The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, March 23,1994 19 i A guide to fine dining and entertainment. ^"Vv Euchre Tournament Lions Club of Bowmanville 'The Year of Campaign SightFirst" Date: Saturday, March 26,1994 Place: Bowmanville Lions Centre 26 Beech Avc. 697-2856 Time: Registration 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. Cost: $20.00 per team* (Limit of 100 teams) Lunch: Light Lunch will be served Prizes: $250 First Place Prize, Secondary prizes may be awarded based on participation Donate a pair of used eyeglasses and receive a $2.00 discount (limit $2 discount per person) " for the 1994 Bowmanville Kinsmen Home Show to be held on April 29, 30, May 1 at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex Call Aubrey Rees at 623-7632 for complete details © ilium, HE Cour Dia/ft TUESDAYS Fish Dinner Fish Dinner for Two WEDNESDAYS Chicken Dinner LIGHTHOUSE 4 Brewpwb AND * RESTAURANT Enjoy our famous SUNDAY BRUNCH lla.m. -2 p.m. $ 8.95 $11.95 $21.95 $11.95 Chicken Dinner for Two $21.95 THURSDAYS Wing Night FRIDAYS Pork Chop Dinner $12.95 Pork Chop Dinner for Two $22.95 SATURDAYS Steak Dinner $13.95 Steak Dinner for Two $24.95 Prices do not include taxes or gratuities. All dinners include salad, vegetable, dinner roll, dessert, coffee / tea. Reservations recommended 623-3373 Dinner Served 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Flying Dutchman Hotel 401 and Liberty St., Bowmanville DURHAM RESIDENTS DO IT AGAIN! Recycling sets new records in Durham Region Last year, Durham residents recycled almost 30% of their waste, just slightly more than in 1992. Here are the highlights: • The newspaper recycled in 1993 saved the equivalent of a forest four times bigger than Oshawa's Lakeview Park. • The total amount of Blue Box materials received could fill a train from Ajax to Oshawa or 13 km long. • Carpets made from Durham's recycled pop bottles would carpet the entire Pickering Town Centre. • More than 4,400 home composters were distributed in 1993, this brings the total to over 27,000 since 1990. Durham Region aims to reduce, reuse and recycle 50% of our waste by the year 2000. Recycle more in 94... Grasscycle! Do your lawn a favour, and leave your grass clippings on the lawn. Why waste time raking and bagging, when nature recycles your grass clippings into a great fertilizer for free? Grass dippings -- nature's fertilizer. For more information on Grasscycling please contact the Durham Region Works Department at (905) 668-7721 or (416) 869-3751. DURHAM REGION Ontario Funded In part by the Ministry of Environment and Energy ■DURHAM; SPORTS NEWS SPORTS PHOTOS SPORTS WRITE-UPS When your club or team is in need of additional publicity, photographs, etc. The Canadian Statesman 623-3303 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ $ Uz Sjfr Castk K)otd $ proudly presents W Leanna Chambers $ Week of Sunday March 28th - Friday April 1st. > .v# Av < Æ A Mf'ViiMiV'i "Ü x' 1 -A x '4"' x, ÜF " -pdnWeWo^i 4 SHOWS DAILY - No Cover Charge 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 12:00 -*NON STOP ACTION * '4fl2 Beautiful Table Dancers * ^ ★ Castle Jjotel* * Miss Nude Wheels * Seen in Swank Magazine * Seen on Playboy Channel * Toronto Sunshine Girl * Ottawa Sunshine Girl JL and many more credits 623-7072 ' * Destined lo be the "Hottest Club in Durham" 7 ★ 54 King Street E. Bowmanville ★ (only 10 minutes cast of Oshawa on Hwy. 2)^ iLiD The Chase' is high speed aclion and comedy. ai iru n 1 it i fi I in It's fast, it's wild and its funny." mi. „ a? FUNNY AND TOUCHING. ^ CHARLIE KRISTY SHEEN SWRNSIN 43IB5E *1iMrt »v$' law. w. .At rsl vf-{wjjv : LM erj- »i= ii-nih xxr.- :<uta. fitwaala • MUSH If YOU 10VED 'H0« AlONt', YOU'll lOVt'IUUIKOIKK'.' ,r- A ,.<'*V W L.V- * MIW II hit 1MnHI\;\i, in:; mm voitim ONESHOV ONLY ON SUNDAYS 7 p.m. MOVIE SCHEDULE The Chase Guarding Tcss 7 p.m. only 9 p.m. only Ace Ventura 7 and 9 p.m, Pet Dot. Xlllklh XV | MSI SK l H \ x l M, | GUARDING TESS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MATINEES 1 and 3:30 p.m. • Ace Ventura - Pet Detective • Blank Check Coming Next Weak... Major League 2 and Lightning Jack * All Seals $4.25 Mon. - Thurs.; Fri., Sat. Adults $7.00 Students $5.75 Children $4.25 * BOWMANVILLE MALL 697-1999 Please: No food from outside our Theatre ©i **********************************