2 The Clarington Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, December 31,1994 New Regulations Aimed at Ensuring Open Government Beginning January 1, municipal final decisions must be made in an members of municipal councils, councils and most local boards will open public meeting. school boards, public utilities com be required under new legislation to • requiring municipalities and lo- missions and police villages disclose conduct their business in the open. cal boards to maintain an inventory sources of income and certain assets The new rules are part of Bill 163, of their properties, declare when any and liabilities, is due to take effect the government's open local govern- lands are surplus to their needs, ob- April 15, 1995. ment and planning reform package, tain an appraisal, and follow a pro- The new laws on local govem- introduced last spring by Municipal cedural by-law for disposing of such ment openness were developed after Affairs Minister Ed Philip and passed surplus properties. a thorough consultation process. That November 28. The government's open local gov- process began in 1990 when a com- "For the first time, municipal eminent and planning reform legisla- mittee representing municipal, school councils will have to open their deci- tion is being brought into force in board and public interests was sion-making to the public," Mr. Phil- stages. The parts of the bill that set formed to study municipal conflict of ip said. "Most municipalities already new standards for local government interest legislation, operate in the open; this legislation openness come into effect January 1, The committee held public meet- will affect the bad apples." along with the new Ontario Planning ings and heard input from municipal The new legislation makes local and Development Act (OPDA). The councillors, school board trustees and decision-making more transparent, new OPDA, a small part of the plan- members of the public before making and local decision-makers more ac- ning reform package, allows the recommendations to the government, countable, by: province to .prepare development Taking those recommendations into • requiring that meetings be held plans in specific areas. The major account, the government prepared in public and that councils and most changes to the planning system will draft legislation which was circulated local boards put procedural by-laws take place March 1, when Planning for comment. More than 500 respons- in place to direct how they will con- Act amendments and comprehensive es were received. The government duct their business. Only à limited new policy statements come into ef- further reviewed the draft legislation number^of concerns, such as property feet. with local government representa- acquisition, personnel matters and lit- The final part of the package, im- lives, taking into account the public igation, are acceptable for discussion provements to conflict of interest response, before developing the new without the public present, and any laws and a new requirement that legislation. Students at The Pines Senior Public School didn't forget the less fortunate families in the municipality when they enjoyed a Christmas dinner at their school last week. The dinner raised $200 for the Salvation Salvation Army. In this photo, Isabelle Jones, Family Services Co- Ordinator with the Salvation Army, accepts the cheque from Jonas Bonnetta, a peer helper at The Pines. n Sincere Thanks and Happy Holidays =0 To all my real estate clients who became my friends also. Having retired to Elliott Lake ana Florida, I wish you much love and happiness in the r New Year. ri Lia.;..: /Kay Brown m || Citizens Demanding Less Government Spending, MR Says From page one fine certain parameters for taxpayers. taxpayers. It would ensure fair treatment and fair taxation. "Governments tend to tax when they need money rather than cutting back expenditures. "We need to know at what level are they (the taxpayers) taxed beyond beyond what they can afford." In other words, Shepherd said, "people have reached the wall" and it's time the government noticed. The Liberal government under Prime Minister Jean Chretien is also looking at a bill to curb the funding of people and organizations who lobby the federal government. Shepherd pointed his finger at groups like anti-smokers organizations organizations and the National Action Committee Committee (NAC). Bill C43 would require all nonprofit nonprofit groups "to state if they are getting any funds from any government government level." As he put it, "this gets down to what the government shouldn't be doing" with its money. He is also looking towards bill CIS which could create six new ridings ridings in Canada. "I have objected to this," he said. "People want fewer politician^." With fewer politicians, less money money would be needed, rather than more. He estimates it costs the taxpayers taxpayers almost $1 million directly and indirectly to keep one politician. Shepherd admits he thinks Canada Canada is "over-governed." He believes an increase in the number of politicians politicians would not be the best thing for Canadians. The MP noted in Canada there is "one representative for every 76,000 people, (including thé House of Commons and the Senate). In the U.S., there is one representative for every400,000. As the year winds down, Shep herd has been busy keeping appointments appointments in his Simcoe St. North, Oshawa constituency office. While time is limited, Shepherd wants to hear from you and any problems or comments you may have. The office number in Oshawa is 721-7570. BOXING WEEK S ALE WE'RE DEALING ON EVERYTHING IN STOCK - ONLY WEEKS AWAY! MOVING SALE WE'D RATHER SELL IT THAN MOVE IT! flH * y-x v - •: .riff! ALL S LR. EQUIPMENT ON SALE! SPECIAL DEMO PRICES ON ALL OPEN STOCK! COMPLETE S LR. KITS FROM EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION!! : SALE PRICES LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL DEC. 31 ST. ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALES. PLEASE NO CHRISTMAS RETURNS ON TUESDAY. z PENTÀX PZ-1 BODY DEMO PENTAX, CANON, NI KON, OLYMPUS, MINOLTA, VIVITAR, SIGMA & MORE. BRING US YOUR HOLIDAY FILMS! 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