Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, May 25,1994 » The Bowmanville Toastmasters Club met on Tuesday at 7:30. Chairman Chairman for the evening T.M. Fred Archibald Archibald welcomed all Toastmasters and honored guests. His theme for the meeting was "A Tribute To Our Children". As adults each one of us has a little child within us that remains remains throughout our life. It's like a little bear inside us. This child is confident and vulnerable. vulnerable. In order to cope, our children have learned to put up walls, they tend to get bigger and bigger, higher and higher. We learn to hide from situations situations and we are reluctant to show our feelings. We have to look after our inner child. Real lessons in life come very early. T.M. Archibald introduced the head table - General Evaluator for the evening - Distinguished Toastmaster Connie Nelson remarked that she does a number of uninhibited things. Having fun with my children and sharing pleasant times together. Toastmaster Marilynn Dow stated, I like my child, I feel that this child is a very happy child. Two little boys, one and two years, stayed with me this week and this child became a little little child again, enjoying our time together. together. Table Topics Master for the meeting meeting A.T.M.B. Sherrell Leetooze said, "I make funny faces, I am not inhibited inhibited in any way. I show how I feel and enjoy it and I'll never change. I: -Jûïttiïi'r-:*:' The Bowmanville Optimist Club held its annual Respect for Law banquet on May 11th. David Smith, a notice officer for 32 years, was singled out for special recognition and a plaque. He has been a m embe of the Mam Regional Poiice and has served in Bowmanville since 1973. He began his career with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. In this photo, Optimist Club President Jeff Peirce presents a certificate to David Smith for outstanding service. With the award-winner is his wife, Camille. HP T. M. Archibald welcomed our honored guest for the evening. The business portion of the meeting was 20 minutes T.M. George McKessock sparked the meeting with his interesting questions questions and remarks. The spark plug trophy was awarded to T.M. McKessock McKessock for sparking the business portion. portion. Toastmaster Sherrell Leetooze conducted the Table Topics assignment. assignment. Table Topics has two primary objectives, (a) The speaker presents ideas without prior preparation, (b) The speaker communicates true feelings feelings on a subject with convictioa Table Table Topics will be useful in all kinds of situations where you must "Think on your feet". Each T.M. will speak for one minute with an Opening, Body and Closing. Toastmasters were challenged about Nature and how it fools us sometimes, ie. Why we have such a love affair with the Ancient Beasts, it's strange and still a mystery. C.T.M. Leonie Holder, Table Topics Topics evaluator, congratulated T.M.'s for their successful efforts in using lots of gestures, good voicing and everyone filled their time. The Table Topics Trophy was presented presented to T.M. George McKessock. After the ten minute break the meeting resumed and Toastmaster for the meeting T.M. Marilynn Dow introduced Speaker #1 who presented Book Speech #4. 5-7 minutes Objectives Objectives - To explore different ways of using body language and-to develop a sense of timing. T.M. George McKessock spoke on the subject "Show What You Mean". He explained explained how we are surfing the internet internet Improved Communications and information we referred to Super Highways. Early Ages sent messages by teletype - didn't move very fast.- Today, messages move at the speed of light giving the ability to send messages all over the world. Internet is so important today any information you need is at your fingertips. fingertips. News net - choose your subject subject or information from people around the world. You have a gopher to find the information you need, it will find it in seconds. 40 million people are on Internet. What a fascinating fascinating way of life. The second speaker for the evening evening D.T.M. Irene Konzelmann spoke about "Gain Understanding of Junctions of the Spoken Word." Words, words, words - ie describ-, ing the early happenings of eating an oyster. Never use big words when a little word can do. The purpose of communication is to transmit ideas and thoughts to others. others. Did you know that 500 commonly commonly used words have fourteen thousand different meanings. It is important to choose words that are correct for your audience. Make sure everyone knows what you mean. Choose a word not so common - and slip in an explanation. Descriptive words are very useful, use your own words. Practise words which are helpful to describe an object or happening. Use words that are simple and understandable. understandable. This week for the best evaluation of a speaker, the winner was T.M. Nancy Bames. The, best speaker chosen was D.T.M. Irene Konzelmann. General Evaluator for the meeting D.T.M. Connie Nelson thanked T.M. Gordon West for the setup of the room. She congratulated all members at the head table for their great ability to think on their feet and express themselves. Everyone did a sterling job. Chairman T.M. Archibald's final thought for the evening. If you hit the bulls eye every time, you're standing too close to the target. Come and join us for an evening of fun. Meet every Tuesday 7:30, 11 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. For information call 623-3527. m m fphgB ON TOP QUALITY sica STAINS SAVE $ 10 WATER REPELLENT STAIN 19 9 ! Alkyd semi-transparent stain lor wood siding, doors, fences and furniture. Prevents mildew. 4 colours. 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They have been performing their high-stepping numbers at retirement homes all over Ontario for seven years and have recent- ! ly appeared at Roy Thomson Hall. stun 983-9167 I"CANADIAN MADE CANADIAN OWNED FOR CANADIAN CONDITIONS it 85 Station Street, Orono fSEPIffiiiSSi ; il