18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, May 4,1994 Section Two For Your Information Mosquitoes Carry Deadly Heartworm Dog Disease Juried Regional Exhibition In Cobourg Until May 22nd Heartworms are blood parasites that pose a serious health threat to dogs in Canada and the United States. Heartworms are large round worms that live in the right side of the heart and the blood vessels that' supply the lungs, surviving on nutrients nutrients which they steal from the dog's bloodstream. They can grow to a length of 15-30 centimetres and, in extreme cases, a dog may be infested with hundreds of worms. Damage to the .heart, lungs and liver as well as obstruction of bloody flow is the result of this infestation. Eventually, fluid may build up in the lungs and restrict the dog's breathing. If damage to the internal organs is severe severe enough, death maybe the result. Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes. mosquitoes. When a mosquito bites an infected infected dog, it will ingest the immature immature worms (microfilarae) produced by the adults in the heart along with the blood from the dog. The immature immature worms develop in' the mosquito over the next few weeks until they reach an infective stage. When the mosquito bites an uninfected dog it will inject the immature worms into the tissues with its saliva. From here the immature worms develop further and migrate to the heart where they will mature into adults and begin reproducing. reproducing. This cycle continues unchecked unchecked unless treatment is given. From this it is easy to see why one in- transmitted by the mosquitoes and fected dog can infect a whole neigh- stops the cycle of the disease. bourhood. The signs of heartworm disease are usually detectable only after the disease has progressed and much damage has already been done to the internal organs; This damage may be irreversible. An advanced case may develop such signs as a chronic soft cough, laboured breathing. The dog may tire easily during exercise, collapse collapse due to heart failure during exercise, exercise, or have general listlessness. Treatment for heartworm disease is available. However, the methods may be costly and are not without danger themselves. Treatment involves involves a series of injections to kill the adult worms. During this time period, the dog must be kept very quiet as even minimal exercise may result in serious problems from the dead and dying worms. After the adult worms are destroyed, a treatment to kill the immature worms in the bloodstream is given. Heartworm may be easily prevented prevented in southern Ontario by having your veterinarian examine a sample of your dog's blood for the presence of the immature worms once yearly. . If you dog is not infected, then a preventative preventative program should be started. The preventative program involves giving the dog a pill either daily or once monthly. This medication destroys destroys the immature heartworms The Annual Juried Regional Exhibition Exhibition is a group exhibition that showcases the work of artists residing residing in Northumberland County and gallery members from outside the county. It will be on view at the Art Gallery of Northumberland (AGN), Victoria Hall (3rd Floor, West Wing) until May 22. Artists were invited to enter up to Preventive programs should not five works each. A total of 190 piec- Young Actor in Oshawa Production Jarrett Mackay, a Bowmanville resident and four-year veteran of the Oshawa Little Theatre's youth group, will play the role of Peter Pan in the group's upcoming production. Some of the members of the cast are shown above during a recent rehearsal. They include Jarrett Jarrett Mackay, as Peter; Maria MacDonald, as Wendy; Alex Saul as Tinkerbell and Vineet Mehra as a pirate named Guzzles. The Oshawa Little Theatre Youth Group will open its production of Peter Pan on Thursday, May 26, at 7:30 p.m. The weekend shows will continue continue to June 11th. Some 2 p.m. performances will also take place. Tickets are available at the Little Theatre Box office on the nights of the performance or at Saywcll's Bookstore in Oshawa. be started before your dog is tested for the presence of heartworm disease disease by yoür veterinarian. The test and the preventative program should be undergone each spring, with the medication continuing throughout the summer until November. Those of you who vacation in the United States with your dogs should consult your veterinarian;regarding the best way to provide continual protection against this easily preventable disease. disease. Consult your veterinarian about diagnosis and prevention of canine heartworm disease. es were submitted. Of these 68 works by 43 different artists are exhibited. . Many talented local- artists take advantage of this opportunity to exhibit exhibit their work alongside that of other other artists. It also brings the work to the attention of a wider audience. Presenting work to the public, especially especially in the context of a juried exhibition, exhibition, can be very difficult. Entrants are encouraged to see the show less as a competition between artists than as an opportunity for personal development, development, and as the incentive to push their own abilities into new areas of creative growth. The two jurors, who are both chosen chosen from outside the county, select the most expressive and innovative from among the works submitted. This year the jurors were June Handers, Handers, an artist and teacher from Toronto, Toronto, and Brad Blain, the director of the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery. They made the following statements about the Juried Exhibition: Our task was a difficult one but we found agreement throughout the juried process and, as jurors we believe believe the resulting exhibition is visually visually stimulating and rewarding.- The high calibre of entries made the inclusion inclusion of many works possible. This exhibition clearly demonstrates the vitality of the arts community in Northumberland County. This year, for the first time, both galleries at the AGN are devoted to the juried exhibition, providing additional additional space so that a greater number of works, almost double last year's total, are included. You could win a trip for two to Grand Lido, Jamaica when you help the fight against diabetes! That's just one of the prizes in the "Win for Diabetes" Lottery. Draw date is June 29th. For ticket information, call your local office of Canadian Diabetes Association or the national office at (416) 363-3373 01 CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DU DIABÈTE CLUES ACROSS 1. In general terms, watch the heart 4. Material found in a yard sale 9. African antelope 10. Type of thief 11. It happens that the first lady appears before the New Testament 12. A gradual absorption 13. Cut up flesh that's neither fish nor fowl (7,4) 18. Enclosed garden that is sure to produce an annual windfall 21. Fleet 22. Look for gold on a romantic vessel 23. Time, for example, to change and say yes 24. Tell the tale about the other tale 25. Danish seaport CLUES DOWN 1. Fire-raising agent can turn red 2. Type of castle 3. Adaptable 5. Region in India that looks like a missile 6. Parts 7. Cadaver 8. Twisted board in underhand transaction (7,4) 14. Siren housed in a rimmed contraption 15. Tablet 16. Large eel 17. Stick the ad in this spot 19. Passage for food , 20. Engaged in a boxing match SOLUTIONS ACROSS 1. Ticker 4. Fabric 9. Nyala 10. Rustler 11. Event 12. Osmosis 13. Butcher meat 18. Orchard 21. Rapid 22. Gondola 23. Agree 24. Relate 25. Odense DOWN 1. Tinder 2. Chateau 3. Elastic 5. Assam 8. Crooked deal 14. Mermaid 15. Aspirin 19. Canal 20. About 6, Roles 7. Corpse 16. Conger 17. Adhere HOROSCOPES May 8-14 ARIES - March 21/April 20 Surprising news concerning a situation situation at work may not be completely accurate. Don't repeat anything you hear until you know all the facts. An opportunity, to take a trip may come your way. With an organized approach, you'll be able to go away and fulfill your work obligations, too. TAURUS - April 21/May 21 A lucky week! Enter contests and play lotteries. You may just hit the jackpot! Use the new moon on Tuesday to initiate.projects and make long-term plans. À love relationship could be entering a new phase. Get in touch with your feelings on this matter. matter. Return telephone calls. GEMINI - May 22/June 21 Don't rush into new agreements. Examine the fine print, and only sign contracts after careful consideration, A romantic weekend is in store. You'll feel happy with the direction the relationship is heading. You'll have to rock the boat a little if you want things to go your way at work. CANCER - June 22/July 22 A money-making venture needs to be considered carefiilly. You may even seek the advice of a professional. Cancers acquainted with air signs -- Librans, Aquarians or Geminis -- will have an exceptionally good time this weekend. You'll be introduced to a new, exciting way to have fun. LEO - July 23/August 23 Tackle household chores while you have some free time. You never know when unexpected guests may drop in. Pay attention to details at work. Something you overlook now is sure to come back and haunt you at a later date. You'll find an object -- or money -- you lost some time ago. VIRGO -Aug 24/Sept 22 Watch how you criticize loved ones. You may think you're giving helpful advice, but you may actually be hurting hurting someone's feelings. A business associate will come to you with a personal personal problem. This meeting will show you a different side of this person. person. Single Virgos may find new love, LIBRA-Sept 23/Oct 23 An overwhelming feeling of happiness happiness will last throughout the week. You'll feel more comfortable and optimistic about your future, Libras involved in creative work will be inspired this week. Whether it's painting, writing or interior design, you'll be able to create that masterpiece masterpiece you've always dreamed of. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 If you're a typical Scorpio, you have a lot to leant atout taking things in your stride. You don't have to read into everything! If you told a lie recently, it may come back to haunt you. This could cause strain in a love relationship. relationship. A Gemini of the opposite sex will play a role in the week's activities. SAGITTARIUS-Nov 23/Dec 21 You may get caught with your foot in your mouth -- a common position for Sagittarians. Perhaps you should make it a practice to think before you speak. Arts and entertainment will be a major part of the weekend's activities. activities. A relationship with a Cancer may be under scrutiny. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Important news you've been waiting to hear finally arrives. The outcome will be as you hoped. You will have good reason to feel self-confident and full of vitality. Perhaps it's time to make those changes you've been putting off. A financial plan seems to be working in your favor. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 An overload of work may be getting you down. Perhaps you should delegate delegate some of your responsibilities in order to have some time for yourself. A letter from a friend in a faraway place will brighten the week. You may start to feel nostalgic for a time when you were younger and more free. PISCES - Feb 19/March 20 If you're in business for yourself, this is a good time to take risks. Maybe you've dreamt of expanding. Now's the time to do so. A meeting with a financial advisor wouldn't hurt, either. A loved one may come to you for a special favor. Even if it seems ridiculous, hear this person out. YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK The next 12 months: Small, subtle changes will occur this year. But by this time next year, you'll feel as if a lot has,happened. A trip you take shortly will have a major impact on your future. When you're away, someone you meet -- possibly a Leo or Capricorn -- could have an influence on your life in some way. A new hobby you take up this year may turn into a profitable endeavor. You might even consider it for a full-time business. A small investment you make this summer could also lead to big profits. You'll be able to make long-awaited purchases. purchases. A new, better place to live is also in the cards for you. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY