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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1994, p. 23

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Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, March 9,1994 5 Quote - "Those who do not know how to weep, with their whole heart, don't know how to laugh either." Golda Mcir Sympathy of community to Mrs. Hazel Pigott, in the loss of her brother, brother, Clarence Burley, who passed away Monday, February 28. Funeral was held at Morris Funeral Chapel, Thursday, March 3. Mrs. Marjorie Best and Mrs. Dorothy Dorothy Tennant have returned home, after after enjoying a months vacation at their Florida residence Lake Wales. A beautiful basket of flowers in church on Sunday morning was in loving memory of the late Clarence Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sherwin, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with his grandmother, Mrs. Edith Taylor. Mrs. Heather Bowen and children, Cody and Kirsten, Peterborough, were Sunday visitors with her mother, mother, Mrs. Adelc McGill. Mr. Shawn Bailey, Ottawa and friend Miss Paula Armstrong, Ajax, were Sunday luncheon guests of his grandmother, Mrs. D. Bailey and Aunt Mrs. E. Billings, Durham Complex, Complex, Station Street. Winter has not let go her cold hold on us, and on Sunday there was more snow. Spring is certainly making making us wait! Reserve Wednesday, April 20, for the annual Horticultural Noon "Buffet "Buffet Luncheon" in Main hall of Orono United Church. From 11:30 to 1 p.m. Get tickets from horticulture executive executive members. Received good news from my sister, sister, Margaret, in Selwyn on Sunday morning, she's home from Toronto hospital and so far successfully through her eye surgery. Congratulations to Mrs. Margaret Crashley on being appointed new District Commissioner for Orono area, for Girl Guides. Orono United Church . Orono Board of Stewards meet on Monday March 7,7:30 p.m. Choir Practice on Wednesday March 9,7-8 p.m. Lower C.E. Hall. U.C.W. #3 meet on Tuesday, March 8, 2 p.m. at the home of Isabelle Isabelle Challice. U.C.W. #4 meets on Tuesday, March 8,8 p.m. Main hall. U.C.W. General Meeting: Thursday, Thursday, March 10, 7:30 p.m. Main Hall. Carla Werry, Miranda Weeks, Lamanda Lamanda Greenyer who attended Top Alpha are our guest speakers. Reverend Reverend Barry and Margaret Pogue will attend with book mobile from the Good News Book and Supply Centre (Oshawa). Everyone welcome. U.C.W. Workshop: (postponed in January) changed to Monday, March 28, 9:30 - 3 p.m. Registration $2.00. Guest Speaker: Betty Turcott - "Exploring "Exploring the UCW Purpose/ Introducing the new UCW Study - Resource Kit". Brown Bag lunch. Sunday School Pancake Brunch: Sunday, March 27, following the service. service. Donations of pancake mix (the one you mix with water) would be appreciated. There will be an opportunity opportunity to make a donation to the M&S Fund in lieu of 'family tickets'. Offering Envelopes: If you haven't picked up yours they are available at the front doors. If you are new and wish to use envelopes please contact Bill Morrison or any of the ushers. Food Bank: "Please remember" our food bank. Donations may be left at the back of the church. They arc taken to the Salvation Army in Bow- manvillc for distribution in our area. Birthday Greetings to: Yvonne Maitland March 6 (O), Leanne Ricd March 9 (K). Flowers: Anyone wishing to donate donate flowers to the church during the Easter time, please contact Donna Scott (983-5026). Moms Time Out: We arc planning an informal get together for your input input on starting a Young Women's Christian Group. Plan to come on Tuesday, March 8,7:30 p.m., Lower C.E. Hall, Orono Church. This group is for all women of all faiths. For more information call Donna Morrison Morrison 983-9107, or Sharon McCartney 983-9617. Christian Education Committee: meets on Tuesday, March 8,7 p.m. in the Friendship Room. Kirby Announcements Regal Orders: Easter is coming. If anyone would like any cards, crafts or gifts for Easter, please have your order into Heather (983-9891) by' March 20th. This is an ongoing fund raising event for Kirby Church. Memorial Book: We would like to bring the book up-to-date. If you know of any donations or gifts for Kirby since 1989, please contact Bonnie Ried (983-9228). Leskard Card Party Held Thursday, March 3, in Lcs- kard Church hall with 7 tables of progressive progressive euchre playing and following following scores - Top Scores Aleck Lamore 88, Aleck Moffat 85, Gladys Greenwood 75, Doreen Lowery and Dorothy Tennant tied at 74. Low score - John Moffat. Lucky draws - Reg Elliott 2, Marion Marion Staples, Marion Sears, Charlie Campbell. Next card party Thursday, April 7, at 8 p.m. in Leskard Church hall. UCW News Fourteen ladies of unit #1 held their monthly meeting Wednesday March 2 at the home of Mrs. Vera Staples. Committee in charge Vera Staples, Dorothy Robinson and Marie West. Dorothy Robinson commenced the devotional with a Memorial to our departed member, Thelma Gil- bank and a "Minutes Silence" in her memory. Vera Staples gave an interesting devotional on "Jack Minèr" and his bird sanctuaiy in Kingsville. His birds are all tagged with a verse of scripture, attached to their feet. Marie West read scripture reading reading from Luke 12. Happy birthday sang to Bertha White, Vera Staples and Mary Tamblyn, all March birthdays. birthdays. A long list was read out from executive executive meeting held at Doreen Woods. Lists for needs for Co-op banquet. Eleven UCW members attended the Presbyterial Spring Rally held recently recently in St. Paul's United Church Bowmanville, from Orono U.C.W. The theme was "Hurting, Healing, and Hope." May 29, is U.C.W. Sunday and guest speaker is Shirley Coyle. Dorothy Barnett gave report from Supply depts, of 1400 Campbells soup labels sent in. Bertha White answered letter to our Compassion Child. U.C.W. urged to send letters of protest to our M.P. re cigarette taxes. Marie W. closed with prayer, and a delicious lunch closed the meeting. World Day of Prayer World Day of Prayer was held at St. Saviour's church with a good attendance. attendance. Those taking part in the service, Dorothy Barnett and Bertha White from Orono United, Bonnie Reid from Kirby and Beryl Clark from St. Saviour's. Several hymns were sung from the "Praise Book" with Mrs. Phylis Dcwcll, St. Saviour's organist at organ. organ. A very special guest present, an aunt of Beryl's, Mrs. Tova Wadding- ton, presently from Hamilton, but originally from Israel. She brought interesting news from the situation in Holy Land. Town Hall Card Party Twelve tables of euchre at weekly euchre party, held Wednesday, March 2 in Orono Town Hall and following following results. High Scores Lena Graham 84, Paul Mucha 82, Velma Jakeman 81, May Tabb 80, Grace Coatham 79. Low Scores - Thelma Vagg and Art Bedwin. Seven Lucky draws - Sharon Casey, Lil Bolderstone, Hilda Caswell, Leona Wilson, Roy Tennant, Tennant, Wilma Scott, Ray Staples. Card Party every Wednesday night 8 p.m. and lunch is supplied. Class Teaches 3 Vegetarian ^ Cooking Skills Vegetarian Nutrition Classes arc coming to Bowmanville on six Thursday nights beginning March 24 through April 28, from 7:00 to 9:00 each evening. Leona Aldcrson from Kingsway College in Oshawa, will be presenting presenting "Healthy Choices" at the Bowmanville Bowmanville Seventh-day Adventist Church at the comer of Highway #2 and Lambs Road. To register or for more information information please call cither 725-2269 or 623-7031. The cost for this Class is $45.00. Spouses may attend free. You will obtain a $5.00 discount for this Course if paid before March 14. From page two toys, "dinky" cars and Barbie dolls. We played hockey, (no matter what season) British Bulldog, cops and robbers, robbers, cowpokes and Indians. These days, kids watch TV as much as they can, and play electronic games which suck up oodles of batteries batteries or need to be plugged in. Do you remember the first time you saw a color television, or the first washing machine, stereo system or the first clock radio on the block? Nowadays, people take all this for granted, as if it is their right to have all the things that everyone else does. As it is, some people think it is strange that I don't own a CD player or other such electronic wonders like a computer. While everyone seems to have these, I don't. Life can be simpler for those who choose to live simply, even in these days that are not the "good old days." Let's face it. Thirty years down the way, these will be the "good old days." Give all the hope you can. The Kidney Foundation of Canada Around the Town PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB MEETS - The next meeting of the Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club is on Thursday, March 17,. at the Port Darlington Marina Hotel. The guest speaker will be^ Pam Jackson, representing Hie Ontario Advisory Council bn Women's, Issues. Anyone interested in joining club members for a buffet dinner and : lecture is asked to call Helen Devitt at 623-3915 by Monday, March 14th OSTOMY ASSOCIATION The Oshawa and District Ostomy Association, a mutual aid group for persons who have had, or are anticipating ostomy surgery, holds its meeting on the third Wednesday of each month at the Oshawa General Hospital The meeting is in room 1002 at 7:30 p.m. Topics include guest speakers, videos and general interest items; Family and friends are always welcome and refreshments will be served following the meeting. For further details, call 434-2886 or 728-5853. WARNING! THIS AD MAY MAKE YOU UNHAPPY WITH YOUR PRESENT AUTO INSURANCE RECOMMENDED COVERAGE FOR CAREFUL DRIVERS! • 91/92 medium size • 1 million liability ■ Accident benefits • $250 deductible collision • $50 deductible comprehensive • Family protection endorsement • Loss of use/rental vehicle NOTE: Careful Drivers Over Age 25 with Preferred Driving Records may qualify. This rate also includes limited driving to work. Two car policies may qualify for additional discounts. SEMI-ANNUAL PREMIUM (including tax) $489.30 623-0331 Established 1978 3 Silver Street, Bowmanville Oshawa - 436-6239 a * jL' "It's nearby... and it's free!" Business Directory ACCOUNTANCY WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle T elephone 987-4240 HOBB BAKKER BERGIN Chartered Accountants Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Wilmar J. Bakker, C.A. Ian F. Bergin, C.A. 118 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-9461 STEPHEN J. SUTHERLAND Chartered Accountant 13 John Street West, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1W8 Business (905)721-8600 N. L. WOODHOUSE & Assoc. Certified General Accountant NewViews and bedford Installations and Support 8 Holgate Gres., Bowmanville 623-9650 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 511 Bond St.W., (Bond St. al Stevenson Rd.) Oshawa, Ontario LU 2M2 Phone 576-4619 LEGAL SERVICES MERVYN KELLY LAW OFFICE 41 Temperance St., Suite 202 Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 623-4444 LAW OFFICE * ■■■■ < peter E. Heslin - Barrister & Solicitor Real Estate Mortgages Family Law 36 King Street East Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1N2 (905) 623-5554 LIFE INSURANCE HUTTON INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 52 King St. W., Bowmanville Don Hutton Bus: 623-7688 Res: 263-8589 Employee Group Benefits (Minimum 2 Employees) Life Insurance - Personal and Corporate Best Interest Rales • RRSP's • RRIF's • Annuities Income Replacement for Disability The Prudential GET A PIECE OF THE ROCK In Clarlngton Call: Jim Joe John Vanhaverbeke Reitsma Bugelli 987-4069 623-8887 987-1631 UfeJjorne L Auto L RRSP J M ii Funds INSURANCE JAMES INSURANCE BROKER LIMITED 26 King St. E., Bowmanville FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS 905-623-4406 Fax:905-623-5570 SIGNAGE AND GRAPHICS & ^Lettering Services Siltecreen and compulercd vinyl graphic! irdet lettering • Commercial Signage • Decal! 24 hr. turnaround available on simple text r 983-2000 fl 983-2600 CHIROPRACTIC DR. LAURENCE A. GREY D.C., N.D. Chiropractic, Naturopathic atid Homeopathic Clinic 255 King St. E. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 1C5 725-7000 Bowmanville Chiropractic Naturopathic Clinic John W. Hawrylak, D.C., N.D. Licensed Naturopath 168 Church St., Bowmanville (905) 623-4004 Spinal And Nerve Care Nutrition Hair Mineral and Vitamin Analysis Acupuncture Food Intolerance Testing OPTIMAL HEALTH. CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE Dr. Katherine Wood, B.Sc. (Hons.), D.C. Dr. Dianne Lott, B.Sc. (Hons.), D.C. CherToal, R.M.T. Gabriel Frasson, R.M.T. Holistic, Preventative Health Care • Chiropractic care • Massage therapy • Laser acupuncture • Sports Injuries • Open Mon. through Sat. • Same day appts. available • New patients & families welcome 697-0355 152 Church St. (at Temperance), Bowmanville Bowmanville Family ^Chiropractic Centre 623-8388 43 Ontario St Kathlynn M. Hoch o.c„ f.i.a.c.a. Paul M. Szymanowski, r.m.t., Acupuncturist C.T. (I.A.C.A.) Shannon Pascoe, r.m.t. Bonnie Hoch-Mclnall, Esthetlclan, Certified Reflexologist, Acupuncturist C.T. (I.AC. A) Renee Bos, H.C., Mro,, Certified Reflexologist, Acupuncturist (I. A.C. A.) • Chiropractic and Sports Injuries • Massage Therapy • Motor Vehicle Accidents Rehabilitation and Extended Insurance Benefits • Laser and Traditional Acupuncture • Homeopathy • Custom Foot Orthotlcs • Reflexology/Allergy Testing , • Stress and Weight Management VISA • WCB, DVA Open Monday to Saturday (Evening Appointments Available) NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! ^ 623-8388 623-8530 PHYSIOTHERAPY PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICES Madeleine Montgomery-Reed R.P.T., M.C.P.A. Physiotherapist Consultations, assessments, specialized manual therapy, craniosacral therapy, relaxation techniques, musculoskeletal rehabilitation. (905) 786-2476 MASSAGE THERAPY MASSAGE TREATMENTS Kim Tougas, h.b.sc., r.m.t., m.l.d.t, Dianne Towns, c.s.J., r.m.t. Registered Massage Therapists 166 Church St„ Bowmanville CARING HANDS MASSAGE CLINIC Phone 623-8170 for appt. COMPUTER SERVICES ANDY'S SOFTWARE INC Custom Designed Software to solve YOURproblems. SPECIALIZING IN INTEGRATED ACCOUNTING APPLICATIONS • Inventory Control • Sales Tracking • Receivables • Payables • General Ledger Complete alter Sales Service and Instruction Computer Sales, Services, Maintenance and Supplies Amortization Schedules 623-2375 2538 Maple Grove Rd., Bowmanville Help with your taxes is probably closer than you think. We're opening an income tax clinic right in your area! You can choose from a variety of forms, guides, and pamphlets, or talk to us about your income tax situation. I f you have questions about any of your tax papers, bring them along. We'll be happy to give you the answer. Five Points Mall 285 Taunton Road East Oshawa February 14-April 30 Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHY THERA-GROUP PHOTOGRAPHERS • Weddings • Portraits • Commercial Reasonable Rates (905)697-2102 Bowmanville FINANCIAL SERVICES | INVESTMENT FUNDS* LIFE INSURANCE RRIFS* ANNUITIES GIGS • RRSPS Computer Products, Educational Products, Software Sales, Custom Software and Personal Training In Bedford, Lotus, etc. Phone: 987-5472 SUPPLIES AND SALES A CIGAS W PROPANE P.O. Box 406,119 Clgas Road Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3Z2 436-2015 FAX 436-2017 Your Local Independent Distributor PROPANE ■ MAKING OUR WORLD A HEALTHIER PLACE TO LIVE • Residential • Commercial • Agriculture • Industrial 24 Hour Service ■ ▲ ■ I ti'vi'fuiv ( .tiMil.i Mi-vi'iui ( «in.nl, I (.u\|onr, I xt i-.r .mil I.ix.limn A( i im 1 Dou.iiu". vl Iim|h Canada JOHN WILLOUGHBY Call for a quotation 623-4038 or 623-3108 M The Mutual Group wn UMI Hill H*. To Advertise Phone 623-3303 "A Friend of the Family nee 1889" Paul or Jackie 623-4801 - Spices • Extracts • Medicines FORMULAS FOR HEALTH • fioynl Jolly • Doo Rollon • Doo Propolla • Clroon Druloy • Llq, Aloo Vorn CALLUS FORYOUR FREE CATALOGUE 823-4601 SERVICES Grundy's Country Upholstery CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY, FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 983-9874 HOURS: Mon. - Frl. 7:30 - 6:30 THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME INTERIOR DESIGN 2173 Hwy. #2, Bowmanville 623-7483 Margaret Coombes Gloria Brooks • In-Home Consultations • Window Treatments » Colour Co-ordination Portfolios • Furniture • Wallcoverings • Room Accessorizing mnlxll SERVICES 905-983-5491 LANDSCAPING ■ Seeding • Sodding • Lawn Care • Pruning «Consulting Quality Painting & Design ROOMS PAINTED FROM $49.95 Interior decorating service available for co-ordinaling a room to a full house House of Quality Design & Decor 723-0117 EXECUTIVE PAINT SERVICES FREE ESTIMATES Residential and Commercial 432-2988 SHINE! with Apple's no wax finish Afpif * Auto-Boat SYSTEMS • Exterior Cleaning • Restoring -.Polishing • Protecting • Interior • Engine Shampooing • Written Guarantee 404-6273 (mobile) Orono 'YOUR VEHICLE CARE EXPERTS' Durham Rapid Shred Mobile Paper Shredding and Recycling HIGH VOLUME DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION AT YOUR DOOR Scheduled or Call-In Service FREE LOCKED OFFICE CONTAINERS WE RECYCLE 623-3443 "TODA Y'S ANSWER TO ALL YOUR BATHROOM NEEDS" (905) 786-2154 Licensed Dealer - Haché Renovations HACHE RENOVATIONS SPECIALIZING IN: Roofs • Hardwood Flooring • Bathrooms Family Operated - Reasonable Rates 786-2154 or 987-5485 mr. trim lawn and garden services since 1978 government licensed professionals specializing in property maintenance Grass cutting, tree and shrub pruning, garden maintenance, fertilizing and weed control, spring and fall cleanup, lawn rolling, snow removal, landscape design and installation. Mobile 434-9428 Phone 623-9711 HOME SERVICE BARINA lD HOME CHECK v - Vacation Home Checking -Wedding Day Services Barb Shetler -- Ina Cox Newtonville 786-2996 Insured DRAFTING Architectural & Drafting for Custom Homes •Additions "Garages • Building Permits Thao Vanoosterom 1-705-277-2812 -^=T| ADVANCED DESIGN A Dlv. of EMS Const. Services Over 20 Years Experience In the Design of Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Projects John Ihnat (905)987-3511 Nowcnsllo SUPPLIES AND SALES FINISHING TOUCHES Huy Factory Direct Custom Vertical & Venetian Blinds FREE INSTALLATION Shop-nt-homo sorvlco Ovor 350 colours Steve Johnson 905-983-9630

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