» --Religion and Worship- The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, October 30,1991 5 White Board Responsible for Installation of New Officers The Installing Board which was in charge of the installation installation of officers at last week's meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star is shown here. From left (back row): Beth Teeple, Eleanor Jones, Janet McCracken, Greta fcttsbputiatt Temperance and Church St., Bowmanville SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 1991 11:00 a.m. Church Service Sunday School and Nursery during Morning Service Come and celebrate. 159 Years of Community Service St John's ândlican Church Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 1991 TRINITY XXIII 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Each Wednesday: 9:30 am. Holy Communion and Laying-On-Of-Hands for Healing Courtice Secondary School 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion HI and Sunday School Pa Rector -- The Reverend Canon Byron Yates, B.A., S.T.B. Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D, Langley m K Patti's Minister: Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7361 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 1991 11:00a.m. "The Footprints of God" Sunday School for all ages NURSERY CARE FOR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN EVERY SUNDAY If you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you to make St. Paul's your church home The Salvation Army Bowmanville Citadel 75 Liberty St. S. CHURCH SERVICE TIMES 9:30 a.m. -- Family Christian Education (Sunday School) 11:00 a.m. -- Holiness Worship 6:30 p.m. -- Praise Service Come and join us at a Community Church where Christ makes the difference. For more information call 623-3761 Corps Officers/Pastors: Captain and Mrs. G. Cooper m w TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A., M.Div., M.Th. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 1991 10:30 a.m. U.C.W. WORSHIP SERVICE Come early to hear special music by Verity Frudiger Guest speaker: Barbara Griffin Tickets on sale now for Jack and Jill Club's Annual Dinner/Dance Saturday, November 16th Brown, Jean Sumersford, Jean Davis, Betty Dowden, Shirley Greenham, Maura Archer, Mary Jewell, Viola Do you know what week it is? White Ribbon Against Pornography Pornography (WRAP) Week provides provides Canadian people with a simple but effective way to express express their feelings, concern, and frustrations about pornography. pornography. What is considered pornographic? pornographic? The Canadian government government defines it as "material which is obscene, indecent, immoral immoral or some combination thereof." Pornography is visual but pornography is also audio. Those who don't find pornography pornography in itself to be a sin should be at the least concerned concerned with the latest stats revealing revealing that "89% of all sex offenders offenders arc heavily involved in pornography, often imitating the acts they see in videos and magazines." Thus the need for alarm. To begin the week in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Reverend Hilsden established established 10 reason's to fight the "Pornography Plague" in his Sunday evening service at Liberty Pentecostal Church. The front platform was heaped with overflowing garbage bags having the slogan Pornography is Trash written boldly across them as visual aids, Pornography destroys the image of God in people. Reverend Reverend Hilsden explained how we Barton, Linda Clements. In the front row, from left, are:. fumade in the hnage^of Gal Audrey Martin, P.W.G.M.; Elgin Greenham, W.P.; Norma Norma Lewis, W.M; and Ken Sumersford, G.T. OBITUARIES Craig Phillip Courtice As the result of a car accident accident on Taunton Road, Courtice, Courtice, Craig Phillip Courtice, aged 20, died on Monday, October October 14,1991. Son of Archie and Gloria Courtice, he was bom in Co- bourg and educated in Courtice. Courtice. A resident at 3345 Trull's Rd., Courtice, he had been employed employed as a waiter at Swiss Chalet. He was a member of Ebenezer United Church. Surviving are his parents and a brother Michael. The Reverend David Jones, officiated at the funeral services services held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Thursday. Tapes of the deceased's deceased's favorite music were played. Pallbearers were Brook Clemens, Clemens, David Prusinski, Richard Richard Hughes, Jeff Hughes, Travis Travis Mellon and Rob Taylor. Floral tributes were received received in his memory from Swiss Chalet, B. Squadron, Junior Ranks Mess of Ontario Regiment, and hockey teams. Interment Ebenezer Cemetery, Cemetery, Courtice. H Verna Eileen Hodgson Verna Eileen Hodgson passed away at Hillsdale Manor, Manor, Oshawa on October 13, 1991, after five and one half years of poor health, v A daughter of the late Raymond Raymond and Florence Davey, she was bom in Tyrone, Ontario on July 3,1905. On November 19,1927, she was married to C. Dean Hodgson. Hodgson. They made their home in Bowmanville, Ajax and Halls Lake in Haliburton County, and celebrated their 60th wedding wedding anniversary before Dean passed away on January 17, 1988. She is survived by her son Glenn and wife Marjorie, three grandsons, David of Orono, Paul of Toronto, and Kevin of Oshawa. David and his wife Pam have three children; Jeremy, Jcnnilec and Daniel. Vcma is also survived by her brother Donald of Tyrone, sisters Laura Hackney of Whitby Whitby and Jean Davey of Toronto, brother Howard of Bowman- villc and sister Lois Grant of Mitchell's Comers. Vcma was a member of Zion United Church in Carnarvon, Carnarvon, Ontario. She was also a life member of the United Church Women. For many years, she and her husband were volunteer drivers for "Meals on Wheels." Many friends will fondly remember remember the "Glcnvcrdean Lodge" in Haliburton which Dean and Vcma operated in the late 40's and 50's. Leaving us as site did on Thanksgiving weekend, we can give thanks that Vcma Hodgson Hodgson was part of our lives, Service was held at North- cult Elliott Funeral Chapel on October 16,1991. Pall Bearers were: grandsons grandsons David, Paul and Kevin Hodgson, nephews Donald and Obituary Questionnaires are available at The Canadian Statesman 62 King St. W. Bowmanville L1C 3K9 or by phoning 623-3303 Paul Hackney, brother Howard Davey. Interment Bcthcsda Cemetery. Cemetery. Margaret Marie McMahon Citizens of the area were saddened to learn of the sudden sudden death of well known Margaret Margaret Marie McMahon aged 65, on Wednesday, September 18, 1991, in Port Perry Hospital. Hospital. The cause of death was a massive heart attack. Daughter of May Porter Shea and the late George Shea, she received her education at Fleetwood Public School, and was married to Lyle McMahon on August 8, 1953. A very hard working member member of various churches, she had resided in Bowmanville 38 years, Employed by the Northumberland Northumberland Newcastle Board of Education she had worked for 21 years at Bowmanville High School, eight years at Clarke High School'and two years at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. She retired eight years ago. Surviving are her husband Lyle, her mother May Shea, sisters Helen and her husband Jim McGill, Annie May (Mrs. Clayton Brown) a niece and nephew and their families. The Reverend Fred Swann officiated at the funeral service held on Friday at the Norlhcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Pallbearers were Messrs. Keith Stapleton, Sam Gust, Norman Brown, Allan Beer, Jamie and Greg Melton. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Cemetery, Lifford. with the ultimate purpose of glorifying him and enjoying him. Pornography degrades the dignity of men and women and therefore the image of God. Pornography is addictive. It leads to dcscnsitizalion as God describes in Ephesians 4:19, "Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge indulge in every kind of impurity, impurity, with a continual lust for more." It is also progressive making material like playboy and Penthouse a doorway to hard-core pornography by arousing and feeding sexual fantasies. Pornography is anti Christian, Christian, mocking the Christian faith, Jesus Christ, the cross, the Lord's supper, marital fidelity, fidelity, Christian morality and traditional family life. Pornography that is obscene is illegal. The Ontario Censor Board deals with the pornography pornography industry which is consistently consistently violating our federal and provincial laws, with apparent immunity from law enforcement. enforcement. Jesus, on the other hand, teaches us to be good citizens, upholding and respecting the law. Pornography attacks women women and children. Pornography dehumanizes women as discardable discardable tools for the satisfaction satisfaction of male lust. Child pornography pornography has become a major part of the problem leading to molestation molestation and emotional abuse of children. But the Bible states "The King will reply "I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 18:14). Pornography leads to idola- PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER « out Met new* at • (jiftt cords 9 (ftour met jams, jeiiies, sfaces 9 Candies 9 Coiieetabies 9 (ftiassware 9 Pictures 9 Picture Frames 9 HandPooled clair fads 9 Area rutfs 9 Driedftior aiarrangements 9 Hew arrivais oftadorabie stupedbears andbunnies 9 Watch fjor our new i'ne oft /dorianjeweiierfr 9 //ew Christmas items arrio-intf | Ôtd Scuydÿ Rd\ ùe tAe 'Village 263-2602 /\ / / r try. History records prove that nations fell into disarray who began to worship the creature rather than creator. People worship the human body as a whole or in part and manipulate manipulate its sexuality in the advertising advertising industry. Pornography and greed arc partners in evil. The pornography pornography industry takes advantage of people for personal gain, regardless regardless of the destructive impact. impact. The producers and sellers reap huge profits. Pornography is anilscx, promoting promoting physical satisfaction without caring love and sex without responsibility. Pomog- raphers claim that it aids marital marital relationships yet Ronald Reagan's Commission on Pornography Pornography proved that it is destructive destructive to the family. God doesn't condemn sex. In fact, his word promotes wholesome sexual activity between a husband husband and wife. One entire book of the Bible is devoted to such a pattern. Pomographers have put lust in the place of the love God intended there to be in marriage. Pornography destroys normal normal human relationships dictating dictating that self-satisfaction is all that matters. The result is broken broken marriages, molested children, children, shattered young people and deteriorating neighbourhoods. neighbourhoods. Ethically, we should be accountable to others. Pornography threatens western society which is based on Judeo Christian principles American Chief of Justice Warren Bugcr remarked "hard core pornography rots the fabric fabric of society." We need to learn what is going on in our community. Comer stores selling pornographic pornographic material and an adult triple x video store is not desirable desirable in a town which is known for its family orientations. We need to write to our local •stores, TV stations and advertisers advertisers who support the pornography pornography industry. Mail to Brian Mulroney does not require a stamp! Most of all, we need to pray as this is a spiritual battle. If you will join us in the fight, wear a white ribbon this week, White Ribbon Week, in silent protest against pornography. "Pornography is Trash." And to illustrate this point, the organizers of White Ribbon Against Pornography Week brought scores of trash bags to the Sunday service at Liberty Pentecostal Church. Shown above are Carol Switzer (right) a member of the social issues committee and committee chairman Carol Haluka. MM WILLIS aia FINANCIAL ■■ SERVICES M Bowmanville Mall 243 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. Tel. (416) 623-6957 Fax (416) 623-9382 ANNOUNCING THE CASHABLE GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE! Do you purchase or currently hold Canada Savings Bonds? If so, consider the "CASHABLE" Guaranteed Investment Certificate as an alternative. Like the Canada Savings Bond, Cashable GICs can be cashed anytime but yield an Interest rate GUARANTEED to be higher than Canada Savings Bonds! Offered by several trust companies and available through us as authorized agents, the Cashable GIG carries the same insurance and protection as a regular GIG. The Cashable GIG carries an Interest rate.guaranteed for one year. If you redeem after 90 days, full Interest is paid right up to the date you cash it in. However, like the Canada Savings Bonds, if redeemed prior to 90 days after purchase no interest is paid. If the Cashable GIG appeals to you, please contact us for further details - Act soon as this offer Is available for a limited time only. As always - our best interests are yours! Sincerely, John Willis, President Willis Financial Services Carol Haluka, social issues committee chairman at Liberty Pentecostal Church, pins a symbolic white ribbon ribbon on Seriipjr Pastor Richard Hilsden during an anti- pornography rally held on Sunday evening. The ribbon represents the White Ribbon Against Pornography Week (WRAP) which is now under way. Sunday's service service service marked the start of this pornography awareness week which runs until Sunday, November 3. HEADQUARTERS 20 Pock Hallowe'en SUCk«rS 20 to 30 Pops Jelly Beans - Berries 99 Good selection of Hallowe'en Treats - Make-up and Costumes Sour Patch ■ Cherry Blasters Garfield $1.99 McGregor Drugs Your I.D.fi. Drug Store 5 King St. W. 623-5792 Bowmanville