v The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, October 14, 1998 Section Two Page 7 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 THE SMALL WONDERS MINIATURES CLUB -- Will meet at 132 Church St„ Bowmanvillc, (Old Fire Hall) Second Floor Meeting Room l at 7:30 p.m. New members and young people accompanied by an adult are especially especially invited to attend. For further information call Shirley at 623-1597 evenings. This show is sponsored by Soper Valley Model Railroad Club, Visual Arts Centre. HAUNTED HAYRIDE & BOO BARN -- October 16, 17, 23, 24, 28, 29, and 30 at Pinglc's Farm Market, supporting the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Brave the Boo Barn, then dare to ride the wagon through the eerie corn fields. Hours arc 7-10 p.m. Snacks and beverages are available. For information on fees phone 725- 6089. on Wednesday, October 21,7:00 p.m. We encourage encourage you to pick up a questionnaire at the Branch before the program, to allow Mr. Good the opportunity opportunity to answer your chosen questions. For information information call 987-4844. just socializing. For further information please feel free to contact Warren Lamondin or Terri Gray at 623-6814 at the Clarington Resource Centre. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL -- Amnesty International Clarington Action Circle: Working together for human rights, will be Thursday, October 15, 7:30 p.m. at. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 47 Temperance St., Bowmanvillc. Everyone is invited to attend. Contact: Hugh Donnelly 697-3848. UPCOMING CHILDREN'S PLAY -- As the time of ghosts and goblins rapidly approaches, the Bowmanvillc Drama Club is rehearsing its Fall production "Which Witch is Which?" Chosen to entertain the younger members of the family, this delightful comedy, set in the "Scary School for Wicked Witches", will even entertain Mom and Dad and Grandparents also. There will be four performances, October 15, 16, 17th, at 7 p.m. and a 3 p.m. matinee on Saturday, October 17th and will be held at the Bowmanvillc High School Theatre. All tickets can be ordered by calling 623-1633 or 697-3374. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 BIG DAY IN BOWMANVILLE -- A Professional Lumberjack Competition takes place at Applefest in Bowmanvillc, October 17, 1998. There's one more reason to come to Bowmanville's Applefest this year. Tim's Rent- All and Stihl Canada Ltd. are hosting the Professional Lumberjack Competition. Entrants from United States and Canada will be competing for prize money in eight different events. Participation is by invitation only and the competitors competitors include two former world champions. The events include bow saw, hot saw, cross cut and axe throw. The 3-hour competition starts at noon in the area east of the Olympia Restaurant at Temperance St. on the north side of King St. A chainsaw carving demonstration will also be involved with one sculpture being donated and donation proceeds benefitting the Clarington Fire Department. SEE YOU AT THE APPLE FESTIVAL! -- With lumberjacks, mounties, and apple products galore, the 1998 edition of the Bowman ville BIA Apple Festival and Craft Sale promises something something for everyone. Attractions this year include: the new lumberjack competition sponsored by Tim's Rent-All and Stihl Canada Ltd. There will tents filled with 32 different artists and artisans. There will be music, square dancing, a big display display of farm equipment, and apple products and apple treats of every description. The main street in downtown Bowmanvillc will be open to pedestrians pedestrians for the duration of the festival so that visitors visitors can better enjoy all the attractions. Admission and parking are free. MODEL RAILROAD SHOW -- Will be held Saturday, October 17, 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday, October 18, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will take place at the Bowmanvillc High School, 49 Liberty St. N„ Bowmanvillc. There will be operating operating layouts, static displays and various vendors. PUMPKIN FUN DAY -- What better way to celebrate the fall, than bowling with pumpkins! Loblaws along with the co-operation of E.D.S. Canada and their many volunteers that participate on their Global Volunteer Day are putting on a Pumpkin Fun Day Saturday, October 17, that family members of all ages can participate in. A BBQ, Silent Auction, face painting and many carnival carnival games will make your fall weekend complete. complete. All proceeds of this event will support Big Sisters Oshawa-Whitby-Clarington and the services services they provide to the youth in our area. So come out and have fun with the whole family. The fun starts at 10 a.m. and goes till 3 p.m. LEGION BRANCH 178 ACTIVITIES -- Bowmanvillc Legion will sponsor an evening of entertainment on Saturday, October 17, presenting presenting Miss Judy Frances with songs and humorous anecdotes in the downstairs club rooms, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30. All members and guests are welcome. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 FUNDRAISING CAR WASH -- There will be a Fundraising Car Wash for the Minor Pcewec AA Toro's Hockey team to be held on Sunday, October 18, at the Bank of Montreal parking lot, located at the corner of King and Temperance St. The starting time is 9:00 a.m., so come on out and help support the boys. Raindatc will be Sunday, October 25 at 9:00 a.m. BOWMANVILLE LEGION ACTIVITIES -- An evening of Karaoke will be held on Friday, October 23, in the downstairs club rooms of the Bowmanvillc Legion from 8 p.m. to l :00 a.m. All members and guests arc welcome. LIVING WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA -- The COPE Mental Health Program of Durham Region Community Care Association will be hosting two free workshops presented by William J. MacPhee, Editor of Schizophrenia Digest on Wednesday October 21, 1998 at the Whitby Mental Health Centre, Auditorium from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Pre-registration is required as seating seating is limited. Please call 404-2224 to confirm your attendance. BOWMANVILLE LEGION ACTIVITIES -- An evening of Karaoke will be held on Friday, October 23, in the downstairs club rooms of the Bowmanvillc Legion from 8 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. All members and guests arc welcome. ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH FALL BAZAAR -- At St. Joseph's Church Hall (127 Liberty St. South, Bowmanvillc) on Saturday, October 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tickets for sale $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. First Prize - Cedar chest and linens, 2nd prize - $500. cash, 3rd prize - $200. I.G.A. gift certificate. Lots of fun for the whole family! Hope to see you there! ANNUAL ROAST BEEF DINNER -- St. Francis of Assisi Church, Newcastle - Annual Roast Beef Dinner organized by the Knights of Columbus - Sunday, October 25. Two sittings: 4 and 6 p.m. Tickets available from Bill Wilks 987- 4940, John Gorman 983-5117, or Carl Good 987- 3964. VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED -- Resources for Exceptional Children is a non-profit organization providing supports to families with children with special needs. We are currently looking for individuals individuals interested in becoming members of our Board of Directors. If you are enthusiastic, willing willing to provide leadership in your community and committed to the principles of inclusion for all children, please contact Frances Logan at (905) 427-8862, extension 328 for further information. FOR YOUR INFORMATION OLDER ADULT CENTRE UPDATE -- Clarington Older Adult Centre, 26 Beech Ave., is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. Calendars, membership and information are available at the reception desk or phone 697- 2856. Clogging class, Friday at 9:30 a.m. Free To Be Me sessions are Fridays at 9:30 a.m., 55 Alive Defensive Driving classes begin October 19, Monday, 2 - 4 p.m. Winners of September 19 draw were Betty Smith #642, $250, Judy Climenhage #1404, $100 and Ron White #1020, $50. Congratulations. FAMILY RESPITE SERVICES -- Durham Association for Family Respite Services is currently currently seeking individuals and families who may be interested in providing respite care to a child or adult with special needs. Host families are matched with an adult or child who arc welcomed into their home approximately one weekend a month. Respite is a service that allows parcnts/carcgivcrs a chance to re-cnergize themselves. themselves. Respite also provides family with an opportunity to develop new relationships and friendships. Host families receive training opportunities, opportunities, ongoing support and an honorarium to cover expenses. For more information call 905- 427-3541. HOLIDAY GIFT SHOW -- Vendors needed for Holiday Gift Show on November 21, 1998 at Bowmanvillc High School, Liberty Street North, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Call Anita at 987-5685 after 4 p.m. to register. SMALL MIRACLES NURSERY SCHOOL -- Small Miracles Nursery School located in Newcastle Community Hall is offering a licensed three morning or two afternoon program for children children 2-5 years. If you are looking for a program filled with songs, friends and opportunities for learning, please call (905) 987-3727. FRIENDS OF THE MUSEUM -- Volunteers are invited to join Friends of the Museum every Tuesday, 7 p.m. .to 9 p.m. at Bowmanvillc. Museum. We welcome you to a friendly group, which supports museum projects, programs, purchase purchase and conservation of artifacts. THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE -- Clarington East Food Bank Thanksgiving Food Drive. Food can be left at Stedman's, Newcastle or IGA, Newcastle. Phone 987-4551 for more info. FUNERAL PLANNING -- Carl Good from the Newcastle Funeral Home will discuss discuss the options and choices of planning a funeral, at the Newcastle Village Branch Library VOLUNTEERS NEEDED -- The Clarington Project Activity Centre of Oshawa/Clarington Association for Community Living is looking for volunteers to support adults who have developmental disabilities. We are looking for energetic people who would like to share their time and talent with such things as cooking crafts, literacy, gardening, or Winning Posters for Drama Club Play Here are the winners of the Poster Colouring contest for Bowmanvillc Drama Club's Children's Musical, "Which Witch is Which?". Show dates arc October 15 and 16 at 7:00 p.m. and October 17 at 3:00 and 7:00 at Bowmanvillc High School theatre. Shown with their winning entries are Ashleigh Vaughan-Evans 11 and Matt Piper 8, from Central Public School and Spencer Duncan 4, from Four Winds Montessori School. Each of these children won free admission for their whole families. Christmas Concert Helps Hospital Dr. Benjamin llo, local gastroenterologist, is staging the 5lh Annual Dr. Ho and Friends Christmas Benefit Concert on Saturday, November 28, 8 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church in Oshawa. All proceeds from the concert are going to the Keeping the Puce Advanced Cardiac Care Equipment Campaign for Lakcridgc Health Oshawa, the new name for Oshawa General Hospital. Each year Dr. Ho assembles assembles world renowned artists to perform a program of Christmas and classical music. This year's program features the St. Michael Boys' Choir, Zhang Yalin, a tenor who trained with Pavarotti and has sung with the Canadian Opera Company anti on European and U.S. stages; Lin Shan, a mezzo soprano who will be performing 'Ave Maria' and numbers from the opera, Carmen and Li Xiao Hu, a bass baritone who has sung at the United Nations and is a vocal teacher in Toronto, Dr. llo himself joins in the festivities festivities by performing a few numbers. Tickets may he purchased at the Lakcridgc Health Oshawa Gill Shop or at the Oshawa General Hospital Foundation. For ticket information information call The Foundation at (905)433-4339. 'V ' o John Veldhuis Travel Counsellor Ask about our All Inclusive Group Tour of EUROPE April 22 - May 15 - All inclusive! ONLY *3790. fabulous df.av. .. BLESSINGS CRUISE V & TRAVEL (905) 623-00051 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 434-6535 GOLF SPECIAL 18 Hole Championship Course Memberships Available or Pay as You Play Tournament Bookings Available 2 Golfers with 1 Power Cart Weekdays $58.00; Weekends after 1 p.m. $60.00 'Docs not apply to tournaments (with this coupon only) BOWMANVILLE COUNTRY CLUB | (905) 623-2670 .1 THE TRAIL THROUGH THE BUSH A Brief History of Manvers Township Name Address Phone no. of books @ $12.00 = plus $3.00 postage = (note: once published in November 1998 these books will be $ 18.95 - so save $6.95 now!) Mail your cheque/money order to: Slier Lectooze, 80 Raser Cres„ Bowmanvillc, Ontario, L1C3N9 (before October 31/98) ©J.P. JAMES R. YANCH TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY DIANE E. COUTURE • ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR Personal and Business Bankruptcy Including all other Insolvency Services OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 711-7506 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG 72 King St. W. 371-4744 SATURDAY AND EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION W m /S' Body & Sole Wellness Centre, Hair Salon & Spa Invites you to save up to 25% off Monday through Wednesday ALL ESTHETICS • Facials • Pedicures • Manicures Waxing • Lash/Brow Tints • Eye Treatment HAIR SALOIM Wednesday 15% off perms and colours $3.00 off shampoo/blow dry with Carol 623-SOLE (7653) King St. East, BowmanuHle^ Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday tZIETŒnj I !rX»0jii$(g- ■ ■ iflflKK> b - " I i j 166 King St, East Telephone 623-3396 (ID J.P. BRIDES-TO-BE Planning a Wedding? Come and meet the Wedding Experts. Wdcme TiJdfM Bridal Fashion Show! Admission is FREE, but by invitation only. To obtain your personal invitation for you and your mother or guest, please give us a call. Phone: 623-5873 Place: Garnet Rickard Sports Complcxf Time: 7 p.m. Date: Wednesday, November 4 Look wluu WELCOME WAGON lias in store for you ... • Free Admission • Exciting Door Prizes • Fashion Show • Special Displays "New Exhibitors Welcome" ©j.p.