r i i i i 16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, December 4,1991 by Peter T. GO train service along the lakeshore is said to be one of the main reasons why many Torontonians have emigrated to "affordable" domiciles east and west of Toronto along the northern shores of Lake Ontario. Ontario. Courtice with its "tranquil rural atmosphere" has gained a fair share of emigres from the big city. "It's better here to raise a child and family," says Mark Fujiwara who left Toronto for south Courtice two years ago with his wife, Denise. "One of the main reasons we moved out this way, as opposed opposed to somewhere like Barrie, Barrie, is because of the Lakeshore GO train." "And, it's affordable," adds Mr. Fujiwara. The Fujiwaras drive to and from Whitby GO train station each week day to commute to their work places in Toronto. They say they prefer to catch the train at Oshawa Go train, station but that there's only one train in and out of Oshawa per week day. "We expect to increase the service but not for a while," says GO information. "Major expansions of the train network are under way, including extension of all-day service from... Whitby to Oshawa...in 1993." Until then, one "rush hour" westbound train leaves Oshawa GO station each week day morning at 17 minutes past seven o'clock and one train from Union station in Toronto arrives in the Oshawa station at 6:24 p.m. "If I miss that train I'm stuck," says Mark Fujiwara. "I hope they will increase the service." service." A Courtice woman wants Ottawa to "enact legislation against the leniency of day passes and early release" of convicted criminals. Hillary Groat told an interviewer interviewer last Thursday that she aimed at collecting 10,000 signatures signatures for a petition to be presented presented to the House of Commons Commons in Ottawa "by spring time." Ms. Groat is the sister of Lucy Quirt who was killed by her husband, Jim, on April 6, 1990, at their home in Alban, near Sudbury. Jim Quirt was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to four years' imprisonment for killing the mother of an eight- year-old boy and his six-year- old sister. "The children know that their father killed their mother," mother," Ms. Groat said. She added that Jim Quirt is eligible for an unescorted 72- hour day pass sometime in the middle of December. He will be eligible for parole next August. August. "It appears that all rights are for the criminal and victims are totally forgotten," Ms. Groat said, staring at a framed photograph photograph of a smiling Mrs. Quirt on the wall of her living room at the Groat residence on Hartsfield Drive. "It would have been her birthday today. She would have been 37." The petition being planned by Ms. Groat urges the House of Commons to note: "That incidents of murder and manslaughter arc becoming becoming more frequent while criminals criminals arc on day passes and early early release. "That sentences and parole of murder and manslaughter are too lenient. "That incidents of day passes passes being given for early release release after serving only on- sixth of the full sentence; and whereby, convicted criminals serve but one-third of the full sentence before being paroled does not protect the public from these criminals. "That there would be fewer incidents of murder and manslaughter manslaughter if the Justice system would reflect the seriousness of these crimes which represent represent lost lives; as in the case of Lucy Quirt, a victim of violence." violence." Wedding Bells Ring in Blackstock Blackstock and Area News tty Joyce Kelly PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER On Saturday late afternoon Kelly Hart and Jay Van Camp were married in a beautiful candlelit wedding in the United Church conducted by Rev. Dale Davis. A definite Scottish flavor was evident by piping in the bride and the newly wed couple down the aisle, the wearing of kilts by many of the gentlemen in attendance and the piping in and addressing the Hagis during the reception, which was held in the beautifully beautifully decorated recreation centre. centre. Best wishes Jay and Kelly. • The bride and groom are on a honeymoon cruise. A huge crowd lined the streets of Port Perry for the Annual Annual Santa Claus Parade which was a great success. Many floats and bands paraded down Queen Street making for an excellent excellent parade. The intermediate department department of Cartwright Central Public School invites the public public to attend the Drama Presentation Presentation "How to Éat Like a Child" to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday evening, December December 3 and 4 at the school. Tickets are available at the door at $3 per person. During the past two weeks many from this area have enjoyed enjoyed attending the présenta: tion of Hello Dolly at the Town Hall, Port Perry. If you missed this wonderful musical you missed an evening enter- ~fvr tjouFliüt Lovt~thf£ Vi Sunday > OPEN HOUSER December 8-15-22 sr Come in to célébrât Family Night Savings on Thursday, December J>ih r Qauo 7(W. % * Save 20% t # on all % £ Precious # Moments % \ Figurines # V (large selection % of Christmas themes) f on watches % from # Bulova, Lorus/1 ? S M S \ '& Purchase! * # ^°f limited quantities) V 14 Karat J % Diamond 1.95 r Seiko, Pulsar °| # $ 79 s V and Cardinal £ k " al £ 3 Hourly Draws Diamond Heart 7 P.m. - 8 P.m and 9 P.m. Pendant and for a pair of concept Earring Set Diamond Stud *59 95 Earrings flimited quantity) 10 Karat Diamond Floating Heart only $0.95 Many more in-store specials! Join us for a cup of mulled cider while you browse. Hooper's Jewellers 3d King St. W. 623-5747 Bowmanville "Your Family Jewellers Since 1945" Open Mon. to Fri. 9-9; Sat. 9- 5 - Free Engraving and Gift Wrapping - tainment that many would travel travel to Toronto to see its equal. An excellent show, congratulations. congratulations. On Sunday, Stuart and Helen Helen Dorrcll hosted their Christmas Christmas with all members of their family present. Joining in the family gathering were Darcy and Laura Dorrcll of Charlton, Annie Dorrcll of New Lis- kcard, Melody and Wilson Rodman of Little Britain and Lisa and Stephen Tufts of Manitoba. Over 450 enjoyed a Pancake Pancake Breakfast at the recreation centre on Sunday at the annual Breakfast with Santa sponsored sponsored by the Blackstock Nursery Nursery School. Winners of the three draws were: Girl's stocking stocking Joceyln Hunt, Boy's stocking stocking Robert Larmerk 20 lbs. turkey turkey Mrs. L. Cobczak. Appreciation is voiced to all who helped make this event such a fine success. Jim Emerton received word at his recent trip to Sunny- brook Hôpital that his major operation has been postponed for six months. There were 16 tables at the Tuesday evening uchre party at the Township (pul last week with the following winners: Douglas Renton, Norman Retirer, Retirer, Carl Gimblctt, George Allison, Allison, Gladys Potts, John Kyer and Ken Eint, Low. Winners of the lucky draws were: Grant Bright, Albert Watts, Clara Warren, Betty Kyer, Nerta Masters, Carl Ferguson and Thomas Manns. Last week Merrill Van Camp, Dennis Yellowlees and Harvey Graham represented this area at the annual convention convention of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture in Toronto. A large number of families were represented at the annual 4-H banquet and awards presentation presentation held on Friday evening, evening, November 29 at Orono. Following the banquet many awards and presentations were made. Local young people involved involved in these presentations included for the completion of six 4-H projects - Jennifer Ar- bucklc, Stacey Swain and Kristen Kristen Warboy. For the completion completion of 12 projects - Heather Goulding, Jennifer Biers, Lisa Gilbank and Heather Malcolm. Jill Van Camp and Ester Kelly along with two others will be travelling to Ottawa on the annual 4-H trip to our capital. capital. Richard Green was presented presented wit the Ted Buttary award for the outstanding 4-H member member who in entering his/her first year at University or College. College. Nancy Green was deemed to be the Outstanding Female 4-H member of Durham. Congratulations to Nancy and Richard on these two special special awards and to all other winners. At the Blackstock United Church regular morning service service members of the Cartwright Cartwright High School Woodwind choir played several numbers before the service and again during the church service. To have your items for this column included in the current week's news, please call by mid-morning on Monday mornings or earlier in the week. Thank you for you continued continued support. Joyce Kelly 986-4257. u.c.w. The U.C.W. met at the church at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27 for their November General Meeting, Meeting, which was opened by reading together the "Prayer of St. Francis." Worship was led by Thelma Wright who took Luke 1: 46- 55 for her Scripture Reading. Two hymns were sung, bringing bringing in the theme of Christian Unity. The video, "Women of Korea", Korea", was shown and discussed. This film was most enlightening enlightening and explained their role in this country, pointing out the differences between the northern northern communist part and the military dominated south. Although Although social services appear to be available in the north, all are politically controlled and many women remain in the lowest paying positions so they arc organizing to bring reform. We were told of the "Peace Ribbon" to be made to help Korean women celebrate 50 years since their liberation from Japan (1945-1995). Many excellent books from the United Church Publishing House were on display and for sale at this meeting and the cheese cake lunch provided by the Evening Unit was luscious. The meeting closed when all joined hands and were led in prayer by our President, Mavis Mavis Brodic. Happenings In Yelverton by Harvey Malcolm (Intended for last week) A number of local residents attended the Lindsay Santa Claus parade and were suitably impressed with everything but the weather. After a week of delightfully balmy weather, Sunday a.m. the weather deteriorated deteriorated and turned much much colder and windy. Drippy nos- 1 cs, shivering children and adults, little ones who had to go "wee-wee" were the order of the day. The floats were most attractive with a wide variety variety of Christmas themes presented. presented. Those responsible arc to be commended for their successful successful initiative. Speedy convalescence to the two local folk who arc currently currently in hospital: to Bethany's .Carl Smith who underwent surgery surgery recently in a Peterborough ■ Hospital we wish a speedy recovery. recovery. Likewise to our close neighbour Mrs. Dale (Nancy) Stinson who entered the Oshawa hospital on Monday for surgery on Tues p.m. Best wishes to both for a full recovery in near future. Enniskillen. News by B. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty, Mrs. Jim Muller, Mrs. Murray Ax ford, Mrs. William Axford, Mrs. Mildred Stainton, Hampton, Mrs. Bessie Bessie Acton, Fairvicw Lodge, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sanderson, Raglan enjoyed the General Motors Choir Christmas Christmas Program at the G.L. Roberts Roberts Collegiate and later enjoyed enjoyed dinner at the Cotter Street, Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sombcr- gcr, Jessica and Alexandra were guests for brunch on Saturday Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robert Doxtator, Peterborough. , Mr. and Mrs. Garth McGill, Brockvillc, Mr. Joe McGill, Mississauga, Mrs. Ralph Virtue Virtue had their Christmas Party with their parents Harvey and May McGill at Hillsdale Man- ■ or on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Cormier, R.R.#1, Janctvillc were birthday birthday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Worry, Donna and Ralph. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn and Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. Ivison Tamblyn, Orono and afterwards to the General Motors Choir's Christmas Concert at the G.L. Roberts Collegiate. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin attended the Baker-Gilmour wedding reception on Saturday evening at Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nimi- gon were guests of C.B. Foster at the Sunny crest Retirement Villa family Christmas dinner. Steve and Lois spent Sunday with Paul and Joanne Ostrow- ski and daughter Haylcy, Mississauga. Mississauga. The committee of Barb Howe, Lois Nimigon and Lois Allow ay for the Senior Citizens Citizens Christmas Dinner on November November 20th wish to thank all those who helped in any way. The dinner was a huge success with 61 guests present. Everyone Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the food and the warm fellowship. We sincerely thank everyone - your co-operation and hard work arc once again appreciated. appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pig- gott were recent supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pig- gott, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Somber- gcr, Alexandra and Jessica enjoyed enjoyed the Santa Claus parade on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doxtator, Peterborough, Peterborough, Jessica and Alexandra met Santa Claus at a party afterwards. afterwards. Mr.' and Mrs. Dick Howe celebrated Rick's birthday with guests Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Bewdley, Debbie and Brad Huggins and family, Peterborough, Peterborough, Tim and Tracy Howe and family, Saintfield, Rick and Sherry Howe and family, Ncwtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pig- • gott attended the 2nd birthday party for Kimberley and Jacqueline Jacqueline Lyon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lyon, Oshawa. Enfield UCW Plans Nativity Carol Service I. Sunday, December 8th - Enfield U.C.W. will be holding their Christmas Carol Nativity Service of Carols. All children of the community are asked to prepare a costume to wear in 1 the nativity. Everyone is welcome. welcome. Refreshments will follow follow and a time of fellowship. II. Wednesday, December 11th, Enniskillen U.C.W. will be holding their Christmas Pot Luck Dinner at the Enniskillen Church at 12:00 noon. All ladies ladies arc asked to bring a main course or a dessert dish to share. III. Sunday, December 15 - The White Gift and Mitten Tree Service will be held at our regular service. IV. Tuesday, December 24th Christmas Eve Service at 7:00 p.m. at both Churches. l.OOO.OOOth General Motors Track! terrT PPFffll Pictured above is Raymond Rabideau, accepting congratulations from Murray O'Brien, Sales Mgr. of Cowan Pontiac-Buick Ltd. and several members of Cowan's sales team. Raymond, a G.M. Truck Plant employee, won the opportunity to purchase the l.OOO.OOOth produced truck, in a draw at the Oshawa truck plant. Murray suggested business is good and he's hoping the next 1,000,000 truck sales won't take quite so long. Nov/s a good time to bay XQtiR new vehicle 2.9% FINANCING ON MOST CAR and TRUCK MODELS. "fisk For Deteils" KING STREET ERST "Same Dealer TELEPHONE 623-3396 Same Location - 22 Years"