t Pace 2 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc, November 11, 199S Bits and Pieces SANTA ARRIVES NEXT WEEKEND -- There lias been a little confusion over the exact date of this year's Bowmanvillc Santa Claus Parade. It will, in fact, take place Saturday, November 21 si. Aparcntly, the date has been published elsewhere as November 14th, but please don't look for Santa and his helpers parading through downtown Bowmanvillc this Saturday because you aren't going to find him. He will, however, however, be touching down with reindeer and sleigh on the 21st. Our understanding is that the annual parade is always the third Saturday in November. CORRECTION -- In an article on chimney care and maintenance last week, Fire Prevention Officer Randy Reinert was quoted as saying that if a chimney is obstructed, there is no way for carbon dioxide to escape. In fact, it should have read that there is no way for carbon monoxide to escape. It is, of course, carbon carbon monoxide which is the dangerous gas. Our apologies apologies for this error. OFFICIAL OPENING DELAYED -- The official opening and blessing of St. Elizabeth Catholic Elementary School in Bowmanvillc that had been scheduled for Sunday, November 9th, has been postponed postponed until a later dale. Director of Education Don Folz said the postponement was "due to other pressing issues." IN MEDIATION -- The Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association will meet with it mediator/arbitrator mediator/arbitrator this Friday, November 13th. Under provincial back-to-work legislation, mediation and arbitration proceedings were to be 30 days after the appointment of the mediator and an award must be made within 90 days, unless an agreement is reached first. MISSING ROTARIANS -- The Rotary Club of Bowmanvillc is celebrating its 75th anniversary on January 11th, 1999. And, in the process of assembling pictures of all their past presidents, they have discovered discovered there arc a lew gaps in the photo record. Therefore, the club is looking for photos of the following following individuals. Dr. B.J. Hazelwood (who served from 1925-1926); R.F. Aitchison, a banker, (1928- 1929); C.T. Ross (Theatre, 1933-1934); Fred Cryderman, a merchant, (1934-1935); Rev. E.F. Armstrong (1935-1936) and W.J. Eastough, of the Boys' Training School (1950-51). The Rotarians are also looking for pictures of street fairs and parades held by the club in the 20s and 30s. If you have photos, photos, contact any member of the club or call George Vice at 623-3960. LIONS TURKEY ROLL -- The Bowmanvillc Lions Club has announced their popular Christmas turkey roll is taking place Friday, Dec. 4th. It will be held at Clarington Beech Centre, 26 Beech Ave„ commencing at 7 p.m. High winds and rain yesterday had Environment Canada advising people to batten down the hatches. Environment Canada spokesperson George Karaganis said yesterday afternoon that winds gusting to over 100 kilometres per hour could be expected by last night. He was also predicting thunderstorms. Today, (Wednesday, November 11 th) things should be a little calmer. Karaganis expects a cold front, bringing thunderstorms, to give way to lighter winds in the 30 to 50 kilometres an hour range. Alicia Wood 623-8958 Carol Carlson 623-6091 Alicia and Carol, former Hairstylists at Body & Sole would like to apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused our clients. Please feel free to call us at our homes. Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising that make up our community. Category 1 Sub. Subscribers who wish to pick up their own subscription nt our offices after 11 run. Wednesday. You will bo given a card to present each week when you pick up your Statesman. $25 Category 2 Subscribers within Canada Category II Subscribers outside of Canada $30 ti.S.T. Total per year $1.75 $26.75 $2.10 $32.10 $100 $7.00 $107.00 I I Name:. Subscription Order Form Address:. New I or n ' Renewal I 1 I Postal Code: Telephone No.:. Please pay by cheque, VISA, MasterCard, or money order. I VISA/MC Number: . Expiry Date: ®ljt Caitfiîitan âtiiteQ'iiiiin P.O. Box 190,62 King Sired West, Bowman*, Ontario, L1C 3K9 Second Class Mail Permit No. 1561 Trash Project Canned The Municipality of Clarington will not be part of a three-year trial project for the collection of residential waste. The Region of Durham decided it would be premature for the municipality to undertake the wet/dry pilot project project for the collection, processing and disposal of residential residential municipal wastes in Clarington with the Region's Long-Term Waste Management Strategy study still in progress. Mayor Diane Hamre said she was disappointed with the Region's decision. "The Region hasn't done any innovative things with regard to waste reduction," she said. "They are reluctant to look at new ways of dealing with the issue." The project would have made Clarington fully responsible for the collection, processing and disposal of residential garbage, rccyclablcs and yard wastes by the wet/dry method. The change is necessary, according to Clarington, in order to realize a cast saving to residents, to maximize waste diversion and to further minimize the amount of waste being sent to landfill for disposal. Clarington's existing waste disposal contract ends in December of 1999. History Set to Music Students in grades four to eight at Dr. Ross Tilley Public School in Bowmanvillc learned their history lesson lesson through music this week. The students were treated to a performance by Henri Lacroix (right), a native of Port Colbornc Ontario. Lacroix sang his songs, on topics topics such as the First World War, in three different languages languages - French, English and Italian. Music teacher Ken Payella (left) accompanied Lacroix on bass. Repairs to be Done The public works department's Hampton Operations Centre will be getting a new roof. On Monday, Clarington Council approved the project to be done by Barr's Roofing, Siding and Sheet Metal of Newcastle. The cost of the work will be $31,117.15 and it includes the replacement of existing sheet metal flashings flashings and a new roof over the battery room. The most acceptable prayer is the one offered with the utmost spirituality and radiance; radiance; its prolongation hath not been and is not beloved by God. The more detached and the purer the prayer, the more acceptable is it in the presence of God. BAHA'I FAITH FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL AUTOMATED 1-800-433-3284. ■ o N O V 1 A ■ V A N K I N G E O R E S C O O K G S R A N G E Answers to Saturday's Clarinaton/Courtice Independent Crossword Puzzle FS PET VALU I DISCOUNT PET FOODS & SUPPLIES WE'RE MOVING!!! to the (next to Loblaws and Zellers) 2377 Highway #2 Bowmanville 623-6613 This new location will be opening MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1998 VALID AT ABOVE STORE ONLY. BRING COUPONS WITH YOU! 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