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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1993, p. 23

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Happenings from Enniskillen and Area by Betty Wright The Enniskillen U.C.W. hosted the Annual Seniors dinner on Wednesday the 17th at a noon dinner in the Sunday School room. The guests were greeted at the church door by Edgar and Annie Wright. Our President, Lois Nimigon, expressed expressed a welcome to everyone and Ralph Werry brought greetings from our minister Michelle Hofman, who was unable to be with us. Ralph asked the blessing and we were then served a delicious roast beef dinner with all the trimmings and a variety of desserts to suit every taste. After dinner we enjoyed singing some of the old familiar Christmas carols led by Ruth McGill with Annie Annie Wright on the key board. We then played some fun games of Bingo, with several people winning prizes. There were about 50 present, we all were glad to have a visit with those we seldom see. We missed those unable unable to be with us. Our afternoon closed with everyone singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas", and an invitation to be here again next year. The Enniskillen Sunday. School Pageant and White Gift and Mitten Tree Service will be held on December December 12th. Please start your knitting of toques, mitten and scarves and any other articles suitable for the tree. The White Gifts and articles from the Mitten Tree will be taken to Salvation Salvation Army, Denise House and Men's Hostel. The Mailing Address for Enniskillen, Enniskillen, Tyrone Pastoral Charge is as follows: follows: Enniskillen-Tyrone Pastoral Charge, 7793 Old Scugog Road, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, Ontario, LOB 1 JO, not General General Delivery, Box 14, as I had printed printed in the paper last week. Enniskillen Food Boxes for Clar- ington Food Bank will be in the rear of the church to receive your gifts of non-perishable foods for those who have nothing. Your generosity is much appreciated. From your Sunday School: We arc all happy to be back and working together again. Thank you parents for bringing your children to share Sunday Sunday School with us. We arc looking for a number of items for the Sunday School. Toddlers 'Ride On Toy', a V.C.R., a coloured T.V. The last two items may seem expensive expensive but we have a good video library library available to us and no convenient convenient means to use it. If we do not have these items donated we wondered wondered if people would save their Bonus Bonus Points from the XL Gas Bar at the comer of Liberty St. and Taunton Rd. Finally, with Christmas only eight weeks away we ask that you try to have the children attend regularly after after the middle of November. We know that everyone is busy and cannot cannot come every week and we don't expect this, but please come if possible. possible. Due to renovations to the windows windows upstairs in the Enfield United Church, there will not be a Christmas service this year. We are asking everyone everyone to celebrate the season of Christmas at the Enniskillen services this year. Enfield's Community Christmas Party in the form of a pot luck luncheon luncheon will be held on December 7th at 12:30. Everyone is asked to bring something for first course and second course. Instead of a gift exchange we are bringing non perishable items for Salvation Army. Parents, guardians- and grandparents are asked to bring a gift for all pre-schoolers with their name on it. For information please call Linda Rogers at 263-8055. There are still tickets available for the Enfield Enfield Quilt which will be drawn on December 7th at the luncheon. Tickets Tickets can be obtained from Rena Adams Adams or any Enfield U.C.W. member. Church plates, mugs and bells will also be available at the luncheon or anytime from Donna Griffin at 263- 2997. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sander son, Raglan were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Bessie Action, Fairview Lodge, Whitby. Following the recent Senior Citizens Citizens Christmas dinner, Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin, Bobcaygcon visited Gordon Stevens, Clara Page, Myrtle Tamblyn and Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe were Mr. and Mrs. Brad Huggins and family, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Howe and family, Newtonvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walton, Kingston visited Mr. Gordon Stevens on Sunday. Congratulations to Mrs. Andre ' (Anne) Comcllier on celebrating her birthday on November 22nd. Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day from your family and a friend. Happy 40th birthday wishes go to Janet Kennedy of Cavan. The 40th birthday party for Janet was in the form of a dinner party held at Bob and Jill Staples, Cavan. Those attending attending were her close friends, Lynn and Larry, Rick and Sharon and Lila. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe and Jacquie Huggins, Peterborough, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Bewdley. Saturday evening Dick and Barb and Ricky and Michael Michael Howe, Newtonvillc attended a house-warming party in Oshawa at the home of Mary Lee and Keijo, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Piggott, Bowmanvillc, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lyon and family, Oshawa were Sunday Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyons, Uxbridge Uxbridge were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb. Debbie and Nicole Avery spent the weekend at Girl Guide camp at Camp Samac. On Sunday, Dick and Barb Howe visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Howe in Lake View Manor, Beaverton and other relatives. Betty Wright spent Saturday evening evening with Alicia and Tanya Crevicr. Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, November 24,1993 7 Community Correspondence Barbershoppers Perform for Groups at Brotherhood Night _ Those attending the 15th annual Brotherhood Night held in Bowmanville last Tuesday, November 16, enjoyed a musical treat. They were serenaded by The Horseless Carriagemen, an Oshawa-based barbershop barbershop group whose members come from across the Durham Region. The barbershoppers are pictured above as they perform at St. Joseph's church. Brotherhood Night is an annual evening of fun and fellowship fellowship organized by the town's fraternal organizations. Masons, Knights of Columbus, the Orange Lodge, the Canadian Foresters and the Independent Order of Oddfellows were all represented at the event. News from Yelverton By Harvey Malcolm Well, here it is Mid-November and the N.A.F.T.A. agreement is tonight tonight being voted upon by the U.S.A. House of Representatives. This has been agreed upon by many qualified analysts as "Low Grade Political Theatre" which appears to be unique to the political process south of the border to a degree even far beyond what has been practised here in Canada Canada in the past decade. After the general general consensus of opinion was a close vote, the pundits proved to be wrong as the support for NAFTA proved to be stronger than anticipated. It's just 38 shopping days left till Christmas and somehow our Christmas Christmas Cactus has already got the message message early for it currently boasts some 35 buds which will be breaking out into blooms in the not too distant future. We are currently enjoying, some unusually mild November weather still above the freezing mark. Welcome back to the fold of local news correspondents to Mrs. Mabel Cawker of Nestlcton. Pleased to hear that two of Man- vers Townships Volunteer Firemen from the Pontypool district - Jason Strigley and Russell Snudden arc being being recognized for their acts of bravery bravery by being presented with Firefighting Firefighting medals of Bravery in Toronto this week. This year there arc 7 firemen being thus honoured and to date only 85 firemen have been so honoured. Congratulations to the two gentlemen involved. We in Manvers Township are fortunate in having three brigades of dedicated volunteer firemen serving serving our area under the capable leadership leadership of Chief John Horslcn. Well done, lads! We join the many friends of Mrs. Mac Ransberry of Orono in wishing her a speedy recovery from her recent health problems necessitating her current incarceration in Sunnybrook Hospital in Tçronto. All jojn in wishing wishing Norma a speedy recovery! On Thursday evening, November 18th, the monthly meeting of the Scugog Scugog Shores naturalist Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carmichael, Carmichael, east of Nestlcton, with a slightly slightly better than average turnout of members present. A logo was decided decided upon for this group and will be transplanted to T-shirts at a future date. The Christmas bird count has been set for December 13 when a list of winter birds seen will be recorded (last year was 31 varieties). The Hi lite of the evening was the viewing of a video taken of various hawks, eagles, eagles, falcons, etc., taken in the rough- land of the Snake River in Utah. It was decided an annual membership WARMING! THIS AD MAY MAKE YOU UNHAPPY WITH YOUR PRESENT AUTO INSURANCE RECOMMENDED COVERAGE FOR CAREFUL DRIVERS! • 91/92 medium size • $250 deductible collision • 1 million liability • $50 deductible comprehensive • Accident benefits • Family protection endorsement • Loss of use/rental vehicle NOTE: Careful Drivers Over Age 25 with Preferred Driving Records may qualify. This rate also includes limited driving to work. Two car policies may qualify for additional discounts. SEMI-ANNUAL PREMIUM (including tax) $425.25 623-0331 4M Established 1978 3 Silver Street, Bowmanville Oshawa - 436-6239 of $15.00 per family will come into effect in January 1994. On Saturday evening November 13th the Ballyduff Community Hall was filled to capacity to honour Mary and Bob Morelli of Lotus on the occasion occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. anniversary. Actually the date of their anniversary anniversary fell on October 26th. This surprise party was organized in their honour by Pam and Bob Carmichael, Debbie and Rick Thiele and their children Scott, Lisa and Erin Morelli. The evening quickly passed in social-, izing and sporadic dancing to the mu-, sic provided courtesy-of Debbie and- Rick Thiele, i -v - -'f Prior to midnight Pam invited the guests to seats of honour and were given a bottle of "Bubbly" complete with glasses to ease the pain of thé poetic address to which they were then subjected. Your scribe then read a rambling discourse of his own decomposition decomposition which delved into every nook and cranny of the Morelli's previous previous life - the hi-lites and the low. They were then presented with a barbecue, barbecue, a ceiling fan, individual gifts and a sum of money by the committee committee members. Bob and Mary each expressed their thanks and appreciation appreciation for the gifts and the party. The Morcllis are wished many more happy happy marital years together. A bountiful lunch concluded the evening. Sorry to report that Mr. James Atkinson Atkinson of this community was rushed to Bowmanville Memorial Hospital this week where he immediately underwent underwent major stomach surgery. All join in wishing Jim a speedy convalescence convalescence and return to his fomicr good health. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will be considering appointments to various boards and committees. The following is a list of the boards and committees and pertinent information relative to forthcoming vacancies. COMMITTEE/ DESCRIPTION TERM FREQUENCY REMUNERATION BOARD OF MEETINGS Property Standards To review matters relative 5 positions As required $28.26 per meeting Committee to the prescribed standards for maintenance and occupancy of property within the Municipality of Clarington. 1 year term $14.23 per inspection Livestock Valuers To evaluate livestock damage 2 positions As required $29.51 per evaluation caused by dogs and wolves. 1 year term Fence Viewers To arbitrate and settle fence 4 positions . As required $26.96 per viewing disputes. 1 year term Pound Keepers To provide a facility on 4 positions As required None appropriately zoned land to house livestock until claimed 1 year term by the owner. Game Commission To buy and release pheasants 6 positions As required None and sell hunting licenses for designated areas. 1 year term Orono Arena To operate a community 2 positions Minimum None Community Centre centre in Orono on behalf Applicants 4 times Board of the Municipality of from the per year Clarington. former Township of Clarke Clarke Pioneer To care for abandoned 5 positions As required None Cemetery Board cemeteries in the former Township of Clarke on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington. 1 year Darlington Cemetery To care for abandoned 5 positions As required None cemeteries in the former 1 year Township of Darlington on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington. Bowmanville Board of Directors 2 positions Monthly None Memorial Hospital (Appointments to be made in 1 year Board June, 1994) June - June If you wish to be considered for appointment to one of the above Boards or Committees, application forms for appointment are available at the Municipal Administrative Centre, Clerk's Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. If you are Interested in serving on more than one Board or Committee, please list these in your order of priority. Completed application forms must be received by 4:30 p.m., Friday, December 3,1993. /7) # municipality of Deputy Clerk I s larintlton Telephone: 623-3379 ONTAHIO Dates of Publication: November 10,17, 24 CS-Ind. 3076 PATRICK 0. 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