I 4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, November 6,1991 Section Two * wvwm/M 'll 1 Ptclira 'll » Ptclife 'IS 1 Mtfon 'IS 1 Pfcliiü 'IS ■ Peel* 'IS 1 Ptcliin 'IS * Four to be Elected to Hydro Seats ---George Moore-- Harvey Partner Si* hearings have fo- minimizing hydro ■ George Moore I was raised in the Town of Newcastle and have owned Moore Electric for the past 17 years. My background in the electrical trade has been an asset asset to me as a Newcastle Hydro Commissioner. Increasing hydro rates affect affect everyone. Newcastle Hydro Hydro must purchase their hydro from Ontario Hydro. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, as Ontario Hydro raises the cost of energy to us we arc forced to pass on the increase to the rate-payers. Our Commission Commission has supported the Provincial Provincial Municipal Electrical Association during the past Energy Energy Board hearings in Toron to. These cused on rates. Another concern is the lower lower rate paid by the customers serviced by Newcastle Hydro as opposed to those serviced by Ontario Hydro. At the present lime, the only way to even out these rates would be for Newcastle Hydro to buy out the Ontario Hydro service area within the Town of Newcastle. Newcastle. In 1988, Ontario Hydro priced the takeover of these assets assets at $14 million. Financing a debt of this size would result in an unacceptable hydro rate increase. increase. Environmental issues are also a concern. An energy conservation conservation program was set up last summer in which two summer summer students wrapped insulation insulation blankets around 600 of Newcastle Hydro's rental tanks. During the past three years I have enjoyed the challenges of being involved in maintaining hydro standards while controlling controlling rates and promoting conservation. conservation. I hope to be re-elected in order order to continue addressing and attempting to solve the concerns concerns of my fellow hydro ratepayers ratepayers in the Town of Newcastle. Newcastle. Harvey Partner is seeking re-election to the position of Hydro Commissioner in the Town of Newcastle. He-has been a commissioner commissioner for 19 years and for 15 years he has served as chairman. chairman. Mr. Partner points to a number of achievements realized realized by the commission. These include upgrading of equipment, the building of the new office and service centre in 1985/86 and recent conversion of voltage to the more efficient 13,800 volt level.. "The commission has en deavoured, with success, to keep the distribution, system, vehicles, equipment, and of- fice/scrvicc centre reliable and up-to-date. Mr. Partner notes that the commission now serves 7,879 customers -- up substantially substantially from the 5,545 clients clients in 1980. "This rapid expansion has required the addition of some debt, but the commission's fi nancial situation is extremely sound and compares favourably favourably with other Ontario local hydro commissions," the candidate candidate said. "Electricity rates have also been maintained at a level in line with the Ontario average." average." "If re-elected, I will continue continue to do my utmost to serve you," Mr. Partner said. Glenn Pearson Harvey Partner Patricia A. Pingle Pat is a lifetime resident in this area and lives with her son Randy in Bowmanvillc. A Registered Nurse in charge of Plastic Surgery in the operating room at the Oshawa General Hospital, she has strived to maintain the high standards of health and working working conditions by serving on the following committees - Patricia A. Pingle Health and Safety, Quality Assurance, Assurance, Charting and Records, Hospital Association, Utililiza- Ftion and chairs the Grievance Committee. She is presently on the Newcastle Community Service Advisory Board and Property Standards Committee. Her concern in serving on the Hydro Commission is to curb the increasing costs of Hydro. Change is needed! Last year, we experienced an 8% increase, increase, 1992 will be an 8,9- 10.5% increase with a 44% increase increase anticipated over the next 3 years. An advocator of conservation conservation of energy, she believes that the free incentives re hot water tank covers, shower heads and 60 watt bulbs and re- 'bates on selective devices are costing the ' ratepayer large sums of money. She would like to see hydro publicize more the energy and dollar savings and allow these items to be purchased purchased at cost from the hydro. Education and accessible information information is needed for conser vation! If elected, I will keep you informed through our local newspapers of the Hydro Commission's Commission's meetings and actions. actions. - Can you afford a 44% increase increase over the next 3 years? I believe that I can help you have a say on our rates. My name is Glenn Pearson and I am running for a position on the Hydro Electric Commission. Commission. I have been a resident of Newcastle Village for the past two years and I am married to Julie. Wo have three children, Sharon, Melissa and David. Since moving to Newcastle, I have become actively involved involved in organizations whose main goal is to make the Town of Newcastle a better place to live, such as being a member of The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen. Kinsmen. I was parade chairman for the 1991 Heritage Week festivities. I am presently the chairman of the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board. For the upcoming season, season, my wife and I have taken the position of badge chairman for the Bowmanvillc Figure Skating Club. I have recently been appointed to serve on the Public Relations Committee of Memorial Hospital in Bowmanvillc. Bowmanvillc. With Ontario Hydro rates expected to increase 10% per year for the next five years and the average person's wage increase increase to be 4.5% next year, !•' have chosen, as a concerned Paul Reesor citizen to run for Hydro Commissioner Commissioner so that the people of the Town of Newcastle can be assured that the operating costs of Newcastle Hydro arc kept to an absolute minimum. When you receive your hydro hydro bill, I want you to bo assured assured that you arc paying the lowest rate possible and still receiving top quality service. On November 12, 1991, I urge each and every person, to exercise their right and get out and vote, and remember to vote Glenn Pearson for Hydro Commissioner. Separate School Board Trustees Two to be Elected Alan Bay lis Caroline Burke - Glenn Pearson Paul Reesor, currently seeking seeking a position with the Newcastle Newcastle Hydro Commission, is married and has two young children. A middle income family, they are budget sensitive sensitive to the rising cost of living that is typical of other families in the community. Fortunately, Mr. Reesor's position as Communications Officer in the Energy Management Management and Community Relations Relations Division of the Scarborough Scarborough Public Utilities has provided him with the shared knowledge to dramatically offset offset and stabilize the impact of rising hydro costs. Pauline Storks I was bom, raised and educated educated in the Village of Newcastle. Newcastle. I am married with two children. children. I own and operate a small Ladies Wear in the Village. Over the years, I have enjoyed working for my Community and the Town as a whole, by serving on various boards, 'committees and organizations. As a newly elected Commissioner Commissioner in November of 1988, I took advantage of the training the Municipal Electric Association offered newcomers newcomers to the industry. I have spent a rewarding three years "sharing and learning" with my colleagues at Newcastle Hydro. Hydro. Since 19891 have sat on the "Public Relations Committee of District 1. This district represents represents 87 Utilities from the Quebec border to Whitby. In March of this year I was asked to become a member of the Provincial Finance committee committee ofM.E.A. At our annual meeting of M.E.A. held in Peterborough this September 29, 30 and October October 1st, I was appointed as a Director on the Executive of District 1. Newcastle Hydro has faced in last three years many challenges challenges arid tremendous growth. I am proud of the way both staff and Commissioners have handled these problems. We have much work ahead of us - one is the proposed sector sector take over of the area that encompasses the Town of Newcastle. We have been working on this project for the past three years. I trust we will soon see the fruits of our labour. labour. I thank you for the opportunity opportunity of serving you for the past three years - and would appreciate appreciate your re-electing me for one of your Hydro Commissioners Commissioners on November 12th. ms Paul Reesor The use of compact fluorescent fluorescent lighting, low-flow shower heads, a programmable thermostat, thermostat, and air sealing their home's thermal envelope, along with other load reducing technologies, has enabled the Reesor's to maximize and bank their energy dollars without jeopardizing their comfort level. level. Mr, Reesor is enthusiastic George Van Dyk-- George VanDyk George Van Dyk, presently a member of the Newcastle Hydro Commission, is seeking re-election on November the 12th. George has held this position position for the past six years. 1 George has been a resident 'of the Town of Newcastle .since 1952. In 1966, George 'chose the Real Estate sales field as his profession and in ;1972 opened his own office 'George Van Dyk Real Estate Limited, located oh Church Street in Bowmanvillc and has since moved to 19 Scugog St. George feels the main issue 'that is presently confronting ■Newcastle. Hydro Commission ;is the rising hydro costs, We have to keep the costs down, 'we have to live and spend within our means. George docs not believe in borrowing the money therefore placing a debt ion the commission for years to ■come, as some levels of government government have chosen to do, George believes in paying the bills as we go, but not at the expense of service, safety or the environment. We will not compromise on these items and whatever the costs are on these items, they will have to be paid. The present economic situation situation demands tough measures, and that is why George believes believes in doing only the programs programs that are absolutely necessary necessary to keep up with the present levels of growth in Newcastle and the servicing and maintenance of our present facilities and equipment. equipment. George is a past President of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board and a past Director of the Ontario Real Estate Association. He has been the chairman and a committee committee member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Cancer Hockey Tournament. This event has taken place as an annual event since 1981, raising more than $60,000.00 for this extremely worthwhile cause. In 1988, George was committee chainnan for the fund raising of the new Bowmanvillc Bowmanvillc Recreational Centre (Skate '88). His company has sponsored many local worthwhile worthwhile events and sports teams for the past 19 years. George believes that the Hydro Commission, including its staff, is providing excellent service to the Town of Newcastle Newcastle and if elected, will ensure ensure that this level of service will be continued, Pauline Storks The Hydro Commission serves almost 8,000 customers in Orono, Newcastle, and Bowmanvillc. Four commissioners are elected at large in the Town of Newcastle. The mayor serves as the fifth commission member. about working with the business business community and taking advantage advantage of the many new program program opportunities that are available through Ontario Hydro. Hydro. New industrial growth will be accomplished by exploring exploring and providing the needs of these new and valued customers. Mr. Reesor was recently vice chair 1 on the Municipal Electric Association's (district 4) Public Relations and Membership Membership Committee and also served on various committees prior to this appointment. Other Other organizations include being a corporate member of the Canadian Canadian Electrical Association and the Ontario Electrical League. Mr. Reesor's personal commitment to community work has lead to his distinguished distinguished appointment of this year's 1991 United Way Sector Leader representing the Metropolitan Metropolitan Toronto Utilities. In closing, Mr. Ressor wishes wishes all the players in the political political arena the best, and respects the decision of each voter. ANNUAL. Alan Baylis Alan Baylis will be seeking election as the Trustee to the PVNN Catholic Separate School Board. As a resident of R. R. 1/6, Bowmanvillc since 1977, Alan Baylis previously served on the Separate School Board in 1987. If our separate schools arc to grow as a community of Christians, the Cathlicity of our schools must be of prime importance. Christian principles principles must exist throughout all levels within the system. The school board must continually continually strive to maintain academic academic excellence, keep up with modem education programs, keeping these essentials within reasonable cost limits. Alan Baylis is a Civil Engineering Engineering technologist, married to Mary with three children, the youngest in grade 1 at Msgr. Leo Cleary school in Courtice. Mr. Baylis has in the past served on Catholic Parent Teachers Association at St. Joseph's Joseph's and St. Stephen's schools and St. Theresa's Parish Parish Council. As a Trustee, Alan Baylis is committed to ensure that his influence on the board will represent represent the needs and concerns of the Separate School supporters supporters of the whole of the Town of Newcastle and therefore seeks their support on November November 12th. Caroline Burke is seeking the support of the Catholic Community of Newcastle on November 12. Caroline Burke has served as our Trustee for the past three years and has made a definite definite impact on the board and on our community. Caroline is committed to the Catholicity and excellence in our schools. As a mother, with three children in or through our schools Caroline knows the day to day routine of raising a family, she knows the schools, the curriculum, and the pleasures pleasures of being a mother. As a taxpayer, Caroline Joe Jeronimo As a concerned Catholic parent of two children attending attending Catholic school in the Town of Newcastle, Joe is committed to ensuring the best education for all or our children. children. Joe wants to represent all Catholic school supporters including including those who no longer have children in our schools. Our Separate Board has a budget of over 75 million dollars dollars and has many challenges facing it in the future. Fiscal responsibility and a constant guard for the Catholic faith dimension dimension of our schools is a must. Joe's pledge is to listen to f ÀÊMÊ* Joe Jeronimo your concerns, represent you effectively at the board and to communicate with you the people people he wants to represent. Our area is growing rapidly. We must have an effective expansion expansion plan. Joe asks himself the question, "what are the plans for a new St. Stephen's Secondary School?" The Ontario Catholic Bishop's Bishop's document, This Moment of Promise must be examined . by all parties. Parents, Parish Pripsts, Teachers, and all Separate Separate School Supporters including including students must be involved in the process of solidifying our Catholic School traditions. We are very fortunate in our community to have priests who are actively involved in our schools. Joe is married to Teresa and they have two children. Stcph- .anie is 9 years old and in grade 4 at St. Stephen's, Jeffrey is 6 years old and in grade 1. They have lived in Bowmanvillc for 15 years. Joe is an active member of the Knights of Columbus Council serving all three parishes parishes in Newcastle. Currently, Joe is the Chairperson of Church Activities for the Knights of Columbus, president president of our local C.P.T.A. and a Beaver Colony leader. Caroline Burke Burke knows how hard it is when taxes arc raised. Nobody is more conscious of how our tax dollars are spent. Caroline is committed to obtaining quality quality for our money. As chairperson chairperson of the Board's Salary Negotiations Negotiations Committee, Caroline obtained a fair settlement, and for the first time in recent memory, on time. She was able to head a team that made some important negotiation breakthroughs. breakthroughs. As a career woman Caroline Caroline Burke knows how to get things done. All of the Catholic schools in Newcastle arc in good condition with two new. schools in the last three years in Courtice, a new school in Newcastle Village, a new High School on the top of the Board's priority list and an addition addition to St. Joseph's High on the priority list for this year. Although Caroline often has to spend two and three evenings evenings a week at meetings in Peterborough, Peterborough, she has never missed a Board Meeting in three years on the board and promises that with your continued continued support, she will continue this dedication and determination determination for excellence. If anyone has any questions or concerns please call Caroline Caroline at home (416) 623-5736. Cecil Mackesey Cecil Mackesey, a five- year resident of Bowman- ville, is seeking a position of trustee on the Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Newcastle separate school board. Mr. Mackesey, an employee employee of General Motors, has been active in a number of community endeavours. He has served as a fundraiser fundraiser for the Hospital for Sick Children and as a United Way canvasser. He was elected elected to the Durham Region Labor Labor Council and is a past delegate delegate of the Ontario Federation of Labour. He has completed a number number of certificates in the field of occupational health and Two trustees are elected within the Town of Newcastle to represent separate school supporters. The board has its headquarters in Peterborough. Cecil Mackesey safety and is presently working working on a certificate in Health and Safety from Ryerson and is working towards legal accreditation accreditation as a Certified Human Human Resource Professional. Cecil Mackesey and his wife, Nathalie, have three children attending St. Stephen's Stephen's School. Mr. Mackesey believes the time has come for the Board to look at the funding inequity inequity that exists in the area of commercial and business tax allocation to the separate School system. He believes the separate school system and. its students arc losing over $1.3 million each year because of an inequity in the distribution of commercial and business taxes between the public and separate school systems. Other priorities include keeping costs in line and working with government and business to ensure that educational skills enable students students to become employable in the economically changing times. The candidate also wants to encourage open communications. communications. The role teachers and priests play in the teaching of the Catholic faith is to be commended and enhanced, Mr. Mackesey said. NORRFOIK COUNTRY CRAFT SHOW w Sunday, Nov. 10, 1991 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. BOWMANVILLE RECREATION COMPLEX (At corner of Hwy. 2 and 57) .V1:'vi A, V; C children 1; and' iÿ Seniors: Free; ★ ★ ★ ★ ' Countiy Crafts and Collectibles ' Decorating Accessories and More ★ ★ ★ ★ ivwiuuivtii Her? ♦k*m a * ledell - v 1 u 183 Queen St. Port Perry, Ont. L9L 1B8 (416) 985-8234 Settlement House SJinrte HOURS: Mon-Thur & Sat 9:30-5:30 Fri 'til 9 pm Sun 12 - 5 CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE It wouldn't be Christmas without a visit to SETTLEMENT HOUSE • A leader in country decor! Featuring past and present decorating trends. Fill your home with the comfort of country. DAPHNE'S and T.G. MITCHELL'S • Men's and Ladies' clothing for the country life. Featuring Susan Bristol and J. J. Farmer. FROM MY HEART • Wrap up your presents in style in our card and candy shop. TOM'S BACK PORCH • Introducing a new winter menu and European chef. Enjoy a hot or cold entré and a delicious dessert. AFFORDABLES • A lifestyle store, Casual clothing, housewares, contemporary home decor, glassware. Something for every budget. Visit the SETTLEMENT HOUSE SHOPS Nothing Else Compares! 10TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE NOVEMBER 8-17 10% Off In All Our Shops Plus many more in-store specials