The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc. October 14. 1UVS Section Two Page 3 ANYONE FOR A BALLOON? -- There are lots of interesting things for kids to do each year at the Apple Festival. And who knows? Maybe some of them will go home with a complimentary balloon. Museums Display Apple Artifacts You can sec antique apple peelers and old photos photos from Clarington's apple industry at the display display from the Clarke Museum and Archives and the Bowmanvillc Museum. Look for the museum volunteers near the Bank of Montreal during the Apple Fest activities. The museums' booth will also be serving apples and custard from noon to 2:30 p.m. Along with the display and the apple treats, the Bowmanvillc Museum and Clarke Museum and Archives arc selling raffle tickets for a painting and holding a 50- 50 draw. . v Bowmanvillc Museum Curator Charles Taws says apple evaporators were an important local industry in communities such as Orono and Bowmanvillc. Bowmanvillc once had a large evaporator at the corner of Queen St. and Division Street where a new office and apartment building was constructed in 1987. The evaporator plant, which was torn down in 1963, had originally served as a Bible Christian Church (built in 1857) and then a music hall before being turned into a factory for processing apples. In the evaporator, apples were peeled and cored on machines and then placed on • screens. Chemicals helped to speed the process of drying and resulted in preserved, dried apples which were widely used in the early years of this century. Square Dancers Join Apple Fest The unmistakable toe-tapping sounds of the square dance will be heard at the Bowmanvillc BIA apple festival festival October 17th. The dancers will be young performers from Hampton Junior Public School and Enniskillen Public School. But, square dance caller Harvey Webster adds that passers-by arc welcome to join the fun. "If people start tapping their toes and they want to join in, that's fine," he says. They'll even offer some impromptu lessons. The dancers will be the Hampton Scooter Booters and the Enniskillen Steppers. Bobby Burton's Back Country Band will be playing the music and Harvey Webster will be calling. Webster has volunteered to teach square dancing to students in Hampton and Enniskillen. He reports that the students seem to enjoy learning the basics of squaredancing squaredancing and are also fascinated by the fast-paced chant of the square dance callers. The square dances help build confidence and teach skills in listening and following instruction. Best of all, it's fun. Look for the young square dancers performing at the corner of King St. and Division St. IBBAMIE BABY Sat., October 17th All Day SILENT AUCTION Highest Bidder" Receives the Entire Pyramid of Beanie, Babies Come into the store and see our "Beanie Baby Pyramid" In eluding, the most sought after "Maple Bear " also featuring "Glory", "Princess", "Erin", "Peace" "Valentino", "Fortune" and "Curly" <9 BeAnIE eABlES, You can enter our Silent Auction for only a loonie. All proceeds to Bcthcsda House. Johnathan's Country Patch L 59 King Street W., Bowmanvillc 623-9131 Mon. - Thurs. 10 - 6; Fri. 10-9; Sat. 9 - 5; Sun. 12-4 Our complete line of custom ordered RO'X't'ON fine furnishings tit 20% savingsl • Bedroom • Dining Room • Kitchen • Occasional pieces ~ Visit us today! APPLEFEST SPECIAL • Pick an apple from our tree ■ SAVE 10 • 30% * m 28 King St. W„ Bowmanvillc (905) 623-1131 in nt<n l< Item* only Bumper Crop Of Dumplings And Fritters The St. John's Anglican Church Men's Club hopes to sell upwards of 1000 apple dumpling orders at the 1998 edition of the Bowmanvillc BIA Apple Festival and Craft Show. Club President Bill Paterson says they couldn't couldn't keep up with the demand last year and had run out of the confection early. This year, they've doubled their order and hope to have enough dumplings with hot caramel sauce for everyone. everyone. Their booth is in front of the CIBC. Youth from the church will be selling baked goods alongside the dumpling table. In addition, volunteers from St. John's have also helped to staff the ever- popular apple-fritter tent since the founding of the Apple Festival. SING-A-LONG - When visitors become a little tired of walking, there is sure to be some form of entertainment to sit and listen to. *7e&c6en& tUtcL StUctMte!Grade 4 and under Bring in an apple-related craft, artwork or historical item for our Applefest Competition. Vote for your favourite item by dropping a coin into the appropriate jar located inside our store. All coins collected will be donated to the winning school's favourite charity. Contest closes at 2:00 p.m. on Applefest Day (Oct. 17). Judging will take place Sat., Oct. 24th. 21 King St. E., Bowmanville, 623-5855 jj,hss e The newest store in town! m m m n WjO S0Ï& of high 'swaiwsièst* ...... -■ .1 FÂCTOEY ©OliliHl proudly announces their fj ff'*\ r. () yrmm Upenmy in downtown Bowmanville Name brand products at LOW LOW PRICES. Famous brands include Atlantic Essentials, Starfrit, Picture Perfect, Kensington Lamps, Philips Electronics, Penman's Clothing BIG HEAL SPECIAL Penman's 2nd's \ \ T-Shirts S 3.99 each or 3/ $ 10 ) Sweats $ 5.99 each or 2/5-10 V l.fT Iff / /"//■• / ; j i I . ifi/ mk/ Ù !.. / CJ L.y ' / fy ) /OfiymffWyMn! fj jy j DMjffjjjffj:/ !IG IHEHII i r 1 st Quality Kensington Lamps K ! uvi lr U lllb'.w.y- . „ iE mm Ladies- Fall Reversible Coats 1 ! in Plum and Navy Reg. Xx Poly Shell/Fleece $69.99 i V ^Af) ^ A \ X x 7^ A- AuXwtj Beautiful 24% Lead Crystal SALE 30" Table Lamps $59 99 ""List price $119,99 ./ * "Earth Ragz" Casual Clothing - Sweats in Assorted Sizes VlW' ! Vfÿ ) Voit 1 B At/ / V»iWl n fil .N'/ « Vsn!> C-53Ç-Î1 OV / vW/ HOURS Mon. - Wed. 9-6 Thurs. 9 - 8 Fri. 9 - 9 Sat, 9 - 5:30 HR