The CJarington Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, November 12,1994 7 Knights of Columbus Charter New Council for St. Francis of Assisi ; : >z <v' ; : lÜlülili:; Model Railroad'" and Hobby Show "NEW LOCATIO More than 200 people packed the Orono Community Centre Saturday evening, November 5th for Charter Night of the Knights of Columbus, St. Francis of Assisi, Council 11268. The Newcastle K. of C. is one of 11,433 councils worldwide. Last year, the 53,000 Ontario members of the Knights of Columbus Columbus donated $7 million and 3.5 million man hours to charity. The huge crowd is shown above shortly before before the official ceremonies began. I information Highway Explained Durham Region Action.Committee Action.Committee for Training (ACT) is a private sector, non-profit incorporated organization organization that believes everyone in the community benefits when the members members of the community labour force share in the up-grading of skills and the continual learning process. Industry Industry today is faced with constantly changing technology and increased competition. With a workforce trained to stay at the cutting edge of technology industry will be able to compete in the world marketplace. To this end, Durham Region ACT is hosting an Information Highway Seminar on Monday, November 28, 1994 at Cullen Gardens in Whitby from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (registration (registration begins at 7:30 a.m.) moderated by Mr. William Hutchison of Ernst and Young. Mr. Hutchison's expertise expertise in this field is renowned, and, he is Director of CANARIE (the Canadian Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education), Education), Canada's national research and development initiative for the Information Information Highway. Mr. Hutchison will speak of his "vision" including the direction and impact of the Information Information Highway. The impressive speakers and panelists panelists listed below will each talk on the direction their organization is taking taking in the development of the Information Information Highway. These distinguished speakers are as follows: - Virgina J. (Ginny) Dybenko, Chief Operating Officer, Bell Advanced Advanced Communications - John Norman, Publicity Committee, Committee, Durham Free-Net Inc. - Fred T. Klinkhammer, President & CEO, MediaLinx Interactive Inc. - Roger Keay, V.P. Technology & Strategic Planning, Rogers Communications Communications Inc. - Catherine Smith, President, U U North Inc. ; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1994 ^ ^ 10:00am to 4:00pm 1 Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School ROSSLAND Rd W and STEVENSON Rd N, OSHAWA ADMISSION Adults $4.00 Children under 14 $2.00 Under 5 FREE Sponsored by the i Pine Ridge Railroaders V EU F1Q3 1 I OSHAWA ! i T-- noasLuc wqad i * Just Window Shopping? "This Is Your Community" Please Participate by Voting Monday, November 14, 1994 Compliments of t/ie committee to elect John O'Toole Ward 2, Regional Council DAVID WING Bowmanville's Local Councillor Ward 2 WING, DAVID Authorized by the CFO for the David Wing Campaign. © / / j ORONO VILLAGE Lighting of Christmas and Christmas Craft Show ORONO TOWN HALL Christmas Craft Show Fri. and Sat., Nov. 18 -19 Friday 4 to 9 Saturday 10 - 5 Exhibits at Tom Hall Handcrafted Gifts for Everyone on Your List Hot Cider and Roasted Chestnuts - Friday Sandwiches and Cookies - Saturday Santa - Friday 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Lighting of Christmas and Carolling Friday, November 18th at 6:30 p.m. Carolling by Orono Public School Children and members of the Guiding and Scouting movements. Roving Santa with candy canes for the children and a Town Crier. Hot Dogs and Hot Chocolate Sale by the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen starting at 6:00 p.m. © • EXPERENCE • DEDICATION • LEADERSHIP Diane Hamre is committed to the total Municipality - ALL OF ITS PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME Rp-plpct HAMRE for MAYOR Municipality of Clarington Authorized by the CFO for the Diane Hamre campaign.