8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, October 19,1994 Reader Recommends Steps for Hockey Organizations to Use When Selecting Coaches Dear Editor A representative of the OMHA recently spoke (at a coaches' clinic) about how coaches usually want to coach the team on which their child is playing. (Most want to do this for time management purposes). However, he indicated this is not always a good thing and that, in many cases, it is not the wisest choice. He said unless the coach's/ assistant coach's child is the best player on the team (or one of the best), it will be difficult for the child to deal with the rest of the team members once they realize that he/ she only made the team because their father was the coach or the assistant assistant coach. It would be very difficult difficult for a coach to releasc/cut his own child from the team (and quite possibly more difficult to explain to his wife). In the long run, it would be a wiser decision and in the best inter- LIFESTYLE 1 JFi * TIPS 1 From Drug High to Exercise High CFLRI: The Researchers in Active Living Studics indicate that exercise may not affect drug use per se. but that it can affect factors related to drug use. For instance, drug use is often accompanied by low self- esteem. anxiety and depression--all of which can be improved with regular physical activity. This is good news for concerned parents, who are certainly not alone in this situation. Canada's Health Promotion Survey shows that about one million Canadians used marijuana or hashish in 1990. Over 200,000 used cocaine or crack. As expected, marijuana and hashish were used most heavily by young people. Over one in ten Canadians between the ages of 15 and 24 had sought well-being from the weed in the year preceding the survey. Increasingly, substance abuse is recognized as a symptom of developmental developmental problems such as low self-esteem and lack of self-discipline. self-discipline. Teenagers seem to know the harmful effects of substance abuse, yet they arc not deterred from it. Negative peer pressure, low self- concept, anxiety, depression, school functioning and parental relationships relationships are more powerful in influencing influencing substance use. William Montclparc and colleagues from Brock University, Ontario, reviewed the role of physical physical activity in reducing substance use by first improving self-esteem. They concluded that instead of simple participation in recreational activity, it may be the success of that participation or the attainment of competence or skills that are more conducive to positive changes in self-esteem. Recreation professionals professionals could therefore successfully enhance self-esteem (and counteract counteract drug use) by exposing young people to new recreation experiences experiences or helping them to attain higher levels of skills in familiar activities. Another variable, leisure boredom, seems to hold much promise in explaining substance use. Since young drug users tend to spend their free time with their peers, in unstructured activities, leisure counselling may prove to be an effective approach to fighting boredom and structuring free time. This view is supported by a 1988 study by Kimberly Scott and Anita Myers, who looked at substance use and physical activity among aboriginal aboriginal youth in Maniwaki, Quebec. The young aboriginals told the researchers that they participated in physical activity programs offered in the community "to have something to do" and "to feel good." Obstacles to participation included lack of facilities and boredom with available activities. To counteract drug use, physical activity should therefore aim to structure free time and improve psychological health. Effective programs provide an opportunity for youth to safely explore personal weaknesses and strengths. For greater impact on drug use, programs should • centre around concrete and specific tasks, • help participants to achieve specific goals, • require active participation as opposed to passive listening or watching, • require a good deal of effort from the participants, • seek delayed results, so that the participants learn to wait for gratification, • teach self-discipline. Why not suggest a similar program in your community? Interesting and age-appropriate physical activities are a promising alternative to low self-esteem and substance abuse. 3M" ybllev bladtftg- 1 - This article is provided by die Canadian Fitness anti Lifestyle Research Institute in collaboration with I'articipACTION. Æ; V? -â " liit- est of his own child as well. A suggestion would be for our local coach selecting committees, along with checking for coaching qualifications, ability, availability, references, etc. that they: a) check to make sure that the applicant's applicant's child would make the team (without question). b) have a panel, separate from the coach selection committee, view the tryouts and decide on the coaching coaching staff's children. This panel should be comprised of individuals not associated with the team or the organization so that it will not be a question of who you know. c) once the coach is selected, advise advise him to pick the balance of his coaching staff carefully, to ensure that if they (the assistant/lraincr/ manager) have, a child trying out for a team, that he or she would make the team based only on the child's ability. Still, it would be on the panel's panel's decision as in (b) above, to decide decide whether his child made the team. Since there are only up to 15 players and two goalies on a team, it seems that the best qualified, most talented players should get the positions positions available. Especially in rep hockey it is unfair to see good quali ty players turned away because spots arc "locked up" with children who might not be up to the calibre but arc the coaching staffs children. Remember, a team usually has one coach, one assistant coach, one trainer, and one manager. Four spots should not automatically be taken by these member's children, but must be earned by skill level. Having been in several arenas, in several areas, I hear the same complaints. complaints. It's not a problem to be addressed addressed to one centre, but everywhere. everywhere. And people should stop complaining and do something about this. If every organization implemented implemented a system for dealing with this issue, issue, hockey would be more unified. It seems to me the coaches and their staff would be agreeable to this system system as well. They could then never be accused accused of taking a team just so their child would make it, or could it be said that their son/daughter made the team because a parent was the. coach. The child would make the team based on the panel's choice. This system has been implemented implemented in the Lindsay area and perhaps it should be given serious consideration consideration here. -Name Withheld Christian Schools Converge on Darlington Park for Harrier Competition 1 v- .Yyv.:,; x -, 4 , - « m„ Runners break from the starting line of a cross country meet that ranging from 2.7 to 3 kilometres. The above mnners were competing was held at Darlington Provincial Park recently. Eight Christian in the junior boys' division, schools competed in junior and senior divisions, with race distances Courtice S.S, Defeats O'Neill 2-0 in Soccer Game CANADIAN TIRE Meet our Mechanic Russell Whittaker has been a resident of Courtice for the past 5 years. / 5 i Russell does general repair and specializes in brakes. Russell encourages everyone to take advantage of Canadian Tire FREE Brake Inspection before the slippery weather arrives. See Russell today! 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