i The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, June 1,1994 7 I i «Cattabia.. Your Community ^ Newspaper Since 1854 ^ A Weekly Agenda of Coming Events in Bowmanville and Surrounding Communities James Publishing Supplying all your printing needs. •••■■■■■••a* BROOKLIN FAIR OPENS, - The annual Brooklin Spring Fair runs from Thursday, June 2, ujitil Sunday, June 5th. The official opening ceremonies are at 7:30 pm. Thursday evening and include the Miss Brooklin Spring Fair Pajeant Then, beginning at 8 p.m., there is the demolition derby. Other events slated for the four days include a midway, truck and" tractor pull, a parade, dog races, horseshoe-pitching, livestock show, craft show, and harness racing. The Brooklin Spring Fair on June 2,3,4, and 5th promises to be a real crowd-pleaser. The hirgrounds are located north of Whitby at the Brooklin Communiti'Park on Winchester St. f ••■•••■••••a /FRIDAY, JUNE 3RD BIBLE RELAY.COMES TO TOWN - A cross-Canada Bible relay will be stopping h Bowmanvillc. The runners are scheduled to leave the Maranatha Christian Reformed Church at 4 p.m., en route to a reception at the town Hall Square in Bowmanvillc. There will also be a rally at 5:45 n'm. at Liberty Pentecostal Church. The relay is part of a project whin is hoping to raise over $1 million to provide children's bib'es in Eastern Europe, Russia and the Ukraine. Two teams of runrtrs who began on opposite coasts of Canada are slated to arrive in Hamilton for the conclusion of the run. HOSPITAl/AUXILIARY - The Auxiliary to Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvile will hold its monthly meeting in Lecture Room "A" of Memorial lospital. It will be preceded by a dessert luncheon at 1:30 p.m. New fid former members are very welcome. •eeeeeeeeeee SATURDAY, JUNE 4TH ZOO DAY FOR UNITED WAY - Saturday, June 4th, is Zoo Day for Unite! Way at the Bowmanvillc Zoo. Members of the public are encouraid to come out and support this special fund-raising effort which vJll benefit the United Way. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Proceed! from advance ticket sales will support the United Way. These tickets can be purchased at the United Way office in Oshawa by callng Kay Nadon at 436-7377 TOY / TESTING INVITATION - The Newcastle Family Conncction'is holding a Discovery Toy Open House as a fund-raiser. Your kids are welcome to test the exciting and educational Discovery Toys for ages ranging from infants to teenagers. There will be draws for a free toy and gift certificate. Join in the fun on June 4th, from 1 p.m. to 3 plm. at the Newcastle Community Hall. SCOUTS HOLD YARD SALE - The 7th Bowmanvillc Scout Troop is laving a yard sale to raise money for summer camp. The sale takes plaie from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on June 4 at the Bowmanvillc Professional Building, 222 King St. E. The group is looking for articles tiiey can sell at the yard sale. If you can help with a donation, please cill 623-9957 or drop off the donation at 82 Little Ave. You can also'call 623-7770. Baked goods, coffee and donuts will also be sold at this event Dr. Bruce G. Wilson Family Dentistry 118-C King Street West Newcastle, Ontario LIB 1H7 Office Hours By Appointment Phone 987-2155 New Patients Welcome Michael Spooner and Sheila Stephens Spooner 1 AKKIIK • ftltlfll EARLY CANADIAN PINE • OILLAMPS • PRIMITIVES OPEN APRIL-DECEMBER HOURS: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays -10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ALSO BY APPOINTMENT OR BY CHANCE (905) 983-9091 6179 Andrews Rd. R.R. 1, Kendal, Ont. LOA ÎHO 4,8 km. eust of llwy. 115/35 on Clarke 6th Cone. PATRICK G. DEEGAN Denture Therapy Clinic A Complete Denture Service Rellnos • Repairs • Now Dentures Soft Liners FREE CONSULTATION 5 Guorgu Sfroot Bowmanvlllo 623-4473 GARAGE SALE BENEFITS AVICARE - The Avicare Bird Rehabilitation Centre will benefit from a garage and bake sale taking place in Oshawa. It will include participation from staff and feUow-merchants at Thornton Centre, 850 King St. W. (at the northwest comer of Thornton and Hwy Two.) at the Wild Bird Nature Shop at 850 King St. W., Oshawa. There will be lots of variety, including collectibles, raffles, books, information booths, etc. Proceeds will aid the work of Avicare in the care of wild native birds in Durham Region. The sale runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. An added attraction is the bake sale held by members of the Ebenezer United Church Women. The rain date is June 11. SUNDAY, JUNE 5TH PHOTO SHOW OPENS - The official opening of the Visual Arts Centre's 11th annual photography show takes place from 1 to 4 p.m. The exhibition will continue until June 24th. The juror, David Hlynsky, has been an artist and working photographer in Toronto for 23 years. His expertise has extended to photography, holography, photographic publication and computer imaging. Serving them up hot, were a couple of Clarington Fire Fighters along with/ chef Gary Hanewich. The hot dogs were delicious and these firefighters made sure the hungry hordes were taken care of in the line-up. The Friday luncheon was in celebration of Fit Week. THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND POLICE TORCH RUN - Look for the province-wide Police Torch Run to pass through Bowmanville. The Durham Regional Police Service and the local RCMP detachment in Bowmanville are participating in its eighth annual Law Enforcement Torch Run for the special Olympics. Last year, the ran raised $750,000 in Ontario. Regional Police are hoping to contribute. $30,000 from this year's effort. The police will start fhe local run at Clarington's eastern boundary at 9 a.m. and should reach Newdcastle Village by 10 a.m.a dn Bowmanville at 10:45 a.m J MONDAY, JUNE 6TH OFFICIAL PLAN INFO MEETINGS - The proposed Clarington Official Plan goes public. The first of a series of four information sessions to outline die plan will take placé at the Newcastie Village Community Hall. The session lasts from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Citizens can visit at any time during those hours and discuss the document with planning staff. Other meetings take pièce later in the week in Bowmanville, Orono and Courtice, ELEPHANT WALK BEGINS - Elephants will come to call on Bowmanville and Courtice elementary schools as the Bowmanville Zoo's Elephant Walk gets under way. The elephants will be travelling from Bowmanville to Pickering as part of Environment Week which runs from June 6 to 10. The elephants will be in the Bowmanville and Courtice area June 6th. They'll proceed to Courtice/Oshawa on June 7th; Oshawa/Whitby June 8 and Ajax/Pickering June 9th. THURSDAY, JUNE 9TH PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS HOSPITALS - In connection with the Durham Region Acute Care Study, a public meeting is being held in Bowmanville to discuss hospital services in Durham Region. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. and concludes around 9 p.m. It's in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall in Bowmanville. Copies of a discussion paper describing the proposed model for hospital services in Durham are available at the public library or at the District Health Council offices in Whitby. For further information, call 4334262. Other public meetings are slated for Whitby, Uxbridge, Oshawa, Port Perry, Beaverton, and Pickering FRIDAY, JUNE 10TH PORK BARBECUE AT YELVERTON - Don't miss the annual Pork Barbeque of chops and ribs to be held at Yelverton United Church on Friday, June 10th. It begins at 4:30 p.m. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for children. Pre-schoolers eat free. ■■•■■■•■■■•a SATURDAY, JUNE 11TH NATIVE ART SHOW AND SALE - On Saturday, June lllh, the public is invited to see a show of native art at the McCauley Log Home, near Bowmanville. You will enjoy not only the work of several famous Ontario artists, but also the uniquely beautiful log residence. The show takes place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be a voluntary $1 entry fee, which will be donated to the Salvation Army in Bowmanville. The home which is the setting for the exhibition is at 6 Andelwood Ct., off Old Scugog Rd. DURHAM COLLEGE GRADUATION - The convocation ceremonies for Durham College will take place at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. The Health and Human Studies and Technology grads will receive their diplomas at the 10:30 a.m, ceremony. Ceremonies for Business and Arts and Administration graduates will take place at 2:30 p.m. ■eeeeeeeeeee SUNDAY, JUNE 12 MUSEUM FUND RUN -- Bowmanville Museum will hold its eighth annual 10 kilometre Fund Run Sunday, June 12th. An added feature this year is a 10 kilometre walk. The walk begins at 8:30 and the run commences at the usual time of 9 a.m. For a registration form, please visit the museum or call the museum office at 623-2734. Coming Up... HISTORIC HOUSE TOUR - Sunday, September 25th, a historic house tour will be held in Bowmanville. Century homes from 1853 to 1890 are on the itinerary. The tour will take place from noon to 4:30 and all proceeds will be donated to the Trinity United Church. For tickets, call James Insurance (623-4406), Trinity Church (623-3138) or Home Enhancement Services (evenings at 623-1135.) OLD-FASHIONED STRAWBERRY SOCIAL - The Marthas of SL John's Church in Bowmanville will present their "Old Fashioned Strawberry Social" on Thursday, June 23, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sandwiches and shortcake will be served. The event takes place at the church, which is fully wheelchair accessible. For information, call 623-2928 or 623-9273. LIONS CLUB CHICKEN BARBECUE - The Newcastle Lions Club will be holding their annual chicken barbecue somewhat later this year. It will take place on June 26th to coincide with the Heritage Week celebrations. QUINTE AIR SHOW - The Quinte Air Show and Armed Forces "Day takes place the weekend of June 25 and June 26 in Trenton. Gates open at nine a.m„ allowing visitors ample time to view the extensive ground exhibits before the air show takes off at one p.m. The official sponsor is General Motors and its dealers, For tickets and information, call (613) 965-3827. YOUTH COMMITTEE FUND-RAISER - The Clarington Youth Committee will hold a community yard sale and fund-raiser on June 18 in the parking lot of the Bowmanvillc Recreation Complex. The sale is set for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Donations would be appreciated. Please phone 623-1741 for details. Summer youth programming planned for July and August includes pick-up baseball at Vincent Massey School and Friday evening basketball and volleyball at the Trinity United Church gymnasium. BRINK S EXCAVATING 608 Regional Rd. 17, Newcastle L1B1L9 ■ Gravel and Top Soil ■ Trenching ■ Grading and Levelling * Septic Installations ' Back Filling ■ General Excavating > Dump Truck Service (905) 987-4995 SUNDAY SCHOOL MARKS 150TH ANNIVERSARY - The 150th anniversary of the Ebenezer Sunday School will be celebrated in an anniversary service which begins at 11 a.m. To mark the occasion, the Sunday School is creating a commemorative landscaping project Fourteen different nurseries, landscape firms, local suppliers and contractors have contributed towards the garden which is to be located along the north side of the church. For Your Information JUNE IS SENIORS' MONTH - The public health nurses of the Durham Region Health Department invite everyone to join them in celebrating June as Seniors' Month. This year's theme of "Through the Years Together" recognizes and honors the important role that seniors play in family life. For further information on seniors' activities in the community, contact tyour local seniors' groups or Community Care office. CPR INSTRUCTION - Memorial Hospital Bowmanville offers certification and refresher instruction in basic rescuer and infant/child CPR for the general public. For further details, call 623-3331, Ext. 5182. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS - If you think you may have a problem with drugs, give yourself a break. There is a way out with the help of other recovering addicts in Narcotics Anonymous. They have been there. For more information, call (905)433-7944. Artists Bob Murray of Ajax (left), and Paul Livingston of Burice- ton offer a sneak preview of the artwork to be included at the upcoming upcoming Native Art Show and Sale, June 11th, at the McCauley Log Home on Andelwood Court in Bowmanville. The home features a large stairway mural of a polar bear which was featured in the latest issue of Log Home Magazine. Proceeds from the sale will support the Atenlos Battered Native Women's Centre and the Salvation Army. Hooper's Jewellers... Antique Pocket Watches and Modern Watch Repairing We use only fresh Maxell watch and electronic equipment batteries. All watches purchased include a FREE lifetime battery replacement. Hooper's Jewellers 39 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone 623-5747 A-1 Eavestrough Systems "Your Eavestrough Specialists" Eavestrough Cleaning and Re-Sealing Installation of new trough for as low as $2.00 per foot Manufactured on site for home owners or contractors Don't Wait To Get Wet, Call NOW! 905-786-3059 Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday 166 King Street East Telephone 623-3396