Spaghetti Supper Held at Trinity Church t 7ttannfaye s The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, April 14,1993 5 Order of the Apron Presented to Pancake Chef at St. Paul's Tracy Lee Virgin and Daniel Joseph Joseph Russell, along with their parents, parents, are pleased to announce their forthcoming marriage. Wedding to' take place June 26, 1993. Trinity United Church in Bowmanville held its Annual Spaghetti !. Supper on Saturday, April 3. The meal was prepared and served by - the Jack and Jill Trinity United Church group. Kitchen helpers Ray > Elliott and Marlene Buttery are pictured above as they dole out the tasty pasta and sauce. More than 225 attended. Pianist Verity Frudi- ger provided the entertainment. Three Students to Display Projects At National Science Fair in Spring ; Three students from the Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education will head to the Canadawide Canadawide Science Fair this spring. Sarah Torrance, a grade 13 student student at Campbellford District High 1 School, captured a gold medal at the recent regional science fair for her project entitled "Free Radicals." This project explained the chemical chemical term "free radical." > Î • John Hayden, a grade seven stu dent at the Burnham Public School in Cobourg, won for his project entitled entitled "The Ninth Meal." It involved e search for the best insulating material material for a hot meal sent to die ninth person on the delivery list for Meals on Wheels. Amy Wakelin and Amy Morton, Grade Seven students at Murray Centennial, earned top honors for their project entitled "insulation." It investigated the best insulation material for clothing. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Temperance and Church St. Bowmanville 623-3432 SUNDAY. APRIL 18TH, 1993 Worship Service Sunday School and Nursery Available 1 1:00 a.m. Come end celebrate. Minister: Rev. Harvey Osborne. B.A., M.Div. 623-0009 St. John's âttfiditatt Cfmnb Temperance St. S., Bowmanville SUNDAY, APRIL 18TH, 1993 Easter I 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Note: Every Wed. 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying on of Hand* for Healing R»ctor -Tha Ravarand Canon Byron Yataa, B.A., S.T.B. The Salvation Army Bowmanville Citadel 75 Liberty St. S. CHURCH SERVICE TIMES 9:30 a.m. - Family Christian Education >, (Sunday School) v 11:00 a.m.- Holiness Worship 6:30 p.m.- Praise Service y Come and join us at a Community Church where Christ makes • the difference. ft For more Information call 623-3761 Corps Ollicers/Pastors: Captain and Mrs. G. Cooper TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone office Phono 623-3912 623-3138 Rov. Frank Lockhart M.A., M.Div., M. Th, SUNDAY, APRIL 18TH, 1993 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship "Living the Easter Faith" Sunday School nvnilnblo for nil ngos. Nursery Available A Warm Welcome to All Visiloru §>t. haul's Minlslor: Rov, N.E, Schnmoihom, 0 A„ M, Div, Organist: Mr. Dougins Dowell Church Socrulnty: Union Mclnnos G23-730I SUNDAY, APRIL 18TTI, 1993 11:00 a.m. "The Byo of Faith" Sunday School for nil Ages Nursery Cure For Pre-School Children Every Sunday If you're new to BowmimvUle, we Invite you to make fit. Paul'e your ohuroh hbme. Eldad UCW Holds Meeting for Easter Mid a setting of palm branches: and symbols of Holy Week, Donna opened the Easter meeting of Eldad U.C.W. with a reading about the 1 most popular symbol of Easter "The' Egg". Lois Yellowlees and Joyce Taylor presented our topic and worship. LENT is a journey to the edge. Fragrant Fragrant Oil anointed Jesus, Food for the journey - Cup of wine, unleavened bread and fruit. At the crossroads the Candle is the symbol of light. Clay is like our bodies and minds and can be molded into beautiful and useful ■items. Nails can be used for many things and were used on the cross. The Cross and the Crown of Thoms depicted Jesus Crucifixion. But then we were reminded that Easter is a time for celebration and joy in the resurrection of our Lord. It is also a new beginning and the coming of Spring. We sang several hymns all pertaining pertaining to the symbols we had heard about. The Easter stoiy was also scriptures depicting the symbols and taking us through Holy Week. Donna then conducted the business. business. We were reminded of the Bay of Quinte Conference, April 14 and 15 at Pickering United Church. Quin- Mo-Lac September 10-11-12. Ecumenical Ecumenical Dinner at Zion May 11, at 6:30 p.m. Meeting closed with prayer and a social time enjoyed. Viola Ashton Press and Archives The male members of St. Paul's United Church became pancake chefs and servers on Sunday morning, morning, ready and eager to feed several hundred hungry parishioners in the spacious Sunday School room. This year, the Reverend Ed. Schamerhom joined them to congratulate Ken Hossack who was presented ' with the Order of the Apron. There was a touch of sadness at this event because this may well be the last Easter service here for Mr. Schamerhom who is retiring for health reasons later this year, following 20 years of a productive ministry at St. Paul's, Speaker at Fellowship Banquet Recalls Pain of Losing Integrity Two Shifts to Remain Until Fall of 1993 For GM Plant General Motors of Canada Limited Limited today advised employees at its Oshawa #1 Car Assembly Plant that due to increased dèmand for the current current Chevrolet Lumina and Buick Regal Regal the plant will continue to operate on two shifts until the planned conversion conversion to the next generation Chevrolet Chevrolet Lumina in the Fall of 1993. Employees had previously been advised that plant #1 would operate on one shift beginning this Spring and continue on one shift through the Summer and Fall of 1993. The reduction reduction to one shift would have affected 1,450 employees. George Pcapplcs, president and general manager of General Motors of Canada, said, "The current forecast forecast for retail sales of Chevrolet Lu- minas and Buick Régals in Canada and the U.S. is more optimistic, and along with a noticeable strengthening of the economy, has given us the opportunity opportunity to continue with two shifts in Plant #1. "We anticipate that we can best meet the market demand, and minimize minimize the impact on our employees by continuing to operate on two shifts. However, because of some short tenn uncertainty in the market, wc anticipate anticipate that there may be weeks taken out of the production schedule between between now and the planned Fall conversion conversion for the 1995 Lumina later this year." by Laura J. Richards If people cannot be open and honest about how they live, then they have lost their integrity, said the keynote, speaker at the Full Gospel Gospel Business Men's Fellowship banquet banquet on Saturday night, April 10. "Losing your integrity is a very painful thing," Richard Dortch, the former president of the PTL Club, told over 100 people. "It seems like a dream. I still can't believe it myself," Mr. Dortch said. Mr. Dortch was convicted of mail fraud in 1990 and was released in June 1991. Mr. Dortch discussed memories he had of the media following him wherever he and his family went before before his conviction. "The press pack went with us whenever we went out of the house," he recalled. Y' "When you lose your integrity, there will always be someone there to collect." However, he pointed out that he was not the first man of God to lose his integrity. Abraham was one of those people people who lost his integrity, he said. Abraham was described as a prophet, prophet, a holy man, a mighty man of God. He told the story about Abraham telling a person that Sarah (his wife) was his sister and Sarah saying Abraham was her brother. "Abraham lied. He knew he was lying. He knew exactly what he was doing. "If that happened today, it would be screaming in the newspaper headlines." Mr. Dortch went on to talk about what the ultimate dishonesty to God would be. "The ultimate dishonesty could be for someone who walked with God for three years and then turn their backs on him." That is what Simon Simon did to Jesus, he said. People have two faces or personas, personas, he pointed out. "All of us arc a composite of two people. One is the public persona that is shown at church, to neighbors and to our spouses. "The second is the private persona. persona. No one knows what I do behind closed doors. "I can run risks, live on the edge. "When I do with my private world what I do with my public life Capsule Comments with Neale McLean, Phm. Intcroiting rcnilis from a study of female smokers: 25% stopped smoking completely when they became pregnant while the majority reduced their consumption by half. Tills Is a big Improvement over results 15 years ago, so the message Is gctdng through. Caffeine Is chemically related to die broncliodllator that doctors prescribe for asdima patients. One Interesting story told of a mild asthmatic who started wheezing and didn't have her medicine with her. She quickly drank 4 cups of coffee and found that the wheezing subsided sufflclendy until she got home. Fresh fruits are good for us. Recently, a study found that these six fruits had the highest percentages of the dally allowance of nutrients, Listed from die top fruit (with comparative quantities) papaya (1/2), cantaloupe (1/4), strawberries (I cup), oranges (I), tangerines (2) and kiwi (I), Consumers are a fickle lot. A Californian survey found that over half die pesticides used on oranges were solely for cosmetic purposes. People like oranges that are all orange (no green), even iltough they taste the same. Sort of true for apples, too. Pharmacists are die most accessible of all health professionals, At Bowmanville Clinic Pliarmacy we are always ready to answer your medication questions. Give us a try! Pharmacist Orthotlst Bowmanville Clinic Pharmacy Ltd, 222 King St. East Bowmanville, Ont. F i cq Deliveries (416) 623-7611 --that's integrity." Viewing the audience as if he were sizing them up, Mr. Dortch went on to say: "A Christian will tell you what he wants to tell you. Most people will tell you as much truth as they have to." _ In describing the private and public public personas everyone has, Mr. Dortch said: "If you can't testify about it--don't do it." The crowd rewarded that statement statement with several "murmurs of "Amen" and "Praise the Lord." Shame is the reason why we keep secrets, Mr. Dortch said. An antidote antidote for shame is the truth. "I've never been embarrassed to tell the truth," he said. Pointing to several politicians in the United States, he said,"We expect expect politicians in America to lie." A voice from the crowd of business business men replied, "And in Canada too." He reviewed the last several presidents presidents by saying: "Richard Nixon... Now, he could tell a lie. Ronald Regan Regan could tell the difference. Clinton Clinton said: 'We will never tax the middle middle class." "No job is worth having if you have to lie. "When you live with lies, they can slowly take over, he said. After a while one begins to believe that die lies are truth. "Slowly, over time, we start believing believing things we want to believe. Wc think we are untouchable. Wc get caught up in our own self- importance," Mr. Dortch observed. To find out and know the difference difference between right and wrong, "let the peace of God rule in your heart," Mr. Dortch said. Throughout the appreciative audience audience were exclamations of "Amen." "You know what changed me," asked Mr. Dortch? "I brought pain to my brothers and sisters. "Tonight, I ask your forgiveness. "I live daily with that shame. "Prison is easy compared to be ing rejected by your brothers and sisters." Another set of "Amens" rippled through the crowd. Mr. Dortch looked at the crowd as if trying to see deep within their souls and said, "Don't try to make it up to the Lord -- he's going to try to make it up to you. "There is nothing you can ever do that will make God stop loving you." Mr. Dortch ended his speech with a prayer session for those in attendance. attendance. Richard Dortch, the former Praise president of the PTL Club, spoke at the Durham Christian Business Men's Fellowship banquet banquet on Saturday, April 11. Mr. Dortch served 15 months in the Eglin Federal Prison Camp, a minimum security prison near Pensacola, Florida. He spoke on the subject of "Integrity -- How I lost it, and my journey back." Mr. Dortch spoke with humor and firm affirmation that no one- should ever do anything that they could be ashamed of. Sat Our Compléta lint of tfSIk Paint 4 Accessories ihaws Location Only wa I Ipapcr centré OSHAWA WtlnKMitS. (Jv«9*vtii»U«Sn) 5W6SS AJAX JTHiiweedAvt.S, litMlftHoy ItftdMt W-OW SCARBOROUGH TtlMwkhim/W, InlS* MnWMtriu* Ul-L U IMUII.UAT 1IIIIUAT UK. MIS UNI II MINI'