I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, MARCH 7,2001 PAGE 17 YOUNG A FEATURE FOR TODAY'S FIFTY-PLUS LIFESTYLE Seniors relied on as volunteers FINALLY! THAT WORK! MONEY BACK GUARANTEED I The Orthotic Work's BY DAVID STULL Staff Editor The importance of seniors seniors as volunteers in today's society cannot be underscored enough say ad- iministrators in organizations dependent on their services. 1 : In Durham Region, organizations organizations such as community community care and senior citizens centres, just to name two, explain they rely a great deal on senior citizens in order to continue offering programs. So how many senior volunteers volunteers are out, there? Of course it depends on the organization organization or charity, but ask Jenny Yorgason and she'll tell you Scugog Community tiare wouldn't exist without tnem. i i "Most of my volunteers arc seniors," the SCC co-ordinator co-ordinator siiys. "Very few are under the age of 50." 1 One reason for that is obvious. obvious. "Seniors have time," Ms. Yorgason says because since most are retired and in some cases are looking for a use for their time and talents. talents. And with the number of programs SCC offers, broken broken down into two categories, categories, the COPE mental health program and home support programs, a lot of volunteers are needed. Ms. Yorgason laughs as she relates relates the lengths she will go to recruit people to help her programs. "1 do everything possible, place notices in church bulletins, bulletins, make cold calls, chat with people while I'm in line at the bank and chase them down the street at times," she says. "But volunteers themselves are the best recruiters, recruiters, they spread the word on what we do and what kind of help we need." Pointing to one of her senior senior volunteers as an example, example, an 80-ycar-old man who doesn't want any kind of publicity for the work he does, is still actively volunteering volunteering after 20 years. He received received a lifetime achievement achievement award from the SCC recently and is a great example example of dedication to volunteering. volunteering. This year is International Year of the Volunteer and the role of volunteers in society is being celebrated every day in 2001 and the importance importance of people like Flo Mennie, a senior citizen, is being recognized as crucial. A long-time resident of Uxbridge and in .recent years Pickering, Ms. Mennie was named Volunteer of the Year in Pickering. But she isn't one to boast about the honour. honour. She almost sounds apologetic that she no longer dedicates as much time to volunteering as she once did. Her involvement since retiring retiring has been remarkable. She currently offers time at Stairs becoming an effort? 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L1C1N5 (905) 623-1956 z Pickering Museum, occasionally occasionally with the Children's Wish Foundation and spent time as a volunteer, with the Osteoporosis society and Uxbridge hospital. "I just know there's all kinds of jobs that need to be done and not enough money (to pay people to do them)," she says. "You know there's a need and I have the time." Explaining why she continues continues to volunteer at Pickering Pickering Museum today, Ms. Mennie says she is a widow and being on her own gives her the incentive to be involved involved the way she is. Meeting Meeting people and spending time with displays outlining what life was like in the 1830s gives her a chance to interact with a lot of people. "It's an advantage for me to get out," she says. "It's selfish in a way." Speaking lo what separates separates seniors as volunteers from any other age group, Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre program director Debra Prescott says "they've acquired a lifetime of skills and experience that they offer." Anyone interested in finding out more about volunteering volunteering can call (905) 440- 4509, the Volunteer Resource Resource Centre for Durham Region. Z SPECIA1 DINNER FOR TWO Every -Monday -Tuesday -Wednesday $16.95 Chicken Parmigiana Breaded Sole Souvlaki Rib Eye Steak Combo Plate Boneless Chicken Veal Cordon Bleu Veal Parmigiana Pork Tenderloin Roast Sirloin All Specials Include: Choice of Soup or Juice, , Roast Potatoes or Rice, Garlic Bread and Vegetables, Special Cream Pie Dessert Bowmanville Family Restaurant 231 King St. E., Bowmanville (905) 623-3223 Joshua Morrow of Y&R appearing March 10th at 3 pm Don't miss March 25th hip-hop group Untamed performs hits from their new CD! 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