The Clarington/Courtice Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, October 3, 1998 Page 9 Achievement Day for Sheep Club The Achievement Program for the 1998 Durham East Sheep Club was held Saturday, August 29 at the Blackstock Fair. Thirteen members brought their fluffy while lambs to the fairgrounds and prepared prepared them to be judged by Mr. Lloyd Ay re. The senior class, which consisted of six members, started the show with their showmanship class. Luke Carnaghan was named the Senior Showpcrson and Dianne Bowman was runner runner up. The Senior Confirmation Class followed followed that with Dianne Bowman training the Senior Champion lamb and Luke Carnaghan having having the runner up. The Junior Showmanship class consisted consisted of seven people. Brad Wood was named the Junior Showpcrson and Mark Carnaghan runner up. The Junior Confirmation Class was won by Brad Wood's Iamb and Emily Metcalf's lamb runner up. The Grand Champion Showpcrson for 1998 is Brad Wood, and the Reserve Grand Champion is Luke Carnaghan. Honourable mentions went to Dianne Bowman DURHAM REGION IT'S .inn* lèleïïe&d 1111 il i Are YOU on the system? In September, the Region of Durham.startcd to phase in TeleRead, a new system which allows you to call in your water meter reading using your telephone. Soon, you will no longer have to mail back your completed and Mark Carnaghan. The Grand Champion Lamb was shown by Brad Wood and the Reserve Grand Champion Lamb was shown by Dianne Bowman. From the club, some members were chosen to go on with their lambs and compete at the Lindsay Central Exhibition on Wednesday, September 23. Jim Coombes thanked Mr. Ay re for coming out and judging the classes this year. The club would also like to extend a big thank you to Jim Coombes and Jennifer Arbucklc for being once again great leaders. We hope to see them, and anyone else interested in sheep to come out to next year's club. Submitted by Katherine Found 'i IffcVfc V/ i* •- . . •*) ai/rér* And They're Off! Students in Jacquie Morris' Grade Three class at Hampton Junior Public School released two tagged monarch butterflies last week. The butterflies, which have been part of the growth and change in animals unit for the class, were brought to the classroom as caterpillars. They then spun their cocoons. And, when the butterflies butterflies hatched, they were tagged to be used as part of a University of Kansas program program on migration patterns of butterflies. The children will receive a newsletter to find out if any of their butterflies were found. The NEW convenient way to mi your water meter reading! Tickets Available for Christmas Craft Show meter reading cards. WHEN CAN I USE TELEREAD? Some customers will be on the new system in advance of others. However, we anticipate that all customers will be able to access the TeleRead system by the fall. You will know you arc on the new system when you receive the new TeleRead Meter Card, along with a brochure on how to use TeleRead. Until then, please continue to read your water meter and return your reading card as before. *■i££ut ^--I iPtMADln».. TT!- -- For the better ACHANGEFROM Questions? Local Calls: Toronto: Uxbridge, Cannington, Sunderland, Beaverton: I0ur*l4m Mr IlncMl mxirtl) D[ülÇ>- "" lUM rwrtir--» irrvueenn eeirt Finance Department 571-6611 686-6611 1-800-465-6611 by Joyce Kelly Another beautiful weekend certainly added to the success of the many events in the vicinity. Many from this area attended or participated in the many sections of the Lindsay Exhibition last week. Others enjoyed the Pioneer Fair at the Scugog Shores Museum on Sunday. Still others have been taking advantage of the many bus trips that have been happening during during the past week and again this week. It certainly certainly is the season for activity. Best wishes ar^extend- ed to Jennifer Arbuckle and Phil McLeod who were married Saturday afternoon in Nestleton United Church with the reception and dance held at the Nestleton Hall. Next Sunday, October 4 there will be a community miscellaneous shower for Elizabeth Anderson and Steven Mairs at Nestleton United Church at 12:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. 4-H begins again this week on Thursday, October 1 at 7:00 p.m. at the Blackstock United Blackstock News Church with the new project project "A Sporting Chance". 4-H is open to all young people between the ages of 10 and 21 as of January 1, 1998. As the name indicates indicates this is a sports and fitness project. For further information call Gail Johns at 986-4484. An advance notice for the CHS Senior Band Mothers' Christmas Craft Show at the Recreation Centre on November 29. To reserve tables at this very well attended show call 986-4608 as soon as possible. My list of post-secondary post-secondary students is as follows: follows: Stephanie Shortridge is at Durham College taking taking Business Administration; Jennifer Byers is taking Teachers' College at Queen's and is now practice teaching at Ken Dryden School, Whitby; Heather Goulding and Jen Heathcote are each at St. Lawrence College, Kingston; Erin Larmer is at University of Ottawa, 2nd year, Bachelor of ■M Htefcii Science in Nursing; Ryan Larmer is at Algonquin College, Ottawa, 2nd year, Fire Protection and Safety Technician; ' at the University of Guelph are Jeff Kemp, David Kemp, Colleen Arbuckle and Nicole Gibson who is in 2nd year Psychology; Stacey Swain is taking Nutrition at Ryerson, Toronto; Kirk Swain and Karen Swain are each at Laurier University, Waterloo; Michelle Morton is taking her Masters Degree in Public Administration at Queen's. I am sure that several students students are missing - if you know of some please let me know this week by phoning 986-4257. Matt and Sheryl (Gibson) Julien returned home safely two days late from their honeymoon in Antigua where they encountered Hurricane George. A time of great concern for their families wondering about their safety. An Open House at the Blackstock United Church in honour of Peggy, and Ralph Larmer's fiftieth wedding anniversary will be held on Saturday, October 17 from 1:30 to 4:30. All are welcome. There were 13 tables at the Tuesday evening weekly card party with the following winners - Jean VanCamp 86, Elsie Pogue, Glenn Lowery, Dorothy Olan, Muriel Selby, Richard Potter, Charlie Stapleton. Lucky draws were won by Elsie Pogue, William Dunn, Muriel Selby, Joan Sutcliffe, Dorothy Olan and Helen Dorrell. On Sunday morning the ladies of "The Touch of Country" provided the special music at the anniversary service at Nestleton Presbyterian Church. News from St. John's Anglican Church It was nice to see most of the folks back from holidays. holidays. The Sunday School has started and the children children did a skit from their studies. Also the Junior Choir sang "Come Fill My World" accompanied by Catherine Corden. Catherine will be the leader for the Junior Choir along with the Senior Choir. Later in the Parish Hall, birthday greetings were sung for Rachel Kubovic, 12 years old and Kimberly Coles, 4 years old while we enjoyed refreshments. There will be a midweek midweek Eucharist on Tuesday, September 29 at 7 p.m. Thanksgiving Service will be on October 11 at 9:30 a.m. Please keep in mind our fall supper for November 7 starting at 4:30 p.m. We are planning a Roast Beef Dinner this time. - Lorna Edgerton Reporter "The Conjuror" Tours Ontario Tickets are now available for select performances of The Conjuror, touring Ontario throughout October. The Conjuror is a cleverly crafted piece of theatre combining magic, humour and music, written by David Ben and television journalist/broadcaster Patrick Watson. Using century-old magical effects, The Conjuror recreates a performance by a celebrated Canadian conjuror conjuror circa 1909 - during the Golden Age of Magic - when illusions could "lure our child-like sense of wonder wonder out of the shadows." The Conjuror played to rave reviews for two seasons at The Shaw Festival, followed by a proposed 6-week run in Toronto, which was extended twice to over 4 months and 116 performances! The Conjuror showcases the expertise of David Ben, a grand master of exotic illusions and sleight of hand. The tour includes a stop in Lindsay at the Academy Theatre, October 14. Call 324-9111 for details. Help Save The Environment and SAVE PLASTIC NEWSPAPER SLEEVES Bring in 100 plastic Newspaper Sleeves from your Clarington/Courtice Independent, and you can place a classified advertisement for 1/2 Price A Value up to $20.00. Limited to one coupon per customer. Hurry! Limited Time Offer The Bowmanville Canadian Statesman 62 King St. West 623-3303 Bowmanville - ..--f