The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, December 11,1991 15 Good Attendance at Welcome Church Service Cartwright Students Present Humorous Play Wesleyville News by Edna Barrowclough The first Sunday in Advent was well attended at Welcome United on Sunday December 1. The Sunday School, for many years, has presented that part of the service by a family. Ja- ncllc Kellogg and her grandmother, grandmother, Mary Kellogg, provided provided this first one. With the aid of a microphone, Janclle's voice was heard easily. A candle candle is burning, a flame warm and bright, a candle of Hope in December's dark night, while angels sing blessings from Heaven's starry sky, our hearts prepare now, for Jesus is nigh. Jancllc lit the candle, explained it and closed with prayer. Mary explained the significance of the wreath hung behind the candles, signifying a never ending circle, as God is. One very tall white candle and four smaller ones were arranged in front of a blue background. A white aura surrounded the first candle and when Jancllc attached attached a red centre, it appeared as a burning candle. This chanced nroccdurc arose from the fear of accidents with very What better time to tell our many wonderful friends and . patrons that we wish them the joy of the season alwaysl Our annual Christmas Greetings edition of The Canadian Statesman and The Newcastle Independent, will be published on Wednesday, December 18th. If your company would like to have a Christmas message in this edition, please call 623-3303, or come in to our offices at 62 King Street West, Bowmanville s&t Canadian Statesman Sfje JkfocasUe Kntrepenbent The Canadian Statesman 7&ee6e*ute* young children and live flame. For the children, Rev. Sedgwick Sedgwick referred once again to memorizing the first part of the gospel of John. The part of the lay reader was taken by the whole Sunday School. Rev. Sedgwick's sermon made use of the current discussions concerning concerning convictions which may have been wrong. Jeremiah's promise of judgment to when there will be no error was the theme. Earthly judges may mistake lies for truth but we are assured the deeds of our lives in the final court will be justly judged. The choir's anthem anthem "God has Guided, Thy flock from age to age." The offering was received by John Graham and David Kellogg. Beautiful spruce Christmas trees with twinkling lights made the church look like the Christmas season thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Beatty and Christine Wilson. Thanks especially to Chris for the tree and its fire safe guard., A bright poinsettia added the bright colour. Wasn't Friday November 29th morning absolutely beautiful? beautiful? There could not have been even a breeze when the snow fell, it lay on the deck's railing piled 6 inches deep, even and smooth. Huffy lace draped every tree and bush. One school teacher said the children were wild with delight and we older folk can remember remember our pleasure with the first snow and its promise of snow balls and sliding down hill. This time it didn't stay long. After many weeks in hospital hospital we are delighted to hear, as a result of a scan, Sharon Edey's trouble has been diagnosed diagnosed as an enlarged and crooked disc. She was home for the weekend and will be going back for treatment and we hope it will not be too long and will be successful. Carroll and June Nichols have been enjoying musical treats this past week in which family have been involved. On Tuesday, Nov. 26th they went to Burlington to attend a concert concert that night put on by a private private co-ed school there. Son- in-law John McGuirk is head of the music department there. The school is not residential. They were accompanied by son, Donald. Un Sunday, December December 1st they were in Toronto Toronto to attend a concert presented by a girls' choir which is quite well known there. Their granddaughter, granddaughter, Aliys on Young, sings in the junior section of . that choir. Herb and Evelyn Moorcraft of Bowmanville visited here on Thursday afternoon to bring the first joy of Christmas greetings. greetings. Both have been having serious health problems but we arc delighted they arc both much better. Wesleyville was home to Evelyn's mother, Madge Raby. Among the birds which come to the feeder there is one we do not like to see come, the shrike, even if he is a handsome handsome fellow. He likes flesh better than seeds although I must confess the only time I saw him catch a bird was a poor little thing too weak to fly up to the feeder. There were many around after the snow fall, at least 20 doves one day, so except for silo feeders seeds soon disappeared. Congratulations to Jeannette Jeannette Woodruff whose design was accepted for the Board of Education's Christmas card for 1991. Representatives of Hope township O.T.S. men's club are making their annual calls, bringing a welcome visit, and church calendar. Dec. 2, 1941: Bible study class met at the Thomdykc home on Tuesday evening. Young People's Union on Wednesday evening in the school house with Arnold Thomdykc in charge and the educational talk given by Howard Howard Barrowclough. An afternoon afternoon tea was held at the Richard Richard Best home with proceeds going to the W.A. During the afternoon a Red Cross quilt was completed...during the afternoon afternoon gifts were brought for a parcel for Wilfred Mills who is in the Canadian navy, Six hunters returned from the north with their count of deer. There was a good attendance at Church but all were sorry to hear Rev. R.R. Elliott was called to active service. Plans have been made for a supply till he returns, and each appointment appointment is to be responsible for one service. Blackstock and Area News by Joyce Kelly Congratulations to the students students and staff of the Intermediate Intermediate division of Cartwright Central Public School on an excellent production of "What Every Child Ought To Eat" a very fast moving and humorous humorous play with many acts and settings. Congratulations to the Cartwright Cartwright High School Hockey team members who won three championships last week. First the Scugog championship trophy, trophy, secondly on Wednesday at Newcastle at' the St. Stephens Stephens tournament - first game against St. Mary's C.H.S. won 13-1; next, won over Clark 5- 2; thirdly against St. Stephens won 7-2 and in the championship championship game Cartwright defeated Clarke 8-2, winning the trophy. On Friday, Cartwright High was the top team at a tournament tournament held in Pickering. The first game they tied Pickering 2-2; second game defeated Dennis O'Connor 5-4; and the final game Cartwright defeated Anderson 8-3. Congratulations to the team members and their coaches Eric Fletcher and Peter Fawcett. The public is reminded of the Cartwright High School Drama Nights, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, December 11 and 12 at 8 p.m. when the three one-act plays will be presented presented in the Rcc. Centre. It is always an evening of fun and entertainment. Do support the local school if at all possible. Congratulations to Mr. Jim MacLeod of Ncstlcton, the lucky winner of over $800 in the 50/50 draw held on December December 4 by the Cartwright Central Parents Committee. These fundraising events help in part to install new playground equipment and its maintenance. maintenance. An interesting meeting was held on December 2 by the parents' parents' committee involving some new parents. Various ideas ideas were discussed and grouped together to come up with a list of priorities they felt the school should have. This issue of priorities priorities is currently under review review by the school in order for them to achieve the school's mission statement. The next monthly meeting of Cartwright Central Parents' Committee will be held on Monday, January 6, 1992,7:30 p.m. at the school. All parents arc welcome to attend. Larry Hoskin of Lake Louise, Alberta spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. Muriel Hoskin in her new apartment in Port Perry. On Sunday, his sister Joan and Harvey Graham hosted a family family pre-Christmas gathering. Present were: Muriel Hoskin; Pat Hetcher; Diana and Scott of Port Perry; Ron and Sandra Hoskin, Craig, Shawn and Tracy Tracy of Blackstock; Mark Graham Graham and Shelley Holliday; Larry Larry Hoskin of Lake Louise; Rob Graham of Toronto. There were nine tables at the Tuesday evening card party with the following winners: Myrtle Gimblett, Loma Swain; Grant Bright, Dorothy Archer; Earla Hill, James Emerton and Ella Venning. Lucky draws were won by: Carl Ferguson, Russell Brown, Earla Hill, Albert Albert Watts and Grant Bright. On Saturday evening the annual Port Perry Hospital party party was held in Blackstock Recreational Recreational Centre beginning with a delicious dinner prepared prepared and served by Wilma and Jackie. The remainder of the evening was spent in several several amusing skits and dancing. Many from this area enjoyed enjoyed the performance of Sylvia Sylvia Tyson at the Port Perry Town Hall scries on Saturday evening. Welcome home to the many university and college students who will be returning home for their well earned Christmas vacations. It will be great to have them in the community activities once again. Mrs. Edna Kelly of Bobcay- gcon was a weekend guest of her son Gerald and Joyce Kelly. Kelly. Elaine Kelly of Kitchener was also home for the weekend. weekend. On Monday evening, De- ccmcber 2, 1991, Brown Owl Shirley Dingman and her six assistants conducted Enrollment Enrollment Ceremony for the Third Blackstock Brownie Pack. The Tweenies who were "recycled" into Brownies were Jessica Diamond; Andrea Bon- sma; Stacey McLean; Caitlin Shields; Lacey Slutc; Emily Mills; Abby McLaughlin; Kristy Kristy Brooks and Jennifer Danilko (absent). Girls who received their Golden Bars were Sondra Lackner (absent); Catherine DeJong; Kim Dingman; Carmen Carmen Lishman; Julia 'Martyn; Jessica McLaughlin; Michelle Noseworthy and Lyndsay Swcetman (absent). Girls who received Golden Ladders were: Amy Aldrcd; Brandi Brooks; Lcanna Bryans; Krislyn Bronson; Emily Emily Brown; Candace Cunday; Breannc Foote; Crystal Gara- son; Allison Kadowaki. Congratulations to all of these Brownies, to their parents parents and their leaders. On Sunday evening a dc- lighful Carol Service was held in the Blackstock United Church when the choirs of Ncstlcton United Church, St. John's Anglican and Black- stock United Junior and Senior Choirs all contributed anthems to the programme. Much congregational congregational singing of the many beautiful carols added to a great informal evening of Christmas music. We'll deliver your flyers door to door with our guarantee. Rates $ .04 each 1 ()(),()()() or more $ .03 each We'll increase your business. Just give us a call. rowN's flyi:r 432-6005 A H * * W THE PINK GABTEB \(h:,st. 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