The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 7,1998 Page 3 L ■*** -« u, «.tDrODEOr NEMAS *fe* ; II ■ - ' *i k ' | ,•»»« V"v,,> - v-ÿp,^., <>y. • T ;.V-;v> • ^V;' r>b' "Z-'-A'-'i-wv, SM&Si! /. *' , . " ' » ' :. ! z ■' Library Hosts Movie Day FREE FLICKS - Betty VanDyk and daughter Stephanie, age 6, were among the estimated 475 people who look advantage of a free movie at the Cincplex Odcon in Bowmanville Saturday morning, January 3. Anyone with a valid library card was welcome to view The Fairy Tale, Mr. Bean or The English Patient. The event Was jointly sponsored by the Friends of the Clarington Public Library and the Cincplex Odcon. Donations support library programs at Clarington's four library branches. 1 Alex Shepherd Reviews Agenda for New Year MR Predicts Rosy Future For Durham Region in '98 Durham MP Alex Shepherd will be trying again in 1998 to have his Private Member's Bill approved in the House of Commons. The document proposes a mandatory cost estimate on new programs introduced introduced by a government. In the last session of the House, it was introduced, but did not receive final reading. Shepherd said in an interview Monday that the bill has support across party lines, but it is undergoing undergoing some re-writing to make it a "sleeker and better better document." "I think there's lots of support," he said in describing his bill. Nevertheless, he added that one of the challenges will be to "stickhandle" the document around government government legislation, which takes priority. Looking to 1998, the MP predicts continued economic .progress, "I think it will be another year of small, continuous growth," he forecasts. Interest rates will fluctuate but remain relatively low. Improvements in the employment levels are likely. "I think economically the people of Durham will do better in 1998 than they did in 1997," lie adds. He believes the automotive automotive industry, revved up by a lower Canadian dollar, dollar, will be strong. At the same time, Shepherd hopes to work towards building a high-tech industry industry in the regional municipality. municipality. On the national unity front, Shepherd says this issue will always be on Canada's plate, so long as there is a separatist government government in Quebec. However, he believes an improved economic picture picture will reduce the pressure pressure for a separate Quebec. "I believe the support for separatism is waning. That goes along with our economic economic improvements," he says. "We are a Siamese twin and we've been together too long to separate. We would both die." As chair of the govern- "l think economically the people of Durham will do better in 1998 than they did in 1997" TpaS • Shepherd meat's economic caucus, lie plans to continue to push for action on economic economic issues which will make Canada a better place to live. One thing the Durham MP sees as a common beef among all Canadians is our lack of patience with the current Canadian senate. "The one thing that unites this country is that people want senate reform," he explains. Shepherd's prescription for reforming the upper chamber includes giving it the job of ensuring minimum minimum standards of service across Canada. The House of Commons will meet again in early February. Lotto Luck for Pickering Man "I always believed in Santa and now I do more than ever!" Michael Jones said December 29th, when he picked up his cheque at the Ontario Lottery Corporation's (OLC) Toronto Prize Office. The Pickering resident won the LOTTO 6/49 jackpot worth $2,806,224.30 in the December 24 draw. Three Escape Hwy. Roll-Over Three occupants of a Volkswagen Jetta were lucky to escape from their car after it rolled over and caught fire on Hwy. 401 last week. Fire crews were called around 4:45 a.m. on Dec. 28 to extinguish the blaze in the eastbound ditch opposite the Esso Station. The car was westbound, but ended up in the eastbound ditch. Damage to the vehicle was $15,000. Ontario Hydro "Report Card" for Darlington CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to draw your attention to the following in our "Last Minute Gift Ideas" flyer. Page 3. item 5. Cordless phone, 69-8055-0, does NOT feature 10 number memory. The copy and illustration are incorrect. Insert Page 4. Item 3. RCA 3-CD/dual cassette stereo system, 44-0241-2. Copy should read: Single cassette system, NOT dual. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. a IP cnote 352-97 zones: ALL : : Ontario Hydro recently released the second in a series of "report cards" on the Darlington .Nuclear Generating Station. : ;,j Performance report shards arc published month- fly to measure the effectiveness effectiveness of operations. V Each report indicates how safety standards and production levels at the generating station stack up to nuclear industry standards. standards. 1 One area of rating is the Ontario Hydro Nuclear Performance Index used by the World Association of Nuclear Operators, which, measures overall performance based on nine performance indicators. In the 'November f£port, Darlington^,riectsf it, Target, in ihis^rcaf"' f? v* " In terms of public'safety, public'safety, Darlington met or exceed performance targets targets in five key areas, but did not achieve its target in the number of AECB reportable events. Fourteen events were reported to the Atomic Energy Control Board in November, bringing the station year-to-date total to 81 events. Darlington earned its w$£ÿt ■ grades for November in-the area of production performance. The station was graded "worse than target" in electrical energy generated, generated, number of days the reactors were not operating, operating, and unit capability factor. According to the report card, Units 1, 2 and : 4 returned to high power after an extended period of shut-down in November. Unit 3 was out for the entire month. KUaSltilHEEElHUaSElHlSlSlt-UaKEUi | Happy, Happy = Birthday Sandra Baby Big 40th PHARMACY Good Health Clinics m We would like to invite you and your family to join us at our Zellers Good Health Clinics. Meet with our pharmacists and other health care professionals and learn about your body and your health. Our next clinic day is scheduled for: SMOKING CESSATION/ WEIGHT CONTROL Date: Wednesday, January 14,1998 Time: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Location: Zellers Pharmacy 2383 Highway #2, Unit D (905) 697-3439 We've Overproduced on most of our Beautiful, Solid Oak, Lifetime Quality Buffets and Hutches For your benefit while supplies last! 2 Door Duffel & Hutch Reg. $2199.00 now s 1199 00 Fancy Dope Twist Dow Front Curios Reg. $999.00 1 pi * now $ 699 00 36" Doll Top Desk Reg. $899.00 now $ 535°° 2 Drawer Solid Oak Filing Cabinet Reg. $499.00 Now $ 299 U0 THE OLD OAK TREE Ontario's Largest Selection of Oak Showroom is 4 km. North of 401 on Hwy. 28, Port Hope (905) 885-7792 (ËJ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Jgg I | We love you - Mom & Dad, Tom, Jordan, Carly, Cynthia and family Grandma Raye glL-lLumTHEElHSEEEEEEEEEB wgm W.B. White" Insurance is pleased to announce Brenda Hoult C.A.I.B. has joined our firm. For professional insurance advice please # contact Brenda 576-6400. 110 King St. E., Oshawa ©j.p. A* W AV RRSP FAIR JOINTHEEXPERTS 6 RRSP Information Booths 4 RRSP Seminar Presentations by: Trimark - AIC - Mackenzie - Talvest 2 Professional Financial Advisors and an Income Tax Specialist TO HELP YOU • Take charge of your retirement & build a successful RRSP • Beat low GIC rates to improve your RRSP growth • Arrange a loan to maximize your RRSP contribution • Choose top Mutual Funds for your RRSP SATURDAY, JANUARY 10,1-4 PM OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE 62 Russet Street, Oshawa CALL 430-4122 TO CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE y/J F o RTUN e Presented by: Tom Corby & Carrie Buzminski FO rtun iNviiTMiNT Fortune Financial Corp. Is a member of CIPF & Montreal Exchange financia PRIZES - REFRESHMENTS - GRAND DOOR PRIZE T ,Y., 9 799 Bloor ST xXX\\\\lllllll////////Z». Dodge „ W., Oshawa Phone CHRYSLER ))