I 22 The Canadian S talesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, January 29.1992 For Your information Fire Safety Coloring Books Now for Students New Strategy to Stop Tobacco Use Health Minister Frances Lankin has launched a comprehensive comprehensive strategy to curb tobacco tobacco use - the leading preventable preventable cause of death in the province. "One in five deaths among adults, plus a massive burden in illness, disability, personal suffering and economic costs arc attributable to this preventable preventable cause," Lankin said. "Since smokers rarely begin their habit after age 20, our top priority must be to prevent our children from becoming addicted addicted to tobacco." The new strategy is part of Ontario's health reform agenda for the next three to five years announced January 16. The purpose of the overall ministry plan is to use health care resources resources more effectively in order order to preserve medicare in a climate of unprecedented economic economic pressures. Ms Lankin said the comp- pclling need for a tobacco strategy was underlined by a report released last fall by Ontario's Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health. Dr. Richard Schabas detailed the effects of tobacco on Ontarians and called for decisive decisive action to reduce tobacco use. The new tobacco strategy has four main elements: 1. TARGETS. The government has formally formally adopted targets for reducing tobacco use proposed by the former Premier's Council on Health Strategy. By the year 2000, the targets targets call for a reduction of at least 50 percent in total tobacco tobacco sales in the province, and by at least 5 percent per year during during the 1990's. The proportion of smokers will also be cut dramatically. The targets also call for: - the percentage of 12 - 19 year olds who smoke to drop from about 19 percent today to 10 percent. - the proportion of women and men who smoke to fall to 15 percent. - the elimination of the use of tobacco by pregnant women. women. The targets also call for schools, workplaces and public places to become smoke-free and an end to all tobacco sales Presenting the Statesman's -vs- -t « Laura Bullock Meet Laura Bullock, a dedicated Canadian Statesman carrier who always manages to complete her rounds, come rain or come shine. Laura was named carrier of the month recently and was presented with a $20.00 bonus. Good work Laura! Laura has been delivering lier newspapers in die Rosalynnc, Rhonda and Doreen Crescent area faithfully since 1987. For Reliable Home Delivery, Telephone 623-3303 CLUES ACROSS I. Den 5. Doctrine 7. Tableland 8. Knoll 10. Requirement II. Roofing material .13, Affront 14, Mend 17, Vertical transport 19. Bluish-white metal 21. Avoids 22. Crape type 23. Mix 24. Tearless CLUES DOWN 2. Traders 3. Not closed 4. Tutored 5. Deranged 0. Thin porridge 7. Destitute 9. Shamed 12. Purged 15. Divorce payment 16. Compelled 18. Evade 20.Jealousy Last Week's Solutions ACROSS I. Dumb 3. Tip 5. Warm 7. Ownership 9. Haul 10, Take 11. Deter 14. Testy 15. Agent 17. Impel 18. Thom 19. Lunge 20. Giddy 23. Deem 25. True 27. Necessary 28. Pail 29. Too 30. Till DOWN 1, Dash 2. Bowl 3. Theme 4. Paste 5. Writ 6. Mine 7. Outspoken 8,Pageantry II.Dying 12.Taped 13.Rally 14.Tot 16,Toe 21. Inert 22. Disco 23. Drip 24, Meal 25. Trot 26. Evil to minors by 1995. The remainder of the strategy strategy contains a scries of measures measures to help meet these targets. 2. COMMUNITY SUPPORT. The Ministry of Health will expand support and funding for community-based tobacco initiatives. initiatives. Tobacco Use Prevention Prevention Programs, which arc mandatory mandatory for Ontario public health units, will benefit from educational resource materials, offering training and technical support through resource centres, centres, and new standards for community action on tobacco. The ministry will also develop develop and fund model community community tobacco programs run by local voluntary agencies, health care professionals, business business and labour groups, and other partners. The ministry will send all schools in Ontario a copy of the recent report on tobacco by the province's Chief Medical Officer of Health. In coming months, learning materials will be prepared for use by teachers, public health professionals, and others to help discourage smoking by young people. The ministry will undertake a province-wide public education education campaign, that will contribute contribute to the prevention of smoking among children, help smokers stop smoking, and eliminate second hand smoke. This campaign will include a combination of TV and print media programs. Ontario will become a funding funding partner with the federal government and other provinces provinces in the National Clearinghouse Clearinghouse on Tobacco and Health. The Clearinghouse provides information information resources and expert advice to clients active in the tobacco, issue. It will provide valuable assistance in implementing implementing Ontario's strategy. The Ministry will establish a behavioural research unit to conduct applied research into effective tobacco programs and policies. 3. LEGISLATION. The Ministry of Health will also examine proposals for an enhanced regulatory framework, framework, including amendments to existing legislation and new legislation to discourage tobacco tobacco use, 4. CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE. Led by the Ministry of Health, a committee of ministries ministries involved in tobacco- related issues will effectively coordinate provincial actions. Ministries such as Labour, which is concerned with smoking smoking in the workplace, and the Attorney General, which now deals with the sale of tobacco to children, will take part. "This committee will provide provide a forum for us to consider all the factors involved as we move to reduce tobacco use," Ms Lankin said. "For example, we must address the legitimate concerns of tobacco growers." "The government recognizes recognizes that the reduction in smoking smoking should not be achieved on the backs of tobacco growers," said Agriculture Minister Elmer Elmer Buchanan. "We believe that it is a matter of fairness and equity that these growers should be assisted in adjusting to lower levels of tobacco consumption." consumption." Ontario tobacco sales account for 16 percent of the provincial crop. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food is negotiating negotiating with the federal government government and the Tobacco market ing Board on a major cost- shared assistance program. Mr. Buchanan expects to announce details of the program before planting begins for the 1992 crop year. The Ministry of Health initiatives initiatives arc expected to cost about S4.S million annually. Ms Lankin said the elements of tobacco strategy would be implemented implemented in stages as details arc finalized. who missed out, to attend. On Wednesday evening I attended an emotional meeting of over 100 hundred injured workers, in Oshawa. They had attended to hear a speech from the Chairman of Worker's Compensation Compensation Board, Mr. E. Dc- Sanli. The way 1 sec it tilings can only get better with the WCB, they don't seem able to get worse. Saturday evening, I spent at Port Perry for the popular popular and regular monthly constituency constituency clinic conducted in the Anglican Church Hall. Until next week take care of yourself. Queen's Park Report From Paged In my reports to you recent- nieiits lor all of those people ly I had attempted to want you of the tough times ahead. Last Tuesday evening the Premier spoke on television to the people people of Ontario. This was the first time ever that the Premier of Ontario had spoken directly to the people. More than 1.5 million adults tuned in (more than watched the Super Bowl) to hear the Premier give some straight talk about the province's province's fiscal outlook and the government's strategy to deal with these tough .times. It wtis also the first time that a government government has opened the province's province's books before a budget. Our government believes it's every Ontarian's right to sec the government's balance sheet - to see how we raise and borrow borrow the money we spend. Cutting back or slashing programs programs and services is not the answer to otir financial problems. problems. We can't abandon people in hard limes. We have to restructure restructure the services people need to find a balance between the cost of these services and what we , can afford. These changes will be difficult, but they are inevitable and if we work together we can bo ready to take advantage of new opportunities. opportunities. This isn't something something any one sector can do alone. Everyone needs to get involved. We all have to work together to find creative ways to maintain services, streamline streamline operations and preserve jobs. It just won't do for us to throw up our arms in total despair despair and "give up the ghost." Last week, I had the pleasure pleasure of escorting the Minister of Transportation the Hon. Gilles Poulict around the riding. We met with the Mayor of Scugog, the Reeve of council of Man- ver's Township, the Mayor of Newcastle and the Board of Directors of Wilmot Creek, hi each case the visit centered upon traffic concerns that I had placed before the Minister on their behalf. With perhaps one small exception, all of the concerns concerns arc to be rectified in 1992. I also spent lime at Queen's Park on committee and also in my preparation as a member of the Select Committee tasked with the investigation of the conduct of the Minister for Northern Affairs the Hon. Shelley Martel. On Tuesday evening I attended the Small Business Seminar arranged by my staff at the Bowmanvillc Court House. Attendance was restricted to 25 - over 100 persons persons registered. We arc attempting attempting to make arrange- tl 'X A lak&X.:. Kg? ' i ■L mmti -- | I - n • ewEiS l '-: ; The Town of Newcastle Fire Department is now passing out locally-designed fire safety coloring books to children in elementary grades. Engelien Wagenaar, Ellen Pokorski, Nicole Verkuyl, Diana Helmus, Lonneke Van Oosterom and Yvonne Sik- ma all have a drawing in the booklet and were awarded $20 gift certificates from Harvey's for their contributions. The coloring book has six important important messages, including the Stop, Drop and Roll method to put out flames when a person's clothing has caught fire. Crimestoppers Elvis is a No Show at Audio-Vision Sale Crime Stoppers and Durham Durham Regional Police need the Public's help in solving a Robbery Robbery which occurred in Whitby on October lllh. At about 8:00 a.m. a female employee was working at the Olco Gas Station at 1519 Dun- das Street East. After preparing a bank deposit, the victim left the business and walked to her vehicle which was parked in the south end of the lot. The victim unlocked her car and opened the driver's door. The victim was then grabbed on the right shoulder and pulled violently violently around, causing her to fall to the ground against a fence. Due to the force of the attack, the victim dropped Ihc deposit bag which was picked up by the suspect. The suspect was last seen mnning in a south cast direction towards the Toys "R" Us plaza. Suspect is described as male, white, 16-20 yrsl old, 5'10", dirty blonde straight shoulder length hair, wearing a black balaclava, black waist length, cloth jacket, dark grey pants and dirty white running shoes. A Re-enactment of his robber robber will be shown on CITY TV, Channel 57, Cable 7 on Thursday, January 30th during the 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. news. It will also be shown on CHEX TV in Peterborough and CKVR in Barrie on Friday, January.31st, again during the news. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1000 for information leading leading to the arrest of this robber. Police feel that several witness- ' es travelling on Glcnhill Drive at the time of the robbery might have seen the suspect. If you have any information regarding this crime or any other criminal offence, call us. As a caller you will never have to give your name or appear in Court. It was the Once in a Blue Moon Sale at Bowmanville Audio-Vision where Dave Johann and his father, Jim, showed up to look over the "bar- goons" on Saturday, Jan. 25. For those of you who showed up looking for Elvis, like our photographer did, he never showed. Maybe next year... HOROSCOPES February 2-8 ARIES - March 21/April 20 Romance and leisure activities will take up much of your time in Ihc opening days of this week. Important decisions might be better left to llte end of the week. You'll be able to think more clearly and come to reasonable conclusions. TAURUS-April 21/May 21 Indications for your health this week arc better than most. Your inner sun should be shining, regardless of what Ihc weather may throw at you. Watch out for new opportunities for advancing your career or improving your image. GEMINI-May 22/Junc21 You could start Ihc week -showing off some of your possessions to your friends and acquaintances (new household appliances or a new car, for instance), and sharing some others others with someone at work. Keep in mind who you lend things to -- they may tend to get lost. CANCER-June 22/July 22 Travel goes well now, and you may make an unexpected journey over water this week, which may allow you some time off for your hobbies. hobbies. The end of the week should be particularly good lor long-term planning, and you could well find that your ideas arc flowing very easily. LEO - July 23/Augtist 23 You may have to make time to see a professional consultant about your finances before you enter into any long-term commitments. Romance could blossom this weekend ami an old friend could he instrumental in a long overdue reconciliation. Take cure toward the end of the week -- you'll be "accident prone." VIRGO-Aug 24/Sept 22 Your commitments to friends and, neighbors coaid grow too heavy for your peace of mind this week, If you arc offered a chance to relax or take a dav off without responsibilities, it might be wise to accept. Offer apologies for your absence at a social event where you might be expected to do all the chores. LIBRA-Sept 23/Oct 23 This week seems to have been specially specially designed to suit creative peo ple. A new assignment should be right up your alley, and it looks as if it will prove profitable as well as pleasurable. There also are favorable conditions for romance; it is, therefore, therefore, an ideal week for starting new relationships with members of the opposite sex! SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 There is happiness and good fortune in the early part of Ihc week. Later on things will become somewhat more difficult, but you will be able to cope. If you wait until Thursday to attempt new ways of "turning an honest penny" you may find it difficult difficult to accomplish. SAGITI'ARIUS -Nov 23/Dcc 21 There should be an exciting beginning beginning to this week involving travel arrangements, but those who arc more set in their ways will view these influences as an annoyance. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Family duties and responsibilities will tend to weigh heavily on your mind this week. Overwork and frustration frustration arc affecting your health, and for your own sake you should seek to unload some of your chores onto someone less busy. AQUARIUS- Jan 21/Feb 18 Your love life will be a source of inner strength to you, and an upturn in your family finances ought to put in an appearance just about now. If you want to obtain a bank loan or mortgage, this might be the lintel PISCES - Feb 19/Mitfch 20 There arc bound to be some ups and downs for you this week, but If you can avoid taking people for granted, you should end the week in a happier happier frame of mind than that in which it began. This uplift will be conducive conducive to financial Improvement as well, so let your personality shine through the early difficulties. YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK The next 12 months: Your life has been so hectic this past year; now it's time to slow things down a bit. If you lake a step back and really evaluate your life, good tilings will happen. The arts and creativity figure prominently; especially where career is concerned. That dream job may be closer than you think! Hooper s Jewellers Sweetheart & F o Don't break your loved one's heart by forgetting them this Valentine's. Break-a-Balloon and save morel Each balloon has a discount inside. SAVE an aditional 10% to 30% off from Jan. 31st. to Feb. 14th. fexcept repairs and sale items) SN Goldsmith on Premises Custom Designs and Re-mounts. All repairs done on premises i>V, if %% XL V, & dl\ fit % % e Oo © I F U ■m tgV'q; <s* N ■ whvsPx * _ l\ « 0 ° 0 * %: l\® \ Chance to win a Romantic Dinner for 2 with every purchase Hooper's Jewellers 39 Kins St. W„ Bowmanville 623-5747 Free Engraving and Gift Wrapping Store Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9 to 6 Fri. 9 to 9 Sat. 9 - 5