■«awtm fr .-, » Horticultural Society Holds Spring Show The Canadian Slatcsman, Bowmanviilc, May 27, 1998 Pace 11 by Hazel Crago Last week was one of rcminisccnec - how it was when we were first approached to write this column. We realize with all the new population, they arc not interested in our social lives. Therefore, we accept the changes. There is one item - Mrs. Kathleen (Kay) Kimball who kindly reported her items each week, has moved to 3090 Mcarns Blvd., Bowmanviilc and her Newcastle home has been rented. Kay is enjoying enjoying the care in her new residence. residence. We extend sympathy to Marilyn and Vcrdon Kent in the death of his brother Donald. Condolences also to friends and relatives of Hugh Stapleton who passed away on Sunday, ■May 24. Funeral at Ncwtonvillc United Church on Wednesday, May 27. Horticulture News A plant sale preceded the spring flower show at the Newcastle Community Newcastle News H;ill on Tuesday evening, May 19, 1998. New members were welcomed to the programme programme and guest speaker was Phyllis Davis and her husband of Beaverton. Many herbs were on display display and some were sold by Phyllis. A brochure on the care of herbs was available for everyone in attendance. Mrs. Lyla Allan, of Whitby, judged the junior and senior shows. In the junior show Colin Van Nicjcnhuis was the only exhibitor showing two red tulips along with his arrangement in a mug (named Spring Splcndcr). A flowering branch was the other exhibit in which Zachary Jansma had the first prize. All the juniors in the show were Erin Jansma, Sarah Jansma, Zachary Jansma, Jessica First and Stephanie First, Colin and Justin Van Nicjcnhuis and Ashley Daley. There were eleven exhibitors in the senior show with Vicki Lcsnick earning the most points with runners-up Narda Hoogkamp and Lorna Atkins tied for second second place. The Judge's Choice was "Spring Thaw" a light and airy water-viewing design arranged by Vicki Lcsnick. Josic Welter and Vicki Lcsnick served a delicious lunch. On May 9th, the folks at Parkview Apartments held a bazaar. Lucky winner winner of the quilt was Eastman Sleeves and the afghan winner was Loretta Thompson. The food baskets baskets were won by Marianne Riley and Margaret Wade. Orono's Town Hall centennial centennial program was great. Our own Jack Gordon had a great display of old musical instruments while his wife, Gloria, had fashions fashions of accessories (gloves DeVries Family Performs at Grist Mill Members olThc'DcVrics Family, of Ncwtonvillc, performed for their neighbours Saturday evening, May 23, at the Grist Mill auction hall in Ncwtonvillc. Four of the singers arc pictured above at the opening of the concert. The popular family singing group has presented its gospel and inspirational music at many venues across Canada and closer to home. They are also scheduled to sing Wednesday, May 27, at the Kingsvicw United Church in Oshawa. That concert begins at 7:30 p.m. this evening. and purses etc.). May 24th Conference Sunday, service at Newcastle United was held at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Wally Boughcn attended conference so Ncwtonvillc card results were not available. Next card game is June 5th. Optimist Dinner meeting meeting is Thursday, May 28th. On Sunday, May 17, 1998, Grace and Ed Hoad, formerly of Port Granby, were honoured by their son and daughter-in-law Amy and Ed Hoad and children on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Attending from Newcastle was Jean Miche and her family. This reception took place at Port Hope United Church. Grace and Ed now reside in Port Hope. This editor at that time of their wedding was teaching at Port Granby School and well remembers the charivari. charivari. I can't find the spelling of that word in my new dictionary. So you know such occasions arc ■ passe. An Evening of Song Members of the Dofasco Male Chorus wowed their audience Monday night during a concert in the Newcastle Town Hall. The choir and soloists under the direction of G.W.B. Bullivant performed before a full house. The choir, which now has 60 voices, was formed in 1945. All proceeds from Monday's performance will go to the Newcastle United Church organ fund. "Consumer Awareness" for Solina W.l. The May 13th meeting of Solina W.l. opened with the President's remarks, followed by all singing the Ode and repeating the Collect. The April minutes were How Sweet It Is,.. Providence Show's W.l. Learns About Maple Syrup Business On May 14 at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Rose Picrsma in Bowmanviilc, Providence Shaw's W.l. Canadian Industry Convenor, Doreen Barrie and Committee, presented the branch members with a very knowledgeable speaker, Eileen Burgess on the topic of Maple Syrup. Our meeting opened by President Betty Lou Locke with the Mary Stewart Collect. Secretary Shirley Brown read the District minutes and District Director Marilynn Dow read the information dealing with the District Annual. The Secretary then read the minutes of the April meeting. The Treasurer gave a report. There was some discussion on catering for Newcastle Lions June 24. Notify Wylma Allin if members are available to help. Information on W.l. videos as printed in the Home and Country was discussed and may be dealt with at the June meeting. meeting. The roll call was answered by 13 members and 1 guest. The Motto was written by Gail Guthrie and read by Shirley Brown. Doreen Barrie introduced speaker Eileen Burgess who made an excellent presentation on the topic of Maple Syrup. She was thanked by D. Barrie who presented her with a gift. The meeting closed with the Ode and a social time with waffles, waffles, ice cream with maple syrup. How sweet it was! Next meeting is June 11th at Dow's Sheep Farm. Bring a ■garden chair. Guests are always welcome. Contact President Betty Lou Locke 987-4406. P.R.O. Marilynn Dow read by Karen Dair assistant assistant secretary, followed by the minutes of the Board of Directors' meeting. The financial report was received. Several correspondence correspondence letters were read. A motion was made by Betty Grant and seconded by Donna Barkcy to pay all bills. There were seven recommendations from the Board of Directors meeting meeting which were consented to by the membership. The friendship report was given by Doreen Westlake and a number of congratulation - get well - special birthday and sympathy sympathy cards had been sent out. Barbara Kaptcyn reported for the summer outing. There were 3 trips to select from and sign up. There arc several "Interest Courses" being offered and were explained by Jenny Bowman. The Solina "Fashion Tea" is to be held May 24th at 2:00 p.m. in the Solina Hall. The Home and Country Survey regarding different delivery delivery and publishing issues was received from members members in attendance. The Central Community Board has asked for volunteers to help on Solina Day June 13th, with registration and lucky draws. President Jean Taylor reminded us of June being W.l. month and hopefully this will be displayed on the sign board. The roll call "A tip for kitchen safety" was answered with new and old information by all present. present. The motto "Better to pay the cook than the doctor" doctor" was ably prepared by Loraine Knox and given by Bernice Watson. The group had prepared facts and information about purchasing, purchasing, preparation and cooking of meats and organic foods. There seems to be more disease with these products than there used to be. Lois and Bernice presented presented more facts about caffeine to be aware of with some'bcveragcs. Meeting closed with O' Canada and W.l. Grace. A tasty lunch was enjoyed and the A.C.W.W. draws were done by Bradley's group. Alma Langmaid P.R.O. Smms .'/W ■■ The Kaitlin Group' 'Building Excellence' ; : . ■ ,; 'W , C'.- :'-.■ ■■■■■■■ :: 30' Wide Lots • Up to 2006 sq. ft, homes on 200' deep lots' -■ ^ A ,, r\ I 9 tartin to 2,006 sq ft p to $1 •FREE -M fireplace •5 FREE , appliances ,ri»v>vrr' 1 l5WU3»mi iy*i Wvlby Uihnwa ASPEN SPRINGS s'ales OFFICE ïonimîcpYoü'rj M&h M