Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, September 21,1994 13 : Jack and Hazel Crago--987-4201 A former Newcastle Village girl, Betty Ingram (nee Van Dusen) was featured recently in a sports article in the Belleville paper, The Intelligencer. Intelligencer. Seventy-year old Betty practices golf every day. She has won the Bay of Quinte Country Club championship championship twenty-eight times and has decided decided not to play for that title again. Being a member for the past two years, Betty also plays at the Knowl- ton Countiy Club in Quebec. In August August she was thrilled to win the Canadian Canadian Super Seniors golf championship at the Belvedere Country Country Club in Prince Edward Island. Her goal is to shoot her age! Congratulations Congratulations Betty! And, thank you to the donors of the article. On Thursday evening, September 15, the Newcastle Senior Citizens enjoyed enjoyed their card games. Winners declared declared were: 1st Aileen Turner, 2nd Leona Wilson, 3rd June Wilson, 4th Laurette Ravey, 5th Bertha Fisher and 6th Martha Clark. Lucky draws were won by Raye Friedlander, June Wilson, Albert Pearce, Phyllis Mill- son, Bill Allin, Lyra Rintoff, Velma Jakeman, Laurette Ravey, Robin All- dred, Lena Graham, Edgar Millson. Congratulations, all! Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Maurice O'Neill, New- tonville, who passed away suddenly at his home on Saturday, September 17. On Sunday Mrs. Kathleen Kimball Kimball accompanied Marguerite and Vance Cooper and daughter Joy Stringer to the birthday celebration for Leonora Stapleton at Kendal Church. On the weekend Mr. Albert Pearce attended the 1994 Durham College Fall Baseball Classic at Oshawa Civic Stadium and Iroquois Park, Whitby. Eight teams participated participated - five from the USA and three from Canada. Grandson Jeff Pearce pitched one game for Durham College College (which they won). Congratulations, Congratulations, Jeff! Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were niece Doreen Wood and her husband, Boyd, of Orono. Birthday greetings to Jacqueline Sausedo, Reverend Donald Stiles, Fred Bedwin, Gladys Wood, R.B. Rickard and Marie Gibson. Congratulations and best wishes to Dan and Marg Maskall and Vicki and Zory Lesnick on their September wedding anniversaries. On Sunday Mrs. Betty Brown, Toronto, Toronto, and daughter Brenda, of Jamaica, Jamaica, called on Stan and Kay Powell who were very pleased to greet their former neighbours. Betty and Brenda were on their way to visit sister-in- law Velma Watson and her husband Gordon, Orono. Last week we reported that Mr. Harry Wade celebrated his 85th birthday. birthday. Besides Bill and Marg and family family and the Doug Wade family, nephews nephews Grant Wade and Brenda, Peterborough, Gordon Cochrane and Anita, Toronto, also enjoyed the birthday dinner party. Mr. Michael Wade, Bowmanville, who was unable to attend the party, took his grandfather out to dinner on Thursday evening. Last Tuesday, Mrs. Pauline Storks attended a finance meeting for the MEA at Pickering Hydro. On Sunday evening Raye Friedlander Friedlander and Pauline Storks and lady friends attended the Oshawa Little Theatre's production of The Gin Game. Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding recently spent a few days with Jack and Nan Skelding, Port Perry. Last Wednesday Mildred Pye- Finch spent with her mother Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono, were Wednesday evening evening visitors. On Thursday Maxine Fclgate, of Claremont, visited her mother and in the afternoon they called on the Reid Woods, Ncwtonvillc. On Sunday, September 25th, Mrs. Gladys Wood is celebrating a special birthday at Newcastle United Church Sunday School Hall, and Marie Gibson Gibson is receiving guests at St. George's Parish Hall on her important important day! Congratulations and best wishes to both ladies. It was certainly fine weather for Port Hope Fall Fair last weekend. This week fair followers will be heading north to Lindsay. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley and Mary Vinkle, Newton- ville, visited Audrey Gilmer who is a patient in Lindsay Hospital. St. George's Anglican Church On Monday, September 12, Edith Mary Dewdney, widow of the Reverend Reverend Douglass Dewdney, died in Toronto Toronto at 95 years of age. Coming to the village in 1936, she and her husband husband served St. George's for 31 years until 1967, at which time Mr. Dewdney Dewdney retired from the priesthood. Their children, Mary, Catherine and Douglass Douglass all received their early education here. Mrs. Dewdney was an active and popular helpmeet to her husband in his ministry, and highly respected in both the Church and community. On Sunday older members of the congrégation reflected fondly on her years of service in our then quiet and peaceful village. Prayers were said for her and her family. On Sunday, September 18, new changes were introduced at St. George's Anglican Church. The congregation congregation now takes part in a hymn- sing before the service, and the Book of Alternative Service has been introduced introduced to the congrégation on a trial basis. The Reverend Robert Hartley preached on change and knowing the difference between our will and the will of God. This was a thought provoking provoking homily. Prayers of the people were said by the people, rather than by the priest, and this was enthusiastically enthusiastically received by the congregation as well. The flowers on the Altar were given given in memory of Mary Garrod's parents, parents, Herbert and Charlotte Brereton and her brothers Charlie and Tom. Choir practice begins Thursday, September 22nd at. 7 p.m. The choir is preparing for Harvest Thanksgiv ing Service at 11 a.m. on October 2nd, 1994. Newcastle Pentecostal Church Sunday morning we enjoyed the teaching of Grant McConaghy. He taught on Revelation 4, verses 1-8 things John saw and how it relates to us today. Sunday at 1:15 p.m. we held at service at Newcastle Health Care Centre. The residents are always ready to worship and sing. Sunday at 7 p.m. we were at Wil- mot Creek for the monthly service. Father Vic Valles was in charge. There was a good crowd. Next month on October 9 there will be their Thanksgiving Service when Reverend Reverend Mahan will lead. AIL are welcome. welcome. Tuesday evening Bible Study was conducted by Bill Davidson of Ajax. His topic was Who Is Your Neighbour? Neighbour? United Church Covenant Renewal Sunday was celebrated at Newcastle United Church on September 18th, 1994. After the organ prelude, Leigh McSwan carrying a candle representing representing the Light of the World and Nicholas Nicholas Boyd carrying a Bible denoting the Word of God proceeded to the front of the church. Sunday School Superintendent Kathy Ewert was Lay Reader and Nicole Colder and Cheryl McLeod performed the Quester's Dialogue. Dialogue. Don Stiles Jr., read the scripture, scripture, and Reverend Stiles told the story story Happiness Is. After the service in the sanctuary, the congregation was invited to the Sunday School Hall where leaders and children told in the story and song their knowledge of Vacation Bible School Son Country Farm. Great was the enthusiasm, inspired inspired by Lois McLeod who was presented presented with a gift for her dedication and work by Shirley Coyle. Thanks were extended to all who helped in any way with the VBS of eighty children. children. Kids HelpPhone is the charity Son Country Farm supported, and the manager of the Baric of Montreal, Bowmanville, was present to receive the $100 cheque. Coffee hour followed followed the service. On Monday evening the Sunshine Unit of the UCW met at the home of Glenn and Jean Allin. The theme was bazaar and the attendants worked on articles for the Saturday, October 15th, Golden Harvest Craft and Bake Sale. Jean was assisted by Mary Thompson and Hazel Crago. Senior Choir practice resumes September 22nd at 8 p.m. and Jr. choirs begin Thursday September 29 at 4 o'clock. Durham Region's 1st Ever / / Z PUBLIC CAR On the Spot Financing • Top Trade In Value By Expert Appraisers $200.00 deposit required with purchase ... credit cards accepted. Rain or Shine Be There. All Indoors Chevrolet Geo Oldsmobile Cadillac Chevy Truck Auction Info Call 725-6501 140 Bond St. W. Oshawa 725-6501