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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1994, p. 11

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5 The Clarington Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, August 13,1994 11 by Dr. Kathlynn Hoch Part 2: Rehabilitation Programs The recent Manga Report, commissioned commissioned by the Ontario Ministry of Health and prepared by the highly-respected highly-respected health economists at the University of Ottawa, represents the largest and most thorough analysis analysis of the scientific literature on low back pain ever. The report demonstrates that chiropractic chiropractic management of low back pain is more effective, more cost- effective and producés higher levels of patient satisfaction than other forms of management. The report recommends that chiropractic services services in Ontario be fully funded by OHP and be fully integrated into the health care system, including hospitals. Workers' Compensation studies report that injured workers with the specific diagnosis of low back pain (L.B.P.) returned to work much sooner when treated by chiropractors. chiropractors. This leads to very significant reductions in direct and indirect costs. Milk Production On the Increase Industrial milk production in Canada will rise two and a half per cent, marking the second consecutive consecutive year of market growth, as dairy farmers respond to an improving Canadian market for dairy products boosted by farmer-financed programs programs that invest in stimulating demand. demand. The temporary quota increase im- pler rented last fall to rebuild butter stoc les filled this need and was with- Ira' vn. The new permanent increase efldcts current and projected domestic domestic butterfat demand for the coming year. This increase follows a two per cent increase last year. Industrial milk makes up about half of the 2.2 billion litres of milk produced in Ontario annually and is used to make dairy products such as blitter, cheese, ice cream, yogurt and skim milk powder. "Canadian dairy farmers invested, about $25 million in various programs programs to increase demand for industrial industrial milk last year," said John Core, Chairman of the Ontario Milk Marketing Marketing Board. "The return on this spending is market growth. We are also benefitting from the gradually improving general economy and are ready to respond to that market demand." demand." The 2.5 per cent increase in the national quota will have slightly different different effects in each province. Ontario Ontario producers will be notified of their individual quota holdings through a separate letter near the end of August. Ontario dairy farmers had suffered suffered through the loss of about 15 per cent of their industrial milk quotas quotas between 1988 and 1992 as they had to respond to the market's declining declining demand for butterfat." Last year we saw an end to a downward trend in our market and we hope this second increase confirms a new, positive growth trend," Core said. Another recent development was the announcement on July 28 by the Canadian Dairy Commission of a three per cent increase to the target return for industrial milk and to the processor margin. All of the increase increase is placed on the support price for skim milk powder. Effective August 1, 1994, the support price for butter will be maintained at $5.324 per kilogram and the support price for skim milk powder will rise from $3.498 to $3.708 a kilogram. "This pricing decision is fair to the industry and to consumers," said Canadian Dairy Commission Chairman Chairman Gilles Prégcnt. "At the same time, it should ensure the health and stability of our dairy industry." The recommendation was made that the government should take all reasonable steps to actively encourage encourage co-operation between providers, particularly the chiropractic, medical medical and physiotherapy professions. Lack of co-operation has been a major major factor in the current inefficient management of low back pain. The union of Rehabilitation with Chiropractic treatment is long overdue. overdue. The benefits of chiropractic manipulation as part of a rehabilitation rehabilitation program has proven to be successful, successful, cost-effective, reduces time in rehabilitation in cases of acute and chronic pain and injury. If you are injured at work or in a car accident, it is likely you will be referred for a rehabilitation program. program. You are free to choose which centre you would like to be treated at. What should you look for and how can yoii assess the effectiveness effectiveness of the program? A treatment centre which incorporates incorporates chiropractic treatment, physical physical therapy using interferrential current, current, laser acupuncture and massage therapy will give you the best results. results. It should also have a complete area with exercise equipment for increasing increasing strength and flexibility With several types of treatment available, a very effective program can be designed. The success of the program revolves revolves around the ability to assess the patient's needs, accurately diagnose diagnose the problem and implement early treatment programs. There should be education on prevention of future injury with reg ular communication on your progress. The program should also include pain management exercises to increase strength and flexibility so that functional integrity is restored restored quickly. Cardiovascular fitness fitness should be included as well. Each phase should be progressively progressively more difficult, forcing injured muscle tissue to adapt to ever- increasing workloads, therefore preparing preparing you for returning to work and lessening the chance of re-injury. I am excited and happy to be working together with some colleagues colleagues from various professions to establish such a clinic in Bowmanville Bowmanville which will provide all the above levels of care. We should be ready to open the doors in September. We would also network for inter-referrals with local physiotherapy, chiropractic and medical clinics. The bottom line should be the most cost-effective, beneficial care for the injured worker. worker. The Clarington Rehabilitation and Sports Injuries Clinic phone number for information is 623-8202. The information in this column is of a general nature. Consult your health care professional for specific health concerns. Dr. Hoch, of the Bowmanville Family Chiropractic Centre, is now in her tenth year of private practice. She has personally attended more than 30,000 patients. She supports and educates her patients to create conditions for Optimum Health, with a focus on lifestyle modification and stress management so each individual individual can work towards achieving Optimum Optimum Health and in turn educate others. others. Hurry... Only 5 'bt (Stmainmi Statesman Wdnndji. Xpril 27. IWd l!ii« nillf.Onliriu HI hli Year Council's Tie Vote Kills Mosport Concert Deal - Mayor Says, 'We'll See You in Court."-- by | MU J Hrfhitdi tou* id >c«d tknkmt#. at .41 »t p» ltd (OVt- ill) r.igil Cil thh-abti Iful i»KH to Monlty r lUmrt ki*td night. "*h*rt hid Urn ■ lot of g*w- kt* of V* retad u>t taoungem/nT Iron if* conn- rtihiddotk^cd to hippie iol if* Uaytn »tr« nvj I-** wp Mi fummtnng ou the fuul dnuli lut oantil*. in) iffttd M unity tlttmtEti !«,<, lient* iliti if* Miyot Ibmre novd to < outil - Without the agreement, M (ouL1 a*, u Clarington will bo totroiifd by u* mv»«ig*h<r. outstanding legal problem with Mosport. I Mil irmruh. Miyu llanvt ut hatfff mtd »nu**r cgioi MK (emu*J o.traii* c*rp-j u* nard TM u if* 41 J0i " 0 diirtuil dauoi l'*t lui to Ik «grermtN. If* MM»!», •.! hr , M ul , -v< w LMi.falculc* tnovuumloi It- in refitto* to t rtmtil ruA t gtljiohkmeiiAititungaiiy « m 1* cxma| by Cowtilkjt If* t«nd*| ««111 u* • ht» "J* Cortmrd or Pbq# 2 FLA VOIT MAMA - Irotgh tkep II I fut «on In HI hntlty fini U*M dtfl. htl*«n (oUoatng If* npdoui of V* Grodyt* Ji C E«gk* ci a tithing Sunky Cup gftytfd* on uknuoi Thtir h»»c fttn rim pt*l gunu «ofv.eiih rant torero TT* ligki «tnl ou « pen Hyk eti Mondiy, u If* Carpi*» efuth linkl »* (wtidrnbdy ntt pt/lmg Ipecr Wt tinn/ily Inc* vtr*»hjllnjiktf« anfi oui anng if* ifmldm cf May 2 let poling ThM hu lo t* fuunkui n Pll.lr MFFTISfi • wtuk m if* It nutum hu hrrn ttlkd lot ifi $750.(11) tmrnruc ti rut NiMmj r*« if* Cotnpki m"tf* firu tUftt cf cusuititn 55ir.ll if un* of ifitt mmry coi U ht Ctmmttl 10 fc-r*dy If* CIIANCF. 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Id Sulrl. .41 V r*d»| tin o* a* ah* u mpeauhtc hi lea -and bat #* mg m an* and ail V repruag « Over 100 Exhibits Scheduled lor Home Show ...Pig* 2 Eagles Lose Heartbreaker In Semi-Final ...Pages Cat Recovering After Being Shot By Steel Arrow ...Pg.One Section Two \ ÿ - ; -VTho Stork Market /\| ' -/■ Report É. CARfET -r, M WAMHOURy.j JXJ Shop the Rest (£, Be^ from lh« Betti [puktohJ W MOV HI • 23-4413 lowmsnvlllb •> I ^ »llVI«iflf\\»y.k..B.y* 51511*.I*«.U* cr, .ni: Tot*1 tfm Vmi tk«H7 OH 71 * IVIB70AT DtSCOUNTPWCIt *■ ^ ,^ r 72V4W1 ^ a 35⣠a . Take advantage of our subscription specials and you could win ... • A pair of tickets to a Toronto Blue Jays game at SkyDome. • One night's accommodation at the Harbour Castle Westin. • Limousine transportation to Toronto and home the next day. • Plus ... $250 in spending money. To enter, select either of these subscription specials. A. Buy a one year subscription for $25 and get 6 months extra for FREE OR B. Buy a 2 year subscription for $45 and get 12 months extra for FREE. Even lower rates are available for Office Pickup Subscriptions Subscription offer closes August 18th, 1994 and applies to subscriptions mailed within Canada. Winners to be announced in the August 24th edition of The Canadian Statesman. To pay by VISA / MC Please phone 623-3303 or stop by our office tfo Canadian gtatmtatt 62 King St. West, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K9 Your Community Newspaper Since 1854 The first 50 customers to purchase a subscription between 6 p.m. and 12 midnight on Thursday, August 18th will receive a FREE "Read If T-Shirt

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