8 The Clarington Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, July 16, 1994 by Dr. K. Hoch Sports Nutrition To Increase Athletic Stamina • Avoid the following foods before before a workout: bananas, celery, grapes, peaches, and shrimp. Severe reactions to them have occurred after exercising. • Solid foods should be consumed four hours before competition or vigorous vigorous exercise, and any liquids should be consumed two hours prior to exercising. • Limit consumption of roughage before exercising. It requires energy to digest it, and will make you feel full and sluggish. • If you have any known food allergies, allergies, exercise may increase the absorption absorption of the allergenic food by the body, resulting in a more severe reaction reaction to it. • Drink fluids before exercising or •running regardless of whether or not you feel thirsty. A combination of half unsweetened juice and half water Did you know that cats can develop develop an Aids-like disease? As we all know, Aids causes a malfunction of the immune system, making individuals individuals more susceptible to infection from other diseases. Cats can also develop an immune suppression caused by two related viruses. These two diseases diseases are NOT TRANSMITTED TO PEOPLE. You CANNOT get Aids from cats. The first disease we will talk about is Feline Leukemia. "Feleuk" is caused by a retrovirus. It is transmitted transmitted both horizontally (animal to animal) and vertically (mother to offspring). offspring). Kittens and geriatric (old) animals are the most susceptible. The horizontal transmission occurs by nose to nose contact (ie, fighting or grooming with an infected cat). The virus is very fragile and is easily killed by common disinfectants and drying. It is unlikely to survive for more than 5 minutes outside the cats' is beneficial. You will lose moisture even in the wintertime when you inhale inhale and exhale vigorously during exercise. exercise. You can lose 25 percent more fluids in the winter due to the cold. Wear a face mask if jogging in the winter; it will help decrease dehydration. dehydration. In addition to the guidelines for good nutrition, you should exercise the following precautions to avoid injury and promote fitness: • Always stretch and warm up the muscles first before exercising to avoid injury to the muscles. Before the muscles have been worked, they are at a temperature of 98°F and are stiff. After a five-minute warm-up, their temperature rises several degrees degrees and loosens them up. After a workout, also be sure to cool your body temperature to normal before taking a shower. Providing for a cool-down period will prevent abnormal abnormal muscle contractures and even heart attack. • If you have heart problems, avoid lifting weights. While lifting, For more information on these viruses viruses please call your veterinarian. ■ Please remember that these two diseases are NOT TRANSMITTED to people. You CANNOT get Aids from cats. you stop breathing for a moment and the chest muscles and abdomen tighten, tighten, exerting undue pressure on the lungs and heart. Circulation to the brain and heart is also decreased. • Long-term use of steroids such as cortisone and anabolic steroids leads to osteoporosis, shrinkage of the testicles, cancer, sterility, and breast enlargement. Steroids taken by women can result in shrinkage of the breasts, excess facial and body hair, breast cancer, and deepened voices. Anabolic steroids may cause heart attacks. attacks. You can use sarsaparilla or saw palmetto to replace natural and synthetic testosterone instead of steroids. steroids. Don't gamble - it may cost you your life! • Gravity boots and the back swing should be avoided by the following following persons: those with glaucoma, heart disorders, hernias, artery disorders, disorders, and spinal instability, and anyone anyone using blood thinners such as aspirin aspirin or anticoagulants. A high complex carbohydrate diet - pasta, grains, beans, brown rice for maximum and most efficient sources of energy. Do not overload. Athletes Nutri Shake mixed in blender - 1 Tablespoon Tablespoon of Flax Oil, Bee pollen, and honey, 1/2 cup of yogurt and milk, favorite fmit (strawberries, bananas), wheat germ oil (Vit. E). Drink 2-3 hours before sport or competition. Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant antioxidant can protects tissues against the damaging effects of oxygen. Vitamin C 100 mg/day and Zinc are necessary for strong collagen in muscles, and ligaments. Magnesium and potassium affects muscles and bones. Magnesium Magnesium is important to the athlete for its role in nerve responsiveness and Hooper's Jewellers... Antique Pocket Watches and Modern Watch Repairing We use only fresh Maxell watch and electronic equipment batteries. All watches purchased include a FREE lifetime battery replacement. Hooper's Jewellers 39 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone 623-5747 c ick, Dr. W firhete Oil endy Korver and .V^Jj^lvXvXvXvtvXivX^-XivXvXvtv: muscle contraction. The exercise physiologists recommend recommend a high complex carbohydrate diet but no longer recommend "carbohydrate "carbohydrate loading". There are several drawbacks to carbohydrate loading, refined carbohydrates promotes water retention in the muscles. Sugary foods provide only short term energy and can lead to cramping, nausea and light headiness. Proteins are necessary to build the muscles, whether animal or vegetable protein, the body needs them to produce produce hormones and for energy production. production. Digestive enzymes are sometimes needed for increased absorption absorption of nutrients, papaya juice is a good natural source. Water and electrolyte replacement is very important before, during and after competitions. I recommend ENDURANCE ENDURANCE Drink, which is used by world renowned triathletes, runners etc. It is always wise to consult with a sports chiropractor, on Sports Medicine Medicine Specialist trained in nutrition before before starting any program. The information in this column is of a general nature. Consult your health care professional for specific health concerns. Dr. Hoch, of the Bowmanville Family Chiropractic Centre, is now in her tenth year of private practice. She has personally attended more than 30,000 patients. She supports and educates her patients to create conditions for Optimum Health, with a focus on lifestyle modification and stress management so each individual individual can work towards achieving Optimum Optimum Health and in turn educate others. others. iff PATRICK G. DEEGAN Denture Therapy Clinic A Complete Denture Service Relines • Repairs • New Dentures • Soft Liners FREE CONSULTATION 5 George Street Bowmanville 623-4473 OFFICE CLOSED FROM JULY 18TH - AUGUST 9TH Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday j caw AN PONTIAC -- BUICK LTD. 1 BOWMANVILLE -- O NT. 166 King Street East Telephone 623-3396 body. Outdoor cats or multiple cat households are the high risk groups. Cats exposed to the virus may mount an immune response to the virus and eliminate it. Special white blood cells called lymphoytes produce antibodies against the vims. These cats are then immune for life. Some cats are unable unable to eliminate the vims and these cats will then develop the immunosuppression immunosuppression (inability to fight off disease disease in a normal fashion). Many cats die from secondary infection (for example example anemia, bacterial infection, Feline Feline Infectious Peritonitis) before they could die from Feleuk, while those who live long enough will develop develop lymphosarcoma -( a cancer). Fortunately there is a vaccine available to help protect against this serious disease. É your cat is in a high risk group (outdoors or in a multiple multiple cat household) check with your veterinarian about having him/her vaccinated against Feline Leukemia. Feline Immunosuppressive Vims (FIV) is a related virus that causes disease in the cat similar to Aids. It has been used as a model to study Aids in humans. Cats with FIV also develop secondary bacterial and viral infections, but also seem very susceptible susceptible to Toxoplasmosis and fungal infections. infections. This vims is spread primarily primarily by bite wounds. Unfortunately, it is thought that cats with FIV will ultimately ultimately die. There is NOT VACCINE AT THIS TIME. The only protection available is to prevent fight wounds (ie. keep your cat indoors or in a protected protected environment like a wire enclosure). enclosure). We'd like to ... Take You Out to the Ball Game! Sbe ÆanaDian gforte#man WHMUW >2 p<r> Wttterd»?. Ap<in7. ITM Buwi-- «tUW.OitUno IdOthYtif .^>XCS.T-«lt lm«>7 Council's Tie Vote Kills Mosport Concert Deal -Mayor Says, *We'll See You in Court.'-- Illwij nwil <«I< 'Cnim. m nl ».>l ~n<«f et es tee ■ met.* am mX Deny èracH a M ItM k* i *J,,« «M 1-0 iux« ;kn kl MxXty wpfe, Mir* Hm iXf »fm i is ne u. « Uo^.ncu*- tteeti imd ei ahauai ymtkX awm- lin l«aX d* kV»l1J e.(fe Cd clwwfea Ikm trie 10 kVmdwy VU)U [Xw Ibmt kaAid 'Wilt pet nliaymkmjdratkfrd to Upfie aid Us W.ywl wan ■*> mxxtd (At wp »n ktiwnit <*A ** fesl èrwil \m .iitri.win el «ml xaJ Mint Hewn lVi Ac Mips IWut e«d u foxed I ket Us ww xwtUxp 1» kl Us Witout the agreement, n. -- Clarmçton will be tweouwh»* taAcn to court on an w OutsUndnç legal problem wuh Mosport. e diyv felwara Ixkiwmp Us tiptjte gf es OtfekyM t|>s I» -t.Hr-1 Sued., Cm pt.pjffi cm rittiu I'l fe»i ees pa« M«tm! m In, w* ww to Mas Tkt li|ki mm ox is pt* eye n Ma MuXMn gf H»y 1 lx 1km ke to kr Iniifcn mue MIVJISC. 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