O OX () ComeME/Come, Emmanuel Latin The Clarington Independent ©J.P. Co.Lld. William Chatterton Dix fl u English 1. What Child is this,_ Who, laid to rest,_ On Ma-ry's lap_ is sleep - 2. Why lies He in such mean es-tate_ Where ox and ass _ are feed - 3. So bring Him in - cense, gold, and myrrh, Come, peas-ant, king_ to own ing?Whom ing? Good Him; The mil an - gels greet with an - thems sweet,_ While shep- herds watch-- are keep - ing? Chris tian, fear: for sin - ners here The si - lent Word-- is plead - ing. King of kings sal - va - tion brings,_ Let lov - ing hearts_ en-throne him. CHORUS The Canadian Statesman © J.P. Co. Ltd.