Home Bums Down in Elizabethville Elizabethville News by Edna Thickson Church services were held as usual. We had a larger crowd than usual with several visitors, because of a Baptismal Baptismal service for Alexandra Ben- net Foster son of Bennett and Nancy Foster; Great grandson of Hazel Bristowe. Reverend Sedgwick opened the service with the usual call to worship. The choir had an anthem. Reverend Sedgwick gave the announcements. November November 11th Remembrance Day service at 2 p.m. at Hope Township Cenotaph, School children will be participating in thé service as well as Port Hope Legion, Bcwdley Legion, Legion, and Korean Veterans. Lunch will be served. November 23rd "Affinity" will be performed at Garden Hill church at 8 p.m. Tickets $8 per adult and $20 per family. family. Refreshments afterwards. The Baptism service followed with Mrs. Susan Peacock presenting presenting the certificate to the parents. The expressions of Worship was Judy Taylor and Julie Fos ter teaching us another new song. Scriptures were taken from Mark 10: 46-52, Jeremiah 31: 7-9. His minute with the children children was asking them questions questions on the Scripture readings. Alan and Helen Peacock took up the offering. Reverend Sedgwick spoke on the Peace situation in the far cast with reference to how the Jews, Pal- cstines and Arabs and Israilites got in the situation they arc in with Jews coming back to Jerusalem, Jerusalem, and why it is hard to make peace. Coffee was served at the close,. On Friday afternoon, Maurice Maurice and Beryl Cruise had the misfortune to have their home bum down over a trouble light falling and igniting some gas while they were repairing a gas line on a small tractor. They arc staying with Banisters at present. On Wednesday evening a general meeting of the Garden Hill U.C.W. units, 1,2 and 3 met. The president Susan Peacock Peacock opened the meeting. A ELECT Paul REESOR FOR HYDRO COMMISSIONER ***** RE-ELECT LARRY HANNAH Regional Councillor Ward! LEADERSHIP and i PERFORMANCE HANNAH, larry Ç4 Authorized by the C.F.O, for the Larry Hannah campaign, poem "The Volunteers" was read by Bertha Trcw. Bonnie Aiken and Marion Bull had a game of Wheel of Fortune answered answered with verses from the Bible. June Smith had the minutes minutes of last meeting. Plans were made for a small library at the back of the church and 'they purchased some books from Bccki Harper who was there with a large display of books. Our Christmas meeting will be December 10 Tuesday at 10:30 with a dinner after. Christmas serviettes were purchased purchased as well as books from Bccki who had a good selection selection of books from the resource centre. To celebrate thirty years of our U.C.W. thirty tulips were planted at the church. We have been asked to make some more prayer ribbons as there are not enough to reach around Korea. A Committee was set up to look after this new library. Susan Susan closed the meeting. The Heritage Committee met at Jackson and Susan Peacocks Peacocks home for dinner Saturday Saturday and Don Whitbread had a tape on the pictures he took at Elizabethville's heritage day last summer. Hazel Bristowe attended the dinner held after the christening of her great grandson held at his parents home on Rose Glen Road. Vivian and Howard Quan- trill spent the weekend with Dorothy and Harold Holden, Howard's sister, in Guelph. Bill and Marie Terbenche Port Hope called here on Sunday. Sunday. Last week Clarence and Betty Mercer had Nettie Savory, Savory, Bowmanville, for a few days and I was over for tea and cards one evening. On Thursday Thursday Netty's daughter Betty came for her. Bertha and Ken Trew had Sharon, Michael and Sarah Boyko, and Joan Derma on Saturday and Helen Fowler and Alan Trew called on Sunday. Sunday. Mary Trew has been staying staying with Margarette Walker this week. Our November Women's Institute will meet on the 5th at Jean and Milford White's home in Port Hope. The Elizabethville Elizabethville Sunday school had a good crowd Sunday as there are several older boys. Jackson Peacock has agreed to try teaching them for this term. Sympathies are extended to friends and relatives in the death of the last Melville Samis Samis last week. Several in the area attended the funeral as he was the last Leta Prouse's husband husband and related to several in the area. ELECT Cecil MacKesey Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland, Newcastle Separate School Board Authorized by the C.F.O. for the campaign of Cecil Mackesey. NOTICE Ann Cowman is the only candidate capable of carrying on as Mayor of the Town of Newcastle. She has a proven record of service to the people of our community since 1975 as well as being a person the residents of this municipality can trust. She will undertake to straighten out the confusion caused by the creation of two Newcastles. Vote Ann Cowman for Mayor on November 12th. Robert Kent Authorized by the C.F.O, for the Ann Cowman campaign. NOW IS NOT A TIME TO QUIT ...But A TIME TO COMMIT. Our community deserves your ATTENTION. ITS A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. Let's make it better. .. Vote Charles EWERT Local Councillor Ward 3 For INFORMATION OR CONCERNS CALL 987-1285 Authorized by the C.F.O, for the Charles Ewert campaign. BLOGG, John© REGIONAL COUNCILLOR FOR WARD 3 ,,Authorized by C.F.O. (or John Blogg, TOR PROPER MANAGEMENT ' OF YOUR TAX DOLLAR...VOTE The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, November 6,1991 17 STORKS, Pauline Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission Background: - Born, raised and continues to reside in the Town of Newcastle. - Married with two adult daughters. - Member of Ebenezer United Church - Property Chairman for the Board of Stewards. -Journeyman Electrician -19 years. - Past part-time firefigher -18 years. - Owner/Manager Moore Electric -17 years. - Member of Bowmanville Rotary Club for 14 years and presently on the Board of Directors. - Member of "Skate 88" fund raising committee for the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. - Newcastle Hydro Commissioner - serving as vice chairman for three years, Objectives: - Encourage the continuation of the prompt and efficient service already provided by the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission. - Conservation of Energy. - Remaining environmentally conscious. - Strive to keep the electrical rate Increases at a minimum. On November 12th Re-Elect MOORE, GEORGE £f Authorized by tho C,F,Q, lor tho Goorgo Mooro Campaign © O'Toole. John Ward 2 Elect November 12,1991 O'TOOLE fJohnJ Ward 2 me O'TOOLE Local Councillor for Bowmanville "Vote for Common Sense on Municipal Council" I ask for your vote on November 12.1991 For Information, Questions or Rides Call: John O'Toole 6234832 Authorized by the C.F.O. for the John O'Toole Campaign Shannon represents one of two age groups, 10-14 years old. The other group is 15-18 years old. As a semi-finalist, she has already won a Nintendo Game Boy, jacket, and T-Shirt. To overcome her nervousness nervousness while competing, Shannon Shannon said: "I just pretended I was playing at home." Shannon has an active interest interest in volleyball, which sometimes sometimes leaves her too tired to practice the piano. But she practices anyway. Shannon is in grade seven music and is instructed by a Royal Conservatory instructor. Shannon's performance at the shopping mall was videotaped. videotaped. The tape will be submitted submitted with the other finalist tapes to be judged by a panel of cx- • ports in two months' time. The national competition winner receives a trip for two to Disneyland, a Yamaha Home Recording Studio, and a Nintendo Prize package. PINGLE, Patricia BACKGROUND: • Lifetime Resident of Town of Newcastle • Registered Nurse at Oshawa General Hospital • Served and chaired on committees related to improvement of quality patient care and working conditions • Membership Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board • Chairperson Property Standards Committee Town of Newcastle OBJECTIVES: • To keep the public informed of hydro issues • To curb the rising costs of hydro • Conserve energy !■ Authorized by the C.F.O. for the Patricia Pingle Campaign ,i MARY NOVAK AREA COUNCILLOR (WARD 1) Authorized by the C.F.O. for the Mary Novak campaign. George Moore Committed to your Concerns In: Taxes Community Environment Development • Resident for 19 years • Twice elected as School Trustee • Library Trustee • 27 years at G.M. • Business Exp. • U. of T. graduate Award Winning Piano Performance POT f! SPfiRK ON THE Hydro-Electric Commission Vote The MtlGUlT EHIOICE Shannon Spicer, a student at St. Stephen's school, is tops in her age category when it comes to playing the piano. The dedicated 13-year-old won in the age 10-14 category for her performance at the piano. The musical contest she entered is sponsored by Nintendo and is a challenge for Canada's best young musicians. Shannon is seen here practising her music at her home in Bowmanville. by Lorraine Manfredo months in preparation for local competition at The Scarbo- Thirtecn-ycar-old, Shannon competition. rough Town Centre. And the Spicer, of Bowmanville, still The young St. Stephen's hours of practice paid off. likes the classical piano piece student performed 'Sonatina', she has been rehearsing over in G major, by Friedrich Kuh- Shannon is a now a national and over for the past few leau, again last Saturday, at a finalist in the Nintendo Music Mania '91 Contest. The event is billed as "A Challenge for Canada's Best Young Musicians." Musicians." Vote and Re-Elect PAULINE STORKS For Newcastle Hydro Commissioner on November 12 th An approach based on honesty, integrity and personal committment. | Authorized by the C.F.O. for the Pauline Storks Campaign |