V PAGE 2THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, SEPTEMBER 19,2001 Volunteer named to Hall of Fame BOWMANVILLE - A "valuable "valuable contributor" to the Town of Bowmanville will be recognized with the addition of his name to the 'Wall of Fame' located at the Clarington Municipal Centre. Bob Simpson, who died recently, recently, will have his name added to the wall for his contribution to the Rubber Duck Derby annual fund-raiser, the Lions Club and other projects. Mr. Simpson only lived in Bowmanville for 12 years but made an impressionable contribution contribution during that time, says lain Maciver, who requested Clarington Clarington council recognize the volun teer. Mr. Maciver's original hope was to have a cairn dedicated tc volunteers built in the Bowmanville Bowmanville Valleylands and to have Mr. Simpson's name added to it. However, council chose to add his name to the wall, which is currently currently used for recognizing volunteers. volunteers. Terry Fox participants cycled, ran and in-line skated Sunday to raise money for cancer research. research. Above, the crowd departs from Memorial Park on Liberty Street. Terry Fox Run a success Bowmanville surpasses last year's record BY JACQUIE McINNES Staff Writer BOWMANVILLE - They had the wind at their back and Terry's own indomitable spirit in their hearts as more than 1,000 runners, bidders, bikers and walkers carried (lie torch for the 21st Terry Fox Run in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Organizers were estimating the Bowmanville run raised more than $60,000 this year, though final tallies won't be in until as late as March when head office releases the official figures. "Initial results showed we have increased fund-raising by about 21 per cent," said Walt Gibson, organizer organizer of the Bowmanville run. "Our count shows 1,003 participated in the run, plus more than 125 volunteers who helped out on run day. By every count it was a grand success." Dozens of Clarington businesses participated in the ever-growing corporate corporate challenge, in addition to providing providing various services to the run including including free . massages for runners with sore muscles at the completion of the event, free hot dogs, drinks and donuts. Entertainers lent their voice for (he occasion, entertaining prior to and following the run. Final pledges are still coming in, says Mr. Gibson, who notes donations donations can still be submitted at chartered chartered banks in the next month and will be forwarded to the Terry Fox. Foundation. The Bowmanville site has grown every year in the past three from a New Courtice school faces opening delay BY JENNIFER STONE Staff Writer COURTICE - Courtice Catholic secondary students may be waiting as much as an extra year before having a new high school in their community. Officials with the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Clarington Catholic District School Board say delays in receiving necessary necessary approvals from the local municipality municipality have made it impossible for the school to open, as projected, in September 2002. In fact, it may be as late as September 2003 before before the school, located near Hwy. 2 and Courtice Road, is ready for students, since construction is expected expected to take a minimum of 18 months. Trustees are to vote in October October on when students should move into the new school. "I think we have to face the facts from what we've heard so far that it's (going to be) September 2003" before the school opens, says director director of education Mike Langlois. Site plans for the school were submitted to the municipality in March; however, due to difficulties with storm sewers and road access, along with some other concerns, the board's plan has yet to be approved. approved. Until approval is received, construction cannot begin. After a meeting between the municipality municipality and school board officials officials Thursday afternoon, PVNC planning manager Joel Sloggctl was confident approvals would soon be received so construction can begin. "We feel we're on the road to getting this thing approved," he says. "We're going to shoot for construction construction completion by March 2003," he says. Trustees will have to decide whether "a March 2003 move is possible and recommended," recommended," or if its best to move students into the school the following September. September. total of $26,798 in 1999 to $51,583 last year to this year's new record. Other firsts included the participation of Angus, the world's largest elephant in captivity, who lead Team Angus from the Bowmanville Bowmanville Zoo along the 10- km route. 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