The Independent, Canadian Statesman Weekender, Bowmanville, Saturday, February 19,1994 11 Group Studies Solutions for Port Granby Clean-up By John Veldhuis that we are looking at for Port Gran- The Clarington Community Liai- by. son Group has been looking at the . material at the Port Granby site and The third method was to put a cap has looked at it from a variety of per- 2Y er " ie whole thing and keep it. spectives. We looked at the possibili- That was ruled out almost immediately immediately of blasting material with large because the material is eroding and quantities of electricity so that it a ca P wou ld not stop the erosion. The would become solidified or glass- erosion comes of course, from the like. Vitrification, this is called. Al- 1)0110111 U P through the bottom of though this has never been done, we cliffs. A cap would not help at all. had to look at the possibility, since Material would still continue to slide people from our area have asked for into Lake Ontario, that. They have asked: "Could the Therefore, we looked at a fourth material be left where it is?" The an- idea, which was the excavation of the swer is, not in its present state. It can- material. Looking at all the different not be left in the site the way it is ideas and concerns that have been exright exright now, so something has to be pressed by people in the past, it done and that was one of the possible seems to be the preferred method of areas that we wanted to examine. dealing with the material. It would be The second thing that we did, was the most cost-effective method, it is look at whether it could be solidified cheaper than any of the other meth- using a grout or cement product so 0 ds. It would be the best solution in that the whole area would become the long term, since the material one solid cement block. This has would be gone, and nothing further been done on small-scale operations would need to be done. but never on the large-scale operation It is also a method that is well- ÀSSOC. FOR COMMUNITY LIVING - The Oshawa and District Association for Community Living will hold its annual general meeting on Thursday, February 24, at the CAW Hall in Oshawa. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Malcolm Jeffreys, executive director of the Windsor Association. His topic will be "The 1990's, A Different Approach to Support." If you love or know someone with a handicap, please' try to attend this informative meeting. For more details, call 576-3011. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER -- For the Newcastle area, the World Day of Prayer will be observed on Friday, March 4, in the St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church. The service will begin at 7 p.m. In Bowmanville, the World Day of Prayer service is March 4, at 2 p.m. at St Paul's United Church in Bowmanville. YWCA PROGRAM -- If you have an active toddler, you'll be interested in the toddler drop-in program being offered next Thursday, February 24. With just 24 hours' notice, you can leave your toddler with qualified YWCA staff to enjoy crafts, songs, stories and more. If you are interested in either of these programs, call the YWCA office in Bowmanville at 623-9922. LIVING WITH TODDLERS -- On March 8, a program will be offered by the Durham House Child and Family Centre for parents of toddlers. The course will help parents develop confidence and co-operation in their children by introducing effective strategies for dealing with common concerns including tantrums, toilet training, and mealtime behaviour. The workshop will be held at the Edna Thomson Day Care on Church St., Bowmanville, commencing at 7 p.m. Pre-registration is required. Call 579-2021. MUSICAL EVENING AT ADVENTIST CHURCH- The Bowmanville Seventh-Day Adventist Church invites you to enjoy a presentation of religious and classical music performed by talented and dedicated Christian artists. There will be vocal solos and duets and performances on piano, organ, flute, saxophone, marimba and guitar. The presentation takes place February 19 at 7 p.m. in the Bowmanville Seventh-Day Adventist Church, located at the comer of Highway Two and Lamb's Rd. WINTER'S HARVEST - The 10th annual Winter's Harvest craft exhibition is just around the comer. It's slated for March 6 to 31, with the official opening on Sunday, March 6, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. A number of special prizes will be awarded this year. The jury for the 10th exhibition consists of a panel of previous jurors, representing a wide diversity of experience in crafts. In addition, there will be jurors' workshops in leather technique, applique techniques, and the transferring of images onto fabric. During "Winter's Harvest," the Visual Arts Centre will also present a series of videos on Ontario crafts at 7 p.m. each Thursday. For further information, call 905-623-5831. , MARCH IS NUTRITION MONTH - "Nourishing our Children's Fjiture" is the theme of Nutrition Month. The importance of nutrition among children age four to 12 will be the focus of this year's Nutrition Month activities. One of the highlights will be a presentation at Durham College by Eleanor Brownridge, a nutritionist and author. Her forum, entitled "Mealtimes Needn't be Battle Times," takes place Saturday, March 12, from one p.m. to 3 p.m. at Durham College. •- •••••••••••• CUSHION CONCERT AT HAMPTON JR. PUBLIC SCHOOL - A unique musical concert featuring Canadian recording artist/performer Ronno, accompanied by a colorful, comical cast of full-sized puppet characters is coming to Hampton Jr. Public School early next month. Ronno and Friends will perform at the school auditorium on Saturday, March 5, at 11 a.m. It's the final concert of the 1993/94 Community Cushion Concert Series. For tickets, call the school at 263-2252 during the day or call 263-8886 or 623-3486 in the evenings. WORKSHOP FOR TAX VOLUNTEERS ~ Community Care in Bowmanville has arranged for a workshop of interest to those who volunteer to prepare seniors' tax forms. You can learn all about basic tax preparation on Thursday, February 24, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at the St. Paul's United Church. Representatives from Revenue Canada will be on hand to conduct the workshop. The workshop is free, but you arc asked to register in advance by calling Community Care at 623-2261. known, has been practised over and over again by a number of companies and, with some examination of the details, could be applied to the Port Granby site. Therefore we recommend, at this time, that this method be used and that the material be excavated and moved to a new site. The new site is still the theoretical site ( site has been found). But, the communities communities in the north are looking at possible possible locations. They are narrowing down their number of options to come up with one preferred site and a method of storing the material there. Much work needs to be done yet, both here and in the northern poten tial host community. But we are working on it. We are very pleased with the work that the people in the northern communities are doing. They are working very hard at a very difficult task. However, we are confident confident that they will continue with the work and that they will find an answer answer to our common problem. __ mmrnmmmmmmwmm Bui siness Uirectorv ACCOUNTANCY CHIROPRACTIC HOME SERVICE WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 DR. LAUREN Chiropra and Ho 25£ Oshaw 1 CE A. GREY D.C., N.D. otic, Naturopathic meopathic Clinic King St. E. a, Ont. L1H 1C5 *25-7000 --1 Dr Katherine WnnH BARINA Êér HOME CHECK - Vacation Home Checking - Wedding Day Services Barb Shetler -- Ina Cox Newtonville 786-2996 Insured Chartered Accountants Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Wilmar J. Bakker, C.A. Ian F. Bergin, C.A. 118 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-9461 OPTIMAL HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE STEPHEN J. SUTHERLAND Chartered Accountant 13 John Street West, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1W8 Business (905) 721-8600 B.Sc. (Hons.), D.C. Dr. Dianne Lott, B.Sc. (Hons.), D.C, CherToal, R.M.T. Gabriel Frasson, R.M.T. Holistic, Preventative Health care • Chiropractic care • Massage therapy • Laser acupuncture • Sports injuries • Open Mon. through Sat. • Same day appts. available • New patients & families welcome 697-0355 152 Church St. (at Temperance), Bowmanville SERVICES Grundy's Country Upholstery CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY, FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 983-9874 HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 6:30 N.LWOODHOUSE & Assoc. Certified General Accountant NewViews and bedford Installations and Support 8 Holgate Cres., Bowmanville 623-9650 f Bowmanville Family ) [Chiropractic Centre 6 623-8388 43 Ontario St., LIFE INSURANCE HUTTON INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 52 King St. W., Bowmanville Don Hutton Bus: 623-7688 Res: 263-8589 Employee Group Benefits (Minimum 2 Employees) Life Insurance - Personal and Corporate Best Interest Rates • RRSP's « RRIFs • Annuities ^^Jhcome^ReplacemenUo:^ The Prudential (M\ GET A PIECE OF THE ROCK In Clarington Call: Jim Joe John Vanhaverbeke Reitsma Bugelli 987-4069 623-8887 987-1631 ^ifej^lome^utoJRRSP^M^ Kathlynn M. Hoch d.c„ f.i.a.c.a. Paul M. Szymanowski, r.m.t., Acupuncturist C.T. (I.A.C.A.) Shannon Pascoe, r.m.t. Bonnie Hoch-Mclnall, Esthéticien, Certified Reflexologist, Acupuncturist C.T. (I.A.C.A.) Renee Bos, H.C., N.C„ Certified Reflexologist, Acupuncturist (I.A.C.A.) • Chiropractic and Sports Injuries • Massage Therapy • Motor Vehicle Accidents Rehabilitation and Extended Insurance Benefits • Laser and Traditional Acupuncture • Homeopathy • Custom Foot Orthotics • Reflexology/Allergy Testing --mm • Stress and Weight Management VISA • WCB, DVA mmm Open Monday to Saturday (Evening Appointments Available) NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! ^ 623-8388 623-8530 j THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME INTERIOR DESIGN 2173 Hwy. #2,'Bowmanville 623-7483 Margaret Coombes - Gloria Brooks • In-Home Consultations •Window Treatments • Colour Co-ordination Portfolios • Furniture • Wallcoverings • Room Accessorizing | J . SERVICES 905-983-5491 LANDSCAPING Seeding • Sodding • Lawn Care • Pruning • Consulting Quality Painting & Design ROOMS PAINTED FROM $49.95 Interior decorating service available for co-ordinating a room to a full house House of Quality Design & Decor 723-0117 PHYSIOTHERAPY DRAFTING SUPPLIES AND SALES Your First Choice Lighting Source for Value, Service & Selection HALCO SUPPLY 623-1247 PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICES Madeleine Montgomery-Reed R.P.T., M.C.P.A. Physiotherapist Consultations, assessments, specialized manual therapy, craniosacral therapy, relaxation techniques, musculoskeletal rehabilitation. (905) 786-2476 Architectural & Drafting for Custom Homes •Additions «Garages • Building Permits Theo Vanoosterom 1-705-277-2812 COMPUTER SERVICES ADVANCED DESIGN » CIGAS PROPANE P.O. Box 406,119 Cigas Road Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3Z2 436-2015 FAX 436-2017 Your Local Independent Distributor PROPANE- MAKING OUR WORLD A HEALTHIER PLACE TO LIVE • Residential • Commercial • Agriculture • Industrial 24 Hour Service , ANDY'S SOFTWARE INC Custom Designed Software- to solve YOUR problems. SPECIALIZING IN INTEGRATED ACCOUNTING APPLICATIONS • Inventory Control «Sales Tracking • Receivables • Payables • General Ledger Complete aftersales Service and Instruction Computer Sales, Services, Maintenance and Supplies Amortization Schedules 623-2375 2538 Maplè Grove Rd., Bowmanville A Div. of EMS Const. Services Over 20 Years Experience in the Design of Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Projects John Ihnat (905)987-3511 Newcastle LEGAL SERVICES "A Friend of the Family Since 1889" Paul or Jackie 623-4801 j 0 Computer Products, v Educalional Products, Ï B SoftWare Sa,es ' *" Custom Software and Personal Training in Bedford, Lotus, etc. Phone: 987-5472 LAW OFFICE Peter E. Heslin _ Barrister & Solicitor Real Estate Mortgages Family Law 36 King Street East Bowmanville, Ontario L1C1N2 (905) 623-5554 SIGNAGE AND GRAPHICS 6 *ovr\* 0 ' • Spices • Extracts • Medicines FORMULAS FOR HEALTH 1 Royal Jelly • Bee Pollen i Bee Propolis • Green Bailey i Llq. Aloe Vera i CALL US FOR YOUR FREE CATALOGUE «y 623-4801 C FINISHING TOUCHES Buy Factory Direct Custom Vertical & Venetian Blinds FREE INSTALLATION Shop-a t-home service O ver 350 colours Steve Johnson 905-983-9630 FINANCIAL SERVICES INVESTMENT FUNDS' LIFE INSURANCE RRIFS «ANNUITIES GICS • RRSPS JOHN WILLOUGHBY •.. Call for a quotation 623-4038 or 623-3108 Ifl The Mutual Group 'Lettering Services NBEfsCI «■ CMPREfEH mjl JrapMCS IM Jdtertw ■ CmmrJiI flpmc • Dec2b 24 hr turnaround ava^cb e o n simpie text * 983-2000 8 883-2600 PHOTOGRAPHY THERA-GROUP PHOTOGRAPHERS • Weddings • Portraits • Commercial Reasonable Rates (905) G97 2102 Bowmanville | lnm.«.l ~I«« Uiitiifd I |fc n! fiimwiiVMutual InvrtMlm |nr* I