The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. February II. 1998 Page 5 You'll Love Shopping In the -of Bowmanville Letter to the Editor Show Your Support for Health Care Dear Sir: A number of reports have appeared recently in the media regarding problems problems that people are encountering when they go to hospitals for treatment. I am often encountering instances of persons experiencing experiencing such difficulties. Some arc sent home because specialists were Book now for Valentines Dinner «it X f . fresh Martlet Cuisine • wheelchair accessible • Licensed by L.L.B. 0. Telephone: (905) 623-8772 73 King St. W., Bowmanville ©j.p. not available on the day when a procedure was booked. Some have to return urgently to hospital because they have been discharged before they arc fully recovered. Others arc scheduled for treatment months after they apply. If there arc concerns which arc becoming increasingly noticeable now, what will the situation situation be like when many hospitals arc closed and staff terminated? Clearly home care is not going to be an adequate answer. The funds, the staff,. and the administration arc not in place. Even if they were, patients have never before been sent home with catheters; drainage bags, drips, incisions in the early stages of healing. Family members and friends have never had to cope with persons in these precarious states. We need to be aware that our precious health care system is being directed by politicians, at both federal and provincial levels, who consider that a production model is suitable suitable for health care administration; administration; who want savings savings to be made through requiring patients,, family members and friends to pay for anything over and above acute care; and who think it is appropriate to require these same persons to become proficient in providing part-time nursing. nursing. featuring a four course meal with choice of Prime Rib or Lobster Newburg or Chicken Florentina. Price $29.95 a couple Dance the Night to TZwtaaticb by reservation only Saturday, February 14th 8:00 p.m. includes FREE RIDE HOME 36 King Street E.t 623-4168 JfRiotf, The production model of administration; paying for adequate, on going, personal care in hospital or at home; the contracting out of food, laboratory and information services in hospitals and home care in communities to for-profit companies, arc all evidences evidences of a willingness on the part of our governments governments to, little by little, privatize health care. February 14th has been chosen by the Ontario Health Coalition as a day for persons to express their love of publicly funded, equal, universal, portable, non-profit health care. Why not resolve on that day to let your M.P. or M.P.P. know that you care about health care and you arc devoted to seeing that it is run according to the five principles of the Canada Health Care Act. Sincerely, Reverend Dr. Mervyn Russell Memories Of Orono Horse Races Dear Sir: I cannot let the Clarington Independent headline of Saturday, February 7, 1998 pass without comment. What feelings arise to read such news? Memories filled with excitement, joy, sadness sadness and every other human emotion known must come to us as we think about the history of harness racing at Orono Fair. Whatever the future successes of the Durham Central Fair at Orono may be, and there will be many, I must salute its past and the harness racing racing people who made it happen. The trotters and pacers have been recorded in generations of racing programmes programmes and photographers photographers over the 146 years of Orono Fair. Whether it was a "Fanners' Trot" or a "Free For All Pace", the harness racing at Orono Fair has a legacy of which to be proud. Thank you all, Robert G. Robinson Bill Lishman "Grieved" by Negative Responses to Plan Bill Lislunan advises us that he received the following following e-mail. We are printing the correspondence and Bill Lishman's reply as a Letter to the Editor. I read in our local paper recently that if you don't get the property in Orono rezoned the way you want, then you're "out of here". Good for you! The last thing our community needs is some fair-weather environmentalist like you. I think your "I'm famous so I should get whatever I want" attitude really stinks. I also think the term "cnvironmcntally-fricndly industry" is an oxymoron. What would happen if your factory moved or closed one day? That property would be turned into some disgusting, disgusting, polluting, nightmare and there wouldn't be anything anything we could do about it then - because it would already be zoned for just that type of use! Of course, you would be long gone by then, because you don't live here. I live here; this land Continued on Page 6 Are You Heart Broken over your OLD FURNITURE? Y Visit our showroom at Orchard Park Furniture 28 King St. West, Bowmanville 623-1131 «11 tiTlili February Savin- On now until Feb. 28/98 ,.*• .x Starter BROOKS JACKETS 40%°* T-SHIRTS 25% OFF V ÿvÿ'.'Wlj FIGURE SKATING Apparel Select HOCKEY EQUIPMENT ★★ FREE SKATE SHARPENING WITH PURCHASE OF ANY HOCKEY STICK OR BLADE ★★ Bowmanville Sports Shop 156 King St. West 623-0322 OPEN EVENINGS Men's and Women's Gift Sets Now 25% OFF McGregor I.D.A. Drugs 5 King St. West, Bowmanville 623-5792 All In-stock Russell Stover Chocolates Now 20% OFF Sunglasses 1/2 Price Cover Girl Lipstick Special $ 3." Cover Girl Nail Polish Special $ 1." «It We have a wonderful selection of Valentine Cards, Gift Wrap and Novelties In-stock - Prices in effect from February 7th to 14th, 1998 - ©j.p.