\ 20. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, November 6,1991 Community Correspondence Hats Off to Port Perry Star 1 Hobnobbing with Harvey Nestleton-Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Appreciation: Our warmest . congratulations to Peter Hvid- slen, publisher of the very fine 125 year commemorative edition edition of the Port Perry Star, Tuesday, October 1,1991. ■ When plans were being made to celebrate the 125 year anniversary of the Port Perry : Star; to compile and publish a ■ history of its growth and development development down through the : years with delightful pictures to make it more fascinating; it must have involved a considerable, considerable, lengthy task, delving into endless records to produce this wonderful history. This history is a.revealing testimony of the untiring efforts of many people giving of their time and interest interest to prepare this treasured 125 year edition. A great achievement! Due to being desperately busy, we are slow in voicing our appreciation. Sorry Peter! P.S. So many folks have mentioned to us about the efforts efforts of Peter Hvidsen and those who have written the A voice for your community! :1 IE Authorized by the C.F.O. for Diane llamrc Campaign. splendid histories in this tremendous tremendous 125 year edition. Lastly-it is an honour and a pleasure for us to have this invaluable invaluable resume of 125 years of Port Perry history. We'll treasure it! Thank you! Sam and Mabel Cawker. Family News of Interest Wayne and Kevin Bradt of Caesarea, competed in the Minden Demolition Derby on Thanksgiving weekend. After finishing their separate heats, Kevin went on to win in the Consolations round. Winter is fast approaching when you sec the Cartwright Dino's Snowmobile Club working on their trails. Community Church Caesarea With an average congregation, congregation, October 27, 1991, the Community Church met together together for worship. The service was conducted by the Reverend Reverend W.H. Crawford. His thought for the day was taken from Acts 12:15. He preached on the theme: "Unbelieving Believers". Bob Hcayn read the Scriptures Scriptures and Kathy Walts played the organ and piano. Services will continue to be held at 11 a.m. each Sunday. . Nestleton United celebrate anniversary With cool weather prevailing, prevailing, Nestleton United Church greeters were Sam and Mabel Cawker who welcomed a very large attendance for our special anniversary service. Nestleton United was built in 1900 and observed its 91st anniversary in the present sanctuary, sanctuary, on Sunday, October 27 at 11:15 a.m. The first church was built 156 years ago. Reverend Jack Hill, a former former minister of Columbus United Church, now of Langley, Langley, British Columbia was our special anniversary speaker and was warmly welcomed by our minister Reverend Dale Davis, who conducted the service. service. Interesting to note: A large crowd of worshippers were present from Blackstock-as week as Columbus area, to hear Reverend Hill's fine message message and renew old times! He used as his sermon theme "How Great a Love" based on scripture lessons from Mark and John, read by son Chuck Hill. The ladies quartet sang two numbers "I Come With Joy to Meet My Lord" and "A Common Common Love" accompanied by pianist pianist Carol Mairs. The children's children's theme with our minister in charge enjoyed their story with him about "blinkers" and how hard it is to see. Offering was gathered by grandsons of Reverend Hill, Matthew and Aaron Hill. Service closed with the fine old number "Stand Up and Bless the Lord" and Commissioning Commissioning and Benediction by Reverend Jack Hill, followed by Three Fold Amen. "The Dinner Theatre" the Nestleton Church presented on Saturday night in the Community Centre was a great success. The capable capable organizers were Janice MacKenzie and Karen Yellow- less and Chris Davis decorated the hall beautifully. Our congratulations! congratulations! Nestleton Presbyterian Church On Sunday, Reverend Wm. Fairley conducted the regular service at 11 a.m. in Nestleton Presbyterian Church, with Joyce Taylor the able organist. Dorothy Lee taught the Sunday School classes. The responsive Psalm was number 126 and the scripture reading from Jeremiah Jeremiah 31 and St. Mark 10. Children's Children's story was the observance observance of All Saints Day of Hallowe'en and the letting go of evil, for the good things. Reverend Wm. Fairley spoke in his sennon on the memories of our early childhood childhood and growing up; do we see or arc we blind, as we live Re-Elect HOOPER (Ken) Committed to Responsible Spending of Tax Dollars Committed to Full Time Service to Tax Payer REGIONAL COUNCIL Ward 2 Information 623-3970 Approved by the CFO lor The Ken Hooper Campaign RE-ELECT DAVID GRAY Public School Trustee Ward I Experienced and Dependable RE-ELECT G GRAY, DAVID Authorized by the C.F.O. for the David Gray campaign, our lives seeing opportunities to be better Christians or passing passing by? Next Sunday Reverend Dorothy Dorothy MacDonald will be the minister. Reverend Fairley will be in Pickering at Amberlcc, with Dr. Morlcy Mitchell, who used to be a student minister at Nestleton Presbyterian Church. More family news Clare and Madeline Curtain of Lindsay were recent guests with their daughter Yvonne and Calvin Holland, Chad, Craig, Alanna and Calvin's mother Nota Fish was also a guest for a lovely dinner, enjoyed enjoyed by all present. Nota Fish hosted a birthday party for Calvin with Yvonne. Holland and family present for a fine celebration held at the Granary Restaurant at Bethany on Sunday evening. Our best wishes for many more! Seven members from Ncs- tlcton Women's Institute attended attended the Fun Fair held at Hampton Church last Thursday and had a wonderful time. Guests during the week with the Sam Cawkers at the farmstead were: Elaine Bradt of Caesarea on Wednesday for morning coffee break, Ken Cawker of Scarborough for evening dinner, Curt Cawker and' baby Mcrisa of Cobourg and aunti Cathy Cawker of Oshawa were afternoon guests and. in the evening, son Alan Cawker was a guest. A most, enjoyable week for Sam and Mablc Cawker. By Harvey Malcolm "A Time of Transition" It's that time of year again. Last week's arboreal splendour is tomorrows pain in the neck. When the poet stated "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever," Forever," he certainly wasn't talking talking about leaves. It used to be, before environmental environmental dictates, that one could detect this time of year with eyes closed and olfactory senses alert - it was synomous with the smell of burning leaves. For better or worse, this is no longer the ease, except perhaps perhaps out in our rural areas beyond beyond the scope of prying environmental environmental eyes. In many eases this is only a nostalgic memory. memory. One of todays current waste disposal headaches is the disposal disposal of billions of leaves. Perhaps Perhaps the most popular method is the compost route, another rather smelly alternative. One of the more unusual aspects aspects of this autumn season in the continuance of the balmy weather and its attendants perils perils and pleasure. Speaking of perils is the prevalence of those pesky hornets hornets - wasps, yellow-jackets or whatever, which emerge in profusion every warm day. This year we have not one but three hornets nests at various locations around our domicile. Having already got stung twice in the past several weeks, we thought we had our quota for the year. Wrong again. With all those blasted leaves pretty well finished drifting to the lower level, we decided to clean out the cavcstroughs for the final time. Mistake again. Those hot-headed winged demons demons with the hypo-dcrmic in their posteriors struck again. This time right under one eye. As the saying goes we arc always always ready to travel - we've got the bags under our eyes already already packed. Well, tonight we've got bags in assorted sizes sizes - one much bigger than the other. We found a new remedy for a bee sting - place a piece of raw onion on the swelling. We don't suggest that you use the onion again in any edible fashion - its guaranteed to make you come out with "hives". Another "timely" aspect of this time of year is the annual ritual of turning back the clock on Saturday evening or Sunday a.m. It's rather embarrassing to arrive an hour early for church - makes one appear really desperate desperate for salvation. Even worse is the spring forward of the clock, which if you forget you meet the congregation coming out when your going in. Rather embarrassing. This year is the triannual municipal election where in some areas the fever is already mounting steadily. Here in Manvers it's kinda "ho-hum" with the Reeve and Council getting in by acclamation and only an election for Deputy Reeve and School Board Reps. Guess I'd better "get cracking" as they say in the egg commercials, commercials, since my current position of Deputy Reeve is being challenged. challenged. Bye for now! On November 12th Vote ELLIOTT, Carson Regional Councillor Ward II For further information 623-8799 ELLIOTT. Carson IX Let Me Serve Botnie Authorized by the C.F.O. for the Carson Elliott Campaign VOTE AND ELECT BOB WILLSHER TRUSTEE, WARD III Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education • Experience • Committment • Concern • Six Years Experience as Trustee • One Year Chairperson of the Board • Knowledge of Children's Néeds • Committed to Quality Education at an affordable price. Last on the Ballot - First with You in Mind Authorized by the C.F.O. for the Bob Willsher Campaign. VOTE FOR James (Jim) Hale For Town of Newcastle LOCAL COUNCIL WARD III Stands for: • Working towards manageable property taxes in the Town of Newcastle. , Working toward and ensuring an acceptable standard of living for our seniors who have done so much for our community. • Working with old, new and potential new business in our area to foster employment opportunities. eg An Opportunity for Change VOTE COWMAN S3 6'V Hale, James (Jim) a On NOVEMBER 12, 1991 If you have any questions or need assistance Phone: 786-2312 ^ Authorized by die C.F.O, for the James Hale Campaign If you have any questions or need assistance to vote, please call these numbers ■' 697H4I4 '432-2848 Authorized by the C.F.O. for the Ann Cowman Campaign ' ■pwsfiS'-;. ■ ' ' : mg, - 'm ' / / • HONESTY • DEDICATION • EXPERIENCE Keep Dkne working for you! Elect Diane HAMRE for MAYOR FOR INFORMATION: 697-1412 Authorized by the C.F.O, for the Diane I-Iamre Campaign