( 20 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, February 2,1994 /IE I' I m A Weekly Report from the Village of Newcastle Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago - 987-4201 The cold January weather seems to be keeping people at home where they are warm. Social items arc scarce. Glad to report Mr. George Walton has returned home from Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. On Sunday, Marg and Ron Burley were guests of son Bob and his wife Anita, Oshawa. They were celebrating celebrating daughter Allison's 15th. birthday and grandmother Marg's. Allison's brother, Steven, was home from York University. Last Thursday, Mr. Michael Wade, Bowmanville, took grandfather grandfather Harry Wade out for lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade, Port Hope, visited visited with his father Harry on Saturday Saturday afternoon. Birthday greetings to Edna Hou- den, Susan Foster, Adrain Vasseur, George Gray, Charlene Bowman, Bcv Jaynes, Ron Locke and Barry Rowe. Mrs. Maxine Felgatc, Claremont, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono, visited with his mother mother Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin. On Saturday evening Mr. Brenton Rickard, Robin, Doug and Keegan Rickard attended the Demolition Show at the Skydomc. The Newcastle Village and District District Historical Society meets on Monday evening February 7 in the Lions Room of Newcastle Community Community Hall. . Sympathy is extended to relatives . and friends of Lillian Bottrell whose funeral took place on Saturday, January January 29th. On Tuesday evening the Newcastle Newcastle Horticultural Society held their first meeting of 1994 in die beautifully beautifully restored Memorial Library Room of the Newcastle Community Hall. The public is always welcome to these meetings. It was Show and Tell night when members brought items of their hobbies. Jean Rickard had a floral arrangement and some of her horticulture books. Narda Hoogkamp brought a cannort shell which came .from Holland. During World War II the Dutch people in her area were able to pick them up in their back yards. Such shells were polished and adorned the mantles. Hazel Crago showed some button cards displaying buttons pertaining to horticulture. Lovely lunch was served by Dorella Chard and Narda Hoogkamp. The beans in the bottle contest which had been found in old minutes has been used again. Jean Rickard won the beans and the loaf of bread (1st prize). Dorella Chard received a half dozen buns for the runner-up prize and Ron Daley received the booby prize - a chocolate egg. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were Leslie and Nota Alldred, Oshawa, Doug and Barry Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nugent and Jenna. On Monday evening the Newcastle Newcastle Lioness members enjoyed a dessert dessert meeting and held their regular business period. 1 On Tuesday afternoon the UCW executive met at the home of President President Carole Noble, Bellwood Drive. There was a good attendance at the business meeting. Newcastle Lions News Thirty-four Lions and guests met at the Lion's Room on January 26 for the regular Dinner Meeting. President Tony acted as Chairman and welcomed welcomed the guests. After dinner the Chairman asked Lion Sam Galea to introduce the guest speaker. Roberto Valle comes from Mexico and lives in Bowmanville Bowmanville and is a Scuba Dive Instructor, he teaches open water, deep diving, night diving, search and rescue, underwater underwater navigation and equipment specialist. Roberto proceeded to list many myths that people believe about diving. Then he went on to dispel dispel most of them. Roberto was so confident and positive that he had the audience totally convinced that any one of them could go out and with a few lessons be at home under water. In fact he convinced Lion Dave Gibson Gibson into suiting up with all the necessary necessary gear and demonstrating the approach approach to his fellow Lions. The presentation concluded with a short Video on diving and many questions from the floor. Roberto was thanked by Lion Dave Robinson for the excellent excellent presentation and favoured him with a token of appreciation. Also on hand to assist in a presentation presentation was Lioness President, Jean Rickard. Jean introduced Lina Zatz- man a speech pathologist who has been working with Carol Gray, a local local lady who has never been able to communicate verbally. Lina felt that Carol could use a McCaw Voice Synthesizer and approached the Lioness Lioness and Lions Clubs last Fall to assist in the purchase of this tool for Carol. The $2200. purchase was approved nml the official presentation was made at this meeting. Carol was on hand to demonstrate the synthesizer and her new-found vocal freedom. She thanked the clubs for their generosity generosity and answered questions from the audience using her new communication communication skills. Also on hand for the presentation was Carol's, mother, Marjorie and Lynn David. Lynn works with Carol through Community Community and Social Services. Thank you letters were read from recipients of Christmas gratuities. A cheque was received from the Sea Cadets. This had been a donation from the Lions for a project that could not be completed. The SightFirst Committee announced announced that four Melvin Jones Fellowships Fellowships will be awarded this year. Further information will be available when the recipients arc announced. The next Newcastle Lions meeting meeting will be held in the Lions Room at the Newcastle Community Hall on February 9. Dinner at 7 p.m., guests are welcome, call Dave Adams 987- 4832. Speaker will be Stew Rowland a Paramedic Supervisor. This meeting meeting will also sec the conclusion of a very successful membership drive for the Newcastle Club with plans to induct induct twelve new members. Throughout February, kindhearted canvassers will be coming to your doors asking for donations for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Please be kind to those who arc braving the cold. Volunteers are always welcome. welcome. If you can help, call Dorothy Imlach, Newtonvillc 786-2685, Andy LeFrancois 987-3928, or Helen Kraayvanger 987-5400. St. George's Anglican Church The Reverend Robt. Hartley was welcomed back from his vacation on January 30, the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. He celebrated Holy Communion Communion at eight and eleven. The flowers at the Altar were given by Kathleen and Ken Stephenson in memory of her parents, Florence and Arthur Blott. The sidesmen were Mr. and Mrs. Sierd DeJong. Following the eleven o'clock service service the annual Vestry Meeting, proceeded proceeded by refreshments, was held in the Parish Hall. The meeting was well attended and as well as all the annual reports being received, the budget for 1994 was set. Several important important motions presented by the Churchwardens regarding the future of the Church were passed unanimously. unanimously. The following officers for the coming year were appointed by the incumbent or elected by Vestry: Rector's Churchwarden - J. Arthur Arthur Wynn, Peoples' Churchwarden - Màrgaret Tait, Deputy Warden - Oakley Peters, Vestry Clerk - Deborah Deborah Leslie, Synod Delegate - E. Richard Richard Lovekin, Synod Alternate - Denis Schmiegelow, Deanery Representative Representative - Denis Schmiegelow, Cemetery Board - The Rector, The Churchwardens, Churchwardens, John Bugelli, E. Richard Lovekin, Secretary, Parochial Tribunal Tribunal - Hilda Call, Audrey Gogerty, Lynn Lovekin, Outreach Coordinators Coordinators - David Gibson, Carol Jones, Clarke Parish Cttee. - The Rector, The Churchwardens, Oakley Peters, Warren Tait, Auditors - Albert Albert Mavin, Joyce Ritchie, Advisory Board - The Rector, The Churchwardens, Churchwardens, Joan Haring, Carol Jones, John Lindsay, Lois Maxwell, Gerry Moore, Cathy Moulton, Ronald Tidy. On Sunday, February 6, Mr. Hartley Hartley will celebrate Holy Communion at eight and Lay Reader, Mr. Oakley Peters will conduct The Service Of Morning Prayer at eleven. United Church At the Newcastle United Church on Sunday, January 30th, items of the annual meeting were incorporated in the worship service. Marjorie Paterson Paterson an elder, led in prayer. Tmstce chair Wayne Blackburn prayed about the church. President Carole Noble of the U.C.W. led in prayer and invited all women of the congregation to attend attend meetings held by morning, afternoon, afternoon, or evening units. Mr. Stephen Selby of the Special Gifts Committee also led in prayer. The meditation was a dialogue with David Noble and Reverend Donald Stiles. The minister told of his work week and his visions for the future. Kathy Ewcrt, Sunday School Superintendent, thanked everyone everyone for support of the children whose church, Sunday School and home teachings arc very important. She announced a book display February February 13 when the teachers and children children will enjoy pancake breakfast. The Sunday School will be glad to have Canadian Tiro money. The Junior Junior Choir sang O God Didn't Give Me Much and Growing in God's Way. Cheryl McLeod took a solo part and Amanda Wilson and Leigh McSwnn a duct. Mr. Richard Muqihy read a prayer pertaining to steward's work. The Trillium Unit of the UCW meets at 2 o'clock Thursday, Fcbru- aty 3rd, in the Board Room. r iMiiiij** Donation by Newcastle Clubs Helps Cerebral Palsy Victim Communicate On Sunday, February 6th from 2 to 4 p.m. in the S.S. Hall families who had children baptized in 1993 will enjoy a get-together. Youth Confirmation classes Wednesday February 9. Session meets Wednesday February February 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of David David and Carole Noble. After the morning service on Sunday, Sunday, January 30 pot-luck luncheon was enjoyed and the congregational meeting followed. The annual reports were received and the 1994 budget was set. Newcastle Community Bowling Ladies League Vicky Thompson 177, Shirley Adams Adams 201, Beth Stacey 177, 210, 249, Mary Pierik 225,186, 212, Val With- eridge 177, Loma Crockett 311, 228, 176, Shelly Rivers 203, Linda Nor- rish 196, 262, 240, Kim Robinson 231, 184, Nancy Bell 230, 189, Bernice Bernice Henderson 195, Trixie Wright 253, 220, Jean Pollard 186,217, Betty Betty Major 178, 213, Marilyn Major 212, 215, 227, Susan Gilfoy 196, Cindy Angiers 219,176. Tuesday Seniors Lonn Pardy 182, 295, Eleanor Perrin 167, Ruby Brunt 186, Joyce Stacey 184, 159, Marg Burley 172, Roy Hayward 152, Olive Little 159, Albert Pearce 194, Marion Allin 171, Helen Thome 183,187, Vance Cooper Cooper 174, Stan Powell 171, 215, Mary Foster 166, Loma Crockett 153,166, Jean Holmes 161, Art Compton 165. Thursday Mixed League Wes Forget 203, 215, Joe Forget 266, 283, 250, Roy Hopkins 212, 183, Donna Mendonca 239, 193, Fae Forget 192, 276, Kathryn Brown 191, Ken Jury 180,183, Garry Saxby 183, 305, Ted Ritchie 234, 200, Dorella- Chard 180, Greg Forget 200, 187, 178, Ken Boyd 183, Joe Mendonca 181, Jean Hall 192, 202, Sharon Saxby Saxby 257, 186, Jackie Kindratiuk 282, 288,208. Youth Bowling Seniors Gassy McSwan 152, 155, Kelly Holmes 190, 149, Krystal Walden- sperger 133, Amanda Storks 234, 204, Jacki Green 125, Shannon Saxby Saxby 151, 160, Richard Martin 201, 219, Troy Hendry 133, 121, Sara Castellano 147, 120, Chris Druery 117, 129, Richard Pearce 160, 158, Cindy Woodrow 106, Steven Grant 173, 145, Nick Brown 145, 187, Jenna Jenna Higgins 119, 132, Jeff Sparrow 141, 212, Dave Michaud 151, 159, Michelle Alldread 139, 246, Lindsey Holmes 224, 216, Nathan Coyle 166; ,. 200, Dale Hammond 119, 158; Ste-. r - - phen West 102, 112, Kevin Waterfall/ ? 104 - 113 ' ' Intermediates Jeff Carter 87, Shane Halliday 83, Robert Walton 106, 155; Carly Schmahl 110, 122, Jesscy Thompson 208, 119, Brett Griffin 115, Julie Brown 151, 154, Dana Sparrow 126, 126, David Guthrie 129, 143, Glen- , don Preecc 112, 104, Sean Higgins . 118, 134, Brian Trotman 138, 78, Craig McManus 139, 125, Ben Kos- lik 127, 127, Kevin Formosa 83, 94, Nick Shkordoff 119, 116, Burke' ■' Cooke 119, 165, Jackson Feild 103, 119, Tim Hales 103, 80, Brant Saunders Saunders 162,142, Ryan McCracken 105, 197, Adam Preece 136,91. Juniors Lara Shkordoff 89, 69, Andrea Pears 76, 93, Leah Thompson 118, 85, Bailey Duetta 104, 90, Radical Pears 79, Sarah Whyte 99, 142, Travis Travis Gendron 93, 111, Melissa Carter 70,116, Jason Griffin 82, 107, Spencer Spencer Feild 75,82, Cara Dwyer 78,131, Doug Walton 155, 110, Derek Henderson Henderson 94,101. Novices Kyle Titterton 59, Justine Galea 58, Jenny Thompson 62, Nicholas Holt 62, Laura Lea Dwyer 74, Daniel Mendonca 53, Holly Foster 67, Ashley Ashley Gendron 64, Erin Napier 56, Install a high efficiency gas, oil or propane furnace and receive UP to $500 TRADE-IN on your old furnace when you purchase a CARRIER FURNACE | lllgli-cffidency gas furnace can save you up to 65% on your heating blllsl Ell AuIIkxiM Conuiiwi'Oii D«»V« Hontlng & Air Conditioning Bowmanvlllc/Newcastle 436-3212 » Oshawa/Whltby 428-0333 The Lions and Lioness Clubs of Newcastle have made communicating easier for a local woman with' Cerebral Palsy. The service clubs raised $2,200 to purchase a voice synthesizer for Carol Ann Gray,/ whose ability to speak is limited. Now, instead of using pantomime, or relying on her mother to get her message across, Carol Ann can choose a selection of pre-recorded phrases by pushing the buttons on thç Zygo-brand Macaw. Pictured at the January 26th presentation ceremony at the Newcastle Community Hall are (clockwise from top left): Lina Zatzman, speech pathologist with Lake Ridge Community Support Support Services; Lyn David, special needs woiker; Tony Clements, president of the Newcastle Lions Club; Jean Rickard, president of the Newcastle Lioness Club; Maijorie Gray, Carol Ann's mother; and Carol Ann Gray. ! Come & Celebrate Valentines Day with - sMvwn. J V o0 * v . <fc X >m Friday, February 11th in Newcastle \ Expect it all in a drugstore... even a friend! >x FREE Carnation to the 1st 100 Ladies 1 FREE Coffee and Donuts Come and join usU x. 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