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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1993, p. 23

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) Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, October 27,1993 A Weekly Report from the Village of Newcastle Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago - 987-4201 Cake Cutting Marks 1st Birthday Celebrations at Canadian Tire - ■ ■ ■ On Friday afternoon we were invited invited by friend Cathy (Metraillcr) Vasseur to go to the Newcastle Public Public School grounds at recess to hear her uncle Henri Mouron play his Al- penhom. Henri, his wife Janine, their daughter Muriel and her daughter Joëlle had been visiting their son and family in Quebec province and Me- trailler relatives in Ontario. Following Following his performance, the family were on their way home to Mont Pelerin, Switzerland. This musical treat was indeed a contrast in interest on Blue Jays Day for Adrian Vasseur. But, what about that Saturday night game between the Phillies and the victorious Jays! On Wednesday evening, October 20th, the Orono and District Fiddle Club provided another evening of entertainment entertainment at the Newcastle Community Community Hall. Mark November 17 on your calendar for their next perfor- ! mancc. On Thursday evening at the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall, the Newcastle Newcastle Seniors met. for their evening of cards. The winners of the card games were; 1st Carl Todd, 2nd Brenton Rickard, 3rd Stan Powell, 4th Leslie Alldred, 5th Margaret Todd and 6th Tom Wilson. Lucky draw winners were: Phyllis Millson, Vi Hayward, Edgar Millson, Eva Smith, Carl Todd, Marie Pedwell, Morley Flint- . off, Stan Powell, Ron Burley, Bessie Dean and George Buckley. The Seniors Seniors meet next on November 18. Miss Alana Ough, Ajax, spent the weekend with her grandparents, Bette ; and Win Collier. Mr. Harry Wade was a Sunday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade, Port Hope. Mabel remains a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. We extend sympathy to relatives and friènds of Mr. Kirk Entwistle, • Newtonville, who passed away on the weekend. On Wednesday Mrs. Mildred Pye- Finch, Scarborough, spent the day with her mother, Mrs, Gladys Wood. On Tuesday evening attendants at 1 the Newcastle Horticultural Workshop Workshop very much enjoyed the evening. Mrs. Marjorie Caswell very capably . taught participants the art of making : paper dolls. Apple and pumpkin pie 8 were enjoyed for lunch. On Monday evening the Newcastle Newcastle Lioness Club met in the Lions "Den of the Newcastle Community Hall. There was a good attendance at this meeting. Guest speaker was Hazel Hazel Crago who displayed buttons and read the history of buttons. The speaker was presented with a gift by Lioness Kay Powell. In attendance was Lioness President of District A3, Marilyn Maloney, of Marmora. Birthday greetings to Patti Andrews, Andrews, Greg Wade, Margery Freethy, Ron Munro, Donald Parker, Philip Woo, Marilyn Walton and Stanley Powell. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Helen Webster whose funeral was held on Friday, October ,22,1993. We extend congratulations to Sherry Lee Wright, daughter of Karen Karen and Donald Wright who was •awarded a Business Education Certificate Certificate and was also a recipient of the Ruddock and Rena Waddell Scholastic Scholastic Bursaty at Clarke High School Commencement. Sherry Lee is studying studying Early Childhood Education at Durham College. Also receiving the Waddell Bursaries Bursaries were Nina Darrach, daughter of George Darrach and Sheila Van Dyke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Van Dyke. Congratulations, girls, and all the best in your future endeavours. endeavours. Sunday dinner guests of Bertha nd Ron Powell were Floyd Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell accompanied a Port Perry group on a bus tour to Stratford where they enjoyed the Mikado. Joel Charles Molica was baptized at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Orono, on Sunday, October 24th. Joel is the son of Shelley and Dominic Dominic Molica and brother of Luke; proud grandparents Gloria and Charles Gray. God-parents arc Sonya and Gary Pratt of Oshawa. The Reverend and Mrs. Doug Hall returned to help with the service which was conducted conducted by the Reverend Robt. Hartley. Shelley, Joel's mom, sang a beautiful solo during the service. All returned to the Molica home at 23 Rcrni Court, Newcastle, for dinner. On Thursday evening Lioness Club President Jean Rickard and members Betty Blakcr, Pauline Storks, Lynn Lovckin and Kathleen Powell attended the Cobourg Lioness 40th anniversary of their charter night. Saturday visitors with Mrs, Elizabeth Elizabeth Skclding were Jack and Nan Skclding, Port Perry and Bill and Mary Skclding Newtonville and Raymond Raymond Chapman. Last Wednesday John and Wilma Scott visited Mr. and Mrs, Ken Morrow, Morrow, Kristy and Lauren, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Oshawa, enjoyed Sunday supper with his mother, Gladys Wood. Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Robin Alldred were Doug and Barry Rowe, Annette and Jenna Nugent, Nugent, Bowmanville. If you are concerned about Power of Attorney work as described In pa pers lately, come out to Newtonville Ladies Fellowship meeting on Tuesday, Tuesday, November 2nd at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Barry Walters of Pollitt, Walters and Dizenbach, will be'guest speaker. There is also a Hallowe'en Dance at Newtonville Hall on Saturday October October 30lh at 8:30. Music by Orono Fiddle Club, Costumes, prizes and a good time! St. George's Anglican Church On Sunday, October 24 there were two services at St. George's Anglican Church. Holy Communion was celebrated celebrated at eight and Morning Prayer at eleven, The Reverend Robt. Hartley's Hartley's sermon at 11 was on what future future generations may expect of the Church. In the absence of Mr. Hartley on October 31st, the Reverend Leonard Ware of Cobourg will celebrate Holy Communion at 8 and Lay Reader Oakley Peters will conduct Morning Prayer at eleven o'clock. United Church At Newcastle United Church on Sunday, October 24, Mrs. Shirley Coyle led the worship service. Sunday Sunday School Superintendent Kathy Ewert announced the United We're Awesome program being held for children from Grade 1 to 13 on November November 17 at Northminster United Church. For her ministry of laity sermon, sermon, Mrs. Coyle chose the title We Can Make a Difference (through God's Love). Bible Study groups meet Wednesday Wednesday mornings at 10 in the Board Room and at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Ann and Dave Cox. Sunday October 31st children are invited to wear Hallowe'en costumes and collect coins for UNICEF. The Sunday School staff meet at the home of Steve and Patti Selby at 8 o'clock on Tuesday, November 2nd. Turkey supper tickets are available available from Kay Kimball or Marjorie Paterson. Newcastle Community Bowling Ladies League Betty Major 199, 245, 221, Marilyn Marilyn Major 216, 217, 181, Loma Crockett 194, 196, Shelley Rivers 181, Linda Norrish 208, Bernice Henderson 188, 202, Kim Robinson 195, 176, Marion Martin 179, 195, Shirley Adams 237, 240, Beth Stacey 189,215,194, Mary Pierik 239, Nancy Nancy Bell 185, 240,183. Tuesday Seniors Marion Allin 151, Stan Allin 165, 167, Marg Burley 165, Ron Burley 156, Vance Cooper 168, Loma Crockett 196, 218, Mary Foster 156, Marie Gibson 160, 167, Jenny Hicks 162, Alice Hopson 153, 155, Roy Hayward 164, Albert Pearce. 176, .216, Eleanor Perrin 174, 179, Joyce Stacey 171, John Thome 238, 201, June Wilson 162. Thursday Mixed League Wes Forget 191, 180, 204, Joe Forget 237, 226, 211, Mary Jane Dillon Dillon 215, Donna Mendonca 223, Sharon Sharon Saxby 194, Garry Saxby 213, 255, 183, Jackie Kindratiuk 207, 257, Bill Brown 309, 203, Betty Richards 212, C. Anderson 184, M. Mears 177, Tom Kindratiuk 183, Greg Forget 229, Ken Boyd 182, 176, 238, Joe Mendonca 227, Jean Hall 228, 204, Chris Nicholson 211, K. Jury 258, Fae Forget 185, 192, Ted Ritchie 191, 228, 222, Kathryn Brown 208, Dorella'Chard 178. Youth Bowling Sara Castellano 140, Chris Drury 135, 204, Richard Pearce 132, 182, Cindy Woodrow 105, Steven Grant 188, 171, Nick Brown 150, 207, Jenna Jenna Higgins 104, 103, Jeff Sparrow 136, 162, Dave Michaud 123, 128, Kevin Waterfall 121, 149, Michelle Alldread 145, 130, Lyndsey Holmes 203, 108, Nathan Coyle 202, 170, Casey McSwain 117, 100, Kelly Holmes 157, 114, Krystal Walden- sperger 120, Shannon Hannigan 113, 128. Seniors Amanda Storks 198, 123, Shannon Shannon Saxby 158, 143, Jacki Green 200, 141, Rene Mathias 158, 104, Chris Mathias 145, 143, Stephanie Formosa 132, 134, Troy Hendry 122, Jason Orwood 151, Josh Chiusolo 100,103, Richard Martin 115,134. Intermediates Shane Holliday 119, Robert Walton Walton 172, 102, Carly Schmahl 109, 105, Jordan Schmahl 109, 112, Jesse Thompson 121, 93, Brett Griffin 82, Julie Brown 127, 141, Dana Sparrow 83, 100, David Guthrie 137, 134, Tom Moore 115, Leanne Decker 80, 78, Brian Trotman 115, 124, Craig McManus 102, 87, Ben Koslik 113, 87, Kevin Formosa 81, 81, Nick Shkordoff 105, 100, Burke Cooke 121, 153, Jackson Field 78, 79, Tim Hales 78, 117, Brant Saunders 158, 161, Ryan McCracken 170, 184, Adam Preece 86,93, Glendon Precce 79, 94, Sean Higgins 125, 137. Juniors Lara Shkordoff 72, 78, Andrea Pears 81, 94, Crystal Leca 58, 79, Leah Thompson 110, 89, Bailey Duetta 85, 128, Rachel Pears 85, 88, Doug Walton 112, 113, Sarah Whyte 141, 125, Travis Gendron 113, 58, Melissa Carter 130, 76, Jason Griffin 149, 103, Spencer Field 104, 71, Cara Dwyer 84,88, Derek Henderson 80,77. Novices Sarah Smolsky 58, Kyle Titterton 43, Justin Galea 25, Jenny Thompson 60, Nicholas Holt 67, Laura Anne Dwyer 34, Bradley Mendonca 61, Daniel Mendonca 86, Holly Foster 84, Michael Kameka 90, Ashlcigh Storks 60, Ashley Gendron 63, Amanda Bowles 103. Staff at Canadian Tire served slices of birthday cake to customers and employees during celebrations of their first anniversary at the superstore on Hwy. 2. Pictured above cutting the cake are Phyllis Bro- mell (left), who has been working with Canadian Tire for 19 years, and dealer Norm Kane (centre). Happenings from Tyrone and Area By Jacqueline Vaneyk Sympathy is extended to Rae and Norma Wilkins and to Elisabeth Wilkins on the passing of Clint Bigelow Bigelow last week. Mr. Bigelow lived on Manvers Road for many years before moving into the village and then to Strathaven. He would have been 90 in January. Congratulations to Jim and Lori Woodley on the birth of their new little little one. Travelling seems to be the thing this last month. Marion and A1 Hoar had a good trip to British Columbia. Rae and Norma Wilkins visited the east coast. By the time you read this, May and Walter Loveridge and Kris and Joy Vaneyk will be home from visiting relatives in England, and Murray and Arlene Yeo will be back from touring in Australia. The 4H Awards program was held on Saturday evening in Orono. It was really encouraging to. see all the young people who participated. Leaders Leaders and parents are to be commended. The GM choir will be giving a concert in Tyrone church on Saturday, Saturday, November 6. Anyone who heard them here two years ago, will realize how much the great acoustics of our church add to their superb performance. performance. See Coming Events for further further information. United We're Awesome is a day for children at Kingsview church in Oshawa on November 17. Children of school age may register with Pat or John Vooys. Everyone who attends attends will be counted as present for that day at regular school. The plans sound interesting! Michelle Hofman will be staying with us as our fulltime supply minister minister until April 10th, subject to Presbytery Presbytery approval. She has worked as part-time supply for six weeks, and we arc enjoying her friendly, helpful style. Don't know how the election went, but aren't you glad it's over? I was reading Professor Squair's book on Darlington and Clarke in preparation for our church anniversary. anniversary. Did you know that Bethesda School was once called Jardine's school? The Jardine family lived in the area many years ago. Unfortunately Unfortunately all the school records were destroyed destroyed when the school burned in the late Fifties. The "new" school is now a home. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NOTICE TO ALL RESIDENTS AND PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY ON September 27th, 1993 By-law 93-144 was passed by Council Being a By-law to Regulate the Clearing Away and Removal of Snow and Ice From Roofs of Buildings and from Sidéwalks within the Municipality of Clarington. The Principal Provisions of the By-law are as follows: - every owner/occupant is to ensure sidewalks abutting their property are cleared of snow/ice within 12 hours after a fall of snow, rain, or hail; - if sidewalk remains slippery, suitable material must be spread to alleviate hazard; - sidewalks must be kept free of slippery surfaces, snow, slush or ice, between falls of snow, rain or hail; - if sidewalks are not cleared and kept cleared, the Municipality may have the work done and any resulting costs assessed against the owner; - no notice need be given prior to work being carried out. CLEARING SNOW AND ICE MAKES THE MUNICIPALITY'S SIDEWALKS SAFER FOR ALL PEDESTRIANS. CS-Ind. #2995 XÿÿS «•y.vS ilfuFUOOn CONNECTION That's right! | Super savings on carpet, vinyl and hardwood flooring. No matter what your choice, you will find what you want at your Floor Connection dealer. Now's the time to acquire the very best flooring and enjoy Super Savings, too. Come in today and see for yourself. SALE ENDS OCTOBER 30,1993 •Certification mark of E.l. duPont de Nemours and Company DU PONT CERTIFIED ^ STMNMASTtK-- CARPET Certified & warranted by DU PONT for 5 years... made from the finest quality , , j F nylon... only from DU PONT. • Classic looking texture carpet ^ • Lifetime warranty against static shock Reg. $18.95 sq. yd. if w || JS, sq. yd. .. l ......i PARAGON REGAL CREST • Carved textured carpet • Unmatched in Beauty Reg. $27.95 sq. yd. tI DUPONT CERTIFIED ARB Certified & warranted by DU PONT for 5 years... made from the finest quality, nylon... only from DU PONT. • Tailored Saxony • 20 Different colours. Reg. $18.95 sq. yd. CoIOIKt FAIRVIEW i hyi, Ü Bag B •• hi sq. yd. MAWINGTON, VEGA II No wax vinyl High gloss wear layer 5 year warranty Reg. $13.95 sq. yd. sq. yd. 1-800-265-6871 FLOOR COVERING Hwy. 2 (2 miles east of Port Hope) (905) 372-3331

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