(i Page 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, June 24,1998 Auction Sales Frl., June 26,5 p.m. Cornell's Auction Bam 3 miles east of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 3 pc. Victorian parlour set; spinning wheel; Grandfather clock; walnut writing desk; apartment size freezer; automatic automatic washer and dryer; modern Hoosier cupboard; walnut chest of drawers with mustache pulls; oak cabinet sewing machine; cedar chest; walnut hall table; walnut walnut china cabinet; maple secretary; secretary; glass top dinette suite; suite; Hoosier cupboard bottom; church pew; antique wooden wheel chair; pine mirrors; blanket box; 6 pc. modern dining suite; inlaid walnut dining dining table; 5 carved walnut dining dining chairs; wicker settee; 4 refinished dining chairs, parlour parlour chairs, qty. depression glass; Limoges tea set; 12 gauge shotguns and 22 rifles; coal oil lamps; crocks; qty. china, glass and collectables. collectables. Open for showing Thurs. June 25 between 7 - 9 p.m. Don & Greg Cornell Auctioneers R.R.1, Little Britain (705)786-2183, phone or fax Frl., June 26,6 p.m. Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Centre Sat., June 27, 10:30 a.m. At the property of Lee Gill, Trent River across from General Store (watch for signs) 20 OLDER CARS AND PARTS: 37 Chev., 56 Chev. 1/2 ton box and parts, 64 Chevelle, 64 Olds rag top, 64 GMC dump truck-parts, 64 Ford 1/2 ton - parts, 66 Ford 1/2 ton, big block, 68 Cuda and parts, 68 Road Runner - parts, 69 Road Runner - parts, 70 Road Runner- parts, 70 Ply. Fury rag lop - parts, 72 Nova - parts, 72 Chev. one ton - parts, 73 Dart & Scamp - parts, 75 Camaro - parts, 78 Nova - parts, 79 Firebird - parts, 79 Monte Carlo, 79 Z28, 80 Firebird - parts, T-bar roof, 81 Mustang - parts, 83 Blazer, 83 Pont, parts, 85 Chevelle, 85 Blazer, 37 WW2 Euro side car, hi-low hardtop trailer, 14' aluminum boat, International International TD6 bulldozer, one Ion dump trailer, riding lawn mowers, front end alignment ramps, stock car parts, quick change rear end, rims, shocks, springs, etc., fenders, doors, hoods, bumpers, bumpers, etc., quantity of tools, sockets, wrenches. Many interesting interesting items. Partial list. No Reserve. Owner retiring. Lg. qty. of hard to find parts. McLean Auctions Auctions Sat., June 27, 6 p.m. Auction Warner's Auction Hall Hwy. 2Colborne Selling new TVs, appliances, giftware, jewellery, electronics, electronics, household articles, VCRs, stereos, figurines, etc. Note time of this evening sale. Gary & Bill Warner Auctioneers (905)355-2106 Registrations Karate for Kids (Summer Course). July and August courses available. Certified black-belt instructors. Info: Adam Gibson's Martial Gym, 697-3239. Business Opportunities STUFF envelopes at home. Earn big dollars. Free supplies supplies available. For Info, rush self-addressed envelope lo: H. Enterprises, Box 964, Peterborough, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7A5. Daycare CARING non-smoking home, mother with fi rst aid training, nutritious meals and snacks, lots of games, toys and fun, any age welcome, Trull's and Nash Road area. Phone 435-0368. ESTABLISHED daycare run by two mature ladies, safe environment, outings, fun activities, lunches and snacks provided, reasonable rales, located at Grandview and Bloor, close to 401. Phone 433-8193. MOTHER of two will provide quality daycare. Reasonable rates and flexible hours. Ages 3+, Carlisle Ave. Phone Chris, 623-9544. RELIABLE mother providing daycare in a loving home environment. environment. Meals/snacks, non-smoker, fenced yard, no pets, babies welcome. 623- 0245. GETTING CREATIVE -- Students at Mitchell's Corners School arc enjoying a brand new creative playground, thanks to the efforts of the entire community. Lisa Gcisbcrgcr and Deb Thompson, two parents who headed the fund-raising committee, committee, arc pictured with Principal Bob O'Neill and some of the students following the official opening on June 22. A total of $10,000 was raised through events such as dances, euchre tournaments and a three-pitch lunch. Among the businesses helping out were: Schoolhousc Bakery; MC Variety; Robbie's Rentals; One-Stop Carpet; Loblaws at Kingsway Plaza; Ron VanSchyndcl Trucking and DJ Dave Byers. Instructions Tips on Picking Your Own Strawberries Selling tl ents of M manville, suite, 5 bookcase vacuum, ware am bed, rem set, line slonal tat hall seat fractory t chair, ba merous c tiques. F Friday. I p.m. Ter: cheque, V Fr Mon. Tot 870 We are s niture, fi Ing 6 hp. Walt 12" r er shape' tor table drill pres ■der, drill 8 hp. gas knotty pi etc., larg tools, bo diner, si and love old oak chairs, r springs sizes, ba chairs, pi oak table bles, etc. tides. Ni cellent s tiire, he ment. ft months c Monday cash, Vise Met (90 ff Mon: At Fat lives 9 c equl| lest & 1(9 Pethic Do BARN Mon Conslg Estât Sat., R Hour Estate ol R.R. 2 F E. of F Hwy. 7B Bay Rd. I ENTS ol pliances REAL E£ galow, room, sii rm., sltt doors to lot 185 x with boa er or su Offered day of si Sold sut proval -1 phone R ( Sat., Fori H P. conte Mri Trer Warn Hv Good si modern some ar dishes, i nice soli walnut ci sofa art' new bed desk, magazlni anl. che and chet er, nice \ sewing i patra co occasion stool, n unit, oak er washi linen boi tides, ( knacks, servos. S Gai Page 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, April 9,1997 Section Two Durham Christian Hosts Dinner Theatre by Shirley Wesscls On Friday, April 4, Durham Christian High School held a Dinner Theatre in Peterborough. Supporters from Durham and Peterborough came for a night of great entertainment entertainment and good food. The entertainment lor the night included a docu-drama presented by four students of D.C.H.S. It also included some musical entertainment by nine Durham Christian choir students. students. The small choir, led by Carolyn VandcrKooy, sang three songs; "Swing Low Sweet Chariot", "Lean On Me", and "Forever Praise". The evening also contained stories told by one of Durham's teachers teachers Johanna Hicmstra, a well known and recognized storyteller. storyteller. Tickets for the evening were free, however donations were accepted. All proceeds went to the Peterborough Chapter of Durham Christian High. Study Group Helps Parents Communicate with Teenagers Being a parent of teenagers is not an easy task - especially Clarke High School News Turn to page 8 From page 7 parents attend as many games as possible - her dad is always at her tournaments if he doesn't have to work. Cheering the others on is how Jennifer describes her role on her teams. They are all there to develop their skills which they work at during practices. Mr. Matsusaki is the coach of the volleyball team; Mr. Andrews coaches the midget basketball team. In being chosen as the athlete of the week at the midget level, it is the writer's view that Jennifer is much more than "cheerleader" on the team. No doubt, her coaches chose her because of hers potential as a team leader. We will no doubt hear more about her skills as she progresses through high school. At school, Jennifer does well in art and gym and is strong in the math and sciences area. She is considering a career as a pharmacist. Jennifer Patrick Athlete of the Week nowadays! Today's concerned and sometimes bewildered parents parents have an increasing interest in finding effective ways of communicating with their teens. Co-operation Parents will learn ways to win co-operation without having having to threaten, how to sec the world through your teen's eyes, and how you and your teen can grow and change together which will result in a more harmonious harmonious teen/parent relationship. relationship. This is an eight session parent study group starting Tuesday, May 6, 1997, at M.J. Hobbs Public School, R.R. #3, Hampton, from 7-9 p.m. Effective Communication With Teens encourages mutual respect between parents and teenagers and leads to •increased co-operation and a more responsible, self-reliant attitude. Information For information about this or any other study group offered by the Family Education Resource Centre of Kinark in their fall program please call 433-0386 Ext: 338. Pre-registration is required. DURHAM REGION PUBLIC NOTICE THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM IN THE MATTER OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham may pass bylaws bylaws authorizing construction of the following projects: ROAD NO ROAD NAME MUNICIPALITY DESCRIPTION/LOCATION 2 Simcoe St. at Oshawa General Hospital Oshawa Intersection improvements. 3 8th Cone. Clarington Upgrading to acceptable standards. 4 Taunton Road from Anderson St. to 320 m E. of Garrard Rd. Whitby Widening to 4 and 5 lane urban standard. 7 Island Rd. Scugog Upgrading to acceptable standards. 12 Cameron St. from 1.3 km E. of Hwy. 12 to Sideroad 18 Brock Upgrading to acceptable standards. 25 Consumers Dr. Whitby Construction of a new road, including a bridge crossing Pringle Creek. 28 Rossland Rd. at Garrard Rd. Whitby Intersection improvements. 36 Anderson St. at Manning Rd. Whitby Intersection improvements. 52 Thornton Rd. from Champlain Ave. to Gibb St. Oshawa Rehabilitation. Hwy. 2 Highway 2 from Westney Rd. to Notion Rd, Ajax Road and intersection improvements. V,A. SILGAILIS, P. ENG. Dated at Whitby this 27th day of March, 1997. T. PREVEDEL, P. ENG. DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION Plans showing the details of the projects and the lands affected may be seen at the offices of the Durham Works Department, 105 Consumers Dr., Whitby, Ontario Telephone (905) 668-7721 or 1-800-372-1103 MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS Wentworth St. Island modifications. Works Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearing body shall hear In person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person prejudicially affected by the by-laws and who applies on or bolore April 25th, 1997, to tho undersigned to be heard at a meeting of the Works Committoo on April 29th, 1997. -- ViM# oiLVJnlL|0| r* uIimi CS-Ind. 7957 COMMISSIONER OF WORKS OJ.P. Star Wars Blasts off at Senior Public School Star Wars is hot! And Bowmanvillc Senior Public School students found out exactly /row hot last Friday when they donned character masks from the re-released George Lucas films. Apparently it gets mighty toasty under those sci-fi outfits. The masks and costumes were part of a collection brought in by Bowmanvillc movie fans Bryan Hard, Teresa Hard and Cathy Smart (all former BSPS students) for grade eight kids who were studying the Star Wars phenomenon phenomenon as part of a Media Unit. Thé students learned a lot about production values, scriptwriting scriptwriting and Hollywood's billion-dollar merchandising industry. DURHAM REGION Curbside Blue Box Recycling Please Recycle: All Plastic Containers Coded with a A For more information, pall the Region of Durham Works Department at (905) 668-7721 or 1-800-372-1103 Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.