THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, OCTOBER 17,2001 PAGE 7 Bongo may have left offspring Zoo officials test lion's companion for pregnancy BY JENNIFER STONE Stu ff Writer BOWMANVILLE - Bow- nianvillc Zoo's king of the jungle, Bongo the lion, may have passed away last week, but zoo officials arc keeping their lingers crossed that he may have left some heirs to his throne. Zoo director Michael Hackcnbcrg- er says the Toronto Zoo is currently testing samples from Gracie, Bongo's companion through the last months before his death, to determine if her progesterone levels indicate she's pregnant. Gracie has shown some physical signs of pregnancy, including including weight gain, says Mr. Hackcn- berger, though he warns this could just be a "pseudo-pregnancy." Test results should be available sometime next week. Bongo, one of the best-known lions in the world, had a siring of film, commercial, television and live performance credits to his name. The 15-year-okl feline was humanely euthanized euthanized last week, after a battle with king cancer. Zdo officials arc in the midst of building an African-themed memorial to the giant cat, who had been at the zoo since 1988. "He was noble," says Mr. Hackcn- Couple charged with abuse appear in court DURHAM - A Blackstock couple accused of physically abusing and confining confining their two tecnaged sons to makeshift cages appeared briefly in coiirt Friday. The case was adjourned to Nov. 7. ' Durham Regional Police and prosecutors prosecutors allege the adopted boys, aged 14 and 15; were locked in enclosed baby cribs for hours at a tinie on à daily basis for year s; forced to vvbar diapers, physically physically abused and deprived of nourishment. nourishment. The 40-year-old woman and her 49- year-old husband are charged with forcible confinement, failure to provide the necessaries of life, assault, assault with a weapon and aggravated assault. 1 The mother is also charged with administering administering a noxious substance. A 28-year-old Port Peny man, described described by police as a "member of the extended family," also appeared in the King Street West court Friday on charges of assault with a weapon and forcible confinement in connection with the case. ; Acting on a complaint, the Children's Children's Aid Society, accompanied by police removed the boys from their home June 29 and placed them in foster foster care. The parents were later freed on $10,000 bail, meanwhile the 28-year- old was charged and released on an officer officer undertaking. CANT USE IT? CLEAR IT OUT! obsolete farm pesticides T» ■ A K E YOUR OU T DAI ED. UNUSABLE, AND/OR NO LONGER REGIS 11RED AGRICULTURAL CROP PROTECTION PRODUCTS FULL OR PART CONTAINERS IO ANY PARTICIPATING DEALER FOR SAFE, CONVENIENT DISPOSAL. BOWMANVILLE United Agri Products 905-623-3358 Email it Caimbtmt Statesman j babbitt berger, who says he feels like he's lost a "really, really good" friend. "He was just a really honest, straight, decent, brave, good animal." Bongo was loved by many, as is shown by the outpouring of support the zoo has received, both from Ciar- ington residents and people further afield, since it became clear the lion was terminally ill, says Mr. Ilacken- berger. "The kind of response we've had at the zoo since word got out that lie had cancer has been remarkable," says the zoo director. Gracie, who was brought in from a Quebec zoo to make Bongo's last days a little more comfortable, is "an experienced mother," says Mr. Hack- enberger. Lionesses generally have litters of three to five cubs, and "one of the deals with (the zoo Gracie came from) is that all the cubs would remain in Bowmanville," should she become pregnant, he notes. Even if Gracie is pregnant, Mr. Hackenbcrger isn't counting on replacing replacing Bongo. "He's like a Wayne Gretzky. Do you ever replace a Wayne Gretzky? No, but the game of hockey goes on," he Says. Jour Local Worship'Directory To advertise your services to the residents of Clarington, call Cliristinn-Anii at (905)623-3303 Bowmanville Baptist Church lircscnts Lance Johnson "The Christian's First Love" also Enjoy Special Music Sunday, Oct. 21/01 11:00 a.m 2606 Concession Rd 3, Bowmanville For further info call 905-623-3000 The Pickering Markets METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE Is Proud To Present l.anHna the Way CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PUBLIC NOTICE PET OF THE WEEK Are you ready to add to your family? Well, we've got someone looking for a new home. Come on down to the Clarington Animal Shelter and let's find out if you're right for each other! Arnie is a male Rottweiler/Shepherd cross. He is a clean, quiet adult dog. He loves to play ball. For information on this and other animals please call 905-623-2876 or visit us at 33 Lake Rd., Bowmanville. 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