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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 2002, p. 11

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Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamregion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, May 15,2002 PAGE 11 Births Births Tenders Tenders Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Trevor and Tara Phillips proudly announce the birth of their son, ETHAN TY Born April 25th, 2002 at Lakeridge Health Bowman- ville, weighing 8 lbs., 3 oz. Welcomed home by proud big sister Stencerlee. Proud grandparents are Doug and Cheryl Phillips and Sandy Irwin of Frankford, Dave and Colleen Morrison of Belleville and proud great grandmothers Gwen Chard and Georgina Morrison of Frankford. Special thanks to the Drs. and nurses at Lakeridge Lakeridge Health Bowmanville. Birthdays Birthdays Dylan Keith Wharmby Big Second Birthday May 19th! Happy Birthday Sunshine! You have brought joy and happiness into our lives with your smile and chatter. You keep us young, climbing, running and playing basketball at tire park. We love you tons and tons. Your face and smile is life itself. Thank you Dylan. Granina & Grampa Julie, Keith. Doggy Laddie 80 th BIRTHDAY OPEN HOUSE vyvvvvvv^vvvv5!^g.ia f * i {Gladys May Bothwell ;$ ÿ May 18th, 2 - 4 pm 950 Ontario St., Bowmanville Food & rcleshmcnls being served Best Wishes Only I | Happy Birthday Mont & Grain' .1 Front Your Whole Family Announcements Announcements HAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY Kay & Tom July 5th, 2002 Happy 80th Birthday Dad May 20th,2002 Love Fred & Jennifer Apartments & Flats For Rent | Apartments & Flats For Rent Bealrlce/Somervllle • 2 bedroom. bedroom. Main floor ol quiet duplex duplex home. Fiidge/Stovc/ Parking. No dogs/pets/smok- mg. First/last. Available June 1st, $800 plus 1/2 hydro. Ret- èrenccs. Leave' message. 005-571-1471. BOWMANVILLE • ONE BEDROOM BEDROOM bascmcnl apartment, private entrance, share kitchen kitchen and laundry, $000. (905) 431-6580. BOWMANVILLE Large 2-bdrnr main floor, fenced yard, parking. parking. King/Libcrly area. $725/ month inclusive. First & Iasi. Avail. July 1st. Call 905-571- 1598. BRIGHT ONE 8DRM walk out i asemenl. Slcvenson/Ade- ride area. Ouiet residential rea, separate entrance, park- rg, share larmdiy, avail June si. $675 Inclusive, lirst/lasl. 05-721-1528 CENTRAL 0SIIAWA, 3-bed- loom Irom S899-S950, May, llune/July 1st: 2-hcdroom rom S799-S650 lor May/June/ uly. 1-bedroom $750 lor ! une/July, Well-maintained building, near all amenities. 805-723-0977 Dam-Spin EAST 0SIIAWA one bedroom bascmcnl apartment, available available boni may 15th. Separate enhance, p,liking, air, cable, SOLO per mo.■Inclusive. Isl/ Iasi, no pels. No smoking, quid person, leloicnccs, -I3C- 8128 LARGE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, APARTMENT, main Hour ol bouse, close lo downtown, laige yard, utilities, laundry anil paiklng Included. $850 mo, Isl/lasl. Available June 1st. No pels. |005) 433-21151, REGENCY PLACE • One bedroom bedroom In Adult lilcslylo lililg located In Whitby. Ouiet, clean idling, suitable lor 501. Avail. July Isl. Call 10115)430-7:19/ N.E, 0SIIAWA, 1-bedroom basement apt. newly innovai 1 cd, separate enhance, p,liking. p,liking. air, SCOO.mo. Inclusive lust 6 Iasi, no pels in smok- hill. Rgloicncos, (005) 430- 0921) NEW VERY URGE, blight I- bedroom plus, beaiililully bn- Isbcd basement aiiailmeiil llieplaco, sell-conl.lined In executive homo $790 month- Iv inclusive. Available Juno * Call 1)05-17(1-11553 N0I1IH 05IIAWA, f Ill'll- room, very clean anil riuiet liulliling, all incluslvn oxcutit cable, No pels. Available Juno, 1, $1125, Call Mlb-b/O- llli00dl!)0!i"i:ili li'ltlll. REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM POLICE SERVICES BOARD NOTIC'D TO TOWING COMPANIES Towing Services located within the boundaries ol' the Regional Municipality of Durham are invited to submit their application for the supply of 24 hour towing services and storage pound facilities for the use of the Durham Regional Police Service within tile Region. Applicants will be expected to supply information on forms provided relating lo rales for towing and storage, details of towing vehicles and equipment together with the size, location and general description of their storage pound(s). Application forms and self-addressed envelopes provided for this purpose may be obtained by applying lo David Winter. Fleet Manager, Durham Regional Police Service, IV Courlicc, Court, Courtice, Ontario, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday. Applications will lie received at the Property Bureau Facility, Durham Regional Police Service, 19 Courtice Court, Courlicc, Ontario, up until 1200 hours, on Tuesday, June 4th, 2002. Late applications will not be accepted and will be returned unopened.. K. McAlpine Chief of Police On behalf of the Police Services Hoard Apartments & Flats For Rent | I Townhouses For Rent R0SSLAND / BROCK legal 2- bedroom bascmenl , apartment. apartment. private entrance, lire, place, private laundry room, private parking, central air, ■ spacious, cable included. S800/mo. Available July 1st. (905)430-6772. OSHAWA - Quiet building near shopping, transportation. Utilities included. Slmcoe/ Mill. 1-bdrm, avail. June & July 1st, S729/mo. 2-Bedrooms 2-Bedrooms avail, immediately, avail. June & July S829/mo. 9D5-436-768G unlil 7:30pm. SPACIOUS well-maintained - 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apts. Avail, at 900 and 888 Glen St. Some with walk-in closets, paint provided. Close to schools, shopping centre, GO Station. Utilities included. Gail (905)728-4993. SPECIAL Oslmwa 2 B/R apts S700 April, May & June. 280 Wentworth. St. W. bright & clean, close to schools & shopping, 3- bedrooms available too. for appointment call (905) 721-8741 WALKOUT basement apartments apartments available in A|ax. 1- bedroom, kitchen, shared laundry, separate entrance, parking. No smoking/pets S675/month, includes utilities. Available immediately, Call 416-451-6102. WHITBY - IbdriB basement apt w/private entrance, fireplace, fireplace, parking. Mon smoker. Avail July 1st. S650 inclusive. First/last required. (905)666- 4668 , ' :\-;ïç ^ ■ OWHITBYh- n5pafiiov»i|3 bed-i . room in quiet building, available available June 1st., S950 plus. Call Debbie at (905) 430-6229; WHITBY. LARGE 2 BEDROOM and 3 Bedroom in quiet triplex. triplex. Parking laundry. Avail. June 1/June 15. S850 & 5995 plus heat/hydro. First/last. Call 905-655-4036 WHY rent when , you can own your own home for less than you think?!! Call Dave Hay- lock Sales Rep. Re/Max Summit Realty 1991) Ltd. (905) 668-3800 or (905) 666- Houses For Rent 1st Time Buyer? Professional Renter? Honest Answers....! Professional Advice...! To "Own" Your Next Homel uj 1-B0ÿ'-ÏÏi0-6275 % s a MarkStaplay ONE & TWO BEDROOM apts. available immediately. Conveniently Conveniently located in Uxbridge in adult occupied building. Appl. lo view call 905-852- 2534. ONE 8 TWO bedroom apis,, living room, dining room, kilclicn, parking, hardwood flours, first & last, no pels, relercnccs. Available June 1st. Close lo liospilal. Call (905) 723-1617, (905) 720-0935 ONE BE0R00M apartment lor rent Newcastle Village, available available immediately. S525/mo. plus utilities. Call (905)987- 3211. ONE BEDROOM basement. Whiles/401 area. Separate entrance, newly painted, puking, puking, suilable lor single occupant. occupant. Avail. July 1st. $575 Inclusive. Inclusive. First/last. Call 905- 420-2050 OSHAWA 2 1/2 BEDROOM kilclicn, family room., walk out from bascmenl. $B25 pci monlh no pels no smoking available July Isl. 905-039- 8388. PICKERING newly renovated 1-bcdioom bascmcnl, lull bathroom, kilclicn. laundry, own unity, cac. central vac. Suit single person. $075 inclusive. inclusive. Available Juno Isl. No pels/smoking. 905-426- 4723 PICKERING, Quality 1-bilim, newly renovated w/4 piece balli, cal-in kilclicn. $775/ monlh Inclusive. Soils single professional non-smoker. Also private ' hilrrn w/living- room avail. S550/monlh. Fiisl/lasl 905-120-7347 110- 574-0233 PICKERING. Biock/Dcllbionk. biloht/walkout/piivalo no li.mcc/liascmenl apartment, two bedroom with closels/uno living lonm/cat-ln kilclicn/lull hallitooin/paiklnt). $850/ monlh. Ilisl/Lisl. Inclusive. No pcls/siimking. Close In PI/ 1111/401. Available .lime I. 905-420-0113 PORT HOPE • high lise, liver view, l.ugo, moilein, lunovat- cil, quiet area, scenic view ami w,ilkiug diet,men I» down- town. Guo bedroom $759, 2 bedroom S850, I)05'II85-779'.I. PROFESSIONALLY tlccoialeil ami completely liinilsheil walkout studio apattiiicnl. Ililghl, nuvei lived In, cozy gas liicpLico, .nl ilocu Mini, Mini, (ipeii conccpl, lloleiencei, 51/6, all Ini I. Available lm- muilialcly. 001-60!)'60II5, (sup) PRINGLE CREEK CO-OP 95 Ciawlinlb 8L, Unit-05 Wliilby, Is acccpllng applications loi mn next oiloiilabon (3 bed- room imly), Appllcalloiis avail,ililii at Cwnmiinlly Cun- lie Hint 115, l().im--1pm-Mem.- Minis, (Du liul.iy, Hal S Sun pickup points am posted on Diimiminily Conlie'o rliiui bat- mien IU.iiii-/pm.) SIIIIIIY, ND BIIIIÜIIIY AVAIt AIIIE. Rooms For Rent & Wanted Shared Accommodallon A-ABA-DABA-00, I have a home lor you! 6 monlhs free! From $550/monlh OAC, up to $6,000 cash back lo you, S29,500t lamily income. Short ol down payment? For spectacular results Great Rales. Call Ken Collis, Associate Associate Broker, Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate (905)728- 9414 or 1-877-663-1054 emaiLkcollisBIiebnel.coni AN UNBEATABLE DEALI From $500. down, own your own home stalling at $69,900 car- lies loi less than rent. OAC. 24 Ins lice recorded message 905-728-1069 exl 277. Cold- well Banker RMR Real Estate. Amelia Rasanu. AJAX • Challield Dr., 3-bdim detached, 1 1/2 baths, finished bsml, 5 appliances, 2 wood I/p n/c, single garage, no pels, avail. June 1st. $1.400 plus. Leave msg. 905-428-8408 Bowmanville • Newer 3 bedroom bedroom home, 5 appliances, 0/ A, gas lircplace. SlZOO/mth plus utilities. No smoking/ pels. References required. Available June Isl. Call 905- 697-0390. LIVERPOOL/FINCII area, 2- storey, home, 4-bedrooms, bascmcnl semi-finished, appliances, appliances, jacuzzi, garage, C/A, C/Vac, many oilier features, no pels, no smoking. July I. SISOOi utilities. (905)831- 0130, PICKEHINC-ALTONA RO. Uulel street. 4 bedroom dc- lachcd.2 years old appliances July $1650 plus. Condolyn Management 003-42B-9766. PORT UNION Rd/401, quiet slice!. 3 liciliooni delachcil, gaiage, liidgc/slovo, no puls, available July, $1150 plus. Condolyn Management 905- 428-0760., RENT TO OWN a Haywoud Homo In Bowmanville, From ■ $749 a inonlh. Limited homes available, bnmciliale Occupancies. Occupancies. Call Ann at 1-8118- 213-0032, WHITBY, OUNDAS/Whilo Dak area, 3 i t-bodtoom, gaiage, finished bascmcnl, 3-1/2 Paths, a/c, liieplaco, available Juno 1st, $1250 monllily plus utilities. Hist/lasl, icleicnccs leqiibcd, No lings. Call (905)435-10111. FTT! 1 * lovmbouscs For Renl $8,980; $1500 DOWN; $125 monllily, lolly serviced wooded wooded trailer lot near Cobourg. Sand beach. Hydro/water/ sewers, rolling bills, next lo county forest, groat swim- ming/lishing. Call 905-885- C6CI Reniais Outside Canada Collages lay 25th-26th(Sat.-Sun.) (/(Msm <=> Iroquois Park Sports Centre ^ 500 Victoria St. Whitby, Ont. Experience Phazer Zone's Paintless DQO.OO© Paintball Shooting Range 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE for rent, 101 Bassett Blvd., Whitby. Appliances included. Detached garage, $1,350 per mo. plus utilities. Available June 1st. Call (905) 666-1294 NORTH OSHAWA -Rossland Harmony, 3 bedrooms. 2 washrooms, finished walkout basement, Including water, S1050. Hydro and gas extra Available July 1st. 416-292- 8358 for details. PICKERING, Brock/Kingston, large 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, finished basement, gas f/p, garage, fenced backyard. July 1, $i295/mo.. plus, first/last, references call 905-831-8823 ! Live performances by the "Air Devils" Trampoline æ & Gymnastics Club & Paul Cameron, a recent 5 year participant of Cirque Du Soliel ■ Kll Housing Wanted UNIVERSITY MOM with 3 girls looking for housing in the Simcoe.St. S. - Conant St., area, near Cedardale Public School. South Oshawa. Prefer upper level or main floor, 2 or 3 bedrooms, reasonable rent. Available for June 1st. Do not wish to share accommodations. accommodations. Please call (905) 432- 0067 after 6 p.m. Admiesion $ f off lùith a h non-permfinhfe food item WHITBY, RGSSLAND and Bassett, Spotlessly clean furnished furnished bedroom, central air, bus at door. Cable. Nonsmoking, Nonsmoking, Suitable for quiet person. Close to amenities. 1 S4Q0/month first/last 905-665- 8504 BOWMANVILLE 401/Waverley area, clean quiet non-smoker, female preferred, cable & laundry. Shared kitchen & bathroom. $35Q.mo. Call 905- 623-8335 alter 5, HARMONY/QLIVE--lOoms-IoL-. renty furnished or unfurnished, shared^ facilities, parking, cable, cable, N non-smoking" family home. Suits working professional. professional. $350 & $400/month, first/last/references. Available immediately. Call 905-436- 7938 N0RTH-0SHAWA one furnished furnished bedroom to rent, share kitchen/bath, large-deck, large private country home. Parking, Parking, laundry, storage available. available. $450 inclusive, June 1st. No smokers. 905-626-3099. Campers, Trailer, Sites Articles for Sale NEW PARK -RICE LAKE Large seasonal 10 new sites. Pool, beach, docking, rec. hall. North Lancier Trailers for sale, Park Model rentals weekly. Call (705)696-3423. Website: wv/v/.dreamlandre- sort.on.ca Pools & Supplies EARLY BIRD SPECIAL - 16x30 -ororKayarpoois witirdecks and fence, limited quantity, from $4,995.00, 25 year warranty. warranty. 416-798-7509, 1-800- 668-7564. Horse Supplies & Boarding AVAIL. MAY. 1ST - Nice room in quiet home. Full use of house, parking, close to 401, OC, bus. Working professional non-smoker preferred. No pets. S450 first/last. Call 905- 728-1850 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Oshawa, furnished room, bright very clean house, share large kitchen & bathrooms, run of house, non-smoker, parking, laundry, near all amenities. $440/month. 905- 404-8479 WHITBY, THICKSON/HWY 2- large clean house to share. Suitable for working professional. professional. Cable, laundry, air conditioning, and all utilities included. No pels, non-smoking non-smoking environment. Available immediately. $550 inclusive, first/last. Call (905)743-6258 (snp) ETjYJW Vacation Properties (linlmtiit! pqucslrian Centre HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Bundle Rd. (Courtice) is now accepting new students (children and adults) for our riding and horsemanship programs, etc. For further information and to register call 1-905-623-7336 33-tfSC CARPETS SALE & HARDWOOD HARDWOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from S339. (30 sq. yd.) Includes: carpet, premium pad and installation. Free estimates, carpet repairs. Serving Durham and surrounding surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted Call Sam 905-686- 1772. CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! 3 rooms carpeted with pad and installation $299 (32 yds.). SPECIAL BUY - 24oz. Berber, 10 colours. $7.50/yd. 32oz Berber, 12 colours, $8.50/yd. 45oz Nylon Saxony, 30 colours, $13.50/yd. NO HIDDEN COSTS. Free shopt at Home Service. Guaranteed Best Prices. SAILLIAN CAR- PETS, 905-373-2260. WANTED: Good fridge and stove, wood dining set or kitchen set, living room set and bedroom furniture. Will pickup and pay cash. 905- 263-2657 CEDAR TREES FOR HEDGES, any size, dig your own $1.00 each. 905-263-2089 Clarington Older Adult Association PRESENTS ~Ctm.y JTIvxl IZtrcJt #*/ IZtrLL by CEDAR TREES 3 ft. -10 ft. delivered or pickup 1 - (705)432-2237 Poultry and Livestock APPAL00SA mare lor sale, black roam/blanket. 8 yis., well trained, good team penning, penning, would be good hunier horse, $3,300 OBO. Call 905- 885-1087. Articles For Sale CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, fully fully furnished, ail conditioned, 2-3 bedroom manulactuicd homes. Pools & hoi lub, near beaches & major attractions. Children welcome. Photos $275 weekly (less than motel) (905)683-5503, COTTAGE LEASE., why own? Mortgage, taxes and maintenance maintenance costs S7-SIO.OOO pci yr. lot ownership. Lease lor as little as $3,500 per season 1er as long as you want. 2-bdim, lint water, shower, deck, 200 II. walcilionl. 120km North ol Wliilby. (705)833-2002 01 (005)831-4709. RTI Compels, HE* Trnllcrs.Sllos 1989 CITATION 33II, 2 tip-out. new awning, new all, shed/ deck, cxcollcnl shape. Conveniently Conveniently located 111 year- round park, 15 min. noitli ol Bowmanville, S11.501) oho. Gall evenings 905-2C3-I0C2 199B 51)1 wheel. 32 IL HOI I- DAY RAMBLER TRAVEL TRAILER, sleeps C, queen size bed, I,lino Indue. 4 burner Move, goon coiimlion, 905- 3/2-2036. 1999 MALLARD 30IIR) sleeps li. $22,000. rioilila room 20x0' ami luiniluio, shod B ill' on Lake Saigon. Poll Pony on loi it Mailni, 1905)576-11292, 2001 GOLDEN FALCON DS, 20' Bill wheel, 2 sllilcouls, central vac amt much moio. Pelted sliapo. Best oiler. Call 90MC9Tjl90 2711 MASTEIICOACIt, 4 vent linceil ail limiaco. 4 Inline! stove 8 oven, cleclnc lildgo. Ell O' lie,ill loom, douille A queen birds, canopy, best oil' ci 90M04 8V4 A BALSAM LAKE," IT NI'fli IAILS ■ now 12x40 Guidon I aleon I'.iik Mullet mi Likin view so,isoiial sill's, wwv/s.iiidyboachlialloi' mull mu» lull lice Ml// nil/ 2510 CARPETS - lots ol carpels. I will carpel 3 rooms ( 30 sq. yd.) Commercial carpels lor $319.00. Residential or Berber carpels lor $389.00. Includes carpel, premium pad, expert installation. Free, no pressure estimate. Norman (905) 686- 2314. 1983 BUICK REGAL. 49,295miles. $492.95 as is. 2 doois 32x80. trench $49, outside outside door $99, Prom dresses (2) size 16 & 10 periwinkle blue $39.(905)623-6270. 9.BMP MERCURY Outboard motor $150; Yard Pro garden tractor 12.5 lip $800; I'onty- pool 705-277-3300 PIANO SALE- Annual Year End Sale starts May 1st on all 2001 models ol Roland digital pianos, Samick pianos. All Howard Miller clocks, tame selection ol used pianos (Yamaha. (Yamaha. Kawal. Hointzmann etc.) Not sine it your kids will slick willi lessons, try oui rent lo own. 100% ol all rental payments payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO PIANO (905) 433-1491. www.Tcl- ciica WE WILL MOT BE UNDERSOLD! UNDERSOLD! AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES HANKS APPLIANCES. Matching Iridge/stove. good .condition $249; Washers leg/ extra-cap St49/up, Dryers ex- lia/ieg $125/up. Selection apt.-size washcis/tliycrs. Selection Selection liiilgcs $l50/up. Side- by-sides $299. Whitc/almond stoves. Iiill/apt-slze $l59/up. Poilablo dishwashers $225/ up. Visit our showroom. Paits/salos/seivico. 426 Sim- coe SIS Moil-Til B Cpm, Sal 9'5pin, Sun tt-lpm. (905)728-1013. AMAZING PRICES. Minor sliding doois. We aie the manulacluieis, Any size. I)c- livoicil anil installed. Call 4I6 : 6111.8905 ANTIQUE dresser circa 1850, 3 drawer, hand carved two linger drawer pulls, valued at SI.S00. Hob 1I05-373-C082. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY collier' riiilo calilnol $1500. Mahogany Mahogany desk S UK). liinmlmolhoi s chair $2511. Ail Deco dresser w/mliioi $311(1. Call 905-579- 51)23 to airange apiioliitment APPLIANCES ~ rolrigeialor, slovo, lie,ivy duly Kumnoro washer « iliyer, Also apart- inenBI/o wasliei A diyot. Mini cuiHlilInn, vail sell i:i-p.i- i.ilelv, ran deliver. 905-R39 ■ ima iliilOOM SET. ilpce tlieuy- wood, lied, tin'!,I. Iil'iliessei, munir, night sl.indri. iluvel.nl ciinsliuclimi, flavor opened, in liinii'i Cor.l SUOMI. Sami' lue $3500 4IIW4I1 3993 CEDAR TREES lor sale, starting starting Iront $3.50 each. Planting available. Free delivery. Call Bob (705)878-0441 CHER TICKETS!! lor sold out Farewell Tour, 4 excellent tickets lor June 14th concert at Air Canada Centre. Best Oiler. Call 005-436-2174 or 905-435-2174 COMPUTER REPAIR & up- K ies, home & ollice. Re- . IBM computers Irom $99. Reluib. IBM laptop Irom $650. New computers Irom $399. Delivery available. Call 905- 426-7994 CompulerOeals.Nel P-4 lower ol power with CD-burncr $888. Pentium internet starter $249. Laptops, big selection Irom $399. Nev; ultralasl 2-way satellite internet, available anywhere. anywhere. We love doing upgrades upgrades & dillicult repairs. (905)655-3661 CONTENTS OF HOUSE - beautiful 7 pc. dining set, matching sola/chair, collec table, ladies triple dresser. All In excellent condition. Make an oiler. Call. (905)579- 2415. CRAF1MAN BRIGGS & SIRATTN riding LAWN MOWER. MOWER. 1 yr. old, 20 1/2 IIP turbo cooled engine, 42" deck, $1,880 Aim. 905-352-3744. DINING BOOM SET. hutch build, 6 chairs with table. Kenmorp washer/dryer, very good condition. Call Agnes 995-430-7134. DININGROOM 14 PCE cher- lywooil. 02' double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Bullet, luilcfi, server, dovetail con- slructlon. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrilico $5000. ('11617-16-0355. Direct TV HU FIX, $15.30 (lay warranty. Private script. Un- looping $20. Also do II cards. Call 905--I24-E3G15 DIRECT IV SYSTEM w/caul. loader, $ support SUB, llu unlooping $25 while you wail, system w/caitl $249. 3m 90- day vzaiianly $50 Amazing Electronics. 601 Dundas SHccI, Wliilby. 91)5-605 -7732 DISHWASHER, used $150. Slackable washer 8 diyci S425/palr. Call 905-728-1850 adiCfa a i CaMatin's. ~Ph.cj*tlc.h. SO'A. clucL 60'i TZtrcJi. omxL "RxrlL Appearing at Bowmanville High School Auditorium 49 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Saturday June 8th 7:30 p.m. Tickects $15.00 Reserved Seating „ , re Available at: ^Qcec)' Goliger's Travel Plus CYarWO" l85 6 Uowinnnville (905) 623-1511 Cobourg (-800-32!(-8993 ■f an, te Ins, (9 °S) 633. "ranee •U«6 Ontario Power Generation Kings Court Catering McGregor I.D.A. Drugs Morris Funeral Chapel Ltd. SPONSORED 1IÏ Courlicc Funeral Chapel Ltd. Hobb Bakker Bergin Hill Chartered Accountants Newcastle Funeral Home Lid. Northcult Elliott Limited Funeral Directors Bowmanville Clinic Pharmacy Ltd. The Kaitlin Group Articles lor Sale Articles lor Sale ANTIQUE GRANDFATHER Clock Duncan Fyle Mahogany in beautiful & excellent working working condition Asking $3,500. 905-985-7018 snp FOR SALE: 2 year old Whirlpool Whirlpool washer 8 dryer $750 or pest otter. 905-720-2609 snp FOR SALE: Stove & Fiidge. Washer & Diyer, Excellent condition. Phone (905)723- 9233 FURNITURE FOR SALE • 4 pc. wall unit $300., 6pc. Chinese antique redwood sola set $2,200., dining table, 8 chairs $2.000.. hutch and bullet $2.800. Plus more articles. (905)428-8649 HITACHI 50" BIG SCREEN . only $15 per week Delivcty and sol-up Included No Money Down No Payments • until June 2002 SHOWTIME TV Cobourg • 905-373-0265 HORSE TRAILER - 2 horse McBride trailer with power brakes. Excellent condition. $2500 OBO. Call 905-786- 2970 I HAVE YOUR PERFECT WEDDING WEDDING G0WNI Princess Wedding Wedding gown, size 7 with jeweled tiara anil veil Included. Bought loi $2500, sacrificing and giving giving up loi $500. You won ! bo disappointed with Ibis dress! Call Tanya (905)132-1900. EMERALD DIAMOND Cockl.nl linn, appraised $4880 asking $1400, Loveseat bleaclied carved wood, very loinial, vieil, ml, asking SGIK). Sola, shabby chic, beige, asking $525. dotlen 8 end labiés labiés llcliucis, Spoils memo- lalillra. all types. All excellent comlilioi). ÜU5U39-Ü035 FARM FRESH EGGS Iront Ireo tango chickons, Grain led, laying maslt, no medications. Pick up only at 3249 Cone, Rd. 0, Orono, 005-983-5160 INTERLOCKING BRICKS lor sale. (905)697-9162 (snp) JOHN DEER 345 sales LAWN TRACTOR, 47 bouts. 54' triple blade mower, 42' lawn sweeper, dump can. cover, spare bell ami blades, $5,500 Film, I'llOIIO 905-372- 9552 aller 7 pm. LIVINOIIOOM complete. 2 love seals, I wing chair. 2 lamps. 2 end tables, round leak cullee table, wall unit, she,us 8 toppers lo match. Call 905-CG8-8309. MAltllESS/ lloxspilng. Queen Orthopedic, «rand new, Licluiy sealed. Bell Si'llO. -116- 4990343 MOVING SALE /pc Pino bdnn tel $1.28(1, Seam wooden lunik bed $550, compnlei desk $150. wooden cnli $200, Singer tewing machlno $200, baby swing $90, nilk/wool carpets die. U05 CC5 5104 LUIGI'S FURNITURE • We re moving Irom 488 lo 500 King St. W. Oshawa. Watch lor our grand opening coming soon, tinge moving sale on now - All luiniluio piiced lor quick clearance. We would rather sell it than move it. Coil spring mattresses Irom $89, futons from $165, Simmons Queen sel mattresses Irom $099. set. Palliser leather at wholesales wholesales prices. Sale piiced. ie- diner solas, chairs, swivel rocker reclineis, nice selection selection ol labiics. Always in stock, ready lo lake lo Hie collage, ten different styles ol tuions, all at the lowest guaranteed guaranteed price. Same quality al a lower price, we'll heal il by toil. Collage country delivery available. Priced lo sell, all headboards, bunk beds, lu- Ions, , mattresses, solas, leather elc. Check us out liisl ■ our prices cant be beat. Luigi's Luigi's Furniture. 488 King SL W. Oshawa.(905)436-0860 MOVING SALE: Various household lumilure, student desk, vacuum cleaner, window window coverings, dart boaid with cabinet, luton, lamps, umbiel- la clothes line, treadmill, patio table, Chiisimas decorations (305)728-6583 NATURAL MEAT • Chemical Ireo bocf/poik Itcezer packs. Save 40% ol supermarket value. Also frozen chickens and lamb, (limited supply). ^905)983-5370 or (9051432- PHOTOCOPIER with ADF 8 10 bin sorter, zoom 8 shrink copy sizes horn 0.5x11 lo 11x17 $850 obo. 2 fridges both 00llx2Bwx28d $2/5 each. 905-619-3440 PIANO TECHNICIAN available lor lulling, icpaiis. 8 pic-pur- cliase consultation on .01 makes 8 models ol acoustic pianos. Ilcconddioncd llcinlz- man, Yamaha. Mason 8 Hlsch, 8 other grand in upright in,inns loi sale. Cull Ceitdicates available Call 11.11b al 905-427-7G3I ol check out the web at; www.baibh.ill com Visa, MO, Amex. PLAYOFF TICKETS: iui Tor onto Maple teals 8 Toronto Haptois 8 conceit tickets Will also buy tickets. 905' 070-5568 PLAYSTATION MOD cTÜl'S PSI basic chip S35; Stealth chip Still, PS2 Veisloil I 8 3 $/!>; Vim,Ion 3 $95, Veisniil 4 $125; All woik iiu.iiaiilei'd Install while vim wad He.v trice Wilson aie, I (9061/21' 3305 ROLLING HILLS ART & CRAFT TOUR of Bethany & I'ontypool May 25 & 26, 10:00am - 5:00pm Art galleries, gift shops, water gardens, live butterfly exhibit Maps available in Bethany at * Williams Design Studio (705) 277-2666 * MK Art (705) 277-2751 Kjlll Articles lor Sale PONY CART, excellent condition. condition. Washing machine, heavy duly. Produce wagon, good shape. Two 1989 Quick Paik Ave cars lone ceritited). Call (905)655-4500. RENT TO OWN new and reconditioned reconditioned appliances, ami new T.V's. Full warranty. Paddy's Paddy's Market. 905-263-8369 oi 1-800-798-5502. RENT TO OWN: New and reconditioned reconditioned appliances. Full Warranty. Peter s Appliances 905-837-9000 or -116-202- 0185 SIDE CAR by Vcloiex. black with convertible top, tonneau covet and luggage rack. Comes willi universal mounting mounting hardware. 1 year old. SI,900 oi best oiler. (905) 377- 9178. SOLID OAK Buffet Hutch, table with 2 extensions. 6 cliaiis. will seal 10. moving, as new only 2 yis. old, $4,000 OBO. FREEZER, upright Ken- more with quick freeze, perfect perfect condition, as new $450 OBO. 909-3-12-9917. SPAS.,.SPAS...SPAS...SPAS Broken pailiieisliip forces sale. Over 30 spas still in wrappers. Musi lie sold al cost in below. 416-727-9599 STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE. Mc 1,11 coimlcis, metal Inns, tacks, spinners, sl.it wall, O' honks, check mil. 2 Sharp icilistcis. Call John (905)69/- 0316. STORE FIXTURES for sale. I till,up 14123115 Cash register, two 5' glassing display conn- lets. Unco 4' adjust,ihli) clothing clothing tacks, all m very good condition, assorted olfiei lix- lines. (905)073 80/9 altei 8pm _ TANNINO nil) excellent com dilinii, dill 71, Commercial/ lioma $30111) Call Allen 805' 725.0314 IAIN'S Woven Poly Tains. All razes limn (I xlV In 31) x5l)', I'uiYil $3 In Slid II,ix ini'liid' I'll) Call 91)5'673.5353 How in.invillu ■mil Articles lor Sale OAK/PINE FURNITURE....We have expanded our showroom and aie tilling it with exciting New Designs In Solid Wood Bedrooms. Dining Rooms and Entertainment Units. We have a large selection available, and II you don'l see what you aie looking looking lor, we will build lo your specifications.... Let Traditional Woodworking be your own personal personal FURNITURE MAKER. We have been building quality solid wood hiiniluie in the Durham Region tor 27 years. We pride ourselves on being able lo take your Ideas/plans and turn them into reality. Drop in and sec oui Stale ol the Ait Woodworking facility and let us show you how quality lino furniture is made... Remember...There is no Substitute lor Otialily'.Jia- tlilional Woodworking.... 115 North Port Road (Soulh oil Reach Road). Port Perry. 905- 935-8774. www.liaditional- woodworking on.ca APPLIANCES: relilpeialor 2- door host lice, deluxe stove, matching heavy duly washer/ dryer Sti/5/all- will sell separate. separate. Also washer used 2 years $250 > Diver $225. 8 mo old dishwasher $275, all lop con- ilition. (9051 767-0593 StIEDMAN • Quality wooden sheds 8' X 8 barn kil, only $299. plus lax. Many oilier sizes and styles available. Also garages. 7111 McKay ltd. Unit 1, Picketing. Loi more Info, call 905-619- 2093 STORAGE TRAILERS AND slot- age containers. 24II 8 22II. Call 905-430-7693, » ,\i:fi)a t HOME PHONE? AIOCKDIT? maim/ ■ no Pimm No deposit flcquiiod Activated Immediately Freedom Phono Linos 1.866.687.(186.3

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