Page 5 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc, May 27,1998 Section Two W.l. Holds Wedding Fashion Tea by Harvey Yellowlees "Nothing lasts forever, not even your troubles." "Trouble knocked on the door, heard a laugh and turned away." The country is still pretty, pretty, crops arc coining nicely. There is some hay cut and even baled - very early. The card parly at Hampton Wednesday night had eight tables. Winners were high: June Marchant 79, bred Griffin 77, Ruby Griffin 71, Ambrose O'Halloran 67, Muriel Butson 67. Low: Pauline Raymond. Most lone hands - Marie Brooks 5. Lucky draws - Ann English, Ambrose O'Halloran, Rac Shackellon, Marie Brooks, Win Brown. Pauline Raymond and Clarence Bray had to look after the pet animals. A good time, come again this week. The Solina Silver Set, May meeting was held Wednesday, May 20 at noon. A good turn out and pot luck dinner. In the absence of presidents Margaret and Philip Ford, past president Wes Hills was leader for the day. Alter dinner and a short business session, Lois Yellowlees introduced Warren Forrester, one of our members, who was set up in the upper hall to demonstrate to us his magi cal keyboard and the wonderful wonderful sounds and music it could make. This was enjoyed by all. George Gilroy presented an envelope to Warren. Wes Hills added his thanks. Our sympathy to Franc Svctcc and family on the passing of a beloved wife, mother and grandmother "Rose". Friday night at Solina there were 12 tables for cards. A good time was enjoyed by all, especially the winners who were: high - Marie Brooks 90, Lloyd Broome 84, Alma Langmaid 79, Clarence Bray 76. Marie Brooks had the most lone hands 6. Low - Jessie Edwards. Lucky draws - Ev Reynolds, Marie Hackey, Lois Yellowlees, John Broome, Jessie Edwards, Si Trcwin, Helen Gilroy, Charles Langmaid, Jean Brookcr Solina News and Betty Chumbley. Lunch was looked after by Lillie Finch, Helen Lavender, Vi Ashton, Lyra Flintoff and Albert Pearce. This week May 29th will be the final party until fall. Thanks to each and everyone who helped in any way and to all the players players who came to support us. Have a good summer, see you in September. Several front Solina enjoyed the Meat and Potato Pic supper at Maple Grove Saturday evening. At Eldad Church on Sunday, Larry and Barbara Spires greeted us. Patti Rossi was the lay reader. The choir sang "On Eagles' Wings" accompanied by organist Ron Tidy. Alan Garlic had to uphold the male section of the choir in the absence of several this week. One of my favourite hymns "How Great Thou Art" was part of the service. Reverend Munro's two puppets Shop and Cynthia entertained the children with Bible stories. The adult message was Released from Prison - Freed from Our Chains. Come some Sunday and enjoy the service. May 31st is Eldad Sunday School Anniversary at 2:00 p.m. at the church with a picnic to follow at the park. June 8 a joint session session meeting at Hampton at 7:30 p.m. Clarence Bray is keeping keeping the cemetery in good condition. Thanks Clarence. The ball reports arc not complete but in the men's league Solina Computes lost to Hampton Henry's. The Combines won over the Nailers. Sunday night the Combines lost to Hampton Cowboys. Solina Bantam Midgets played Ace Submarine of Courtice Tuesday night. No report from the ladies or girls teams as. to scores. Please report your games. The Crydcrman family travelled to Tweed on Saturday to celebrate the marriage of their niece Lisa. As a continuing celebration celebration of their 95th anniversary anniversary the Solina Women's Institute held a "Wedding community friends, it fca- Fashions Tea" on Sunday lured wedding gowns, afternoon. Attended by mother of the bride outfits about 40 members and and others of more than fifty years up to almost the present. Some were modelled by the wearers and others were on display and commented on by the owner. Everyone enjoyed the tea party and the interesting stories related related about the fashions. Lending A Hand Second Bowmanvillc Brownies picked up garbage in Elephant Hill Park as part of our Earth Week and Community Service Program on Tuesday, April 21. Bowmanville Toastmasters "Learning by Listening" was the theme chosen by chairman Toastmaster Mike Sullivan for the May meeting. Members of the head table each commented succinctly on the difference between hearing and listening. Toastmaster Brian Forrest created scenarios calling upon memories for each impromptu speaker. Toastmaster Irene Konzelmann enlightened the assembly on the art of barbecuing steaks. Memories of a yard sale earned Toastmaster Vanessa Hughes the Table Topics Trophy. Before she introduced the two speakers, Toastmaster Connie Nelson offered a toast to the importance of really listening listening when you are really spoken to. Toastmaster Edward Steel introduced himself to the club with his Ice Breaker speech, which earned him the best speaker speaker trophy. Toastmaster Russ Le Blanc in a well organized speech, demonstrated great improvement in his third presentation. Join us any Tuesday evening 7:30 - 9:30 to sec Toastmasters in action. We meet at "The Darlington Information Centre" Bowmanvillc. For more information please call 623-2243 or 623-3527. i FLYERS FLYER PRINTING AND DELIVERY PACKAGE! PRINTED ONE SIDE 8 1/2" x II" flyers on white bond I colour of ink (your choice) We typeset, print and distribute flyers to the areas of your choice 5.3^ each plus *Offer good for quantities over 15,000 taxes PRINTED TWO SIDES 8 1/2" x II" flyers on white bond I colour of ink (your choice) We typeset, print and distribute flyers to the areas of your choice 6.51 6aCh plus taxes *Offer good for quantities over 15,000 Add a 2nd colour of ink to your flyer $ 100.00 per colour - per side of flyer James Publishing Publishers of The Canadian Statesman and Clarington/Courtice Independent 62 King Street West, Bowmanville Phone: (905) 623-3303 Fax: (905) 623-6161 # MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Official Plan Amendment. under Section 22 ol the Planning Act and a proposed Zoning Bylaw Bylaw Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act. The proposed Official Plan Amendment would amend the Clarington Official Plan as follows: • A new policy section would be introduced into the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan to permit entertainment commercial uses; • A 4.8 hectare area of land located in Part Lot 16, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington at the northeast corner of Highv/ay 2 and Green Road would be redesignated from "High Density Residential" and "Medium Density Residential" to permit entertainment commercial uses: and, • A 0.5 hectare parcel of land located in Part Lot 16, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington at the northeast corner of Clarington Boulevard and Uptown Avenue would be redesignated from "Community Facility" to permit a commercial parking lot. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would amend Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle as follows; • A 4.8 hectare area of land located in Part Lot 16, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington at the northeast corner of Highway 2 and Green Road would be rezoned from "Agricultural (A)" to appropriate zone permitting entertainment commercial uses; and, • A temporary use by-law would be repealed on a 0.5 hectare parcel of land located in Part Lot 16, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington at the northeast corner of Clarington Boulevard and Uptown Avenue and the property would be zoned "General Commercial Exception (C1-22) Zone" to permit a commercial parking lot. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposal. Please note that the time listed below reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences, not necessarily when this item will be considered. DATE: June 22, 1998 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal ol a decision of Clarington Council in respect ol the proposed zoning by-law does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Clarington before the proposed Zoning By-laws is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposal is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the months of July and August) at the Planning Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario or by calling Richard Holy at (905) 623-3379. Municipality of Clarington /J). mumcwutyof 40 Temperance Street | ,lai'inc/ton BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C3A6 ~^ PLANNING FILE: COPA 97-003 and DEV 97-018 CLERK'S FILE SUBJECT SITE ADDITIONAL U\NDS SUBJECT TO REDESIGNATION .OT 16 LOT 15 UPTOWN AVE, '}l'.lrT~nR: T-O CORA. 97-003 DEV. 97-018 BOWMANVILLE KEY MAP CS-lnd.7411 tliv equality of all accounting designations. All of which means that a monopoly lias been allowed to suppress competition almost invisibly lor liall a century. Isn't it time the government caught up to reality : Certified General Accountants. We're the Name Brand for Business in Canada. CGA Ontario TELIJÏIE PROVINCE TO RESTRUCTURE THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS COUNCIL BECAUSE PEOPLE COUN T THE MOST. lui miiiv inform,Uinn.vMi uwu ig.ionl, win.ini; JUST IMAUINI: II VOIIR BUSINHSS1IADTO OPEKATI: AS IF IT WAS P>5(), l or thousands ol Certilicd General Accountants, that's no fantasy. Legislation enacted then created the Public Accountants Council of Ontario which has denied Ontario C'GAs the rights and privileges guaranteed to them in virtually every other province and territory in Canada. The Council lias systematically excluded L'GAs, Despite the province's own legislation recognizing