Visit Us On the Internet: THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, January 30, 2002 PAGE 11 E2 Public Notices | Public Notices Public Notices | Pufcî : c Notices 700 Home lr pro. errent; WHEN YOU PAY YOUR CARRIER! 1.100% is kept by the carrier. 2. You could WIN a $1,000.00 Shopping Spree! 3. You RECEIVE Valuable coupons "Service Worth Paying For" If you dont receive "Service worth paying for" or have any questions or delivery concerns please call This Week at (905) 579-4407 CARRIERS COLLECTING EVERY THREE WEEKS THANK YOU Tenders | Tenders | Tenders Auto Parts & Repairs Garbage Removal Rick Watts Carpentry General Carpentry & Framing Custom Decks Basement Renovations Free Estimates (905) 623-9709 LICENSED CARPENTER for Renovations Retired but Hared = Rig Saving*far Yau! FREE ESTIMATES Richard (9051-697-0791 Boarding, Taping & Spray Texture Tup Quality Wink Over 22 ».t lixp. References Upon Rer.eii CALL DAVE AT 905-623-8442 Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air Conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 905-983-6221 CALLUS 987-4741 NOW NEWCASTLE 'TRANSFER STATION* ROLL OFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING Ask about our GENERAL SALVAGE SERVICE Now receiving asphalt shingles, concrete, road asphalt. Ask for tipping fee rates. Also accepting fridges, stoves, batteries. All recyclable metals. Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarmgton Catholic District School Board TENDERS FOR MAINTENANCE The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Calliolic Dislricl School Board invites lenders for: Drapery Installation at 4 Schools Specificnlions and instructions lo bidders may lie obtained by contacting: Mr. Robert Welch, Manager of Plant The Peter L. Roach Catholic Education Centre 1355 Lansdowne Street W'cst Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7M3 Tenders shall he submitted to die above address in a sealed envelope envelope clearly marked as to die contents. Tenders «ill be accepted until 1:00 p.m„ Friday, February 8, 2002. The lowest or any lender will not necessarily be accepted. Frank Flagler Mike Langlois Board Chairperson Director of Education THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM, TENDER FOR SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND SETTING IN PLACE OF INSTITUTIONAL FURNITURE FOR THE NEW HILLSDALE MANOR FACILITY T-603-2002 SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as lo contents will be received by die Regional Clerk until 2:00, THURSDAY, FERRUARY 7, 2002 Specifications and lender forms may be secured from the Purchasing Section, Supply & Services Division, at tel. (905)571-3311 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROGER ANDERSON REGIONAL CHAIR. J.S. LORNE C.E.T., M.B.A., CPPO, Manager of Supply & Services, Finance Department 60 Bund Street, West, 2nd lloor, Osliawa, Ontario L IH 8136 Daycare Available | Daycare Available UJpp zvfichj ™ Private Home Day Care FrB wty Ce&t witt do-! Working ils partners willi parents and Providers, Wee Watch caters to the growth and development of children in a safe, home environment. •Stimulating Daily Programs • Unscheduled Home Visits • Income Tux Receipts • Full and Part lime Care Please call: ItowimuivilliVOsliiiwa Iiast - 433-0558 Cars For Sale Cars ForSalo 1995 VW GOLF GL, power sunroof, alloy rims, AM/FM cassette, very clean, 148k mostly highway, new brakes well maintained. $8,900. certified. certified. 905-6G5-G007 ask lor Dave 1997 TIBUR0N, 2L, 5 spd, 145.000 km, Pioneer 4- speaker aerial CD. S11,900. Call 905-G97-Q2G5 1990 FORD WINDSTAR GL, traction control, burgundy, auto, air. new tires, 120,000 kms., cortilicd and E-testcd. asking $13.500. 905-349- 3095. 1999 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 4 cyl., 5-spcod, excellent condition. condition. /G.OOOkms. Sport stripe package, antl-lliolt, cor- ' tilled & e-tested. $7,995. , (905)571-5138 1998 SUNFIRE, purple. 110,000 kll., hwy„ 4 speed automatic. 2 dr.. $9.500 firm. Must sell, leaving country. (905)404-2935. Rick or less message. 2001 SUNFIRE. 4dr. pewter, auto. It.OOOkms. Looking lor someone to take over lease, $272.49/monlh (3yoars, 4months remaining). You pay no transler cost. Call (905)623-9208 2002 QUICK RENDEZVOUS, powtor grey. Take over lease payments at $382,50 plus taxes. Asking $1500. which Includes lease transfer Ico and security deposit. 3 yrs. G mo. with 08,000 km. remaining. remaining. 905-43G-G21G. 400 Cars For Sale SWEET DEALS ON WHEELS. 1991 Shadow- $2,895., 1994 Shadow- $3,695., 1991 Caravan Caravan (van)- $1,995. All vehicles vehicles are automatic, certified and E-tested. Lets Deal call 905-718-9347 anytime Dealer. 405 CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD MURAD AUTO SALES. WANTED ■ Dead or Alive . Cars. Trucks, Machinery.. Call 905-655-4609 WANTED • inexpensive cats or trucks. Running or not. but not too rusty. Free removal. Call 905-434-0392 (snp) Trucks For Sale 1986 CHEVROLET SILVERADO SILVERADO pickup, 305, auto, lolly loaded, 2-wheel drive. Irame up restoration 2001, body all new, must be seen, cert, t E- tesled $7995.905-922-3867. 1987 CHEV hall ton. good body, 51,500.905-885-8462. CHIP TRUCK in working condition condition with 2 fryers, 1 grill, 1 fridge and 1 freezer, 38.000. 905-342-2253. TRUCK CAP FOR SALE - Ills long box S10-S15S100 080. Call Justin at 905-885-2028. 420 1983 FORD 150 CARGO VAN, 300 cu. in. engine, 6 cyl. standard standard transmission. New carburetor carburetor with extra parts Including Including motor with 30.000 miles, tires, rad and brakes. Total package as is $500. obo. Call Rick 905-985-3740. 1989 FORD AEROSTAR XLT 7-passenger, V6, auto, lull load, am/lm stereo, 180,000km, factory makes, new tires, mcchanlcally-Al, very clean throughout. Musi sell 51,275.905-404-8541. 1990 CREVY CARGO VAN, aulo, runs good, $1800 as is. Call Rope 905-404-8676 or 905-261-4397. 1994 EAGLE SUMMIT. 2.4 L aulo, 4dr, lolly loaded. 53,900 o.b.o. Call (416)898-8467 or (905)434-2775. 1992 FORD ASTRO EXT. Loaded 220km, excellent condition. condition. Was coil 8 c-tcsled August 2001. Asking 54500. Call 005-725-4180. Also 1989 Caravan 0.0. 1993 JIMMY, 4X4, loaded, low Km, 4-door, many new pails, Immaculate, lady driven, driven, cerlllled and E-tested. 57995. 905-579-2880 or 905- 570-4538 Oshawa TWO 1988 DODGE VANS, one ambulance, one school bus, good running condition, extended, extended, ono-lon, V8 ; Also 1988 Fold CustomlSO Econo- line, pvr, pi, cruise, am/lm cassette, carpeted inside. Call 905-431-0392 WANTED - 3.1 GM motor, also 4 Litre 1993 Ford Aerostat Aerostat motor: parts lor 1992 aulo. Dodge Colt; Parts lor 1993 aulo. Ford Probe. 905- 434-0392 Coming Events "EXHIBITORS WANTED" Keeping 'Your Business' in Durham, Metro East Trade Centre, March 1-3, 2002. 1st Class Exhibitors. Call 905- 655-8278 or 1-800-461-3355 Personals Mon. - Fri. 8 -5, Sat. 8 -12 V 40-llC V Painting and Decorating A & M PAINTING Interior & Exterior Painting, Drywall, Wallpapering, etc. SENIORS 20% OFF (905) 697-9601 ENERGY WORKER available (Reiki Master, Crystal Healer. Ear-coning Therapist) Maureen Maureen McBride's Healing/Energy Healing/Energy Clearing media documented, documented, including Toronto Sun. Four years success treating leukemia, cancers; chronic pain management; dissolving child-adulthood traumas/issues. traumas/issues. 905-683-1360 days, eves, weekends Support Groups FAMILY MATTERS COUNSELLING SERVICES Prenuptial, Personnel Family & Corporate Related Issues. Lifestyle Coach & Relationship Specialist (905)434-3737 Ted Stacey Painting & Decorating Wallpapering & Drywall Repairs Free Estimates 623-0907 THOMAS QUALITY PAINTING Interior / exterior (905) 697-2627 Bowmanville *Don't wove improve* Free estimates 730 Flooring, Carpeting 274 Daycare Wanted CHILDCARE NEEDED, my home preferred, in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 3 girls. 1 school-aged. Tuesday and Thursday, 9am- 5pm approx. Call Jill or John (905)623-0971 PART-TIME BABYSITTER required required for 5 & 8 year old in my Courtice home. Monday & Wednesday 7am-9am, and Tuesday & Thursday 7am- 4:30pm. Call Sue (905)433- 0691 Psychics LOVE Psychics tell all. Love, job, money. 1-416-976-2288. $25/call. Adults only Professional Directory SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS! Well improve your bottom line. $3.50/day puts a top law firm of business consultants on your payroll -review legal documents, collection letters, business/accounting consultation, consultation, +much more. Service provided by extremely successful. successful. NYSE listed company. company. Brad Hunt «Associates 905-430-3815 Mortgages Loans CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 100%. From 5.75% for 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refinancing Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty. For fast professional professional service call 905-666-4986/ 905-686-2557. MONEY PROBLEMS? STOP: judgements, garnishments, mortgage foreclosures & harassing harassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, & protection protection for your assets. Call now: 905-576-3505 CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, restretching, our speciality. Free estimates. D & N Duncan, 987-1799 or 987-1800 735 Gardening & landscaping DURHAM TREE SERVICE -V> 4" -V 4» Tree Trimming True Removal Free Estimates Fullv Insured (905) 263-2538 900 Dating Services FRIENDS AND LOVERS DATING DATING SERVICE! Durham's Own! Find your mate, or just share a moment. Listen to all the voice ads free. Women free to meet men. (905)-683- 1110. Adult Entertainment Exclusively Yours ▼Upscale? Escort Service Serving Durham Region Discretion Guaranteed Open 9 a.m. Daily (905) 725-2322 Now Hiring 18+ L0UNGE ON BL00R Oshawa a relaxing massage plus hot tub, friendly laces. 2 lor 1 available. 905-404-8353 253 Anniversaries 253 Anniversaries All the very best on their 4t)lh Wedding Anniversary with lots of love Irmu family & friends Love is patient, lave is hind, it know,s not <'/n;r, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not seif-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love docs not delight in evil, hut rejoices with the truth, it always protects, always trusts, at ways hopes, jk always perseveres. aIc YjV .-.-as--- Sunday, february 10, 2002 Book your Valentine's Day Greetings by Wednesday, February 6th, 2002 to qualify to win a $50 Dinner Certificate Call (905) 576-9335 or (905) 683-0707 For Further Information Please Call! Phone 905-579-4400 or Fax 905-579-2742 700 Home Improvements 700 Home Improvements I & T CARPENTERS Licensed & Insured est 1987 Custom Homes, General Conlracting, Additions, Garages, Basements, House Trim, Stairs, Decks, Windows, Doors & Barns Ivan Jones 983-5303 Tony Fanara 263-9988 THE HELVING HANDS RENOVAT IONS All Types ol Renovations Big or Small. COMPLETE BASEMENT SPECIALISTS. (905) 431-8135 email: Lessons Lessons SHOTOKAN KARATE CLUB Clarington Community Centre Tuesdays -- 5:45 - 7 p.m. First lesson free! All ages starting 7 years old! No contract! Pay as you go! Call: Sensei Joelle Mclean 905-576-6390 DEATH NOTICE s,lpl ' LISTINGS : For Audio on current deaths, call 905-683-3005 From Clarington, Part Pern' or Uxbridge, please call 1-905-683-3005. Visit us on the internet: Bmiÿif lilt'll (y /Mfliwiirç tail /was Autfte. AriiL'InvH' ,'Ci'iirfi'ù' fi/iml Ckpl Ü until UwS hv. Dy zV/ t 7i!,i!i:v. Mi'Eiiii.'iut', ,\li1ufi>s/ivli!iii'N'ii Atoms, Yfaxwfto Fim! Hiw, \ivf/.vi</f-EJ/.vff. '(tai Fim/ .toit', IViigg, IV.C. Timi. Mtiimil CtyW. 3. 4. Simply dial the above number J on a touch tone phone only. « Listen tor the name you are looking for. The listings are recorded by surname first. When you hear the name you want, press 1 to hear details of the funeral arrangements. If you miss any information, press 1 to replay the details. If you want to go back to the main directory of names, press 2 and repeal from^ ■ I Deaths Deaths SIMPSON MEMORIALS 111 Toronto Road, Port Hope, Ont. COBOURG MONUMENTAL WORKS 726 Ontario Street, Unit 1, Cobourg, Ont. TOLL FREE 1-866-566-9635 -ÿ' A Family Operated Business ->■ Transportation to Port Hope or Home Appointments Gladly Arranged