LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, June 16,1993 19 All Round Cord Presentation for Bowmanville Girl Guides Concern for Downtown Stores Dear Rick: I noticed last night while out for a walk that there arc 11 recently vacated vacated stores in the downtown area. I think that the members of the DBIA would better serve the community in finding out what is lacking in the downtown area at this point, and try and fix it rather than spending time and money being negative about the west end plans. If stores continue to close at the present rate and the west end investors investors are totally turned off and withdraw withdraw their plans because of the bureaucratic bureaucratic interference, we will be in great shape as a community, won't we? At that point every single dollar will go to cither Oshawa, Pickering or even Peterborough. Let's not forget that not only docs variety keep the people here, it also provides some tax dollars as well, which we are probably very much in need of. I have always, and will continue continue to believe that competition is healthy and keeps us on our toes to always do the best we can and a reminder reminder that we must strive every single single day to make that person, no matter matter how much or how little he or she spends, want to return to sec us because because we made them feel appreciated and valued. We also have to consider the fact that we arc a working world now, at least for those of us still fortunate enough to have a job and I think a good part of the attraction to these types of stores in addition to the previously previously mentioned variety etc., is the hours available. If you work 9 to 5 Monday through Friday or later, how NDP Candidate Reacts To Government Policies Letter to the Editor: First, the federal Conservative- government took aim at the unemployment unemployment insurance system, at a time when 1.6 million Canadians are out of work. Now, instead of doing something to help the 4.2 million poor Canadians, they're trying to redefine redefine poverty. I was shocked to read recently how a parliamentary subcommittee boycotted by our Party recommended that the government develop a new way of measuring poverty. For the record, it is estimated that Canadians livjng in poverty went from 877,000 people in 1980 to 4.2 million in 1991. Of these, 1.1 million arc children, or an estimated 1 out of every 6 children in Canada. It seems to me that this government's government's only solution to reducing poverty is to find another way to measure it, rather than addressing the , issues that cause it. It is also interesting to note that while Canada's poorer have become even poorer in the last decade, the rich arc getting richer. According to the National Forum on Family Security, Security, the bottom 20% (incomes below $25,200) experienced a decrease in income from 6.5% to 6.4%, a loss of about $0.4 billion. The top 20% (over $74,200) increased their share from 38.3% to 40%, giving them $6.6 billion billion more of Canada's total family income income in 1991. Also appalling arc comments from the committee's chair that poverty numbers may be over-exaggerated and a questioning of the users of food banks. But then again, this is an election election year and it is a lot easier to change a fonnula to make the problem problem seem less serious than to deal with the real causes of poverty - especially especially when most of the country's problems stem from nine years of Tory fiscal mismanagement. Even if you find another way of measuring poverty, the fact remains that Canadians arc hurting and they need a government that cares. They need a government that recognizes Canadians' right to jobs and human dignity and the financial security that accompanies a job. The same day the chair of the subcommittee subcommittee on poverty released its report, report, New Democratic Party Leader Audrey Mclaughlin tabled a bill entitled entitled an Act to Provide for Full Employment Employment in Canada. This proposed legislation is based on the Federal NDP Jobs Plan, a Strategy for a Full Employment Economy, released earlier earlier this year. Local residents wanting more information information about the NDP Jobs Plan should call (416) 986-5441. Sincerely, Lucy Rybka-Bcckcr Federal NDP Candidate Durham Happy 25 th Anniversary Anne Marie and George t'Al Colin, Mom, Auntie Nora, Marlene and Dave and Family, ^ MarlcanAmil^J do you get done what needs to be accomplished accomplished between 5 and 6 o'clock? You also never go to their door and find a note saying back in 5, 10 or whatever minutes, only to stand there and find out what that really meant maybe, because 20 have gone by and still no return! This is not meant to be a putdown of the smaller merchant, only- to make you think. Why am I not getting getting the business? What can I do to improve myself and what can I offer to those people I dearly need to come to my shop? Perhaps this little bit of soul search would serve you and your customers better, and much better that time be spent to improve your own business rather than time spent trying to prevent someone clse's. With that effort and the implementation implementation of such a plan it would surely not hurt, and could only help by giving giving what the large stores do not give, and that is SERVICE and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. I personally don't always remember remember the merchandise I saw in a store, because often the same is available in several stores, but I sure do remember remember that person that made sure I was well served and invited me back, whether I purchased something or not. If you don't have what the person person is in need of and can't substitute something of equal or comparable value but know where else they could get it, say so. They will remember your help and probably tell the other merchant of your suggestion, and hopefully in the future your consideration consideration will be returned by both parties involved, And on that note I must say that I also remember the store that I entered who never even acknowledges acknowledges the fact that I have entered the store. I acknowledge - them by never returning. The majority of these being being out of town stores. In closing, just let me say that if you do your very best, are fair and competitive, then the rest is up to us. To ensure that our town does not become become another "DOWNTOWN GHOST STREET", support the local person who is really trying, get out and support the projects that they introduce introduce to spark our attention. Sincerely, Carol A. St. Denis P.S. Went for a drive last night - sure not impressed with the state of our waterfront. We don't even seem to have access to the East Beach to walk along the shoreline anymore. How come? : \ There was a special ceremony for these 3rd Bowmanville Company Girl Guides who were not only Bridging to Pathfinders on June 9th, but were also being presented with their All Round Cords, a special honor because they will be among the last Guides to receive such honors. They are, 1-r, front row, Krista Krista McCreary, Kaitlin Wilson; back row, Jodie Nimigon, Laura Holmes, Melissa Judson and Michelle Hayes. W 1 tielwW endentl iSkatets do \Vc' dlatfuv .1303 ! iridgc The Canadian Statesman | fema&mn fflattgman | Highway 407 Not Needed in Newcastle Former Lumber Store. iRoadbiock Zoned as Flea Marker gvign Newcastle. J an may be Canadian S'ates^ evjcastte îtoC dettaVhatfP* 6 - fcdependent» aUeveiy Distributed by ^ contto lled 7e/ e Opposition to Higfiway Plans H.H* 1) 4 IW Wf -- More Ban S322,600 1 Written Off in Taxes OhmttftWvf | VU Muer» I A family owned weekly newspaper serving Bowmanville and surrounding communities since 1854. Full news and sports coverage for everyone in the family. Published every Wednesday with a paid circulation of 6,000. ftoi ms T °wn of IVeu/n upcomi ^ZZ flyer. s 0r fids. are produced fey James Publishing Co. Ltd. in Bowmanville. The Canadian Statesman, The Newcastle Independent, and The Weekender, are the ONLY NEWSPAPERS that are produced and printed locally, by local people, for local people. We care about our community, because WE LIVE HERE! Your Business Partner, Neighbour and Friend Since 1854. James Publishing Company Limited 62 King St. West 623-3303 Bowmanville