regular or Diet ! 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