' 10 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Wednesday, October 5,1994 A guide to fine dining and entertainment. $ New Art Exhibit on Display at Administration Centre mAS. • V - 1 |f/ j j 1 Î • .{(f y uriSSiEM&IRw © Come and see the Autumn Leaves Dine at The Acres on Monday, Oct. 10th Special Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings, including: tomato juice, homemade bread, pumpkin pie, tea or coffee Adults $12.95 Children $7.95 Acres Restaurant Taunton Rd. E. Call 263-8421 at the PORT DARLINGTON MARINA Ï : Clarington artist Les Jones stands beside one of his water-color paintings entitled "Across the Marsh fat Rosedale" which is part of his landscape and nature collection now on display at at the Town Hall in Bowmanville. After retiring in 1986 from the Ministry of Housing, Mr. Jones was able to devote more -than just weekends to his art. His paintings have been shown at the Visual Arts Centre and Town Hall. 'Jones is a past-president of the East Central Ontario Art Association and his paintings have appeared in tfieir annual juried shows staged in galleries all around Ontario* Symphony Will Present Night of Song October 14 The Oshawa Symphony Orchestra Orchestra will be presenting an evening of song with John McDermott on Friday, Friday, October 14, at Eastdale Collegiate Collegiate in Oshawa. The show will begin at 8:00 p.m. Bom in Glasgow, Scotland, on March 25, 1955, John was raised on a steady diet of his parents' love of song. Through radio, he was exposed exposed to the sweet strains of some of die world's finest tenors. The absence of television in the McDermott home contributed to the vitality of evenings spent with family family and friends entertaining each other other with song. These evenings left John with an incredible impression of the importance importance of song to his family, his friends, and ultimately to his own life. His debut solo recording, "Danny Boy," a collection of timeless timeless melodies, has achieved platinum platinum sales in Canada and New Zealand. Zealand. The record is expected to meet with similar success in Australia and Great Britain. Tickets for the performance can be obtained by calling 579-6711. Proceeds from the evening will help support the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra. Orchestra. Sunday, October 9th, 1994 Brunch at 10:30 a.m. Buffet Dinner 4 to 8 p.m. "Featuring all the Thanksgiving Goodies" THANKSGIVING MONDAY Brunch and Dinner 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. HALLOWE'EN DANCE Saturday, Oct. 29 Live Band: Brass Knuckles Best costume prizes from 8 p.m. COMING SOON Shooters Sports Bar Book your Christmas and New Year's Party early. LAKE RD. OFF LIBERTY ST., South of 401 Bowmanville© 623-4925 Come and join us for Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday, Oct. 9th 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Turkey dinner with salad, potatoes, veggies, fresh cranberries and dessert $095 NOONE'S RESTAURANT Hwy. 115/35, Orono Call 983-9290 for Reservations Art and AMTIQIIE and Sale 'to., fed., f Biurs. and Fit ^October 4 - 5- ■ 6 and i - 9 ai. to 9 p.m. 7226 linker School Road, Enniskillen Directions Noiilt on Rond 57, to Lite 7lh Concession, one rond west of 1'lniMillcn Conservation Area. Telephone (905) 2633185 Wclaxie IM Cdxiii and Itollvi "Man" Whyte Come and enjoy rcMiinciib iiikI mxdc yplily. © Canada Post Stamps Feature Prehistoric Life What do Tommy Trickcr, Mega- ccrops and the Woolly Mammoth all have in common? Join Canada Post for "October is Stamp Month" to find out. This year's program promises to be another "mammoth" hit as the sequel sequel to the popular Tommy Trickcr and tite Stamp Traveller movie debuts debuts in Cincplex Odeon Theatres just in time for Stamp Month. Canada Post's Stamp Travellers' Club and the Dairy • Bureau of Canada are pleased to be co-sponsors of the new film, The Return of Tommy Trickcr. The grand prize in The Return of Tommy Trickcr Stamp Month 1994 contest will send three families on a twelve-day travel package to the exotic exotic Cook Islands, Air New Zealand's Zealand's unique destination in the South Pacific (valued at $12,000 each). The contest offers hundreds of other prizes, prizes, including memberships in the Stamp Travellers' club and Mammoth Mammoth Fun Packs, featuring play products, products, fascinating facts and mint Mammal Mammal stamps, Four new stamps featuring Prehistoric Prehistoric Mammals will be issued on September September 26 to provide the focus for participating Stamp Month activity centres. The stamps feature the Woolly Mammoth, the Short-faced Bear, the rhino-like Megacerops and the Coryphodon. They are the fourth and final issue in the four-year stamp scries, Prehistoric Life in Canada. This year over 15 museums and science centers across Canada are helping to celebrate Stamp Month. All of these centres will be giving out special Stamp Month collectibles and contest entry forms, while some will be conducting various prehistoric mammal and stamp exhibits/ activities. A complete listing of the participating activity centres can be found in the official Stamp Month Guide (enclosed). Mammoth Fun Packs, T-shirts and mammal stamps are available at postal postal outlets everywhere and through mail order from the National Philatelic Philatelic Centre - call toll free 1-800-565- .4362. Canada Post Corporation is pleased to have its Stamp Travellers' Club and. the Dairy Bureau of Canada as the presenting sponsors of Stamp Month 1994. Other valued sponsors include: Air new Zealand, The Cook Islands Tourism Authority, Cineplex Odeon Theatres, Malofilm Distribution, Distribution, The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, Canadian Stamp News, and Fédération Québécois de Philatélie. An evening with O John McDermott Friday, October 14,1994 8:00 p.m. Eastdale Collegiate Harmony Road - Adelaide St., Oshawa in support of The Oshawa Symphony Orchestra Tickets -- $20.00 each Telephone: (905) 579-6711 © ü Pingle's Fun Farm HARVEST FESTIVAL Thanksgiving Weekend N a. Taunton Rd. ny Rdj 1 Courtlce Hwy. #2. ■ Plngk'i Market E (ti X Hwy. 401 o € . ♦-Oshawa o • Spanish Onions • Gourds • Squash • Corn Stalk • Indian Corn • Fresh Baked Pies OCTOBER WEEKEND ACTIVITIES 11 a.m. -4 p.m. - Scarecrow Making - Wagon Rides - Petting Zoo - Corn Maze - Pick your own Pumpkin FRESH ONTARIO VEGETABLES • Crisp Orchard Apples • Apple Cider • Fall Raspberries Weekdays: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Weekends 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Taunton/Courtice Rd., 5 km. E. of Oshawa 725-6089 © ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARDS We're looking for the "good kids" of Ontario Contact this community newspaper for details. Deadline for nominations is Ontario community association Bell BRIDES-TO-BE...^ If your wedding is three months or more away, you will want to attend JO/i BRIDALPARTY Admission is FREE, but by invitation only. To obtain your personal invitation for you and your mother or guest, please give us a call. Phone: 623-5873 Place: Bowmanville Lions Centre Time: 7 p.m. Date: Monday, November 7th. Look what WELCOME WAGON has in store for you... • Exciting Gifts for Every Bride • Demonstrations OLiT • Special Displays rl%l(Sl • Numerous Door Prizes ©. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ jUEj John McDermott Bike Helmets Mandatory on October 1, '95 The province is gearing up for bicycle bicycle safety us the one-year countdown countdown to mandatory helmets begins. "Ontario's 2-million cyclists should use their heads when it comes to safe cycling habits - that includes wearing a helmet," said Transportation Transportation Minister Gilles Pouliot. "It could save your life or, at llie very least, prevent serious head injuries," More than 3.3(H) cyclists were injured injured and 27 killed on Ontario roads m 1992. Statistics also show that 75 per cent of cycling fatalities arc the result of head injuries - ami that helmets helmets can reduce the risk of head injury injury by H5 per cent, In July 1993, the province passed a private member's bill to make wearing a bicycle helmet mandatory on October 1,1995. STARTS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7th Canada's Gone Gump. ★ ★★★ ★★★★ I r«ltf Mm limit. IDHIfNIO MAH I null H. Iliilwin.lAII.AHr AIN **** ★ ★★★ 1*4 | Milln. (ID A* A AIN Nrixr Mi Mind, I DM INI II M N ★ ★★★ *★*★ fc^flhmUlHAMIMMlMI.A Tom IlankSis Forrest Gump [tv-arra 11 " IIWK Nr»MUt Andre wuniONATminwY "FORREST GUMP" Fri. - Sat. - Sun. 7:00 and 9:40 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed.-Thurs. One Show Only 7:15 p.m. "ANDRE' MATINEES Saturday and Sunday Only 1:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. ALL SEATS $4.25 This Week See: * Forrest Gump * Andre BOWMANVILLE MALL "NATURAL BORN KILLERS" Shows at 7 and 9:25 p.m. Nightly Please: No food from outside our Theatre 697-1999 © **********************************