Committee Working to Organize Reunion in Solina The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, November 23,1994 9 Health Department Assures Us Drinking Water Meets Standards The new committee to organize the next Solina People's Reunion and the Solina Silver Set annual get together at the Solina Community Hall has been selected for 1995. The organizers are Bruce and Jean Taylor, Eileen Knox, Harvey and Lois Yellowlees, Alma and Charles Langmaid and Charlie and Kay Kelly. Environmental Group Questions Hydro Tritium Compliance Costs All 14 water supply plants operated operated by the Durham Region Works Department Department provide water that protects public health, says Harold Robinson, Water Quality Program Manager, Durham Region Health Department. Public Health inspectors take 600 water samples every year to test for bacterial contamination, and the Health Department monitors laboratory laboratory reports concerning other health related objectives. An additional Trail Bridge for Wilmot Creek Costs $73,351 An Oshawa company has been awarded the contract to build the Wilmot Creek Pedestrian Bridge for the Clarington Waterfront Trail. The company, Ron Robinson Ltd., placed the lowest tender bid for the contract. The firm's bid of $73,351 was almost almost $10,000 cheaper than the next closest bid. Five other companies bid on the contract, including one Bowmanvillc Bowmanvillc company and a company from Whitby. The most expensive bid for the contract was for $119,754, 4,600 bacteriological samples arc taken taken yearly by Works Department Operations Operations staff. Water supply plants in Beaverton, Ajax and Oshawa also participate in the Drinking Water Surveillance Program Program begun in April 1986 by the Ontario Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE). Health related parameters parameters which the MOEE examines include bacterial (E. coli) contamination, contamination, radioactivity and chemicals. A total of 180 chemicals like lead, nitrates, nitrates, pesticides, dioxin and PCBs are monitored to ensure they do not exceed safe levels, according to the Ontario Drinking Water Objectives. Non-health related measures include those for water hardness, taste and colour. Bcmie Kuslikis, Plant Operations Manager, Durham Region Works Department, Department, stated that the MOEE's most recent reports judged the water in Durham Region to be of "good quality" and that "no health related parameters were exceeded." Although water quality is mainly determined by the cooperative efforts of the MOEE and the Works Department, Department, the Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Robert Kyle, is ultimately responsible responsible for judgements regarding human human health issues. ' f A Durham Region environmental - group says Ontario Hydro is threatending threatending the provincial government with a ' huge economic penalty if Bud Wild- [ man supports a proposed new drjnk- ■ing water standard for tritium. The new standard would force Hydro to reduce tritium emissions. The new standard, proposed by a provincial advisory committee would force Hydro to reduce radioactive tritium emissions from its nuclear stations. stations. In a previously unrelcased study, Hydro says that the cost of compliance with the proposed standard standard "would be in the billions of dollars". dollars". However, Hydro provides no detailed breakdown or any references for the hypothetical costs. Tritium is a radioactive by-product of CANDU reactors that is emitted in large quantities quantities into the air and water during accidents accidents and as part of routine operation. operation. Dave Martin, Durham Nuclear Awareness (DNA) Steering Committee Committee member, stated, Hydro is engaging in out-and-out blackmail to intimidate the govern ment. Environment Minister Bud Wildman should stand firm and support support his advisory committee. Money was no object in building these nticlcar plants, and it should be no object in controlling radioactive pollution. Irene Kock, DNA spokesperson, said, This will be one of the last major environmental tests of the NDP government government before entering into a provincial provincial election. The recommendations of ACES represent a reasonable compromise between zero discharge and die present high levels of tritium pollution pollution from Ontario Hydro's nuclear plants. Ontario's Independent Advisory Committee on Environmental Standards Standards (ACES) recommended last May that the allowable level of tritium tritium in drinking water be cut from 40,000 becquerels per litre (Bq/L) to 100 Ba/L immediately, with a reduction reduction to 20 Bq/L in five years. The investigation investigation by ACES of the Ontario Drinking Water Objective (ODWO) for tritium was prompted by a proposed proposed expansion of the Ajax Water CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country " BUSINESS FOR SALE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, commercial commercial printing and stationeiy store in southeast Sask. Fully equipped with the latest equipment. Annual sales avg. $260,000. Asking $150,000. Building can be leased or purchased. purchased. Phone Dwayne Stone at (306) 697-2722. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START YOUR OWN home-based business! Watkins is today's best business opportunity! 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BUILDINGS INC, Farm, storage, commercial industrial, industrial, Now Typos, slool/wood, quonsol, cladding, For true value, action k answers ■ Wally (410) 620-1794. FREE brochures, Clip-save, It's Affordnhin • It's Fast • It's Easy • Onn Dill Dous It All • Northern Ontario $63 * Ivaslorn Ontario $91 • Western ( liiltirlo SI 62 • Central ( liiltnio SI 68 • All ( liiitnio 8380 • Ntillnniil I'livkiipcs Available •('all litis paper lor details! Supply Plant, which is 4 km downstream downstream from the Pickering Nuclear Stations on the shore of Lake Ontario. Ontario. A decision on the ACES recommendations recommendations is expected from Ontario Environmental and Energy Minister' Bud Wildman at any time. NEVER AQAIN! "In a war, everyone suffers...we must never let It happen again." The War Amps THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PUBLIC NOTICE CONTACT NUMBER FOR 1994-95 WINTER SEASON DECEMBER 2,1994, TO APRIL 2,1995 The Public Works Department can be contacted for emergencies relative to road maintenance or conditions at the following telephone number during the 1994-95 Winter Season: ALL AREAS 623-3379 Don Patterson, C.E.T. Manager of Operations Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dates to be published: Wednesday, November 23,1994 Wednesday, November 30,1994 CS-Ind. 3992A © . MUNICIPALITY OF (\larinqton ONTARIO FEATURE FOR FEATURE YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT 0LDSM0BILE VALUE. 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