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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1991, p. 23

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> /■' j s r ■ ~"î /f ... UlL a !) ? T l/V : Wednesday, November 6,1991 i h ifSriê SfiS^aD fejæàl ■ Local Women Named for YWCA Award 5 We Asked and You Said 6 Horoscopes and Crossword Puzzle 12 rniésamm Exciting Races Shaping Up for All Positions in November 12 Election Why should your readers consider electing Ann Cowman Cowman to the office of Mayor? Two of my opponents arc members of the present Town Council. The public opinion towards towards this administration is poor. Over the past three years Mr. and Mrs. Average Citizen has on numerous occasions felt demeaned and ignored when seeking assistance and expecting expecting compassion from their elected representatives. Quote "they have forgotten who put them there." It probably can be best summarized in the words, "lack of trust." I therefore offer the opportunity opportunity for change. I understand that conflicts that arise in a community that is part urban and part rural. I understand what it means to be a new resident. To me, Mr. and, Mrs. Average Citizen, new or long term, arc very important. Taxes arc a real and nagging nagging problem. The school board takes approximately 60% and the Region 20%; however, to set an example to avoid frivolous spending I will ask the new council to' put a freeze on their own salary increases. increases. I care: about our traditions and heritage heritage including the retention and legal restoration of our old place names; Jobs and the employment/ working dilemma: the environment; environment; participation at all age levels; sports; youth and sen- Ann Cowman Candidate for Mayor iors; our volunteers, and our natural assets such as valleys, hills and lake shore. The pleasure pleasure of driving north on Liberty Street has been destroyed by bulldozers. How long will it stay that way? Please remember, since 1975 I have had years of experience experience serving the Town as a previous member of many councils with a record of achievement; sincerity; humanity humanity and honesty. I was always available to every resident and responsive to their needs and concerns. I again pledge this long standing commitment to this community. V# One to be Elected Larry Hannah In 1988, I was elected as your new Regional Councillor. My second election took place when I got to Durham Council where I was successful in being being elected to Regional Works and Waste Management. Why was this important to my Ward and our Municipality? I believed believed we needed a strong voice on Works to insure the delivery of programs to our Municipality. We are embarking on a $22 million expansion of Water Pollution Control Plants for the Town of Newcastle. We have moved upon outstanding road problems that have existed for years, like Townline road with others now in the budget for 92' and 93'. We have delivered new- traffic signalization programs programs and intersection improvements improvements with more planned for 1992. As your Regional Councillor I will keep on top of the programs to insure their delivery. The Toxic Taxi that will arrive arrive in the Town of Newcastle in January of 1993 is a European European Program we have adopted that will remove hazardous household waste from the waste stream. A new proposal on intersection intersection lighting of Town and Regional roads brought for- Larry Hannah the real question is : "What is the candidate going to do about it?" One of the problems in the Town of Newcastle is the low industrial tax base, and the economic history of the town shows this has been a problem for years. To this end I have talked to industrialists, government representatives, industrial industrial consultants and field representatives from the Ministry Ministry of Industry, Trade and Technology. Using the information information gathered in these meetings meetings I will bring forward to the council for its approval, a strategy strategy and plan of action on in ward by our committee (Rc . 4 dustrial development gional Works) and passed by Regional Council will give us the opportunity to improve the lighting of some bad intersections intersections in our municipality. Increasing taxes is always a topic at election time. But, As your Regional Councillor, Councillor, I will continue to do my best and work hard on your behalf behalf to give you the kind of representation I believe you are both entitled to and deserve. Arnot Wotten Arnol Wotten, who is run- and ecological policies, ning this year for the regional Mr. Wotten is "an experi- council position, is currently cnced and responsible repre- thc incumbent Ward One lo- sentative for Ward One with cal councillor. an impressive track record of He lias been a member of service to the people, using a Newcastle Council for the common-sense approach." past six years. Mr. Wotten believes lie can serve die ward by urging lighter fiscal controls and budget management. I-Iis platform also includes stricter by-law enforcement and carefully controlled municipal municipal expansion and development, development, He is also calling for a review review of property standards by-laws and a lightening of these regulations. Protection of families and our "valued lifestyle" is among Mr, Wottcn's priorities. priorities. He also vows to protect agricultural land and favors considered environmental Arnot Wotten Over the past 11 years I have served as Town and Regional Regional Councillor, earning the reputation as one who docs her homework, listening lo the people and getting things done for the people. My honesty has been respected and appreciated by the electorate and by my fellow councillors. I have chaired every department department in the Town or a section of it and have served as Council Council Appointee to approximately 50 boards and committees. At the Region I have chaired Health and Social Services for nine years and been President of Durham Region Housing Corporation for six years. This broad and experienced background has given me an understanding of all aspects of municipal government. During these tough times, budgets arc going to have to be held to as low an increase as possible. My experience and knowledge of all departments will assist a new council in making knowledgeable budget decisions in the interests of our total community. I believe in open, honest, accessible and accountable government. As Mayor I will work with all levels of government to give the strong representation we need to ensure our voice is heard. My 11 years on council is a public record proving that I am the candidate for Mayor who will bring to the office a lead- |yp|!! /y ; J A ■ . « Diane Hamre Candidate for Mayor ership that is strong, dedicated, knowledgeable and honest. A leadership that can be counted on to serve the electorate in a way they have a right to expect. expect. Thank you for your support on election day in electing Diane Hamre, Mayor. My vision for the 1990's and beyond is lo have a work program to market the Town of Newcastle in an upscale, positive positive way to attract economic development to the Municipality- Municipality- I have been a politician for 11 years, having served as Local Local Councillor, Ward 2 for two years, as Regional Councillor, Ward 2 for six years and Mayor Mayor of the Town of Newcastle since 1988. I have served on all committees committees of the Council of the Town of Newcastle. Presently, I am the Chairman of the Fire Department of the Town of Newcastle and I serve as an ex- officio member of all the committees. committees. Currently, I am the Chairman Chairman of the Planning Committee Committee for the Region of Durham. I am also Chairman of the Transit Task Force for the Region Region of Durham. As Mayor, I am a member of the Newcastle Hydro Electric Electric Commission. During my term of office, I have proven that I am fiscally responsible and I have led the Municipality through a very deep recession. I have marketed marketed the Municipality in an effort lo get jobs and economic development. development. I have supported a waterfront waterfront study and also a Highway No. 2 Corridor Study in Cour- ticc. I am currently working through the Chairman of Onta- Marie Hubbard Candidate for Mayor rio Hydro and other sources to bring urban hydro rates to the Courticc urban area. I am seeking a second term as Mayor of the Town of Newcastle Newcastle and I come to the people with a record of dealing in the public interest, supporting sustainable sustainable development and the environment. Newcastle needs new vision, vision, new energy and new responsibility responsibility at City Hall and the time to take action is now. It's time to bring the basic disciplines of business to our municipal government. People tell me that they can't get through to City Hall and that elected politicians and some City Hall staff seem opposed to progress. People tell me that Newcastle has lost its way. It's time to have a clear idea of what Newcastle should be. It is important to be responsive and forward-looking. It is most important to be financially responsible. responsible. It is especially important important to have a good planning planning process to manage growth, while keeping the values values and advantages of a smaller smaller community. It is time to keep taxes and expenditures at responsible levels. We need more respect for the taxpayer's dollar. We should be striving for a zero tax increase, year-to-year, with caps on all municipal salaries, especially Council. It's time for us to attract new business and clean industry. industry. It's time to create new jobs, broaden the tax base and diversify the economy. It's time for us all to take responsibility to re-cycle, wherever possible, almost everything right here in New-. castle. We will create new businesses and employment in the process and contribute to the pleasant environment that Matthew Morra Candidate for Mayor attracted us here in the first place. It's time to look very hard at Newcastle's local economy and our young people. I am very concerned about the level of unemployment and welfare. From my own experience in job training, I know education for the workplace must be a continuing process so that our young workers can find jobs in a constantly changing market. There should be follow-up programs programs for young people after they leave school .While there are several jurisdictions involved, involved, I will apply imagination imagination and drive to put the process process together. It's lime for a growing, car- • ing community like Newcastle to have a local transportation service. IT'S TIME FOR A NEW MAYOR FOR NEWCASTLE! One to be Elected Carson Elliott Now is the time lor a change at Regional Council. Real Change--the kind of change that reflects you, the voter. Being a long term resident of Bowmanville, I can honestly say that I not only understand but share your wishes, hopes, and desires. For many years it has been my practice to support support the many activities which provide a positive climate for this community to flourish and grow. My active involvement has included these: a founder of the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade, fund raiser for charitable and community projects projects including Sight First and Fitness Centre; active service club worker. May I now outline for you very briefly what I intend to do once elected as your Bowman- villc, (Ward 2) representative at Regional Council. First, let me say that I will- promote the existing local business business community while, at the same time, will support new business ventures. Also, I believe believe in and will support responsible responsible residential growth; the prudent and careful development development of our Valley lands (including (including the land south of Van- stone's Mill) for recreational purposes; the development of a waterfront for both people and business; and the planning and building of a seniors' complex. hi conclusion, let me also say that, as your Ward 2 representative, representative, I will do everything possible to insure that council itself--just like you the householder- householder- will be financially responsible responsible and stay within rc- sonable budgets which can only mean Reasonable Taxation. Taxation. Ken Hooper Carson Elliott Having served you, the Bowmanville residents for the past three years, I feel that I am qualified to represent you for another term. It has been my policy to call an ace an ace and to speak openly without fear or favour. The most important issue facing the new Council will be to cut costs as much as possible possible and I think my record shows beyond a doubt where I have ' stood on this issue. As your representative I have been available in the office 5 days per week and will continue to be if re-elected. I also was the person who brought the name change issue on the Council floor but could not get enough support for the issue. I am still in favour of a name change and will support such change. Ken Hooper I fully believe that as I do live inside the Bowmanville limits that I am the most logical logical person to represent you in this Ward and I respectfully solicit solicit your support. John Vanginhoven John VanGinhovcn has some very serious concerns as to the ciurent management of the Town's affairs as most of us do. Taxes arc too high and getting higher, services arc too few and getting fewer, job opportunities opportunities arc disappearing and no-one is doing anything about it. The politicians may try to escape taking the blame by pointing at the general recession. recession. That's a cop out. There arc steps council could take to improve the forecast forecast without spending additional additional tax dollars. For the past three years great sums have been spent by the Town on junkets to Hong Kong, legal fees and consultants' consultants' reports. Not one cent of this money was spent locally. Other communities arc enjoying enjoying the benefits of our hard earned tax dollars. John Van- Ginhovcns position is that if we collect it here we spend it here. Keeping tax revenues circulating circulating within our Town will stimulate local commerce, and that is fair. Another area to look at is the building department. Most people know that it is almost impossible to get clear and speedy responses from the planning department, particularly particularly if you happen to be a local local resident. Building activity is very slow and yet approvals arc still bogged down by red tape. John VanGinhovcn believes believes that the staff must become become more responsive and assist assist rather than hinder new projects. Even the smallest renovation renovation will mean the sale of building materials, the employment employment of labour and more important important a sense of cooperation which can't help but cause the citizens to feel good about their community. Did you know that council have voted themselves a 33% salary increase over the past three years? This is not acceptable. acceptable. Council must lead the way when it comes to wage restraints. restraints. These arc just a few of the very simple steps that can be taken lo encourage local economy economy at no cost to the taxpayer. COMMON SENSE AND RESPECT FOR THE PEOPLE. PEOPLE. These arc the key elements elements of good representation. JOHN VANGINHOVEN will exercise both common sense and respect. John Vanginhoven ami One to be Elected Rolf Balentin John Blogg I would like to start by introducing introducing myself. My name is Rolf Balentin. I have been a resident of Orono for sixteen years. Over the years, I've become more and more concerned on public interests. My main concern concern is the creation of new employment, employment, which we are rapidly rapidly losing today. There is also the Environmental Environmental issue. (Nuclear and Conventional). Development in our industry industry and housing. Agricultural, its land management. management. Last but not the least, our ever increasing taxes. For our Environment I would like to create a Durham- only Waste Management Master Master Plan. Make recycling mandatory mandatory and expand the blue box system. Create a facility where BFI Disposal trucks can drop off their load and the garbage can be sorted out for its recyclages. recyclages. For our Durham Region Nuclear Emergency Taskforce, I would like to incorporate them into being a Nuclear Monitoring Committee to review review the emergency plans periodically, periodically, as well as to monitor reports on the operation of our nuclear facilities. For those who know of the Port Granby dump site, I will actively work towards successful successful completion of the Low Level Level Nuclear Waste Siting Process, Process, For our housing, I would like to incorporate an energy efficient construction code standard throughout Durham Region. For our Industries I would like to create more tourism, by holding more special events such as our chili cookoff. Due to our increasing population population and construction, we arc losing a vast majority of our living trees. I believe that all properties should have a mandatory mandatory number of trees. By doing doing this we can keep our community community environmentally healthy, clean and beautiful. Ann Dreslinski John E. Blogg I am seeking to become a Regional Councillor in Ward 3 because I believe our municipality municipality has neither operated with fiscal responsibility nor with respect for the process of good government. I was approached to campaign for public office because of the reputation I have earned through many years as a responsible, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, experienced and moderate advocate who works co-operatively with politicians and civil servants, as one who learns about the issues and consults broadly. The role'of government is the responsible management of the taxpayers' money to provide provide public services. This responsibility responsibility demands knowledgeable knowledgeable and balanced leadership. Currently, no issue is more important to the Town of Newcastle than the goal of environmentally sustainable economic development which encourages both controlled growth and an increase in the industrial/commcrcial tax base. Homeowners cannot be overburdened overburdened by our municipal tax structure, while receiving only limited services. Also, citizens must have a say in their government. Throughout my campaign I have committed myself, as I demand from governments, to consult. I plan to ask Ward 3 residents to participate in monthly Saturday morning breakfast information and discussion discussion meetings. As you Regional Councillor I will bring experience in government, government, a commitment to fiscal fiscal responsibility, a commitment commitment to consult with the residents of Ward 3 and an understanding understanding and respect for good government. Ann Dreslinski Ann Dreslinski Chairman of the Orono Town Hall Board and member of the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Improvement Association has been an Orono resident for 18 years. A strong believer in community community involvement, she has been active in many local organizations. organizations. She is a former member of the Orono Home and School Association, the Orono Hockey Mothers Association Association and a past volunteer coordinator coordinator for the Pine Ridge Training School. For the last 4 years she has been an organizer and trainer for the Durham Central Agricultural Fair Board Piglctl Races. She states that the representatives representatives of this municipality will be facing major challenges in the next few years, mostly with regard to growth, development and the environment. She would like a review of the Official Plan, which as presented presented seems to favor rapid, uncontrolled residential development. development. Council must be aware of the environmental impact impact of each decision made at the table. She feels that as a municipal municipal and regional representative, you must remain in touch with your community. There should always be that personal contact with the small businesses, with industry, with the farm community community and with the various volunteer organizations within the Town. You can't speak for a people that you do not listen to. She would like to sec the new council adhere to the basic concept of local government. A council that is united, one that is united, one that is committed committed to debating and decision making in an open forum; aware of the needs of the people people and responsive to those needs, The electorate deserves this commitment, Bill Clarke Thank you for the opportunity opportunity to inform the electorate of Ward III of some of the rca-. sons that prompted me to offer my services once again as a candidate for Regional Councillor. Councillor. One reason is the loss of experience experience within council after the forthcoming election. This leaves a serious situation which I hope to alleviate by bringing my considerable experience experience in public and municipal municipal life to bear. As a former Regional Councillor, Councillor, I know the time and work involved in this position, being answerable to local council plus the responsibility of Region and its many committees. committees. The position demands priority over any other commitment, commitment, anything less would be unfair to the tax payers of this multi-million dollar corporation. corporation. My environmental participation participation is of long standing, with several council appointments such as the Port Granby Monitoring Monitoring Committee, We live in a beautiful and historic part of Ontario and I have diligently worked to keep it that way. The fanning and smaller communities are of paramount importance and the ratio of residential residential arid commercial/ industrial development must be addressed if we arc not to be swamped with services we simply can't afford. The burden burden of taxes arc unbearable and I shall advocate a moratorium on tax increases. We sorely need a pause in this deadly spiral spiral to recover from these difficult difficult times of unemployment and uncertainty. Accommodation for daycare, daycare, youth and seniors plus the support of our Wilmol Creek residents in their endeavour to resolve their tax inequities will be some of my priorities for Ward 111. Please Turn to Page 2 for Ward III Regional Candidate Frank Harris' Message

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