I 1 ! The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, November 27,1991 15 Christmas Dinner for Seniors Happenings in Enniskillen by Betty Wright Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wright, Bowmanville were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andre Comel- licr, Alison and Paul Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sanderson, Sanderson, Raglan, were Wednesday Wednesday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Somber- gcr, Alexandra and Jessica spent Saturday at their cottage, Bancroft. Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe were Jim Howe, Saintfield in the afternoon afternoon and supper guests Mr. and Mrs. Norman Howe, daughter Lome and friend Blair, all of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nimi- gon from Lisle were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nimigon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery were recent visitors of Mrs. Rene Cook, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anger, Bowmanville were Sunday visitors visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Art Lead- beater. Mr. and Mrs. Clark McDonald, McDonald, Toronto, Mrs. Ernie McDonald, Bowmanville, Mr. Ivison Tamblyn, Orono were Monday dinner guests of Miss Myrtle Tamblyn and Mrs. Wilfrid Wilfrid Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Somber- ger, Jessica and Alexandra visited visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doz- tator, Peterborough on Sunday. Mr. Gordon Stevens, Miss Clara Page were Sunday visitors visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Preston, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nimigon Nimigon attended a Nimigon family gathering at the home of Mor ris and Bev Nimigon, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Andre Comel- lier attended the Toronto Symphony Symphony at Roy Thomson Hall on Tuesday evening Nov.26th when they enjoyed hearing the Vienna Boys Choir. Gaby Hart, Whitby was a Tuesday overnight guest of the Comelli- cr family. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Weam, Peterborough were Wednesday visitors of Mr. Gordon Stevens and Miss Clara Clara Page. Enniskillen U.C.W. Seniors Christmas Dinner On Wednesday, November 20th at noon, Enniskillen Seniors Seniors and former senior residents residents sat down to dinner in the Enniskillen United Church Sunday School room. The 61 guests were served a delicious roast beef dinner by members of the U.C.W. Before dinner, Barb Howe, welcomed everyone, everyone, followed by a reading about the Family Church given by Lois Nimigon. Annie Wright at the keyboard assisted by Rev. Kelly, led a singing of favorite Christmas Carols. Happy Birthday was sung by all to Art Leadbeater, Carl Ferguson, Ferguson, Joyce Alden and Meta Swain. An information-type game provided some humour, then Rev. Bonnie Kelly entertained with a magic trick helped by Marg Leadbeater. Everyone had a good time following the antics of some people from the east coast as Bonnie read a very humorous story in her best down east accent. The lucky draw prizes were won by Rod Simpson, Annie Wright and Ruby Trewin. Barb expressed sincere thanks to all who contributed of their time and work and Edgar Wright thanked the U.C.W. on behalf of everyone present. Rev. Kelly closed with prayer and the Benediction. The Enniskillen Pathfinders held a Canada Cord Ceremony on Tuesday November 19th. Evening at the Enniskillen Curch. The Cord recepients were Elizabeth Knox, Kathi Dilworth, Lisa Clarke and Elizabeth Elizabeth Alloway. There were guests from the girls' Brownie, Guide and Pathfinder years. Pat Clarke from Brownies Jams Jams Dilworth, Guides and Lois Alloway from Pathfinders were past leaders. Representatives Representatives were present from Darlington Darlington District, Liz Bateman, one from Woodland Division - Jane Allin. Also representatives representatives from the Province. Kelly Phipps presented the plaques from M.P.P. Gord Mills. A lovely Canada Cord Cake was enjoyed by all, thanks to a past Guide Leader J anis Dilworth. The Enniskillen Girl Guides went bowling at Liberty Bowling Bowling last week and this week arc holding a cookie exchange and craft night. Church Announcement Sunday, December 8th Enfield Enfield U.C.W. will be holding their Christmas Carol Nativity Service of Carols. Everyone is welcome. Refreshments will follow and a time of fellowship. fellowship. Wednesday, December 11th Enniskillen U.C.W. will be holding their Christmas Pot Luck Dinner at the Enniskillen United Church at 12:00 noon. All ladies of the Community are welcome. Please bring either either a main course or dessert dish. A donation of non perishable perishable food for the Food Bank would be appreciated. Sunday, December 15th. The White Gift and Mitten Tree Service will be held at the regular church service at 9:45. Please start knitting your scarves, touques, mittens, etc. for the tree. Hampton by Michelle Balson Heroic Trucker is Honored by Peers VâLü'iiUfctii $569°o Includes: •Deluxe power- nozzle •crush proof 30ft hose • 4 pc. tool set • hose hanger • silencer Parts • Repairs including Electrolux, v Kirby, Filter Queen, Tristar, Eureka etc. 365 WILSON RD., S. ÂCUUMS OSHAWA 433-1516 Kiroy \// W c Former ELECTROLUX Office The 1991 Firestone National National Truck Hero Award has been presented to a driver who helped save the life of an accident victim on Highway 401 at Newcastle. Gary Hare received the award at the 65th annual convention convention of the Ontario Trucking Trucking Association (OTA). . Mr. Hare's courage and quick response at the accident scene helped the victims of a car accident in June. Mr. Hare, a driver for Canadian Canadian Liquid Air Ltd., was travelling on Hwy. 401 at Newcastle when he saw a vehicle vehicle spin out of control and roll several times before landing landing on its roof in the ditch. He stopped his tractor trailer and crossed the highway, highway, finding the car completely completely crushed and its four occupants all trapped in the front seat. Mr. Hare and another passer-by passer-by calmed the injured passengers and then lay on their backs to push back the front seats as far as possible to make additional room. They remained in this position position until emergency crews arrived with the jaws of life. Their efforts helped save the life of a woman who was pinned between the driver and the front seat headrest. Without thpir help, she would have been unable to breathe. The Firestone National Truck Hero Award is designed designed to generate awareness of the role truck drivers play in ensuring safety on Canadian Canadian highways. It was presented presented this year for the 36th time. The honor goes to a professional professional truck driver who demonstrates demonstrates both bravery and a strong knowledge of safety is back in Business anil is racing against the clock to prepare his store for Christmas! Drop by and see the new arrivals - att the latest in denim fashions and casual wear! / 'tier's CLOTHING CO. LTD. VISA n 42 King Street £. 'Bowmanville 623-7178 procedures in responding to an emergency. It was presented presented at the Regal Constellation Hotel in Toronto by Ontario Minister of Transportation, Gilles Pouliot, OTA Chairman Chairman Peter Baird, Ontario Deputy Minister of Transportation Transportation Pat Jacobson and Bridgestone/Firestone Canada Canada Inc.'s Vice President Sales and Marketing, A1 Ayre. "Every year, we're amazed by stories such as this one," says Mr. Ayre. "The image of truck drivers on the highway can only be. enhanced by Mr. Hare, whose bravery and soundness of mind were undoubtedly critical critical in the minutes that followed followed this serious accident." With the mild weather lately, lately, it's hard to think of Christmas. Christmas. Yes, Christmas is just around the comer. The stores will be staying open late, so you can spend you hard-earned dollars. Myself, I have a few presents under wraps. For those of you a little more adventurous you might consider a bus trip sponsored by the Hampton Board of Stewards. Stewards. There are still a few seats left. The bus leaves the Hampton Hall at 8:30 in the morning, this Saturday, November November 30th. Your destination, the Dixie Value Outlet Mall, The expected return time is 5:30 p.m. Please contact Elizabeth Elizabeth Bateman at 263-2960. There have been a few things happening in Hampton this week. The Hampton Community Community Association (H.C.A.) held its Annual Meeting and elections on Tuesday, November November 19th at 8:00 p.m. It was rather surprising not to see a few more people come out, considering the commotion, that was stirred up over Elliot Park. Presiding over the meeting was Vice-President Lee Campbell. Campbell. Also present was Secretary, Secretary, Beth Knowler, Treasurer, Edith Beavis and members at Large, myself, Michelle Balson. Balson. To officiate at the elections, elections, newly elected councillor Mary Novak was there. A few Hampton residents came out. The - meeting was opened with thanks to President Terry Lukes, for taking the position when no one else would. Also, thanks was given to Edith and Beth for hard work throughout the year. We then heard a brief summary of the events of H.C.A. held, including the Kids Drop-In Center, the successful successful Kids Fun Day and the ever popular teen and adult dances. It was mentioned that thee will be a New Year's Eve Dance. You can contact Beth Knowler at 263-8335. It was noted that the H.C.A. put in for a government grant for repairs at the Hall. The Constitution was read through and approved as read except for a grammatical error. The floor was then turned over to Mary Novak who spoke briefly. The elections were then under way. Yvonne Lin- denburg nominated Lee Campbell Campbell for President. Lee Campbell Campbell nominated Beth Knowler for Vice President. Beth Knowler nominated Denise Brown as Secretary. Lee Campbell nominated Edith Beavis as Treasurer. Edith is also the Hall Curator. This will be her third term as Treasurer. The officers stood as nominated nominated since there was no competition. competition. Probably because the H.C.A. wanted to keep it the same so they could continue on with their plans for the next year. Newly elected President, Lee Campbell, thanked everyone everyone for coming and the meeting meeting was adjourned. Wednesday's Euchre Card Party had a few winners. Betty Kuyer took first place with the highest score of 80. Next was Bernice Renton with 79. John Kuyer was third with a score of 78. Lauma Swain had 75 and not far behind was Ace Richards Richards with 74. Bernice Renton had the Most Lone Hands of six. The Most Honest Player was Daisy Bell. The Special was won by Wilma Kantor. Draw winners were Andy Monroe, Clarence Bray, Daisy Bell, Harold Swain and Fred Griffin. I am pleased to inform you that Sea Scouts John Ford, Tony Walldruff and Mark Po- korski received the Chief Scout Award this weekend. The young men received their framed certificates at the Albert Albert College in Belleville. Senator Senator Consiglio DoNino was represented by Rt. Hon. Ramon Ramon Hnatyshyn, the Governor General. Forty-four Sea Scouts from the Quinte Region were present along with many parents parents and leaders. District Commissioner Commissioner Lavcmc Muirhcad was also there. These young men should be congratulated. Included as a requirement for this award was 50 hours of- community services! Way to go, guys. Keep up the good work. The Hampton Community Association held a bazaar this past Saturday at the Hampton Hall. There was a good variety of quality crafts that were provided provided by the vendors. The bake auction went by pretty fast with Amot Wottcn as auctioneer. auctioneer. Among the buyers were Marie Hubbard, Amot himself and Jim Sleep of Bowmanville. A thank-you to the vendors and buyers who helped make it a success. Fellowship Hour at the Hampton United Church will be cancelled until January due to the various church activities that will be taking place in the month of December. The Advent Advent Carol Service will be Sunday, Sunday, December 1st at 7:30 p.m. The Mitten Tree Service will be held on Sunday, December 8th. The Mitten Tree is in connection connection with the Salvation Army. It was mentioned that there is a need for boys' toques, scarves and mittens. Your co-operation would be greatly appreciated. The Communicant Class has been meeting on Sundays from 1:45 to 3 p.m. at the Church. The Reception of Communicant Class Members will be held this coming Sunday. Sunday. Guide leader Elizabeth Bateman has asked me to remind remind you that there arc still a few Girl Guide Calendars for sale. One final note. If you really want to beat the winter blahs you might consider a nice warm trip to Florida with the Tyrone Seniors. What a nice gift to give to an aunt or uncle or maybe a grandma. The tip is planned for January 12 through to January 30. You can contact Eillccn Warder at 263- 8347. On Monday, November 11th, 1991, at 2 p.m., the Hampton Women's Institute planted a Crimson King tree beside the Hampton Historical Plaque, with former Hampton mill owner, Mrs. J. Burrows, handling the first shovelfull of earth. Later shovels were handled by Mayor Marie Hubbard, Councillor Arnot Wotten and Hampton W. I. President Jane Smith. -Photo by Michelle Balson It is indeed fast approaching that exciting time of year when' everyone old and young is becoming becoming geared up for Christmas. Christmas. This coming Saturday will tie the annual Port Perry Santa"Claus Parade and then on Sunday will be the Pancake Breakfast when the youngsters may visit with the jolly old man. This event sponsored by the nursety school will be held at the rec. centre on Sunday, December 1, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. and is open to everyone. Saturday luncheon guests of Bev Truax were her good friends Noreen Robbins of Trenton and Catherine Steen- burg of Oshawa. On Sunday morning a "Top of the Hill" party was held at the new underground home of Bill and Paula Lishman and family. Families of Purple Hill gathered to welcome their new neighbours Angelo and Mona Paroussis, Mike and Kelly. The Cartwright High School Woodwind Choir will be performing at Blackstock and Nestleton United morning church services. Thursday, December December 19 is the date of the combined C.H.S. and C.C.P.S. Christmas Concert. \ June and Bob Fetch and Kent of Gilford were Sunday evening dinner guests of Gerald Gerald and Joyce Kelly. A capacity crowd attended the annual Central Ontario Tractor Pullers' Association Banquet and Awards Presentation Presentation held at the Blackstock Recreation Centre on Saturday evening. After a delicious roast beef dinner prepared and served by the members of the U.C.W., President Paul Harder assisted by Vice-President Norm James conducted the program. The presentation of the many trophies won with the most points on the circuit in the various classes was made by the members of the executive. Congratulations to Earle Trewin who won all four trophies in the four classes of pro-stock division. Roy Clarke in his first year of pulling won fourth place in pro-stock class. The Blair Graham Memorial Trophy was presented to the Alves Family, owners and operators operators of pulling sled. Congratulations! Congratulations! Murray Archibald presented Don Alves with a collectors set of Snap-On- Tools. John Vaneyk surprised his good friend Harvey Graham Graham by presenting him with a special plaque in recognition of his vision, inspiration and leadership leadership in promoting tractor and truck pulling. In addition, John presented Harvey with a lifetime lifetime membership ■ to C.O.P.T.A, and the very first COPTA hat and crest. Harvey was so surprised that he was almost almost at a loss for words - indeed indeed an unusual occurrence! Quite a number of the members members of the Blackstock Agricultural Agricultural Society attended the annual annual District four meeting held in Lindsay on Saturday. Many workshops were enjoyed as well as the guest speaker Giselle Giselle Ireland who combined common sense and wisdom with a great- deal of humour. The date for the 1992 Black- stock Fair was set for Saturday, August 29. There were 11 tables of euchre euchre at the weekly Tuesday evening card party with the following following winners: Faith Lawrence, Lawrence, John Archer, Vera Fawns, Eileen Warder, Doris Redman, Meta Swain and Muriel Muriel McLellan. Lucky draws were won by Meta Swain, Mary Foots, Nerta Masters, Mary Foots, Betty Barnett and Jean Slemon. On Saturday evening Ralph and Peggy Larmer attended a special event in Solina Hall when the Solina Community celebrated 200 years of marriage marriage - 5 couples had celebrated celebrated their 40th wedding anniversaries anniversaries this past summer. A most unique party indeed- with much visiting and a social time enjoyed with dancing and a buffet lunch. Ralph's sister Lois and her husband Harvey Yellowlees was one of the honoured honoured couples. For any of your social news to be included in this column please call me at 9864257 before before Monday mid-morning so it can be included. Your assistance assistance is always appreciated. Our Chri to You INTO MONEY DOWN PLUS WILSON'S QUALITY UP TO 50% OFF LEATHER FOR THE PRICE OF CLOTH! I INCLINER SOFA NO INTEREST DON'T PAY 'TIL MAY* Leather'Loveseat $ 948°° Leather Chair *788 00 „ v , Durable fabrics, 2 incliners * ^ We just look Twincliner Loveseat *948 expensive Rocker Recliner *598°° HOURS SAVE 10% TO 50% OFF on all lamps, pictures and gift accessories ;i7TT C fXAX 20 Centre St - N - ' Wiibt'InUme of IT -LLiOv/ll Downtown . Ci'"'*,. ,, FURNITURE ° shawa _ r .„_ ^ -*• -1-V-l-14 nnq OOniri imrchasvs only. jTOM C,.c7] [B 1934 * Limited quantities P' il L- WILSON FURNITURE Since 1934 GUARDIAN DRUGS Visit Guardian Drugs in Newcastle for our valid from November 28th to November 30, 1991 FOR PRESCRIPTIONS PHONE 987-3435 AND REMEMBER... WE DELIVER!! 50 Mill Street North at King Street, Newcastle (d IV For your convenience _ effective Sunday, Dec. 8th, 1991 we will remain open on Sundays from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.'